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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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sweep away the gifts in isfahan and sari, the city of home music in the name of allah, rahman, raheem, salam , join us with the news section at 12 o'clock, afghan news sources reported the crash of a passenger plane in the badakhshan region of this country. according to the local media of afghanistan, the plane seen belonged to india and it crashed in badakhshan on the way to kabul last night. this plane had 65 passengers and 6 crew members. additional information about the cause of the plane crash has not yet been announced. growth 45.
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according to the minister of health, the razi festival is the symbol of the country's research, which this year was attended by 804 people from distinguished scientists are held and 67 people whose research has benefited people in various fields are appreciated. one of the important points that has been paid more attention in these two years is the issue of technologies, the issue is that it is not just about producing the article we want, but also about doing something that will actually benefit the people. that they should use it and according to the order of the supreme leader in the discussion of software movements and that we can use our own internal capabilities to actually improve the country. one thing
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an interesting statistic that i would like to share with you is that 40% of the production of equipment needed in our country is done by scientific companies, many of the hospitals , we were able to open nearly 16,000 hospital beds, and many of these equipments are made by science-based companies. it has been used , so those who work in scientific companies , those who have productions, these are appreciated. the opportunity to register the candidates of the 12th parliamentary elections in the television advertising system was extended by 3 days, according to the announcement number two of the election headquarters of sed and sima , candidates for the parliament representatives to use the opportunity television advertisements have until tuesday, the third of bahman, to register by referring to the system of the election headquarters under the symbol em 1400.r. radio in order to provide advertising opportunities for election candidates. esfand
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launched 20 television channels in all provinces. various political and economic trends compete in the elections . the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people. telegram channel is playing across the country. why are you making prices this month? interesting question. we do not agree with the higher debate tendencies on the threshold elections are held every day at 15:00 hrs on khabar channel. from giving
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free land to families with four children to preparing mosques for family retreats in this week's iran javan report, hello , what happened to the task of giving free land to families who have at least 4 children under 20 years old ? is it established or not? allocation of land to these families in the law. the budget of 1402 had been approved, and its implementation in 1403 was accompanied by some ups and downs. last week , however, the parliament passed a new resolution on the assignment for the year the future also brightened. it was decided that the ministry of roads and urban development will provide free residential land to them next year. by referring to the national window system of services for families with four children, the applicant for these lands can be registered at the address of seman.
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for their milk powder, because they were born prematurely , bezizi went to see this family and promised that in addition to the milk, which is specially for the children , i will also contribute to the provision of other things they need, and we offer them to you, including the provision of equipment. the baby's grandmother requested a warning device for deaf parents to be informed from the condition of the children, when the children wake up , this bright flash turns off and they notice. last year, some mosques of the country hosted this group of pilgrims. i thought it would be much harder than this. it is much more beautiful than when they come single and alone now. mothers who were able to participate in itikaf with their small children. this year, the number of mosques where mother and
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child retreats are held has increased. some mosques have mother and daughter or father and son retreats. the names of these mosques in each city with one search. it does not have a political aspect, but it has a vital aspect. week in the past, the leader of the revolution's reference to one of the vital issues of the country, the problem of the youth of the population , came to why foreign efforts to threaten the population of iran. finally, a country with all these material facilities and resources and what and what and leadership position. geographically and this words, now it has a population of, for example, 150 million to 200 million , with this talented population that our country has , it is a great danger for them from the point of view of the leader of the revolution , in addition to foreign efforts
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, there should be enlightenment about the various dimensions of the internal errors of this generation's threat , we made a mistake in the decade 70 who raised this issue followed by this, people should be told that it is a part of historical facts. you can see about this topic in max beshr's documentary, "less life is better , two children are better, harmless pills, threat" means limiting a 15-minute tv documentary that you can find on tv or search engines . the united nations, which had been weak in 8 years of imposed war and all kinds of open human rights cases against our country, is suddenly visiting iran, and the result is less children. better life in the first governments after the war imposed by zeinab chekhmaghi, sda news agency, the 14th week of anti-zionist protests in france, participants in this demonstration
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, they criticized the inaction of the international community regarding the zionist regime's crime against the palestinian nation. supporters of palestine in france held demonstrations and marches in different cities this week. in paris, the capital, republic square once again. the demonstration you see is a gathering of french men and women in condemnation of the european leaders' complicity with the crimes of the israeli occupation regime. in the 14th consecutive week of global protests against the crimes of the zionist regime, the freedom-loving french and our muslims living in france continue to demand the mobilization of international and european assemblies in order to establish a ceasefire in gaza.
