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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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performed by my colleague, mr. shayan mehr, mr. shayan mehr , greetings to you, thank you, mrs. hosseini , i also say hello to you, dear viewers , well , we are at your service with a special election program, today we are going to have a debate about whether the development of iranian medicine should it be done through experience or does it require a university education? in this program, we will have a discussion with two of the guests and we will offer you a debate. follow on the news network the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key. it is in the hands of the people. iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram channel that plays across the country . why are you setting prices this month? it's an interesting question
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. we don't want to be a football manager. higher , higher than any dream, today, wherever we are, tomorrow is higher. well, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings and a good time . i am at your service, dear viewers of the khabar network . we are proudly at your service with another higher program. traditional iranian medicine has been emphasized and since 1986, a chapter has been added to university courses in the field of health, and people who are interested can
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complete their own specialized degrees in this field and in the field of iranian medicine. but the controversy that exists is that some experts and healers in the traditional field of this medicine believe that they can continue their activities without university education and do not need university education in this field. but on the other hand, some believe that in order to verify the authenticity of people , it is necessary that these people. through university education, show relevant documents and then from that, they are given a license to operate. we will follow up on this issue today with two of the guests who accepted the effort and joined today's above . please follow us until the end. well , i will introduce our guests.
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i would like to thank mr. gholamreza kord afshari, a doctor and specialist in iranian medicine, and mr. ali areste, a researcher in this field, who accepted the trouble and appeared in this program today . see the report, we will come back and we will be at your service by continuing the conversation. hossein ali rezaei active in traditional iranian islamic medicine based on qur'anic points and reliable narrations of the innocents and by a few iranian seminary scientists following dozens of years of study, research, clinical verification and field experiences. if the doctors of khomed become familiar with iranian islamic medicine and apply it , it will be a turning point in medical science, and medicine will be divided into two periods: before iranian islamic medicine and after iranian islamic medicine, which
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will certainly cause and treat diseases. . although the teaching of this medicine to those who are interested and non-doctors who do internships under the supervision of experienced professors have passed is also possible. nafiseh hosseini yekta, director general of the iranian medicine office and supplementary to the ministry of health. some people, who are neither doctors nor have completed the course of iranian medicine, intervene in the treatment with medicinal practices such as cupping, chafing and leech therapy, regardless of the age and illness of the people, which can cause uncompensated complications. to follow for the patient. to protect their health, people should only go to authorized centers under the supervision of the ministry of health. valiullah alizadeh is a researcher and author of traditional medicine. none of the great sages of traditional medicine studied in any university are but now their books are studied and taught as sources of traditional medicine. common traditional medicine is definitely much broader and deeper than what is taught in the university. proof that the specialists of this academic field themselves. they
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do not believe as an independent specialty that they can treat independently without the need for chemical medicine. javad ahmadian, vice president of medicine, tabriz university of medical sciences. the certificates issued regarding the short-term courses of traditional medicine must be approved by the management of traditional medicine of the vice-chancellor of treatment of medical sciences universities, otherwise it is illegal and unauthorized. have any diagnostic therapeutic intervention and yada practices by attari are prohibited, but unfortunately, some attari intervene in the treatment by taking diagnostic measures of linguistic divination and yadav practices such as cupping and leech therapy. hamid sefat baqa, a member of tehran attaran union. many people's doctors. they consider the traditional to be uneducated and inexperienced. some experimental colleagues do not accept the new science, which both views are wrong. for the growth and excellence of traditional medicine, away from extremism , the capabilities of old and new science should be used to safety . because there are also successful people in the corona era there were those who
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learned new science along with experimental traditional medicine. people of traditional and islamic medicine, with the help of fever diagnosis and the appearance of people , have mastered sustainable treatment solutions that people of modern medicine have little or no use for. dr. roshank matbari nejad, president of the scientific association of traditional medicine of iran , neither iranian medicine nor conventional medicine is perfect, each has its own capabilities and together they are complete. and the result is satisfactory when the treatment is done by someone who is familiar with both fields of traditional medicine and traditional medicine has complete nobility, but the officials of the health system must use the indigenous knowledge of those in the corners of the country. it uses the experiences of past generations to make a plan. well, thank you for watching the report .
