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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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good morning, dear compatriots and respected companions of the khabar network. we arrived at 9 o'clock and the news of this section is that the review of the budget bill for the whole country for the next year has begun in the public square of the parliament. to know more details, we will join the reporter of sada wasima news agency , mrs. ali khani. for us, please, in the name of god, hello and good morning. i am serving you and the viewers of the news network of the session of the public hall of the majlis. before
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i talk about the review of the budget bill, let me say that mr. ghalib gave a speech before the order today and in the speech before their order , they congratulated and condoled the martyrdom of the iranian advisers in syria and said that the consecutive failures of the zionist regime in gaza made them sad and wanted dignity through terror. after that , the representatives started to review their first agenda , which is to review the details of the budget bill of 1403. before reviewing the bill, mr. ghalib conducted a vote in the parliament and with the agreement of the representatives, it was decided that the budget bill review sessions in three rounds should be reviewed in the parliament: morning, noon and night. similarly, according to the internal regulations of the parliament, when
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if the budget bill is included in the agenda of the parliament , no other orders will be considered in the open court. the representatives have been reviewing the details of the first chapter of the budget program bill for a few minutes . the review has just started, but what will be reviewed in detail is the adjustment of pensioners' salaries , the control of the budget deficit , and the increase of the government salary earners. what was approved in the budget bill in the consolidation commission was that the salaries of government employees will increase by 20% next year, and the salary floor for employees will be 10 million tomans and the salary floor for retirees will be 9 million tomans. these details were approved by the consolidation commission, now all the details approved by the consolidation commission are here in the public hall of the majlis. it will be checked and it should be seen
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whether the members of the parliament will agree with the approvals of the consolidation commission or if they will oppose it . another approval will be approved. very well , currently the representatives are expressing their opinions and suggestions regarding the first chapter of the budget bill. i think that by 11 o'clock, when my next contact is with you, we will have a discussion about this, which i will let you know. thank you very much, madam. ali khanani, a news reporter baharestan-based radio and television station , we say goodbye to you. we will review the budget bill for next year for the whole country . we will inform you about it in the next sections of the news, dear and respected countrymen . the extraordinary electronic auction of property will be held simultaneously in 14 provinces from today. according to the managing director of the property organization , there are about 1,500 categories in this auction. a product with
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a base value of 900 billion tomans will be offered. there are about 69 passenger cars in the provinces, most of them are in hormozgan, yazd and khuzestan provinces. 138 devices there are heavy road construction vehicles and mining vehicles with a value of 570 billion tomans. and other items are goods that have the ability to be offered in auctions with a value of 1100 billion tomans , which, god willing , will be available for people to visit from today until the 7th of bahman, god willing, in the offices of the general property administration throughout the country. various
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political and economic trends compete in the elections . the importance of elections in... the key to electing a strong parliament is in the hands of the people . there is a telegram channel that is playing across the country . you don't want a footballer to pay his insurance according to what he does. we don't agree with any kind of treatment. we don't agree with the trend debate on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 and 19:00 on the khabar today network. continued news the headquarters of the american central command in the sandcom region
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announced that a number of american soldiers were wounded at the ain al-asud base following a missile attack by the iraqi resistance. sandcom has announced these soldiers to determine the extent of brain damage. they underwent medical evaluation and examinations. yesterday evening, the iraqi media reported that 40 missiles were fired at the ain al-asad military base in western iraq they gave. reuters news agency also announced that this base was targeted by ballistic missiles and witnessed one of the most intense explosions. the iraqi resistance also announced that it targeted the ain al-asud base with advanced al-aqsaye missiles . the pentagon has announced that there have been about 140 rocket and missile attacks against american forces in iraq and syria in the last 3 months. however , according to the new york times, last night's attack on ain al-asud base is the most serious attack on american bases since the beginning of the gaza war. the iraqi resistance has declared
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until the united states of the crimes of the zionist regime supports, will continue these attacks. the conference on investigating the dimensions of the assassination of martyrs soleimani and al-muhandis in iraq after the martyrdom of sardar soleimani and abu mahdi al-muhandis , a committee was also formed to collect the legal documentation of the assassination of the resistance commanders. from that date onwards, meetings will be held in this regard. breathing alti is the american administration. the professors of international law held the first conference on the dimensions of the assassination of martyrs hajj qassem soleimani and abu mahdi al-muhandis at baghdad university. this conference has both a legal and a political dimension, and our goal is to complete the trial of criminals
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american is in the international arena. in this legal conference, political representatives of some countries including lebanon, syria, palestine, venezuela, yemen and the islamic republic. iran was also present so that, with the consensus of all international experts and international lawyers, such conferences should continue and that we can actually find solutions to hold governments like the united states accountable for these crimes on the night of the assassination. martyr hajj qassem soleimani also has unsaid things , some members of the investigation committee of the iraqi government, who asked that their names not be revealed. they said that the ajnahat al-sham flight was scheduled to fly from damascus to baghdad it was supposed to be done at 20:00 local time, but for unknown reasons, this passenger plane was delayed for more than two hours, and it was said that the reason was a technical fault. ajanhat al-sham airlines then
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flew from damascus to baghdad at 22:00 on thursday. it landed at baghdad airport at 126:00 on friday morning. several explosions can be heard at the city airport on the way out, and the american terrorists assassinated these two martyrs in a manly manner, and today the legal aspects of the martyrdom of the resistance commanders are being followed up again while the terrorists americans once again violated the sovereignty of iraq several orders. basij assassinated people in different cities of iraq. in this legal conference , it has also been tried to add the dimensions of the assassination of other commanders of the resistance axis in the four countries of iraq, syria, lebanon and palestine to the case of american crimes in the region
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. jalal khalidi of the broadcasting news agency, university of baghdad. israel. it targeted areas of southern lebanon. the zionist regime's fighters targeted the suburbs of al-adisa and misra located in the south of lebanon. regime. the zionists also fired a number of rockets towards al-abassieh town south lebanon shot. the zionists also attacked the outskirts of hula with prohibited phosphorous ammunition . lebanon's hezbollah announced targeting two gatherings of occupying soldiers in azurit and jalil barracks in the north of occupied palestine and announced that a number of zionists were killed and wounded in these attacks. until the next part of the news.