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we ask france and europe to end their arms support to israel in order to stop the war in gaza. in about 10 days, that is, when the european union summit will be held there , they will have a protest rally. shahsabar hosseini of paris radio and television agency. the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah said that
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the zionists' retreats represent the entry into the next phase of the war. volga storm shows failure in pronoun. trapped and defeated, gaza constantly refers to withdrawal as the transition to the next stage . this is part of the message.
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for many years above the holy mosque of jame karan has come on the sidelines of this conference, the flag of al-sart al-hussein was presented to ibrahim al-dilami, the yemeni ambassador to iran, with the slogan of bloodshed for revenge against the oppressors, in recognition of the yemeni people's passionate support for palestine these days. today, revenge against the zionist enemy and the united states is an example of slogans or sacrifices. al-hussein is supporting the oppressed people of palestine who, as the yemenis say, will not give up, no matter how much it
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costs. this is our religious and moral duty. we will continue this way until the zionist crimes stop. what about the children of iran among the nation of submission and faith? at the end of this conference from the translation of several books that won the palestinian world book award.
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all the arabs of yemen, all the arabs of yemen, all the arabs of yemen, all the arabs of yemen, and the sound of the voice, the sound of the sound, the sound of the voice
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, we will die on the sabbath, or yemen al-khanjan in the red sea, register, or yemen al-khanjar, register, or yemen , al-khanjar, register, or yemen, al-khanjar, yes, we are with al-muhan. brother of yemen, burak , in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light of god
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, god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great. allah testifies that muhammad is the messenger of allah. he testifies that muhammad is the messenger of allah
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. he testifies that he is the highest. and the guardian of allah is the witness that he is the highest. long live ali salah. hai ali al falah hai ali al falah hai
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ali khair al-hay ali khair al-alam allah akbar allah akbar la ilaha illa allah
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the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. in the name of god, greetings, politeness and respect to each and every one of you, dear and respected viewers of the special higher program of the leader of the revolution, in recent meetings, they themselves
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called the real competition one of the important pillars of the election, in the sense that it is a field for the presence of views and trends. different political , economic and cultural intellectuals should be open so that all these currents and intellectual views can have an active presence in the big election race. one of the issues on which experts disagree is the issue of determining the authority of determining the city rate of azadeh university, which we want to discuss with experts who agree and disagree about it , to see where this authority should be. well , mr. mousavi, a professor of the islamic azad university, is present in the special studio of the higher program. also, mr. omrai, a member of the transparency and justice watch training commission, mr. omrai , please tell me what you think.
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where is your question about the pricing reference? yes, see. in fact, we have a law , yes, we have a law, the law of the permanent provisions of the country's development programs. in this law, in article 1 of this law , it is stated that universities , centers of higher education and research institutions, academies and science and technology parks that have permission from the development council higher education , ministry of science, research, technology, health , medical education and other legal authorities are within the approved framework. and the administrative, financial , transactional and employment regulations approved by the board of trustees , that is, azad university, according to article 1 of this law, it is stated that regarding the tariffs, tuition fees and in fact, the employees, both organizationally and structurally
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, act according to the approvals of the board of trustees, and it is mentioned somewhere that these approvals must be approved by the ministries of science, health, and medical education. for this reason, we feel that the azad university itself is determining these tuition fees , although it is stated in the following article that it must be approved by the ministry. in fact, they determine the tuition fee , and the ministry also determines a minimum unit for them in the framework of which they move forward at the minimum and maximum , do you think what harm can be caused by the fact that the azad university itself is doing this work , or do you basically think that it is the right thing to do? you see, we believe that any device , be it azad university or any other device, until it is not placed under the umbrella of transparency, i will clearly
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state in this program, until it is not placed under the umbrella of transparency , there is a possibility of theft in that device, which means that we must have a transparent device. okay, if we want to determine the tuition fee, in every university , there must be monitoring bodies, and even i must the monitoring systems monitor the determination of tuition fees, whether they are minimum or maximum. you can see the protests that are currently being held regarding tuition fees, especially in the field of medical sciences, especially in the master's degree and doctorate programs , it shows that this is actually stopping the work we are doing. it definitely requires supervision, and if there was supervision, we would witness this lawlessness and protests at the university level and university students. in your opinion , which one of the authorities should come in and set the price for the tuition fee? see
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, azad university, from the legal point of view, its duty is unclear now , it is mentioned in article 5 of the azad university statutes that the university is a non-public institution, in fact, non-governmental , in such a way that we do not have such a word in the legal system. azad university should be reformed, and based on that reform , it will automatically be placed in the monitoring framework , and i will continue to serve you, mr. mousavi. and all the dear ones who are watching us, although azad university is facing a series of tensions and a series of challenges
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, but we must also focus on the advantages and on a series of benefits that azad university has had for the country. it has a branch, it has a unit, many students who were not able to study in the government university are now studying in the university, the issue of job creation is many employees, workers , many professors are working full-time, part-time and part-time. it has taken away from the shoulders of our country's higher education, but there are many problems in the university that need to be solved, and no one can. if you deny this, the problems should also be categorized .
