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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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our month is around 145 million in december, with the statistics of saturday, 34 million of this may reach 150 million, and the forecast for the month of february will be presented to you, which is actually the same amount . well, until the end of the year, it is difficult to estimate you don't have any planning at all , fortunately, in fact, the support that should have been provided, and on the other hand, the efforts of the producers. well, it can be said that by the end of the year , our hatching capacity will reach a level that has never been seen before, that is, basically, we have had a record of 150, nearly 150 million hatchings so far. we didn't have it. well, how much is the need ? i mean, how much is the internal consumption? of course, look at the internal consumption . well, how much is this hatched? the internal consumption will be fully covered. at one time, in fact, something like your service
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every hour, which was 120 million pieces, would answer the country, but with paying attention to the price of red meat, which has become more inclined towards chicken meat , well, this has changed as a substitute for the quantity. it means that for one kilo of red meat, he can buy 6 kilos of chicken meat well this how much should the hatching be, and the consumption of the hatching that has taken place now, it can be almost said that something around 125 to 130 million pieces of chickens ready for slaughter are actually provided, which from our point of view is slowly overcoming the consumption , that is . the same prices of chicken
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that we have in our poultry units, the price reduction that has started now shows that production is overcoming consumption . yes, mr. peymanpak says that it is not economical. in fact , this price is 78 thousand tomans . i told you, i told you, now it is really wide. we have greatness in the field of chicken production from small units we have units that really may not have liquidity to provide for their institutions, for this provision , in other words, i would like to thank you for their logistics , for their supply, but i do not call those chains big units, leave the big unit aside, it is necessary, but we are chaining with units. if we eat, we can eliminate the problem. our big units, our chains are 78 thousand tomans, but nothing. 75 thousand tomans is profitable and attractive for them , so we should go towards chain building. look , now we have almost said that 25% of the chain is 50%. % will reach and we will do this, god willing we want to see the point
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here, my friends, how is it calculated, that is, the micro-markets in the middle of the whole chain are placed in the supply chain, this supply chain does its work. we brought the scf chain and implemented it in the chain, and god willing, this financing chain will be implemented this month, along with its logistics issues , it is a matter of supply. his institution is a discussion of the facilities that are given, these will increase the efficiency and productivity in the real chains and in as a result, the final price of chicken should decrease , the finished price, what we have to do in the ministry of jihad is to lower the price of the establishment and the production price, not to increase the price on the pretext that the producer must make a profit, so the consumer will lose. it is our duty to control the costs of production, the work we have done now, mr. ebraim himself knows
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that today, thanks to the efforts and cooperation of our children in the vice-chancellor of commerce and the central bank , the value of our institutions has been secured until the end of april. we have paid 1 million 300 thousand tons now we have corn on the market, there are no customers , so the importers have been selling corn for 3 months and 4 months, corn is selling for 11,300 dinars, today it is selling between 8,500 and 9,000 tomans, so this 3,000 tomans decrease shows itself in the term of the finished price. god willing, we in the field, in other words, now a day old chicken, we also have challenges with the association, god willing, we can find out that the market price is 90 thousand tomans, when did it actually come to these 78 markets, it really came lower than 85, no, now it has come lower than that, god willing, see today we 1 we had 1,600,000 deaths now, mr. ibrahim they can say that we chickens have reached 57,000 tomans, and now of course we have to help
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so that this does not decrease further. the cost price is 78,000 tomans, as i told you, with an increase in the supply that will take place in the next week or two to that weekly rate. we will reach 1000 tomans , but in any case, we must help so that the producer is not harmed, so that this fluctuation does not occur again, and therefore , with the reference made by mr. ebrahimi that we hatched 145 million eggs in december , it will definitely reach 150 million eggs in january. and i said that we will reach 78,000 tomans in the next two weeks, god willing we are in contact with mr. seyyed ahmed moghadasi , chairman of the board of directors of the cattlemen's guild . mr. moghadasi, i am at your service. now, according to the discussions, the situation of the supply of inputs has improved , how is the condition of heavy livestock now? the issue of institutions, alhamdulillah
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, has become very good . the congress is now abundantly aware of all this . i say it's good we don't have any problem and i'm only sorry to say that with this good production situation we have, why did we say everything to import these talks that mr. peyman deleted, if they say 1% that the goal is to supply meat from the domestic market , definitely. we don't need to import right now , i said to myself since three or four months ago , unfortunately , they are importing ears with a preferential width of 28,500, which actually happens b. a kind of war with domestic production. well, i'm asking that it's a pity for this production that they have to work so hard to solve the horizontal problems and the supply of institutions. the production is going well, why are we going to the importers? i am asking the honorable government to help, to do everything possible to supply meat from domestic sources so that
