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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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what costs are they paying? now , based on the tariff table , let's calculate the price of gas for a high-consumption customer. this customer, whose name we have here, is shown in a 10-unit subscription. the floor area is 3,600 square meters, and the heating is as you can see. please tell me that since the year 1400 , all the bills issued to them, both winter and summer , are on step 12, and we will check one of their bills as an example. this bill is from january 10, 401 to february 6, 401 for 26 days. in these 26 days, 17,600 cubic meters were consumed . during this 26 days, 17,600 cubic meters were consumed. the calculation is like this: 1700 cubic meters divided by 10 units, each unit is calculated, 1760 cubic meters divided by 26 days, their daily consumption is calculated as 67 and 7 cubic meters. multiply by 30
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days to calculate the consumption of one month, 2,030 cubic meters of consumption per unit in 30 days last year, the most consumption is from 1,000 to 100,203, nearly 1,000 cubic meters per unit is on the twelfth step, and this 1,000 cubic meters per cubic meter is 6 one thousand tomans have been included for them because how much was their bill now in that period, their bill is close to 69498 thousand tomans, close to 1969, until the end of the fifth program, they must be bad energy consumers. otherwise, their qbooz would be issued, but still the high consumers with the astronomical qbooz are eligible to receive energy subsidies during the years when in the 90s , unfortunately, these cases were abandoned
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and were not followed up. the interval required a timing. our idea is that if the government had started this in 1400 and they have gradually reached it until now, maybe it could follow this work at the end of the sixth plan. but well, we hope that at the end of the seventh program , finally, god willing, this issue will be finalized. rana zarbani of the sed and broadcasting news agency. since the end of the 70s and with the beginning of archaeological programs in the east of mazandaran, a new round of research related to the prehistoric period has been formed, which aims to discover evidence of the sequence of human settlement from settlement to formation. cities in the hands of the
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plains of this region led. the east of mazandaran is more important because, compared to the west of mazandaran , we have a lot of ancient works and phenomena that cover different periods, that is, you see a sequence or that cultural sequence from the stone age to the islamic period. continues continue this program to identify or the registration of more than 90 prehistoric works including ancient caves and hills in the area of ​​neka up to golugah city . among the important caves of this region is huto cave, which was explored as the last settlement of caveman. this cave is one of the oldest ancient caves in iran, which tells the story of the last life of man inside the cave and the exit of man from the cave and the beginning of the ten-day settlement
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, which has many extraordinary values ​​from a global perspective. it started and the ten-year settlement in iran started from the beginning of the solar 80s of the program archaeological research continued and during this period the ancient city of gohartepe was explored. the investigation of the remains of this city is important because it is one of the first places of human settlement after cave dwelling and one of the first chains of modern human settlements. evidence shows that settlement continued without interruption from the middle of the 4th millennium bc to the beginning of the 2nd millennium bc. bahr tepe has been subjected to archeological excavations since 1380. well , first of all, it has been determined that it is about 50 hectares in size.
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we can estimate the extent and so-called development of the establishment from 6500 years to about 500 years from we can see that this is the shape of the city. and then the passage from the mafraq period to the iron age , which is one of the archeological mysteries before the history of iran, we can follow up on this gohertepe and on the remains of the cemetery found from the iron age. i mean , i want to say that in terms of studies, the eastern region of mazandaran is the answer to many of the so-called archaeologist's questions and ambiguities. which was carried out in academic centers including oxford, shows that gohartepe is one of the most important habitats of the mafraq era and one of the largest urban areas in the south of darya.
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caspian is the disadvantage that gortape has compared to other affections is to do the so-called absolute dating. of all the phenomena and examples that this so-called carbon 14 test has been carried out , it is not like this that we can say that it has been around for 3 thousand years. it has been in service for about 5,000 years. we took samples from all these ancient layers , sent them to university centers, and we have absolute dating for them. architecture is one of the other discoveries that belong to simple roles residential or workshop spaces. this mosque consists of two stages, what we see on this level of these trenches is divided into two parts, an architectural part belonging to the qibla period that you see in those spaces, this is a part of the clay walls that remain from the architecture of the mentioned houses.