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i will start the conversation with mr. arase. mr. arase, basically , what is the difference between traditional iranian medicine and what people know as conventional medicine or conventional medicine. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most common medical schools in our country it is used now, there is a branch of traditional medicine that has these branches, it is the traditional medicine of iran, the traditional medicine of india and china, and every country has its own traditional medicine. the one in our country means that we have a general category of traditional medicine, then its subcategories, according to the current situation. geographically changes, traditional chinese, iranian and indian medicine and these, yes, the place of marriage is different in terms of geography. at present, its use is not possible. for example, in our country, indian traditional medicine is even used by some people, but basically iranian traditional medicine is a subset of a further category called traditional medicine. in fact, there is medicine that is being used now , there is also a branch of common medicine, this is the new medicine
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that is based on a purely experimental methodology , this is what our country and almost all countries have now . we have that it is based on verses and hadiths, now the new one that i am talking about is because the new thing has been proposed under the name of islamic medicine, which now has two branches, we have a narrative medicine, an ijtihad medicine, and the narrative medicine takes a part of the hadiths, which it has therapeutic effects and provides treatment based on these . in fact, we can say another part under the title of islamic ijtihad medicine, it includes almost all traditions in the field of medicine and health. these are the work of ijtihad. he does the method , for example, he examines the document, explains the implications well, resolves the conflict between the hadiths, and finally presents a recitation of the principles of islamic medicine, which, in fact, we must say, this will be the most solid recitation of islamic medicine. and based on these treatments , we offer all three treatments in the space
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, both conventional medicine, islamic medicine and traditional medicine. i want to enter into the topic of the program . you said you need university education. or you can see these teachings experimentally, and now that disciple of the mentor can see that science is useful wherever it is, and it helps a person to see the facts, and it can have an impact now in the field of medicine and health, diagnosis of diseases . prevention of diseases and treatment of diseases should be done better wherever there is science , this happens, they write it down , they organize it, they say, come to a place called university , suppose you learn this. now it used to be at school, now maybe. before that, i was under there was no home school, now there were centers , maybe there was no specific name even now that we want to name it. everywhere there was a teacher , there were people around him , now it was in a mosque . now it has become a bit more organized, now
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in the medical field of universities, becoming sponsors and teaching traditional medicine, especially traditional medicine , has entered this field of education since 2004. there is no more knowledge from him, whether in conventional medicine or even in traditional medicine or in islamic medicine, if it is organized like a university, you will be professors anyway. there, they will be approved according to the criteria , so that they can have the position of a professor , they will be the first approved students who can enter this field and study medicine , there will be written topics with the design of the curriculum, and then there will be tests using scientific methods that are really correct. he has the authority to measure it. be it a university that shows this qualification, for example, medicine, well, this is a good thing, but
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it has a problem. i'm just pointing it out for now. if necessary, keep this topic for the most part . let's get to mr. kordafshari. dear mr. kia, any therapeutic intervention requires a university degree. or no, in the name of god , greetings to you, my friends, good viewers and congratulations. see the days. we both have sensible measures. we have preventive measures . we have autistic drugs in my usual pharmacies. we have drugs that the pharmacy itself uses. people go and get it and they do it according to the diagnosis of the pharmacist or the pharmacy itself, who is an expert there, and it's the same in herbal pharmacies, almost a series of prescriptions are given, prescriptions are given, and a series of things are done, a series of their own, for example, the usual preventive ones. and they do simple things by themselves and don't go into treatment, but when we talk about treatment
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, we talk about medicine, we talk about medicine, we need someone who does n't differentiate between traditional and new medicine at all. if the goal of society's health is to strive for health, we must be aware of these overlaps, both of these sciences have the same foundations. they have the basics, now the traditional and islamic elements of the mixture, whatever you want, the elements of the soul , the power, the soul, those are the basic principles, then the causes and reasons of the semiotics, and the diagnosis and treatment of my new fever. it is entered based on the elements, then physiology , physiology, pathology, then diagnosis and treatment, and many other cases . these may overlap in many places , they are similar in many places. you see, when we talk about medicine and... treatment, treatment is a wide spectrum and where
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should we look for treatment? he referred me to the doctor's office . for example, this patient went to a knot therapy . he didn't study medicine, he didn't study anatomy , he didn't study physiology, he didn't study physiology and anatomy. i just said four things i only know temperament, and for example, i know four other things . yes , we have valuable sages. a sage means to know 10 sciences , philosophy, logic, jurisprudence, hadith. i don't know . the astronomy board must know many things. there are traditional sages , there are professors who didn't study medicine at all, but they came to teach me and i understood that being a sage taught the basics of medicine from all its sciences, from philosophy and logic. anatomy, dissection, physics, all those basics
