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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm IRST

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neither criticizing the institution nor even criticizing the guardian council is a reason for disqualification. asking the spokesperson of the guardian council about checking the eligibility of volunteers. a number of non-confirmations and non-verifications have been confirmed in the past few days with the investigations we had in our guardian council, which will be announced to them on time and at a specific date, god willing. i will leave the details for later, god willing. we would like to inform you that the spokesperson of the election headquarters of the country also informed about the announcement of the results of the qualification review in the guardian council. the opinion of the central election executive board was that the guardian council, if possible this week, there are some people who will announce their approval. this will happen gradually . the fundamentalist currents will fight for a greater share in the electoral list of mr.
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the general secretary of the front of the followers of the imam's line and the leadership gave this news with the art and said that the stability front also wants to give a separate list, and if the reformists reach a list, the fundamentalists will also share the list with quotas, we will not make an incomplete list. according to the development , mr. heravi criticized the results of the qualifications review and said that we are trying to make our list in tehran 30 people, but it is possible that some groups moderate politics. let's have a coalition. the members of the revolutionary forces coalition council held a press conference and we asked them if your candidates enter the parliament , will they accept responsibility for their performance? we accept responsibility for our list. we must also say that there may be some problems with it. but we accept the responsibility, where we have to defend, we defend. we have not made a covenant with anyone. kabir, the leader of hizb naday iraniyan, said for about 14
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we had planned five parliamentary seats. mr. tabatabai criticized that the qualification of more of their candidates was not confirmed. according to the parliamentary election calendar the islamic council passed the 30-day opportunity to review the qualifications of candidates in the guardian council for about a week. and in the election calendar of leadership experts , we have to wait for the preliminary results of the candidates' qualifications from next week. ebrahim asadi bidmeshki of sada and seim news agency. all candidates benefit from government facilities for election campaigns. according to the minister of interior , arrangements have been made for the implementation of justice so that all candidates can use government facilities to express their plans and ideas. all government capacities that can be used in the matter of elections and election promotion. it turns out
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it will be divided by the provincial electoral headquarters and equally among the candidates who will participate in the elections. as a result , they can pursue their own campaigns with very little or even no cost. television advertising channels for parliament candidates were launched in semnan, lorestan and kermanshah provinces. sed and sima is launching 20 television channels in order to achieve electoral justice and equal advertising opportunities. candidates for the parliamentary elections have until the third day to use this advertising opportunity. in the advertising headquarters system enroll in email a report on the launch of channels. each constituency
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has an election channel and people can receive election programs of the candidates through these channels. it is tiring for the engineers and experts in the technical field to try to network all these infrastructures in 14 cities and provinces. it should be in such a way that all the members of the society of the province can actually receive the voice and video of the election candidates 24 hours each of these election channels will broadcast a test broadcast of 6 election television channels. taq wasan and shahu officially
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started today in kermanshah province. parise paniyaz, sed and sima news agency, kermanshah. in a detailed statement, while condemning the attack by pakistani drone on non-iranian citizens of rural areas on the border wall of the two countries, the ministry of foreign affairs emphasized that while iran adheres to the policy of good neighborliness and brotherhood between the two countries , the security of the people and the transverse integrity of the country is a red line. they know that in the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs regarding the incident on the third day of the revolutionary guards against terrorists and kilometers away from residential areas, iran always adheres to its neighborhood policy and it does not allow its terrorist enemies
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to strain these relations, especially when the crimes of the zionist regime are the first issue of the islamic world . in the morning of this morning, pakistan's drone attack on a border village killed 10 people, all of whom were pakistani nationals. and his group started in 2004 under the command of abdul malik and continued until 2010. attacks that left more than 700 dead and wounded. when rigi and his group finished the group. the other , in the season of jaish al-adl , stepped forward for terrorist operations and the killing of iranian citizens. attacks their terrorism started in 2011. allahu akbar. continuous negotiations between iran and pakistan
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were ongoing. tehran wanted islamabad to take practical measures to fight against terrorists, and pakistan always promised to cooperate. but the attacks of the notorious group on jaish al-adl continued . in their last actions in 1402 siyim ardibehesht, they attacked the border post in saravan, killing five iranian border guards and wounding two others . by attacking 11 people were martyred and 7 people were injured in the headquarters of faraja in rask. in this situation, the irgc ground forces cleared their headquarters in iran , but the other side of the border was no longer under iran's control. according to
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information, the headquarters of most of these terrorists are in pakistan, and the continuation of terrorist attacks by this group in iran showed pakistan's actions in fighting against they were not enough. in this situation and with the continuation of terrorist attacks, iran started fighting against them in order to prevent the next attacks of this group. these are the images of the reconnaissance drone of the irgc ground force. from the most important headquarters of jaish al-atar in the nearby kooh sabz region near the border of pakistan, a place surrounded by mountains and difficult to access by land. where designing foreign operations, organizing terrorists and equipping them with various types of bombs and weapons. it is done in this headquarters. visions of the lookout with armed men can be seen in the pictures. this is also a shooting range. a place for training and increasing shooting accuracy for terrorist operations in iran.