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the producers and consumers are diverse . we will clear the issue from mr. peyman pak . mr. pim pak. see we are the first no. we don't have any problem with the input. look at your harvest. last year, in previous years, you prepared a report . 100 ships, 120 ships were waiting in the anchorage to receive land. some of our ships were delayed for 10 to 14 months. we are queuing up for tahree clearance because your value has been paid earlier , we don't have any ships that have been delayed for more than two or three months. we have been talking for years and today it has been implemented . today, we have a major part of our flour in these three to four months
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. we are bringing it from india. it should be spent on domestic production take 7 billion to 8 billion dollars spent on imports, a total of 200 million dollars were spent on meat imports, so you see, we are a very high percentage , but the main point is for discussion, that is, the statistics are not comparable at all. the experts really confirm this. now, in the area of ​​calf, you have not seen the gate of sheep. if we started importing meat from the warm season, why did we start because before reaching this season, the birthing and mating season , in other words, the production season, if the price were to increase , you would be the same. it has now arrived and is being produced he would have gone to kill himself, so somewhere managed imports will also help to produce. our opportunity has ended, mr. peyman pak. i
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would like to thank the guests of the program who appeared in the program. i would also like to thank you, dear viewers, for accompanying us. however, the chicken and meat market , especially as we are approaching the end of the year, is adjusted. the market is more important , we will follow up the matter again. good night for a moment, i felt like i was in an accident scene or lying somewhere. narration of an opportunity, a chance to live again. what made me. be absorbed by my mother's cries i had a conversation to go, man, the opportunities that are sometimes lost due to negligence, a 27-year-old gentleman
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has been careful about the opportunities in his life until now or not. i wish i would have arrived earlier, for example, can you give us an example of what an opportunity it is. he still regrets it, for example, now the family is saying that you are not married at this age, why don't you have a stable job, why didn't you study properly, i have never missed an opportunity . and i regret it, i didn't miss the opportunity to regret it because i was with god, my god he helped me when i was young. well , there were some neglects, but later on , we regret that we can try to make up for it. i was lazy in prayer . i regret it now . we miss being able to pray while standing. well, we tried again and we got it. now, at this age, we realize what opportunities he missed, there have been many opportunities
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that i could not make up for later, there are times when we forget god and need to be reminded. i gave it on occasion i could have done something that would be better for my life, but i didn't do it, and i regretted it later . of course, sometimes these opportunities are repeated, the month of rajab is an opportunity to get closer to divine values ​​and to get closer to the holy nature of god and an opportunity for self-improvement . every opportunity is a blessing. every blessing needs gratitude.
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i feel that every year at this time, in these months , i can ask god to give me some things, and when they say, for example, it is raining now. in the sky, god will give us an opportunity, just don't miss this opportunity. now one is praying, one is trying. we are also praying. so what do you do we usually fast and do some recommended deeds. the month of rajab is a month of blessing and goodness for our self-improvement. so , what do you usually do in this month ? as muslims, god almighty has provided us with an opportunity so that we can serve well and... from this opportunity. let's use it and feel good. it's one of the best months of the year and we fast in this month
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. i read the qur'an every day in the evening prayer and i visit every day. here, for the past one or two days , there have been a lot of messages in cyberspace. the virtues of the month of rajab, now a series of voices that came from the elders, and this was our day , now this year, a bit with background. the month of rajab is an opportunity for a beginning. one of the characteristics that a believer should have is to be able to use the opportunities in his life. from the blessings, from the moments that happen to a person and can benefit from it in his material and spiritual growth, these opportunities are also very short and fleeting, sometimes they pass like the wind
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. it descends on that person. welcome is the best thing that god purifies people. many of our brothers and sisters are in retreat . opportunities like this are lost. we have a short life , we only have a few days in this world, god willing, we can all survive this let's make good use of a few days, god willing , we will all receive god's forgiveness . i intended to consider one of my moral qualities . god willing, i will take care of it until the end , so that i will not be far from god, because the only embrace that will always be open to me is the blessing of sed and radio news agency. in the name of god, the light is in the name of god, the light is in the name
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of god, the light is on the light . in the name of god, the light is on the great. but
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allah is the witness of the highest hajjah allah, may god bless him, may god bless him.
