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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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based on these characteristics, i think it is important to analyze this, and their hope is that the first thing they do is to create a virus in our computer system, and the second thing is to manage the public opinion in iran, that this potential problem should be thought through. the officials of the third country should pressure the group to cast resistance and discord , to invest in this discord, and the fourth is to know what to do, and the fourth is to make our computing device predictable and calculable. from here, i will present two things. first notice that we should not be calculable and predictable. i have presented the initiative many times. he must hold his hand. the resistance front should take the initiative in different fields. there are various places where the resistance front has not yet entered, it has a relative position, it has a competitive position. it even has an absolute position. he can enter there. i think every he wrote in his office that
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he must be brave, the strategy of this battle must be changed, i request that our decision-making officials think about the areas that we have not considered so far, this is the first option, so the first thing to do is to enter into this issue. which is predictable and let's not be calculable. the second issue is that i feel a void in our diplomatic system. the truth is that in these 100 days. it has a successful program , but i think they should be more active. we have not yet approached china and russia in that way. now , let me analyze our enemy and our friend. if there is time, i think you should look at our computing device, especially for the terminal, when you enter a battle. we must have a plan to end that, we must have a plan now, a counter or reaction or reaction or defense to the plans that the other side brings, we have two plans. let's have a role here
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china, especially china and russia, it is important to use these two, or just like we used russia's role in the syrian war and it came to the resistance front operation, now, not necessarily in a military way, but in another way, the existing communications should be used exactly. that the russians are fighting in ukraine and china is using it in taiwan , we also have to be the friend of the enemy here, their duty should be clear, our diplomatic system should be activated that line. in your opinion, in the situation where the region is under tension, you have drawn the situation of the zionists themselves. where is this path going? well, look, i have an opinion on this matter. i feel that
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it is not in israel's interest if the war expands in the current situation. from the first day, the prime minister of israel has announced that israel is actually pursuing three goals. well, one of the goals of the announcement is to destroy hamas. another goal is actually to neutralize these missiles that are coming towards israeli cities. the third goal is to prevent third parties from entering. there is a war, and they have been following this since the first day of the war, and in fact , this is why the israelis are still in it located on the northern front, they did not act in such a way that the tensions would increase to such an extent that they would actually call a new war with lebanon. it is possible that the tensions will increase to such an extent that they will actually move this way and that. but
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at the moment it seems that it is not up to the israelis because they are involved enough in the gaza front and the conflicts they have in the gaza front have actually made them very busy. part of their goal is actually to create a buffer zone in the north of the gaza strip this 16
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indicates that they are considering a buffer zone in the north of the gaza strip and along the borders of israel and nawazah , which they want to extend up to this point. a middle area will actually be palestinian after the war for a variety of israelis, and probably an area in the south , as you mentioned, probably a part of the palestinians are actually supposed to be active in that area . thank you. thank you. did you say goodbye to mr. barati? we also had a conversation with riyad eid, a lebanese expert on political issues
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. as a result the axis of resistance in lebanon, syria, iraq and yemen , supported by iran, inflicted a severe defeat on the israeli regime and did not let it achieve its goals. therefore, netanyahu has no choice but to admit defeat, and will be jailed if the war stops. netanyahu by attacking the irgc forces. the guards of the islamic republic of iran is planning to directly enter iran into a war with the zionist regime in order to first drag america into this war and regional conflict because it has no way but to run forward because it will be severely tried for this defeat and also this
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operation is in response to iran's heroic operation against zionist spies in the area were carried out in the department. we are at the end of our case, mr. turabi. what is your analysis about the continuation of the story? in the last 16 days, the zionists did not achieve the goals they wanted in gaza , they did not destroy hamas , they could not release their prisoners, what scenario do you think we will see in the future, see two possible scenarios, two major scenarios. one is that with this favorable situation of the resistance front, there will be a ceasefire and they will. accept that of course it is possible, but it is difficult. this is a possible scenario. a scenario is that the battle continues and with an achievement for the israelis who now dr. brati also pointed out that they are not devoid of achievements, especially in the north of gaza
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. they can create a buffer zone . what needs to be addressed is a regional war that is not far from the mind and no side wants this to happen, only netanyahu or netanyahu wants it. netanyahu is drowning israel and israel is drowning the west. he said, i am going down. i will go down and west with you from ukraine now he is losing time to open the question about his civilization, the axes and dalai are under question. the centrality of these is under question and in a way netanyahu is now a crisis for both israel and the west, and no one wants this to happen, to become a regional war, but those two possible scenarios each have a specific time frame that you have to sit in a different puzzle, each and every analysis thank you, mr. corby