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a singer who is 20 years old. and before jaish al-atal , it was a place for training and hiding terrorists of other groups. they have been working in this area for two decades and pakistan has never tried to clean it up moghar has not taken any action. but on the day when nearly 60 new terrorists entered this headquarters to organize a major terrorist operation in iran . iran's main operation began. this is a picture of the meeting place of this group which was targeted in the first stage. after that and with the sunset , the next points of this mogul and other targets were destroyed. and after that, the group accused of attacking jish al-adl.
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according to mr. peyman pak, in order to stabilize the price of this product in the market on eid night, the amount of reserves is also appropriate. more than 145 million chicks were laid, and god willing , the plan we made will exceed 150 million in january, so we have no worries about the amount of chicken supply in the country, because alhamdulillah, the institutions have been provided with the coordination of our central bank, almost more than we have 2-3 million inputs on the way, most of which is the paid value . we
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have found a very good volume of 78, for the night of eid and the holy month of ramadan, we have planned more than 40,000 tons of reserves . hands government agencies are centralized at the central bank, mr. manzoor said completing the management of a financial fabric of the government, after the account of the treasury unit , we have gone to the payment of salaries for the final benefit, according to the head of the planning and budget organization, in this method, the information of the government employees is loaded into the system by the middle of every month, and after monitoring the devices employees' salaries are paid directly from the treasury. mr. manzoor considered better monitoring and speed of payment among the advantages of paying salaries in this way. the technologists of a company
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of scientists succeeded in designing and localizing pressure test tool parts. this technological product with competitive quality and about 40% less than price. the foreign sample produced is iron bandages , iron sheets that cover the corrosion of tanks or oil and gas transmission pipes, but the outlets of each equipment are welded to an iron sheet, which must be thick enough because the pressure can be it should bear attention because this process was both time -consuming and costly, and after this sheet had to be separated from the carpet and equipment, it could not be used
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. they solved it with a mechanical hydraulic mechanism that is tightening and inside the surface it covers the light and performs the fluid pressure that is used to test the equipment, and the higher the pressure, the better this tool is. and it has a better performance. one of the disadvantages of using this tool is that it can withstand 300 times of oil and gas condensate, while the household gas capsule can withstand only 7 times. sometimes, when it is necessary to close a route of pipelines for the repair of those pipelines , we can close it from both sides with this device. with the production and commercialization of this technological product, there is no need to import tools anymore. there is no under pressure. this tool in the whole world before
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it has examples that are specific to america and one example to england, and this tool that we designed is optimized and optimized for that tool. this technological product has been developed at a lower cost than the foreign equivalent. approximately, if we want to calculate, an imported equipment will cost 50 million tomans , we can produce the same model internally for 25 million tomans or 234 million tomans and deliver it to the customer. having high blood pressure and diabetes will prevent the death of 70,000 people in the next 5 years. according to the ministry of health, interventions in the field of high blood pressure and diabetes
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will reduce 225,000 cardiovascular accidents in the coming years. go from house to house like a traveling doctor to implement the plan of sacrifice. good morning how are you you came from the health center to control your blood sugar and blood pressure. in addition to the implementation of this plan in the cities , it is also being implemented in the villages to come and take our sugar . how can i say sugar is good, sugar and pressure if you don't know if they have it or not , it's better to explain to them at home , don't eat sugar, for example, fat and salt, etc. they have already been informed . they say don't eat salt.