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also mentioning it now, in your opinion , azad university itself, well, naturally, now it is setting its own urban price, in your opinion, which authority should do this work , whether azad university itself is doing this work or not, naturally, it should be somewhere else , azad university has it does this, but if we want to have a supervision over the university. that should be the same , these tuition fees should be determined province by province and city by city in consultation with higher education and the same regulatory body that is operating, that is, we cannot make one prescription for everyone, for example, for this field, this amount should be to pay their fixed sharia, their temporary sharia and their variable sharia, azad universities should be open , but with the supervisions that are done, with these supervisions, we should leave azad university's hands free to
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determine the tuition fees. it is good to be able to have a free administration, but as mr. omrai said, wherever there is no supervision , there is definitely corruption. i completely agree with mr. omrai on this matter. there should be supervision. in general, the problems of our country fall into two groups, one is a matter of management and the other is management. the discussion of supervision of these two, if it is corrected in azad university, especially that is the topic of our discussion now. discuss the tuition fees will also be removed, so you are saying that the tuition fee of the former kamafs should be in the hands of the azad university . my opinion is that it should be, but there should be more supervision. mr. amrai , what do you think about mr. mousavi's statement? regarding the decision of a city to play a role, we do not actually have a say in this matter, but it can only be a proposal, that is, according to the inflation rate in iran and
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according to other issues, azad university can request an increase in tuition fees to a certain amount. for example, the guardian of this case, such as the ministry of science and education he is in charge of excellence and in the fields of medical sciences of azad university , give this proposal to the ministry of health. in my opinion, this tuition rate determination should be made solely by azad university, or not, if it wants to, in fact, in the tuition rate determination meetings take part. to have one vote in a meeting of 5 or 7 people to form a council and azad university to have one vote that the board of trustees of azad university should have one vote regarding the determination of tuition fees in recent years. that if it is not clear, we will surely get into trouble and feelings i think we should monitor the cities and
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reduce azad university's role in determining the tuition rate. in your opinion, this market that exists now regarding higher education for azad university is a competitive market or a monopoly market because we want to step forward. step by step towards which authority should come to enter and set the price. i should have said a point from the beginning . azad university, which has been established for about 41 years, must have some help in higher education. he has done to our country and certainly one of the successes we had in terms of science different eras definitely owe the education system to azad university, but this does not make us remove the monitoring umbrella from azad university or consider azad university as exempt from transparency because of some successes and contributions that have actually been made with higher education. education in the university. in fact, let's get to your question . in my opinion, two components should play a role in the university tuition , one is inflation and the other is the general level.
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to make education more competitive, in fact, education in your own university , consider whether azad university has been able to achieve the same level of education with the annual tuition fee increase. improve the education, that is , have you been able to improve the workshops in the fields that are actually engineering, or in the fields of medical sciences in azad university , are our laboratories or our hospitals or our hospital beds equipped, really? i want to say that if these tuition fees are accompanied by the improvement of the education level and the quality level in the university, it will definitely be liked and satisfied by the society. it is a problem so far in my opinion. well , compared to the year 1980 , there must be some improvements. it has been achieved, but a lot of progress should have been made in various subjects, especially the field of medical sciences, because we have reports about
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the hospitals under the supervision of the azad university and the azad universities of medical sciences, which are not in good condition in some units, and for this reason, we feel that if there is this monitoring umbrella , the problem will be solved. let me say something in parentheses so that we don't go to mr. mousavi, that we invited the officials of islamic azad university who were present in the program to answer the points raised by the critics , but for whatever reason, they did not agree. not being present in the program, mr. mousavi is present as a professor of azad university islamic, mr. mousavi, do you agree with mr. amrai or not ? do you think that the quality of educational services has increased in proportion to the increase in tuition fees ? it didn't. in some
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cases, it really didn't work.


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