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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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asyum dayah continues. early awareness, more effective care. public relations of the ministry of health, treatment and medical education. hello dear viewers. we have reached the last day of the national health campaign. the results of the 70-day efforts of health care workers and health staff in this campaign, like a research, can be effective in the field of prevention and treatment during non-communicable diseases. the razi festival, which is one of the most important research festivals of the ministry of health, tries to
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introduce medical science research that is effective in improving the quality of people's lives. for this purpose, we go to the ministry of health and talk to dr. hamid reza banafsheh, head of technology department of razi festival , mr. dr. hello, have a good day , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i am at your service and dear viewers . yes, yes, yes, yes, i apologize , sorry, mr. doctor, look at the discussion of the national health survey , what was done and it is ending today, a very important discussion, in fact, those people who are suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure have been identified, so now the next step is to discuss the treatment of these and the issue of prevention is a question that we can ask you in this field , dad, please note that razim festival is a festival it is research and there is a research project going on here.
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what is the mission defined for universities and research centers in the field of reducing health threats? one of the general policies of the ministry of health in the field of research and technology is to conduct applied research in response to the needs of the health system . there is a series of international and national studies. which in fact is the amount of load. it examines and reports diseases in different countries . based on these results, in fact, these international studies have the highest burden of diseases related to non-communicable diseases, such as in fact diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. based on this, we have missions in different universities based on their capacity and potential . the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes
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, high blood pressure, and kidney diseases caused by high blood pressure, as well as cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke, have been entrusted to us. meanwhile, in the field of technology , a very good job is being done. one of the most important areas that can help a lot in this discussion is the use of medical equipment and it is a smart diagnosis to use especially medical dora or telemedicine for the purpose of continuous monitoring of the symptoms of these diseases, such as blood pressure monitoring, especially in deprived areas of the country that do not have enough access to doctors.
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it is possible to use this telemedicine in order to establish better and faster communication between the patient and the specialist doctor . mr. doctor, what effect does this festival actually have on the implementation of the mission? now the discussion has become about research and prevention . the title of the biggest festival in the field of scientific research and technology medicine observes the activities that are carried out in the field of health in the country, tries to identify key activities and encourage them as a model for the whole country. it was the discussion of the health productivity promotion committee, which was tried exactly in this committee.
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the researches that were done to improve people's health and we mention them as effective researches in our society should be seen in a special way and they should be appreciated. this we want to encourage the technologies that are developed in response to the needs of the health system, from the production of raw medicinal materials that are sometimes imported , especially during the time of sanctions , which created a challenge for the health system, to the production of medical equipment that has a high capacity. and by producing them, we can create a positive trade balance in the field of health. all this being noticed in the entire razi festival , considering the selection and appreciations it gives , can
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bring a policy for the coming years. and show the country the red line in the field of health technology research, mr. doctor, of course my next question was related to these technologies in the dynamic discussion, which you answered yourself. my last question about razi festival's approach to the roadmap for increasing production growth in knowledge bases ? you see, considering that this year the supreme leader announced the theme of growth of production and containment of inflation in the ministry of health and in the vice-chancellor of technology research, we actually formulated a road map for the growth of production of health products and we are implementing it in four steps. our first step was to identify the priorities of the health system based on indicators such as the horizontal index
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strategically and ultimately, the feasibility of our production is a series of priorities in the field of medicine , medical equipment and systems. we determined these priorities for all the medical sciences universities of the country, growth centers, health technology parks and all the players in the field of health in different organizations. thank you very much. thank you. dr. hamidreza banafsheh, head of the technology department of the festival. thank you. well , it was more than 3 weeks that the national media was active in the field of national health campaign and today this campaign has ended with the participation of more than 45 million people. people who are over 18 years old and it was determined who actually have diabetes
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and who actually have high blood pressure, more than 800,000 people have high blood pressure and about 400,000 people have diabetes and the discussion after this discussion is the treatment of these people. and the follow-ups that the health centers themselves will have about this . thank you very much , dear ones . that their fasting blood sugar is slightly above 100 their doctor said that they are surprised to get pre-diabetes, diabetes is a creeping and silent disease and