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let's do something so that i can break down the medicine for you. haj, madam , your sugar is good, but be careful. if you take medicine, take your medicine regularly. in this plan, we have identified a very sick patient . we had a new diabetic. the national plan of karbargari diabetes and blood pressure will be implemented by 6 universities and faculties of medicine in the cities and villages of razavi khorasan until the end of this project . siyar is active and less than 1 % of the people who were pregnant were diagnosed with diabetes and about 1.5% were diagnosed with high blood pressure, and these
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people will be taken the necessary measures to discuss the continuation of their service, god willing. more than 4,000 people from khorasan razavi's medical staff are participating in the implementation of this project. from the beginning of the national plan so far, more than two and a half million people have been victimized in this campaign in razavi khorasan province. daud sharifi, radio and television agency, razavi khorasan province. the 12th fajr fashion and clothing festival has started. the exhibition of this festival until the fourth of bahman. it will host the public from 9:00 a.m. to the saad abad historical cultural complex in tehran . the works of more than 50 active groups in the design and clothing sector of the country have been displayed for the audience in this festival. the body of martyr javadanfar martyr of security
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, who was targeted last night in a terrorist operation on the way back from an administrative mission on khash to zahedan road. the attack was carried out on saturday in kalala, golestan province, and the funeral will be held. the jaish al-adl terrorist group claimed responsibility for this terrorist attack. i went for a walk in karbala . she said, "mom, i'll tell you something." be martyred the closing ceremony of the 14th ammar people's film festival will be held on friday the 18th at 18:00 at andisheh hall of tehran art center. one day before the end of this festival, the closing ceremony of our film section, which was dedicated to our palestine campaign this year
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, was held at palestine cinema. the part that this year is called our palestine campaign and popular works in the form of music videos, poems, reports, and even poems reached their final stage. and today was the day of appreciation for these competitors , most of whom are young. today humanity is in danger. from the best rejoicing to under bombs and rockets , over fire and blood, the best video is the mother who
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was present in mamadani hospital in gaza. and the witness of the events and those really tragedies were in the hospital. considering that i had this poem now and i was affected by it. for that tragedy, which was really very disturbing, the whole world is thirsty for blood and cruelty, and zainab sogum also won the poetry prize. it reached 10-year-old mohammad mahdi from west azerbaijan . i read a poem about palestine. my work was a clip or the same video that was about the innocent people of gaza and how their country was occupied
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. according to the secretary of the palestinian department, this year we received more than 3 thousand works from all over the country . these are the provinces that have more participation in making and sending works to this. the city of shiraz has hosted a large number of migratory birds this year. tourists and citizens of shirazi mixed atmosphere by feeding these migratory birds they create with love. party of the kakais
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in the city of kakos. qorm rood, or the dry river of shiraz , has become a place for the kakai to spend the winter. they are very beautiful, especially when they fly. kakais, or black heads, are more than 15 years old. who are the guests of the shirazis in the winters. their habitat is the outskirts of talib. from the northern latitudes of scandinavian russia to the middle southern latitudes . genetically, they seem to have a pattern of migration, that is, following their parents , they travel these routes every year. between places that can survive in terms of climate. in this for days, tourists come to see these birds from far away near shiraz. we are from tehran , we came from tamindan , we came to see our bags, my people, we enjoy coming in the winter frame of the dry river , although there is no place for rain
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, his guests did not leave him alone and turned the river into a pleasant atmosphere for his visitors to spend moments of happiness and peace. shiraz, well , it's really lovely. it's always been a letter . we are feeding the migrant birds . they are our guests. some of these birds are hospitable after wintering in the month of april , they leave the city of shiraz for the cold regions such as sibrid. according to the census of the general department of environmental protection of fars province , this year, 1,500 kakai came to shiraz to spend the winter. maryam kateb of shiraz radio and television news agency.