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some of the remaining burials that you see on the surface are not necessarily the same time, they are from two different periods of the formation of that architecture, the older stages that have been improved. and in the next period, in the more recent period, these iron age burials were carried out on these architectures, but in archaeological excavations. when the soil is excavated and the debris is removed , we see these two phenomena side by side . in the archaeological excavations, 226 human structures were obtained, which is important in studies such as the anthropology of livelihood, ritual customs, and the knowledge of social classes . one of the traditions that in people's funerals. every hill can be seen, there is a tradition of burial in a pot, an example of which we can see in this space . they
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sacrificed a dog and buried it next to that pot and that i put the jar next to the owner of that animal and apparently that animal was of special importance to that person and that person was of a high social hierarchy and was buried in a good part of the cemetery and many gifts were placed next to it such as that person had different daggers and bracelets and different jewelry. we obtained a stampi seal from these documents. this chicken shows the existence of private property and the power of people. it also shows the existence of surveillance systems that show societies these are not simple societies they have their own complexities or, for example , when you
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pick up a necklace made of lapis lazuli next to a calendar, well, we don't have lapis lazuli mines in mazandaran, they come from far away . is it the person who did the so-called trans-regional exchanges or the works that we have here, some of them are similar to damghan's hesar tap , these have been examined with the works that existed in turkmenistan in the gorgan plain, these are compared with each other. the total of this information obtained in so far, 2,000 square meters of the 50-hectare area of ​​gohartepe have been excavated decade. these excavations have been stopped, gohartep has been subjected to archaeological excavations for almost 10 years, these could have continued , but since around 2010, we can see that the
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research process has almost stopped, but there is some work in that research team, for example, carrying out the project. the students follow these in the form of theses and dissertations, we help them to feed a part of their so-called materials and sources from here. also , conservation and restoration work is being done, so that if it is restored , which i hope will happen, we can do it let's raise gortba in the international arena again, as it was before. the excavations of the ancient city of gohartepe have been stopped, while according to the upstream documents of the archeological map of the country , in order to preserve the historical and cultural monuments and protect them against the implementation of construction projects, they must be completed, and for
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this purpose, the archaeological excavations should not be stopped, mahmoudi news agency. broadcasting is one of the vital arteries of the economy. the country is considered to be responsible for the movement of passengers and cargo, and following that, maintaining health safety and monitoring to prevent violations and accidents in the course of its activity is also very important. he does. in addition to reducing the number of road accidents , passenger load management and road safety , fuel consumption management, allocation according to needs and preventing fuel smuggling. the biggest challenges facing the decision makers are in the field of road transport and energy. before
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this, issuance of bill of lading for cargo vehicles and passenger status report for suburban passenger buses was the only method of monitoring and verifying the movement of cargo and passengers, and these methods were also met with negligence. in the area of ​​bills of lading , we see syrian bills of lading. in the discussion of passenger statuses , we see syrian passenger statuses. browse the news published about the discoveries of smuggled diesel fuel, nearly 300,000 liters, which is mainly diesel fuel, were smuggled in 52 containers in one of the official wharves, which were loaded under the name of ethylene and stone, and were supposed to be exported abroad, identified and discovered. there were more than 16 depots. fuel smuggling was discovered and the result was 115,000 liters of smuggled
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fuel, a snake-shaped musket containing 40,000 liters of fuel oil , according to the investigations, 20,000 liters of smuggled fuel are currently available in this vessel . 150 thousand liters and estimates of the amount real diesel smuggling from the country. if real monitoring is carried out, a major part of consumption management is at least 10 to 20 million liters. it is a high number that we can achieve. in fact , the export cycle shows that despite the efforts to prevent this volume of gasoil from leaving the official distribution cycle. a significant amount of diesel is still smuggled. in february 2013, the cabinet of ministers signed a resolution based on: all heavy and semi-heavy vehicles in and outside the city, including trucks,
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vans, buses, minibuses, and passenger buses, which use oil and gas fuel, must use diesel fuel. get your needs based on mileage . this estuary, which includes even cargo, passenger and sea vessels, is a sitting product. it was on the fifth of february 2013 that the board of ministers obliged the oil products distribution company to explain the fuel requirements of the vehicles subject to this decree from the beginning of october 2015 based on the survey recorded in the smart system. for the first time, alireza fizbakhsh, the then head of the transportation and fuel management headquarters , mentioned this issue on 23 february 2014. a special decree of the government for this was proposed by the ministry of petroleum and the road was defined in the first stage of export vehicles
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a city will use the quota in exchange for the survey. the mechanism is the bill of lading, the bill of lading issued by the highway organization, and that bill of lading is the mechanism that controls and allocates three, a complete system. now, the control of cash transportation is expected to be based on gps . it is expected that it will be ready by the beginning of 2015. bijan zanganeh , the then oil minister , mentioned the implementation of this plan in his press conferences in 2015. we are working on a survey plan. the government also approved a project last year, at the end of the year, when we sold gasoil or oil, gas for cars let's give heavy and semi-heavy based on their survey. in the fight against corruption and smuggling, what
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we started last year was to make the oil and gas of cars based on foreign cars. let's look at the bill of lading and their performance. well, our consumption has definitely been reduced. inside my city, in cooperation with the ministry of interior, it is a multi-lateral work, where all the related institutions cooperate sincerely in the government and the police force. i think up to 4.5 million liters can be calculated clearly . its production and operation method was released. now, we put the illegal clock here for testing , i think it is 50 km, that is, if we go faster than 50 km, see now our speed is 27 km , see the illegal speed in june this year, bijan
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zanganeh in the islamic hall of the majlis says that the implementation of this plan is a successful action. . now we give quota to trucks and buses outside the city based on the bill of lading and this has greatly reduced the consumption . please note that this year compared to the same period last year , our non-power plant oil and gas has decreased by about 9% and in october of the same year, this the system is officially with the presence of sardar hossein ashtari, then commander of naja, abbas akhundi, then minister of roads and urbanization, and
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the prisoner of the sepah ten army system, announced the reduction of road casualties . we performed 71,000 travel services , transporting 7 million passengers, and fortunately , we did not have any fatal accidents during this trip. until this date, only the suburban bus fleet was covered by this monitoring system . this year, god willing, our plans are timed and in order. it is the special duty of the police that the entire fleet of public transport , including private rental cars, vehicles carrying dangerous fuel or dangerous substances, and cargo vans this happened after 5 years from the announcement of the implementation of the plan of the economic council, in the meeting of january 30 , 2018, the basis of the number
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of equipment for the cargo and passenger fleet outside the city was 300,000 and approved the implementation schedule of this plan, which was set to by the end of 1400 , all passenger fleets and by the end of 1401, all suburban cargo fleets will be equipped with smart tracking systems, but in march 1400, farhad mehriari, the general manager of safety and traffic of izan road transport and road organization , describes the progress of this plan as follows. saman sephat ton is not connected on almost all public vehicles. only that number of buses its installation is not yet completed. they are going through the initial stages, and now in the advanced version, god willing , these problems will be solved.