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i don't know about phlegmology, temperamentology , i have found all the nobles and i am teaching. anyone who wants to enter medicine and work with people's health should know that the patient came to me with a pain in his stomach area , we call this area, he came here. well , i, who studied medicine, studied anatomy , you have this as a sign of recognition of traditional medicine. anyone who has read this correctly will know the basics based on the principles and you say the rules of a university. our honorable friend said that we didn't exist before. why did we have jundi shapur university? we had many universities that performed surgeries. whose accounts are they? bu ali sena performed brain and skull surgery . it is possible to make all of these work. in ancient times, all of these things were done thousands of years ago. now, science has advanced
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and we can use certain technologies. i, as a doctor, know that the pain that is caused here may be an inferior ami. the heart attack is in the lower part of the heart, it may be appendicitis, the pain may be something else, there are dozens of things. he came back and said go, i don't know, barhang balango, go eat this, eat the mint , you'll be fine , you'll be sick, gone, that's the golden time for the patient. they say 6 hours is the golden time. keep living with this new technology it is possible that traditional medicine may have its own conditions , but this patient is deviant. if someone does not study this science properly, he does not know the basics of science, and he comes to work based on one or four herbs, or he does not recognize them, he comes into this work, i am talking to you
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completely . those who, and really, this is what your heart says must also be incomplete in this work, as a result, we endangered the lives of others. i have another point: a patient visited me just yesterday. this patient had gone to about 20 places. a simple blood test, taking a cbc from this patient has nothing to do, i wrote and sent the test he took a glass of hemoglobin. well, with hemoglobin 6 , you want it. the patient needs blood transfusion . he needs blood now . he is sick. dad, traditional medicine may also have measures to restore his strength, but even though this attari is not from here to there, he happened to go to one of the very good attari, hakim, with my experience , he is my master. but this person was quick to say go to the doctor or go to the doctor go to another doctor and have it checked quickly
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. what we are saying is that even if he wants, even if he wants to do simple treatments, we are not . i said that there is a problem with this. when we limit it, let's say that only the people who come to enter this university , we know that this is
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the owner of this knowledge. from even our country, let those demands be theirs and yours guide this path. now, i apologize for your statement, which can be completely corrected . now, a regulation has been approved that those who work even experimentally will finally be weighed, and the level of these things will be determined, in terms of entering the field of treatment. the ministry of health itself is coming up with a special regulation that specifies these levels and at what level, based on the same sources that they study , work and gain experience. according to the empirical evidence , it is in the traditional medicine office of the ministry of health and should be implemented this has not been implemented. these levels will be determined . sir, who is higher than these, except for these, those who are categorized, these rules will be followed, except for these, they can be admitted to the university of traditional medicine . gadavish's actions
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and other parts of it should be continued. look, when the attari themselves, the attari themselves should organize themselves, themselves, themselves, themselves, to be recognized by nazareth. sir, i was just now coming on the way, i saw everything written, 100% guarantee , slimming, fat removal, fat guarantee, dad. everything is guaranteed, dad. i studied so much, i worked so much, i tried so much, books that they think they have never heard of, i reviewed hundreds of traditional medicine books, i read books that you have to sit for years, i never dare
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to when i'm talking to you today, i didn't say that i guarantee everything, sir, if 100 of my patients are cured, i'm sorry , because the rest will get sick. let it be detailed until the end of his life, he will be miserable. you can see hundreds of cases in your legal doctor it should be science and someone who has scientific qualifications
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should come and find entry. now, whether it is medicine or life style education, at any level, anyone who has the scientific qualification of that level is allowed to come and work in that department. tell me, sir, you only have the authority to teach lifestyle, the time he sleeps, the time he sleeps, the time he sleeps in the middle of the day, does he sleep or not, see, there are no such risks. you can give someone a diploma, even less than a diploma, a written training course, and then do a very accurate evaluation. has he learned this training well or not and then to him it should be understood that you are allowed to give advice within the limits of your scientific qualification, if you give more than that advice and then problems arise for the patient , you will be reprimanded
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. the same arrangement of food and other things can be taught by a doctor or a non-physician in the case of a patient who is sitting, the salary coefficient and... the coefficient of receiving a child and this has its own coefficient , it may be done by a nurse , etc. the way to train those who are trained to do what you said is correct sir, under supervision, they should finally have a measuring criterion , that they are trained. you see , it was like this in the past . in the past, they must have measured you . now that center in the health care of the country, you should have a letter from this wise man, he would confirm you, take an exam, having an exam was not the same way that anyone can pass, now you see that everyone says that i am
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the highest and i know everything, and you well , that's what i mean, if we have an accurate and reliable scientific evaluation system, then the discussion is over whether they go to university or not is a secondary issue, the important thing is whether the science at that level wants to provide a job, provide a service, does it have the knowledge or not. does he have the skills or not , how much experience does he have? it is possible that a rating will be made based on the experience of one year, 5 years, 10 years , while he has the knowledge, the skills , he has this experience. and he must have obtained a university degree and then that evaluation was weakened, that is , did he really get this grade in the university or for some reason? finally, we went to the university , mr. doctor, we know that not everyone has the same academic qualification. some of them really have this qualification with some strange friendships. by the way, in the university, it has become a weakness that people may