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ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you. welcome to sports news. good evening to you too. first of all , let's talk about the national football team of our country . the iranian national football team is ready to face hong kong tomorrow night. the hong kong national team is coming to the last training tonight. before the meeting in the camp the club organized a training session by ryan dohe. the national football team of our country will face hong kong at khalifa stadium tomorrow night from 21:00 . shoja khalilzadeh mehdi torabi will not be present in this match due to injury. but in group b , there is no competition. today, australia defeated syria with one goal and confirmed its promotion to the elimination round. uzbekistan defeated india with three goals. an hour ago, the teams of palestine and the uae, as well as the
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groups of the national football team of our country, went to the same distance. iran's national wheelchair basketball team reached the semi-finals of the asia-pacific championship. at continuation of this competition held in thailand. defeated afghanistan and made saudi to the final four teams. tomorrow, our country's team will go to the winning distance of the match between thailand and japan in the semi-final stage of this tournament. a report of the minister of sports and youth said in a conversation that the federations should decorate the time of the matches with the time of prayer in such a way that there is no divorce, and the athletes and spectators criticized the divorce during the prayer matches. these are among the images that show the national
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sports champions of iran far away from prayer at the beginning of the prayer time, and even the fans are here at the time when the call to prayer
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well, if they don't want to read and do their religious duties , the time of the games should be moved a little so that everyone can enjoy the game. and the time to pray first, they should have a regular plan , it doesn't matter, well, the characteristic of the azan time is to plan based on the azan time so that people can perform the great duty of prayer, which is part of the divine duty , and sit down and watch the game. the minister of sports says to the federations that it is emphasized in pay attention to the timing of the tournament. we are trying to make all the sports federations adjust their programs in such a way that, god willing , there will be a break in the middle of their prayers so that they can have the first prayer. up to this moment, the emphasis
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of the minister of sports has not yet turned into a binding directive. seyyed hossein mousavi of sed and sima news agency , thank you very much for your good night and god bless you, in the name of god, peace be upon you. well, except for the issues of the caspian sea, in other places, we have a relatively good day. we spent this peace in the coming days in tehran, in alborz, in central province, in isfahan khorasan razavi also in khuzestan province in their industrial areas will lead to an increase in the concentration of futures , especially to people with vulnerable bodies in the morning, we advise them to refrain from being in the open air and doing sports and physical activities, but if they plan to travel tonight if you are heading to the north of the country , be aware that you will encounter snow and ice on the way, while crossing the necks. at my destination , you will encounter rain, cold weather, and rough seas. please
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be cautious. similarly, from tonight , the rain will start in the south of sistan baluchistan with the appearance of boiling water, and tomorrow, friday, in addition to the big one. sistan baluchistan, in provinces like kerman , hormozgan, and south khorasan , we should also expect a hailstorm with a trace of fog. the occurrence of hail is not far from the mind, and it is high up, and it will fall in the form of snow. please, in the time frame of friday and saturday. from atrak to around rodkhon. protect your agricultural products and be sure of the strength of light structures until tomorrow, friday the 29th of december, midnight in the city tonight at 23:31 and tomorrow morning in tehran at 05:45, sunset and sunrise
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at 7 12 minutes. thank you very much for your companion i invite you to be a viewer of tonight's special news talk, performed by my colleague mr. azaribqa, mr. azaribqa, please say hello, hello , mrs. hosseini , also greetings and courtesy and respect to our dear viewers. welcome to the special news talk. there is meat and chicken, of course, our opportunity on channel 1 has ended . watch the special news interview on khabar channel . in the news , we had a quote from the deputy minister of jihad agriculture that in december, the hatching rate increased by about 8.


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