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we are entering the final year of the implementation of this plan, but there is still no news of its full implementation. smuggled fuel that is going. from one of the deviations of one of these legal uses or agricultural or power plant or road sector or industrial sector in these areas, we had less success in the field of transportation and fuel assigned to the transport fleet. borunshahri ended in sepah tan system 7 80. we have a few liters to go and get free how much do you buy azad, azad means 70-80 liters , i get 1.500 for 2 tomans, the stock gas is very little, it hasn't arrived yet, and this is the case now. 300 will be given quota until the end of the tenth, we can deliver the rest, we have to be free , we will be free in pemb, there is no gasoil here, well, those
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who have a quota are given to us, but our quota is low , really low, which means that we will not be able to work with gasyl , reducing our quota means really if we want to work, it won't work. after 9 years, this issue was again taken into consideration, and in may of this year , the four-way memorandum was signed. between the road organization, faraja traffic police, fuel consumption optimization company, and national oil products distribution company were signed to launch the sepehtan system. god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad. in addition to helping to improve fleet management and road traffic and their safety , it also helps to manage fuel consumption. our aim is that we can manage the consumption of something around 10 million liters. in law 1402, a budget has been brought and there
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it has been assigned that we can equip at least half of the fleet and half of the sailors with this system by the end of the year. on the 21st of june this year, the road authority said regarding the equipping of the out-of-town fleet with the sepahtan system: "yes, we are following the standards approved by the economic council, which was issued in 1998. this approval had a 33-year deadline, and this 3-year opportunity has been lost, and we are in correspondence ." open the door , we have presented to you the ministry of oil to follow up on the renewal of this approval. the latest information that is in our system this year is more than 400
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new conditions of this contract and this is the request to your presence as an investor agent to follow this. it is a very big issue and 14 thousand buses are also related to this the subject will be added. one month after the statement of the deputy director of road transport regarding the increase in the number of passenger fleets. bari bronshahri on july 31st this year, in addition to approving a 3-year opportunity to implement the plan until 1404, the economic council reduced the budget law by 40, and the obligation to equip the cargo fleet from 175,000 vehicles to 100,000 vehicles and the passenger fleet from 18,000 vehicles. reduced to 16 thousand devices. this reduction. commitments were made based on the initial decree in 2018, while the increase in the number of active cargo and passenger fleets
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is not foreseen in the new decree. we are ready for the second stage we are ready to implement this 368,000 freight and goods fleet, which has increased by 412,000 units in my recent call. it was decided that the ministry of defense will enter and the second stage of the implementation of the system. we are waiting for the contract to be given to us by the road and road transport organization . as soon as this contract is given, we are ready to implement this plan. alhamdulillah, we will no longer have the issue of fuel smuggling. however, the vice-president of transportation of the road organization announced 6 months ago about preparing the call for investors the documents for holding the call were clearly prepared. and we are in the process of negotiating with the signatories of this memorandum. in azar this year, he again mentioned that the investor was not selected. this year
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, the bus section will definitely be completed, and we can provide this service to the broadcasting company due to your presence, because the project in the cargo sector, a large amount of investment should be done, with this account , this year we have news of equipping the cargo fleet. the sepah system will not last, and the life of governments not acting on the allocation of gasoil based on the distance traveled and dismantling the base of gasoil smuggling will reach 10 years.
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2:00 am
the 11th fajr fashion and clothing festival has started. the exhibition of this festival will last until the 4th of bahman from 9:00 a.m. in the tarikh cultural complex. saad abad tehran will host the public. the works of more than 50 active groups in the design and clothing sector of the country have been displayed for the audience in this festival. the best awards, in fact, the peacock of iran's clothing design and iran's fabric design , are given to visionand and design groups. but other participants and the artist.


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