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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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gilna publications in the name of allah rahman raheem. look at the smiling sun , say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the pilgrimage day of agha imam reza
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, peace be upon him, to makkah, good morning, welcome to today's reporter , god willing, may you be well. on the blessed birth of hazrat jawad al-uma , peace be upon you, i would like to congratulate you and invite you to join us on today's program from bab al-jawad to bab al-murad. take it with the prophets
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, there is no way from the scene of the father to the scene of the son. the advent of imam zaman, pray, come kazemin and leave the fart , come with. your presence, sir , call for the emergence of the imam of your time, son of imam rezaei, i love you, god , son of imam rezaei.
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good morning, dear viewers , the publishing festival is scheduled to be held today. mr. ali akbar ebrahimi, the director general of the publishing office of the ministry of culture and islamic guidance , is the guest of the first part of the conversation. hello, good morning , welcome. and your colleagues and also to the noble people of iran. and i congratulate you on the birthday of imam javad and the service of all the noble nation of iran . peace be upon you from the festival to the viewers what is the program? today , we have the closing ceremony of the 23rd national festival of industry and printing, and we had a series of programs during the 23rd festival, from specialized meetings to the holy gathering, as well as the printing provincial celebrations that took place
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over the past 3 months. it was held all over the country and today we have the conclusion of this program in the ceremony of appreciation for your business and in fact the top activists of the printing industry and we will also have a discussion about the awardees in the bi-annual section. the best printed works. also, thanks to god, today we will unveil four knowledge-based products in the field consumption of the country's printing industry, which, alhamdulillah , we have achieved by the young scholars of the country, which, god willing, can be a basis for actually preventing imports and also achieving complete self-sufficiency. in relation to
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actually consumer products that can be mentioned in this regard, the discussion of obtaining the technical knowledge of zic production. one of the key items in the field of printing industry, especially in the offset printing method, is that we , the activists and hard workers of this industry, actually need these raw materials or printed items to produce a work , which is actually the plate or design of a printed work. for use on the package. in print actually it is used and we actually have this type of product or the raw materials for its production in the hands of four countries in the world, such as china, america, japan, and
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germany, thanks to which we were able to produce it. it was good and indeed. those who use a part of this plate are actually satisfied and we are ready to start the factory and produce this part . god willing, we will be able to get the support of the government in this sector indeed, one of our knowledge-based companies can actually. the production of the printed items will be produced by us. the time is not clear when it will start. inshallah, we will start the ceremony. in fact, we will start the collection collection. god willing, after 18 months, less than 18 months
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, god willing. in fact, domestic production will be available to the activists of this document . after that, 100% of consumption will be domestic or part of the sector will be treated as in the past. currently , according to the conditions for starting work , we will do about 40% of your production. god willing, the rest the items and production lines to complete this part that is needed by the printing industry will continue to be produced, god willing, and the issue of the one and a half year that you mentioned means that we must say that it is a period of time, and when will it be after that? a year actually this year. we should be able to provide these plates or raw materials to the activists as soon as possible . in fact, our next product is two inks, which in fact
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are already available in 5 countries in the world. god willing, we will be the sixth country that in fact, in this production of these raw materials under the title the ink will be used in the field of fabric production and substrate, god willing, and also our next discussion, the ink is actually on the banner substrate, which is used in the field of advertising, and our fourth product is toner, which is used in digital devices. esfadeh is in mourning, only one country and we are the second country that has achieved this . in fact , what stage are we in paper raw materials and paper self- sufficiency now? in fact, one of
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the other key products is paper, and we are actually in the field of printing publication is used. with the follow-ups in the last two years by the 13th government and centered on the ministry of culture and islamic guidance and mr. wazir personally, as well as the vice president of cultural affairs , alhamdulillah, the mazandaran paper factory has actually been able to become self-sufficient in the issue of consumables for book production and understanding of textbooks in the country. reach and we hope according to
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which is going to be held today, it is again in the field of culture, there is a persian sugar conference , let's see a report about it together , we will come back and talk more about persian sugar. wherever they plant a sapling of friendship in me, the garden of peace and reconciliation my gardener is persian. all of us have occasionally seen those who come to iran to learn persian language and participated in courses called knowledge enhancement . hi hi. and now the teachers of these students who are interested in persian language are going to be in a program with him. professors, researchers and experts
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in this field can, as those who can , present themselves at this level of the persian sugar conference to receive the persian sugar badge. and capacity. according to the announcement of the secretariat of persian sugar conference jihadi approach and transformation in the field of preserving the persian language is one of the axes of this conference. we did a research that unfortunately, 70-80% of the design space is going towards foreign and latin letters, and we felt a danger from this point of view that we should finish the training seriously. or the campaigns that are