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it develops without causing any symptoms in people over several years, and the only effective way to deal with it is to check fasting blood sugar regularly once a year. even if we are apparently healthy. some of the things that make a person susceptible to prediabetes are these. family history of type 2 diabetes. a history of high fat and cholesterol and a history of a type of transient diabetes during pregnancy. by early detection of pre-diabetes stage and lifestyle modification, from progression to diabetes. let's prevent by participating in national health survey and sugar and blood pressure measurement to know your health status as soon as possible. to participate in this campaign, it is enough
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to go to health community service centers, health centers and health centers all over the country. also, people over 18 years of age can express themselves by referring to the link sent to them by sms. record their own blood pressure or blood sugar. the national health campaign continues in the first to third phase of dima. early awareness, care. more effective. public relations of the ministry of health, treatment and medical education. since the late 70s and with the beginning of the programs archeology in the east of mazandaran, a new round of research related to the prehistoric period was formed . which
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led to the discovery of evidence of the sequence of human settlement from cave dwellings to the formation of cities in the plains forts of this region. the east of mazandaran is more important because, compared to the west of mazandaran, we have a lot of ancient works and phenomena that date back to different periods. it means that you see a cultural sequence from the stone age, and then it continues until the islamic period. the continuation of this program will identify or register more than 90 prehistoric works, including caves and the ancient hills in the area of ​​neka reached the city of golugah. among the important caves of this area is hutu cave, which was explored as the last settlement of caveman. this cave is one of the oldest ancient caves in iran. which tells the story of the last life of man inside the cave and the man's exit from the cave and the beginning of ten-round settlement
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, which has many extraordinary values ​​from the world home , he started life in the villages after leaving this cave and ten-round settlement in iran started from at the beginning of the solar 80s, the archaeological research program continued and during this period the ancient city of gohrtepe mord. was explored. examining the remains of this city is important because it is one of the first places of human settlement after cave dwelling and one of the first chains of modern human settlements. evidence shows that settlement continued without interruption from the middle of the 4th millennium bc to the beginning of the 2nd millennium bc. bahr tepe has been subjected to archaeological excavations since 1380. well, first of all, it has been determined that it has an area of ​​about 50 hectares, which means that the area itself and the so-called
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development of the settlement can be traced back from 6500 years to about 500 years, which we see from the bronze age. here the city is formed, and then we can see the transition from the bronze age to the iron age, which is one of the mysteries of archeology before the history of iran , in this gem. and let's follow up on the remains of the cemetery from the iron age, that is, i want to say that in terms of studies, the eastern region of mazandaran is the answer to many of the so-called archeological questions and uncertainties. a university study, including oxford, showed that gohartepe is one of the most important habitats of the mafraq era and one of the largest urban areas in the south.
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the caspian sea is the disadvantage of gortbeh compared to other types of objects , it is the so-called absolute dating. of all the phenomena and samples we have, the so-called carbon 14 test has been carried out , which means that we cannot say that it has been around for 3 thousand years. or about 5,000 years of service, we are from all these types. we sampled these and sent them to university centers and we have absolute dating for these, which means that it is one of the sources that refer to the works of gortagh in other places. architectural remains are also among other discoveries that belong to the departments simple residential or workshop spaces. this maamat consists of two stages. what we see at this level in these trenches is divided into two parts, one part. the architecture of the qibla period that you see in those spaces is a part
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of the clay walls that are left over from the architecture of the mentioned houses and a part of the taffins that you see on the surface . those architectures are older stages that were destroyed and in the next period, in the newer period, these iron age interpretations were made on these architectures, but well in archaeological excavations, when the soil is excavated and the debris is removed, we ignore these two phenomena. we can also see that in the archaeological excavations, 226 human compilations were obtained, which were investigated in studies such as anthropology, livelihood, ritual customs and knowledge of classes. it is socially important. one of the traditions that can be seen in the burials of the people of gohartepe is the tradition of burial in a pot , an example of which we can see in this space. placing objects or
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we have another example of sacrificing a dog on the side that burial vat and this vat. putting the owner of that animal next to him, well, that animal was apparently of special importance to that person and that person himself had a high social hierarchy , and was cremated in a good part of the cemetery , and many offerings were placed next to it, such as daggers . that person had a necklace, bracelets, and ornaments, and we obtained a stampi seal from these documents. well, this chicken shows the existence of private property of people , it shows the power of people, and the existence of surveillance systems, which shows that societies are not simple societies. these have their own complexities , or for example, when you