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not have the academic qualification, but because they show you a degree. you say, well, all of you go sit in the doctor's office , no one will object to you anymore, but if there is someone who has twice or three times the knowledge of you, but did not go to university to get that degree, we want to call him a fraud, an abuser. . you are not threatened as an opportunity to use you let's see. come on, the evaluation board will evaluate you. if you really had the qualifications, you had enough skills. yes , that's it for you. let's work hard for the university , invest, hire professors, get a capable person in the field of medicine, come and present it to the society
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, well, you went and learned this by yourself in any way, the scientific evaluation board approved you 100, even from some they know you better than the university graduates. well, this happened. now, this happened, for example, it was happening, but it didn't happen. it was only one year . i didn't say 20 years. bring a certificate that this person has been practicing medicine for 20 years. we will give him a doctor's degree. one year, one year, this work has been done for two months . giving courses, giving courses for those who do not have the certificate, in the application section of yadaksh, now they are working in the room under the supervision of the doctor and this certificate. what don't they have? they really don't have any. when the inspector comes, i say that he doesn't have any documents. now you tell me, i know a thousand ways , but when these courses come, they put them in the first course. the second course is over and the third
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course is being conducted. these courses are being conducted and there is a need for strengthening and a need for support so that these people can be assimilated based on the sources of iranian medicine based on the law book of bo ali sina based on the correct teachings of this medicine . in this part, in the next parts , there will be a series of trainings for the attari , and the food assistant will be placed in other parts, but as you say, this should be continued, it should be widespread so that all the people who are covered by this service are trained. make them conform , make their teachings the same, make their teachings standard to be honest, it's a very good job, i don't think anyone would disagree with the fact that, sir , the person who is in charge of verifying the validity of this issue is actually those who have university education. in this group that was formed by the ministry of health and medicine , there are also a number of sages, professors who are not doctors at all
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, but they are sages. this should be done and marj should get out of this awkward situation and lead to a right path that is correct. this is necessary. look, the requirement of every collection is that this adaptation is done correctly, and those who yes at all, those who have scientific experience, those who have scientific studies, those who have seen different professors and seen the professors of this medicine, maybe they didn't have a university at all, worked and reached very good places, the university has done a lot of these things, the university has given them degrees. he specified and used them as professors of this field in the university, as
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you said, it is possible. it is possible for someone to come to this field and not be able to learn this field well , yes, it is possible, but whoever comes can see what we have done in iran. in this way, among the doctors and pharmacists , the phd specialization course has been defined for them, and for the time being, we want them to become experts in traditional medicine . we should have good news about attari , those who have experience in this science , the regulations have been written and approved, the upstream document has all been completed, only the implementation remains, as we are talking now, we are really waiting for this implementation to be implemented. not necessarily one the person is a specialist doctor, no, there may be one or two people in this team
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. everyone should agree with this gentleman, for example, i don't want to go by name now. some of the names are really people that everyone agrees with. you also agree. i also agree with them. they are both academics and non-academics, and they are also doctors and specialists. there is a set of evaluations that it takes two to four days for this evaluation to be done correctly, these people can work under the doctor's supervision under the necessary conditions. and do i really want to say where the problem is, that is, why the group that opposes it. do you oppose this issue with university education? i think that now there are talks of opposition to university education in our country. you insist that you are against teham. however, there are some who are against it and believe that what mr. arsem said may be ranting. again, let's go under the umbrella of, for example , doctors who have university education, and some of those doctors may have an angle with traditional medicine, and this discussion.
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the part. the core of this challenge goes back to this area of ​​medicine, the methodology we have now is an experimental methodology, which is the basis of which this science of common medicine was formed, and it is going to continue . we also have a second methodology, which is similar to the methodology of science and education. it is our religion. this second methodology is a narrative methodology, that is, as if you want to say, sir, is this narration in fiqh. sahih narrations in jurisprudence can be followed, for example , can this be done in prayer, or does it invalidate prayer and fasting, etc. we also have similar ones in the field of medicine , because we have many medical narrations. of the 10,000 narrations, maybe i am quoting this for some of us . they are surprised at all . we have more than 10,000 medical narrations
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. we have 223 narrations only in the book, enough books, enough principles, enough branches, enough fasts.


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