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, for your presence in today's world. instead of reaching the moon, the american astronaut ended his journey by falling in the pacific ocean. after fifty years, america claims to have sent a man to the moon. bergrin about 10 days ago for landing on the moon was thrown a problem in the fuel system caused the landing gear to malfunction after launch and ultimately not reach its destination. thirteen children died as a result of a fire in a student dormitory in henan province, china. all the victims
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were primary school students who were between 9 and 10 years old. local authorities launched an investigation to determine the cause of the fire, adding that at least one person was involved in the incident. has been arrested the discovery of a cemetery with 121 unmarked graves at an air base in florida, usa , strengthens the possibility of their racist murder. said kurdish this area was destroyed a few decades ago to build special buildings for white people. the explorers believe that more of these graves will be discovered with the search. the discovery of the graves has increased criticism of institutionalized racism in america. following the heavy snowfall in northern spain, traffic was disrupted. snow and ice create slippery conditions for the roads and drivers for hours on the road. he wandered the north of spain. the behavior of an american police officer with
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another black person angered critics of police brutality in this country . the images that have just been published show a las vegas police officer violently knocks down a black student after a verbal altercation. the arrest of this teenager is related to a year ago, but the police prevented the publication of the pictures . the bodies of four members of a family were discovered in a house in norwich, england. according to the police, these bodies belong to a man, a woman and two young girls. the british national statistics center announced: last year, more than 600,000 crimes were recorded in this country, and women and girls were among the main victims of these crimes. in continuation of the efforts to defend the palestinian people, tehran is going tomorrow the host sat down. international humanitarian support for palestine. this meeting
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will be held at the initiative of the red crescent of our country. in this regard , we are hosting ms. razieh alishmandi, the vice president of international and humanitarian affairs of the red crescent. welcome to the world today. tell us about this meeting, which people and which organizations are going to participate in it tomorrow? greetings, courtesy and respect to the respected viewers of jahan today program. following the terrorist attacks of the zionist regime and the coordination between the elements of the international movement of the united nations red cross and its agencies and the international organizations of the red crescent based on their duties helal ahmad is the head of the humanitarian rights committee of the islamic republic of iran, and according to the responsibility of the mission , he is holding an international meeting on the rights of humanitarian protection for the palestinian people
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, especially gaza, and on this basis, he has invited general secretaries and heads of the red cross and red crescent communities of different countries and senior leaders of the red cross committee of the red cross federation and international organizations based in iran. he is going to attend tomorrow's meeting in his representative office well, as you have seen, the zionist regime has committed acts of violence against the oppressed people of gaza, killing children, women, innocent civilians and destroying infrastructure. accordingly, we , the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran and its partners, based on their inherent duties, are looking for
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operational solutions for providing aid to the oppressed people of gaza and helping oppressed muslims was one of its goals , and its second goal was based on humanitarian diplomacy and greater cohesion between the red cross movement for a safe humanitarian corridor and a ceasefire and seeking a lasting ceasefire. there is a third goal that he pursues to create coherence between it has its own criminals and international organizations . thank you . we had another discussion on the side of this meeting. it was reported in the news that the iranian red crescent has submitted a report to the international criminal court regarding zionist crimes. tell us about this report and what details. it covers the crescent. according to the documentation provided by the red cross federation, the red cross
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has held online meetings with the palestinian red crescent, which means that it repeats these on a daily basis . these meetings are held frequently on a daily basis. maybe the rest of the devices do not have access to these, document these and declare them as crimes and cases of rights violations. he has declared humanitarianism to the international criminal court. now, as you can see, mexico and chile declared crimes yesterday. so, in the international criminal court of south africa , he announced a complaint
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. officially given to benlamdi criminal court. yes , thank you very much for your kind presence in the world today now we are coming to the end of tonight's program . i say goodbye to the viewers of khabar network. have a good night. various political and economic trends
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compete in the elections. the intention of the election in electing a strong parliament is the key. it is in the hands of the people . there is a telegram channel that plays across the country. why are you setting prices in these 6 months? your question is an interesting question . you don't want a football manager to pay his insurance according to what he does, without any kind of shock. we don't agree with each other. the debate on the tendencies on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 on
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the country's news channel was chaotic and different groups each with different motivations and opinions. they tried to oppose the government. the pahlavi court, which saw the foundations of the monarchy as shaky, decided to form a council called the council of the sultanate with the coordination of the americans. this council was formed on the 23rd of january 1957, and jalaldin tehrani, a former member of the senate, was elected as the chairman. tehrani, however, was successful. he believed that his authenticity depends on gaining the legitimacy and support of imam khomeini, that is why he went to nofloshato to meet with him. they considered any action to survive the pahlavi regime to be rejected, and now the shah has no role in iran, and all this chaos and disagreements were