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stare at these photos, stare at them, god forbid, let the warmth of sleep leave the eyes of someone who reminds you of waking up, but standing is just our work, our story is not a story of sleep, come to heart. don't doubt that this river is not a swamp in the end, mr. dr. chamran
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, from his presence in the parliament and on the representative seats there are several picture frames available. dr. chamran. the position of minister of defense and mp at the same time, since the minister was not elected, he had to stay and did the work of the ministry of defense. the most important strategic issue for us is that there is no ground for a coup . and questions about the presence of the army in the body of the army have been proposed many times. to the officials who announce the disbandment of this force and that they are dangerous
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, if an army of 500,000 people wanted to fight with the nation , it would have killed millions, not 60,000 people, minimum pension don't pay attention to them completely , it is not known that they served in the previous regime, they swear to the great god , there are officers in this army that i prayed behind them with full courage and courage , and chamran because of his familiarity with the weaknesses in the structure . defense of the country to participate in the legislation of this area with a personal decision was a candidate for the parliament elections. 8 people were elected in the first round and were not drawn to the second round, and dr. chamran was one of those eight people. sir, 3 months have passed since he started working in the parliament, this man in a suit changed his clothes. the incident of a number of forces that are the same in the prime minister, a number of people's forces
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offered to serve him. from then on, the cameras of the parliament did not record a picture of dr. chamran because of his continuous presence in the southern fronts for more than a year as a camera photographer and the memory of this photographer and defense reporter. the holy one has clear memories of mustafa chamran in those days, the prosperous life of dr. chamran in america during the war. dr. chamran, with his background in scientific and guerilla activities, meets farooq, a graduate of berkeley university in america, in the field of plasma electronic physics, who works there in a company in america. but one of the days by chance, he finds out that his workplace is the largest producer of weapons for the zionist regime. saying that since then, i have researched where i can make up for my past when i worked in this company and help the oppressed who
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are against this regime . he had started a family there. the family left for lebanon . they are the director of jab al-amil industrial school. they are working in this conservatory. they do art work . there is a dormitory next to it. he was in the military and had military training seeing that they don't have the basic facilities of sleeping , living next to them , these kinds of stories are not lacking from him in the heart of wars from lebanon to iran. look around you, i will look for an original of the manuscripts , maybe i will find it like this, the souvenirs left by sama, his presence in the parliament
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is not unlike these statements, there will be a conflict that dr. chamran wrote this note that day. he writes in the parliament. last session , we witnessed impressive events in the parliament. i want to talk in society, my dear, never like that i did not expect that my friends, my brothers , my elders, those whom i respect, would beat each other like this. there are truths that should not be told. i feel guilty in front of my conscience and in front of my god. the most absent representative of the present parliament was this field. where he stayed for 10 months , he commanded the headquarters of irregular wars until his martyrdom. the prayer that he does in the car between ahvaz and dehlavi is in the
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last manuscript. hussain, you hugged each and every one of the martyrs , is it possible that moment when i was rolling in my own blood? we said that in the worship of that ascension , martyrs happen to people by spending this and achieving their own dreams, a burden from today that will make you fall down for a lifetime.