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get a necklace made of lapis lazuli from a formation, well, we don't have lapis lazuli mines in mazandaran, they came here from afar, which now shows the so-called exchanges. is it far-reaching or the works that we have here, some of them are similar to tepar damghan, these have been examined with the works that existed in turkmenistan in the bergan plain , they are comparable to each other, the total of this information obtained so far is 200 meters. a square has been explored from the 50-hectare area of ​​gohartepe and these excavations have been stopped since the 90s, gohartepm , well , it has been subjected to archaeological excavations for almost 10 years, it could have continued , but since 1390, we see that the
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research process has almost stopped, but there are some works in it. the research team, for example, doing projects that students follow in the form of theses and dissertations, we help them to feed a part of their so-called materials and resources from here, and conservation and restoration works are also carried out. this is that if it is revived , which i hope will happen, we can open the gem again. let's bring up international as it was before. the excavations of the ancient city of gohartepe have been stopped while according to the upstream documents of the archeological map of the country , in order to preserve the historical and cultural monuments and protect them against the implementation of construction projects,
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the archaeological excavations should not be stopped. mahmoudi, abadi radio and television news agency, this house is in my own hands, as a stranger, a grocer's license wants to be issued, to create a competition and show a golden signature in support of women, and this eid night is very eid.
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one of the police operations, of course, with a camera it was captured on the police uniform july 2017 , the police chief announced the plan to install a camera on the police uniform. he saved everything. let's put this in a device there, yes, we will check both our behavior and our work, just like you sir, it is your duty in the scene. the second function of that dear citizen or compatriot, when
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he is on the opposite side of us, he also observes them because he knows that this is a very strong document in the eyes of the judge. after a while, the former boss faraja prevention police said in an interview until the end of 2018. cameras will be installed in the cars and uniforms of all police patrol officers. nearly 10,000 cameras have been handed over, but it is expected that it will be accelerated. the spokesperson of the police at the time stated that the reason for not fully implementing this plan was the lack of budget. funds and facilities at the disposal of naja for. hello, good afternoon. a residential building in
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al-mezeh neighborhood in damascus has been attacked by an airstrike. this attack is probably caused by the invasion of the zionist regime. we are in contact with our correspondent based in damascus , mr. helali. hello, please tell us more details about this air strike. in the name of allah , the most merciful. at 11:00 syrian local time, 11:30 tehran time, this attack took place as a result of four to five rockets fired by the enemy fighters of saimiki and targeted a building in
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al-muzrah, the building was completely destroyed. and of course later official sources emphasized that this building is the residence of a number of advisers of the republican guard. islamic iran was in syria, and following that, it was announced that four irgc advisors were martyred as a result of this attack , as well as a number of local syrian employees. yes, mr. helali, except for this. no. 4, martyr azizi, which you mentioned, yes , there are statistics of the wounded, your voice is very fragmented, and according to
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the hospital sources, yes , please ask your question one more time. the four martyrs you announced are statistics you also have the number of wounded. yes , the central hospital of syria, where the bodies of the martyrs were transferred, so far only one injured person from this incident has been admitted to this hospital, this is the statistic that has been announced and one injured person, this number will probably increase in the next hour due to the continuation of the statistics kurds, of course, we are here
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, god willing, we are praying that the number of statistics will not be more than this, but as we can see in the scene, this number will probably increase . mr. that is this issue confirmed or not? see , the official sources of syria announced that the attack was a zionist enemy. the official statement of the ministry of defense of syria has not yet been published, and we will wait for more successful and official information. but this is the first time, thank you , we will definitely contact you in the next and next parts of the news and we will receive additional news .
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cultural and economic festival of commercials, marketing tools and promotion of the national media in the service of the development of the identity centered on the wider justice of islamic iran. you came all this way just to say goodbye to me. why did it happen like this? the story is not over yet.
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2:00 pm
hello, welcome to the half-day news. the placing of an iranian satellite in a 750 km orbit for the first time by the soraya satellite of the ministry of communications. 100 was launched into space with a vertical satellite launcher. at least 5 martyrs and several wounded in the terrorist attack of the regime zionist to a residential building in the west of damascus. several members of the irgc were martyred. countdown for the election of the board of directors of provincial equity companies. volunteers in the province.


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