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because the shah was tyrannical and treacherous. he was acting to this nation , the monarchy was just a notification a week before the shah's departure, and practically he had no role to play . what is the principle of the monarchy that you now want the council, which also showed a bit of rationality and went to announce the resignation of imam khomeini as a condition for tehrani's acceptance. he is the chairman of the council they declared the monarchy. tehrani also agreed to this condition. considering the fatwa of grand ayatollah khomeini damat barakateh regarding the illegality of that council, i considered it illegal and resigned. finally, this council ended its work
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and the last plan to preserve the monarchy failed. herat is a city known today as the jewel of khorasan, and many persian-speaking poets, writers, mystics and sufis were born or lived in this city. one of the characteristics of arat is that it is geographically and culturally very close to khorasan regions of iran. you you can see that in herat, we have gaurshad mausoleum , in mashhad mosque we have gaurshad mosque. a brother or sister between the city of herat, mashhad, for example, we see that herat is one of the main centers of greater khorasan in the history of the two countries. it has wide comprehensiveness and is recognized. in our country, herat
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is the second largest province of afghanistan in terms of size, population, economy and culture. and it was and is one of the most influential provinces of our country in the field of afghan history. herat is one of the big cities of iran, a city that has played a special role in the development of iranian culture and literature and art throughout history. a group of artists and cultural activists gathered in tehran to introduce the cultural commonality of khorasan. tehran is hosting a program to commemorate this ancient historical city of khorasan zameen, which is one of the most important cities in afghanistan, and also to identify this city's past and its various features to iranian audiences, especially the young generation, who are less familiar with to the ancient historical cities of iran, zamin and khorasan. this event is a reinforcement of attention to
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the huge cultural commonality that exists between iran and afghanistan . cultural roots that are independent of borders geographically, depending on them, we can build a future for our countrymen. we are a family and that. the family has realized that the common handicrafts between iran and afghanistan, which are the achievements and handicrafts produced from the houses of herat to the houses of tabriz, can be a place of inspiration for cultural convergence. the purpose of the event that was held was to show the empathy and common language of the two nations. our area is like a tabrizi carpet or a herati carpet or a kermani carpet, which unfortunately because of the intervention of countries and colonial powers has torn the beautiful carpet into 10, 150 pieces, and each piece is isolated from him.
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as long as he is not aware of the whole, by holding such programs, we want to help that once again a carpet that has been torn into pieces , to find a connection once again and once again a connection and a civilizational self-awareness. in our region, from istanbul to afghanistan to uzbekistan to azerbaijan . the purpose of holding this program is to share the culture and literature of afghanistan in the neighboring country, centered around the city of herat, which is one of the great literary hubs of our country. a goal that was welcomed by the participants. the first ones we met with new people, with people who have knowledge and manners these are very important. our e-mail was very interesting and it made us create more relationships with new people and it was quite useful. on
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the sidelines of this cultural event, two books with the content of the history and literature of herat province were introduced . what would you do if you were here? the former french basketball star asked his followers on his virtual page. he had seen that he had published a map of france in the years 1947, 1967 and 2023, which was initially covered with the french flag, but gradually the zionist flag completely covered the map, and he was accused of anti-semitism . i did not see any anti-semitism in this post. them he just came to make a comparison. he was supposed to be the ambassador of the 2024 olympic games in paris. the side that was forced due to pressure. the olympic games also made a statement and said that the publication of this message violates gomes' requirement of neutrality. being accused of anti-semitism
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is not limited to well-known figures in the world. ordinary people and pro-palestinian students are also accused of anti-semitism by the authorities of pro-zionist countries and fired from their jobs. after posting an article in cyberspace and announcing my solidarity with the palestinian people , i received a notice from the company's human resources department saying that i was suspended from my job. appointment i wanted to participate in the cease-fire rally in gaza. the next morning i got a text from my manager saying i was fired, or a doctor at nyu who was fired after posting a message in support of the palestinian resistance. or a member of the providence city council who, after his support for the people and the company. he was fired at a pro-palestinian rally, or the sports reporter in philadelphia whose support for palestine caused him to lose his job. in
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my opinion, the dismissal is due. standing by our values ​​and supporting the palestinian people, who are experiencing a real genocide, contradicts the value host. the list of expulsions of palestine supporters in the world continues . everything has changed since october 7. i do not regret my support for palestine. no one should fear that he might lose his job by supporting palestine. it is our human duty to be with them. the new carpet is blessed, my daughter. you said you bought it in installments . yes, sir, beheshti carpet with heavenly installments.
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the big festival of the city of household appliances, for every 35 million tomans purchased in cash or in cash, one vacuum cleaner get a free gift with a reputable brand at the same time for a limited time at all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari .
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time . welcome to the football magazine program. we will start the program like the last few nights of the asian nations cup, korea, with difficulty from the trap of jordan.


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