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mr. mojtabi , god bless you, don't be tired . introduce yourself. hello, don't be tired . i 'm setfan mojtabi with musa. i love people. where are you, kid? i range in the east, tehran. mr. mojtaba, a video was published a few days ago of you doing something that was not the duty of the police. we want to tell this story. it was a few nights ago. a lady in mohsen had called
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110 last year regarding relief. i was present at the position. that is, he said that the police want help. yes. it is our main duty that now i have come to this position, this servant of god, the citizen, declared that i have no means now, i cannot go to the pharmacy , he said, "can you get me medicine, and i got the prescription, i was sent to the police station with the coordination of the defendant's head, and i took the medicine and delivered it to the citizen." i gave it to you, did you see there was no fight or conflict? yes, a woman wanted medicine, yes, and she couldn't go by herself . god's servant had also suffered from these cases, i said, god forbid, the worst thing happened to this citizen, it was not possible for him to go
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because no, unfortunately, because it had been a long time, as he said, he did not use it. hello, mother , what's wrong, mother? hello, dear shagi, i want to say that i got the saline from the pharmacy. yes, it was my time on the 27th. i've been sick for two days, i couldn't go and get my insulin. now it's my turn for insulin. yes, it was my turn two days ago. give me your national card. this is a smart card. i'll tell the pharmacy to give you your insulin. mother, you're in the middle of your duties . i saw this as 10 beers. he is sitting on the steps of his house with his cane. she is beside her and asks me for help. i really said, why should i disappoint her? when i looked into this woman's eyes, i felt
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that i was really looking into my own mother's eyes . why should i just pass her by? i have to give up i hit him on the chest and you went to the pharmacy. yes, doctor , hello, hello, you made the purchase. ah, chief kallan, you paid the amount and then you took
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the medicine there. what did he say to haj khanum ? give me your son, think that i am your son , i bought your son for you. a person who doesn't take money from his mother takes money from his mother . i bought your mother for you. i would also like to thank those brothers and honorable heads of the red crescent society who are present in this meeting, and god willing , we will be able to conclude with the conclusion that we have today. may we be blessed to help people. the oppressed people of gaza, dear brothers and sisters , now that we are sitting here, a significant number
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of the oppressed people of palestine and gaza are under barrage of rockets and brutal crimes of the occupation regime of al-quds , they have no biological shelter, they have no facilities in terms of medicine and equipment. he will lose his life or he will be injured and become homeless. i will present five or six cases of forced migration to you and then i will tell you the goals of this conference. we know very well that now the main infrastructures such as water and electricity and acts of hunger forcefully. to the people, especially the civilians, and the all-round and unfair siege is one of the goals of the kasbah regime , which is really imposing this on those
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dear ones. baran attacks and rockets attack civilians and target civilian populations, including the elderly, women, children, the sick, their homes , medical centers, and places of worship. the apparatus considers mosques and all this as a military target and attacks them. bombers and rocket launchers of service centers and targeting service personnel such as hospital personnel such as personnel of firefighting centers and ambulance centers the volunteer staffs and loved ones of the red crescent and places that are completely. he is targeting.
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you can clearly see direct and deliberate attacks on hospitals and aid centers such as ambulances in clips, videos and news. carrying out violent actions that lead to displacement and forcing civilians into the street, and attacking and assaulting groups under kanwan's protection. geneva, including reporters and journalists who do not allow the news to be covered properly. these are the actions and crimes that the dictator regime is doing now. and none equals the provisions of the four geneva conventions, esp additional protocols. and we from the criminal court. we asked the international community and announced the declaration of crimes to help dear brothers today if we
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made the right decision. let's not take it. today, if we don't act correctly , history will judge us. our children will judge us. what were you doing in this day and age, if mr. hanri, who was the producer of the red cross and halal red, what would he want from us but to enter? help the injured, help the poor , help johin, help the displaced , what else did he want, so we have to act, it seems. despite the efforts made by the international institutions, it has not been successful. until now, every truck that wants to deliver relief items to the people as a relief truck is only inspected for more than 14 days, and
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enough people are detained. people did not arrive. hunger, lack of medicine, lack of equipment, proper treatment for the elderly is not at all in good condition, they have no fuel , they have no electricity, hospitals and medical centers are severely affected, so we sat down today to think about these things and if we can't take effective action today. let's do it for sure be sure that history will judge us badly, our children will later judge us as bad officials . the
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occupying regime and we must do this and help. i offer my condolences to the families of the martyrs, the oppressed martyrs of gaza and wish for a speedy recovery for their injured. i want immediate intervention to stop the aggression against the palestinian people, especially gaza, and to open corridors and borders for humanitarian aid to arrive. we are security. enough we want for red crescent and red cross employees. i remember the honorable head of the red cross informed me that the qasab regime wrote to them to evacuate there , their forces to evacuate there, but they stood firm and did not evacuate their forces. today we have to show our work, today we
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have to deliver our activities and services, today we have to defend my profession, defend our job, defend our clothes. we all know that the crimes committed by the occupying regime are completely against conscience and human and religious values. none with human, religious, moral and human values ​​do not match. it is necessary to end these crimes as soon as possible . otherwise, we should all know that human society is in a new danger and if we do not take action in this regard , we will regret it later. one of the names of the day of resurrection is yom al-hasaneh. we did not give
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, with blessings upon muhammad and his family , in the presence of you, those interested in news. the asian nations cup football tournament continued with the suspension of south korea and the victory of bahrain in the fifth group of this competition south jordan reached a 2/2 draw while the koreans were one behind the opponent until the final moments of the second game. for korea in this game, son heungmin from the penalty spot and yazan al arab, a jordanian player , scored the two goals of the jordanians, park young. and the korean player.


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