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happening, we should not neglect to protect the persian language. re-creation in the field of calligraphy and writing in advertising is based on iranian culture. neda safari, radio and television news agency. well, just like that. as i said , in this section, we are going to talk about persian sugar, mr. abbas mohammadian, the general manager of the office advertisements and information from the ministry of culture, islamic culture, are our guests. hello, good morning, welcome . hello, i would like to ask you and the viewers about the parsi festival, what is the purpose of holding it, and what is the program for today? farhang irshad is one of the priority programs of his own maintenance and protection. and siyant is in farsi language. in this way, we in the general department of publicity and information
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of the ministry of education and culture organized a program called the persian sugar conference, so called , it will be held today, and this conference will be held with the help of god. it is derived from the efforts of all friends in all media and advertising capacities, that one year of hard work in preserving and protecting the persian language, those who promote the persian language in this field, god willing, will take steps in this conference by the judges who were selected and the programs that it is predicted that he will be honored in this event . there was an announcement before this and whether people participated in this field or not . did you know yourself? cultural and persian language promoters who the announcement was issued
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by the honorable minister that this conference of the secretariat has started its work and this year and today, god willing, with the help of god , the hard work that the friends of the secretariat have done for a year and collecting works, god willing, has been judged and god willing, the winners of this arena, god willing. we will have permission, god willing, what are the themes of this call, that is, in what formats, the formats are mostly in the field of advertising and media, and the teaching styles, and the different methods of the authors in the field of preserving the persian language in the neighboring countries, how many participants did we have and how many to be chosen 2,124 works have reached the secretariat, and today , god willing, we have rejected about 11 people. who will receive the sign of the persian century, inshallah , on what basis and with what indicators
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was it made, more indicators and criteria to discuss the preservation of the persian language itself, the originality of the persian language, the writing of the persian language, and the meaning of the concept derived from the so-called crazy persian language after this , what is your plan regarding the issue of persian language ? god willing , we will activate this secretariat in the ministry on a permanent basis in all provinces. tamar is a memorial that is a sign. farsi will also be unveiled, god willing, which will be one of the special programs that will receive attention. what are you going to do in the topic of persian language maintenance that you mentioned? what is your specific plan? god willing, in the field of culture building, in the field of introducing the future generation of the system to the rich culture of the persian language, which
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is a 2000 year old culture of the cultural civilization of our dear country . of all the important advertising and media capacities at the disposal of the ministry of culture there is guidance, whether in the field of art or in the so-called field of music or in the fields of advertising and communication, god willing, we will use it so that we can optimize the culture widely , god willing, and spread it to all the dear people of our country, god willing. regarding collections that do not pay attention to this issue, i.e. persian language and persian literature are not taken into account in the naming of the activities, the naming of the programs they have and even the signs that are used. had to see the law of the ban on the use of
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he identified and announced foreign reforms, and we as law enforcers. first, they will be notified in the sardarab system, they must obtain a permit, and after that, god willing , friends will be warned if they do not comply with the so-called persian language prohibition law , they will be introduced to supervisory institutions and places to
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deal with them, and if god willing, they will be confronted. not us , because our persian language is an identity language, a national language, and a mother tongue, and we all have concerns that , god willing, we should give special importance to the preservation of this persian language. a device for whom the duties of the city are specified in the city law are of special importance in relation to the persian language. we express our concern about the trend that is ahead of us in the future and with regard to the global village. communication, which is being talked about all over the world today, we should have more special and complete programs at all levels and all capacities to protect the persian language , god willing. broadcaster, ms. azarfam, hello, good morning
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, mr. hosseini, greetings to you and the viewers of khabar network good morning we are with you with an overview of today's news and events. the news and events that my colleagues in specialized groups in seda and sima news agencies are obliged to cover. today, according to the routine of every monday, the meeting of the supreme judicial council will be held. i am talking about this with mr. khayamdar, the editor of the food group. mr. khayamdar, hello, good morning. hello and courtesy. your service with respectable colleagues and also dear viewers of khabar network. today's agenda. the discussion of the follow up of the provincial approvals will be followed up . there are some trips of the head of the approval authority who are following up on their implementation, especially the deposition of goods in