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good work, good work, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god. these are among the images of the national
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sports champions of iran recorded away from the main cameras and on the sidelines of various competitions. most of these images were recorded when the race was not in progress. when the competitions are different from the call to prayer time, the prayers of the athletes and spectators are delayed, as we are close to the royal moments of the maghrib call to prayer, we are asking for prayers from all of you, dear people. some athletes and spectators say that it is better to plan competitions like this. may he not divorce with the call to prayer, in fact after the call to prayer or before the call to prayer they manage to be now or in the middle of the half , which is one of the positive events that now the spectators, those who want to perform the duty of prayer, actually have the opportunity to benefit from the duty of prayer at the beginning of the time, the viewers and even the fans are here who the time they have, they want to pray
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and do their religious duties, they should move the time of the games. so that everyone can enjoy the game , i request my elders, athletes, coaches and officials to make a break in competitions and practice when calling for the call to prayer, and to devote time to prayer and the first prayer. there should be a plan. it doesn't matter if they have regularity , well, the characteristic of the azan time is to plan according to the azan time so that people can perform the great duty of prayer, which is except the duty of prayer. it has its own differences , it requires its own sensitivities, the way and model of work
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are different, the minister of sports says to the federations that it is emphasized in planning the matches on time. pay attention to it. our effort is that all sports federations adjust their programs in such a way that, god willing, there will be a break in the discussion. their prayer will not come, god willing, the first prayer will be our time until this moment, but the emphasis of the minister of sports has not yet turned into a binding directive. seyyed hossein mousavi of sed and radio news agency, the scene of praying, the scene of hugging a defeated opponent , the scene of respect. volleyball to the mother of the martyr, the mother of the martyr babaei, with your actions, you have shown the identity of the iranian nation, this is the manifestation of islamic values ​​and its revolution, this is the representative of iran.
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put sleep in someone's eyes. that you remember waking up, but standing is just our job, we, our story is not a story of sleep, come and put your heart into the sea, don't doubt that finally this august day until
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after that, from the pulpit of the imam and abareh. when he was about 17 years old, he decided to study religious sciences . from 15 khordad 42, that is, when he was 20 years old , he entered into political struggles in iraq, ahvaz, omidiyeh, and secondly
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, gach saran, dahaghan, borujen, and shahreza . islami was chosen by the imam as the representative of gajsaran, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, in the drafting of the people's constitution, which levy and boyer ahmed chose as their representative in the assembly of experts. they were but they are more likely to see this work. suggesting here in the islamic council and mr. bashart , the representative of mr. mohammad taghi bashart , became the representative of the people of semiram and dahaghan in the first round of the parliament. the bell against
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exploitation and tyranny was sounded by the islamic revolution. the constituency of samiro madhaghan, ashq's house was qom and his work was tehran. our house was a house where it would be a surprise if we didn't have guests for a night. at that time , he was a member of the investigation commission of the vice chairman of the internal affairs commission. the roads in question, which the so-called vehicles could not go from there, were designed so that all the villages were connected to each other, and there were pipes in the high altitudes and there were apple orchards there.
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but now it is possible that he will accept jihad construction in his areas . bani sadr does not have the political capacity to hold the office of the president of the islamic republic of iran and the repeated assassinations that failed , they were chased several times on the way to qom. i saw somewhere that my uncle told us all to sleep in the car. it was the republican party and haftir in 1960. he was present in the office of the party with the client he has been negotiating with the office of the islamic republic of iran party in tehran and tells the late basharat that
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he is now in the meeting to bring him back. he says that a certain issue is being approved in the meeting , and if you don't stay outside, you need to be there . before he enters the parliament and separates from the client, there will be an explosion. for two or three days, i thought that he was martyred, but 6 the month after haft tir incident, that is, haft tir, 60 , the hypocrites started working again. my father wanted to leave the parliament and go to the ministry of health. get a letter for their province, apparently from three sides he was surrounded by hypocrites and assassinated during the days when he went to follow up on people's problems. he was not yet 36 years old when he was martyred. he has a burden from today that will make you fall for a lifetime
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the message of the imam of independence is the role of our lives , the martyrs wrapped in the ears of time, the cry of payandeh mani and jabdan of the islamic republic of iran.
6:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speedy their fate, dear compatriots, greetings to you on friday morning. it is good for all candidates to benefit from government facilities for election campaigns . according to the minister of interior, arrangements have been made for the implementation of justice so that all candidates can use government facilities to express their plans and ideas. all government capacities that may can be chosen in matters of elections and advertising.


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