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the warehouses of the property organization, as well as the deposit of goods in the customs, if you can get these goods , the basic goods will be cleared sooner and reach the people. another part that will be discussed in the meeting today is the discussion of strengthening the institution of peace and reconciliation in the judiciary , whose responsibility lies with the councils. there is a solution to the dispute. it is supposed to strengthen the institution of peace and compromise and prevent the cases from entering the judicial courts . for the food department, they receive a report of their own performance in the last week, and also the most important cases that have been dealt with. thankful from your explanation. mr. hosseini is with you. thank you very much, madam, and mr. khimdar, the editor of the legal and judicial department of sada and sima news agency, but today , 114 darul
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-quran basij are going to be opened all over the country. hello, good morning , welcome, in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, greetings and courtesy to you and all the viewers. respected, i would like to congratulate you on the birthday of imam javad (peace be upon him) . please tell me what is the program for today. well, one of the basic programs that is followed in the basij is the issue of the quran. yes, this year we will open 114 dar al-qur'an, god willing, which was followed up about a year ago to open in 114 cities where there was a serious need. the qur'an should create a suitable space with the help of the people, because the basij is basically a service of the people for the people
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. the partial help that we provide from basij, these spaces are prepared so that quranic activities can start in them . we are looking for the mosques to become the bases of the quran and the maximum presence of the basij in the mosques . these darul-qurans will be opened in the cities and the main goal of these darul-qurans is to turn the mosques into the bases of the quran. dar al-qur'an should start working in that mosque and follow quranic activities, and our second goal
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, that is, our main goal is actually to convert 10 million quran memorizers, that is, to create 10 million quran memorizers across the country, which is what we are pursuing. until these mosques become the base of the quran quranic schools should lead the mosques of the city , that is, in this sense, i suggest that there should be branches of that dar al-qur'an in the mosques, that is, if a mosque wants
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to have the topic of the quran and quranic programs, it must be under supervision, we must say that the supervision of this dar al-qur'an should be called by this dar al-qur'an. the teacher should train first of all for these mosques in terms of content , that is, there is a place that specifically seeks to know the mosques in its own branch, and if there is anything, it should be resolved in this darul- qur'an. these collections are meant for you to follow the topic of memorizing the quran is it in your order, is it your priority or not, other quranic programs? well, i told you, according to the order of notification that was sent to basij two years ago, we should look for the same 10 million quran memorizers. the demand of hazrat agha, who said about 12 years ago, well , we are looking for it, if we open dar al-qur'an , so that the 10 million memorizers
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of the quran will be realized . we are 10 million quran memorizers . what stage are you at now? well, now about 12,800 mosques are becoming quran bases. the levels are moving forward. these are ready to be opened, and the necessary equipment should be delivered to them , so that they can be opened in other cities, god willing, until , god willing , they will reach the limit of 500 dar al-quran . for next year, god willing, 122 more will be opened. we hope that there will be a total of 236 dar al-qur'an and we hope to be able to reach 500 dar al-qur'an in the third year, god willing
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. how are these 114 scattered in the country? in which provinces is it more? fars provinces, khuzestan provinces and khorasan razavi is more scattered, but they are almost present in all provinces, maybe there are two or three provinces where we don't have dar al-qur'an, they haven't been opened, but in the next year there will be 12, 122 dar al-qur'an, which will be opened, god willing. how do we identify your target community and attract them to these centers? well, the target society is the qur'an. quranic students are in mosques, because the instructors in mosques are often not at a very high level, for example, those quranic heroes, according to hazrat agha, must eventually grow somewhere , and then we will show them in the cities that this dar al-qur'an is supposed to bring those elite quranic heroes who are in mosques and nurture them one by one.
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the target community of these dar al-qur'an are both the general public and the basij. thank you very much, mr. leami, for your presence in the salam reporter program . be with us, dear viewers. let's go to the glass hall of the sed and broadcasting news agency. mrs. azarfan , please, please, mrs. azerphone. i am with you, my soul, iran, the home of good gems , in the mirror of the era of your love, in my life , you threw a storm of bad eyes from your canvas, round, round, round. home country
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and our nation, the flag of iran is all glorified above the battle of the brave , and may your beautiful heart be happy, as long as your name is heard over the world, the old and the young, and the burial, sing it now, now. my life, iran, the home of good people , the jewel of tavand, has come to our era, all of us are children, and you are the mother of iran , all of us are in your arms, the life of the moon, delafrooz, my soul, my soul, the love of the night and the day, the love of iran, your love in
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my life . good morning, viewer. dear friends, hello , reporter, join us today . we are approaching the news section at 7 o'clock. we will see the news. god willing , i will be with you after the news with the continuation of today's program. other news events that will happen today. we will check the incident in different formats and the presence of guests or reporters of these areas and we will inform you, dear viewers , about these events
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. mr. tehrani, hello, good morning , mr. hosseini, greetings to you and greetings to the morning viewers of khabar network. in the name of allah, the most merciful , you accompany us with the news section at 7 am. the leader of the revolution's criticism on the poster of the martyrs congress of the air force was unveiled in this ceremony, which was attended by the chairman of the assembly of the commanders of the revolutionary guard corps and a group of families of the martyrs of the air force. it was held at shahid sattari university and the families of 63 martyrs were honored. god bless muhammad and speedy tomorrow.


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