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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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stay with us. after saying goodbye to the viewers of channel one, we will be with you on the news channel. well, as i said, i am at your service in the special news chat. tonight, we will review the wide international repercussions that the successful launch of the soraya satellite using the satellite over ghaemsad had. first, a report has been prepared . let's see the report together. we will return to serve the guests . isp today monitors scientific technologies in the world about the launch of a secret iranian satellite . something that makes the series really remarkable
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its gps positioning accuracy is 20 meters, which is a remarkable feat in satellite technology. in addition, the transmission of signals from seria shows iran's growing expertise in satellite technology. by publishing images of the launch of this satellite, bn breaking wrote that iran reached a major milestone with the successful launch of seria. the successful launch of the soraya research satellite set a new record for iran's space launch and paved the way for the rapid development of the country's indigenous space industry. iran has successfully started sending data from the satellite that shows the future is promising for its space program. in an article, the french publication figaro, published in paris
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, called the launch of the iranian seria satellite a new step in the development of iran's aerospace activities despite western sanctions. this is the third vertical test launch of 100, which shows its ability to place a 50 kg satellite in an orbit at an altitude of 750 km. this achievement is particularly remarkable because it is the first time that iran has launched a satellite into an orbit with an altitude of more than 500 km. seria is a telecommunication satellite with a weight of 47 kg and a lifespan of more than 3 years. this is the first time that iranian satellite launchers reach a 750 km orbit. sanazoni sed and sima news agency. well, we saw the report together. sardar jafarabadi about launching. well, the launch was really exciting. we could put the satellite in orbit for the first time.
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well, it was because of the barry satellite, which was completely localized , the new generation of qaim 100. can you explain the importance of this launch? i seek refuge in god, man al-shaitan al-rahim, in the name of allah, the most high, and the most-rahim. first of all , i would like to greet you and dear viewers, and have a blessed month of rajab. i congratulate you public opinion, this launch may seem like it has general appeal like other launches , but in my opinion, this launch is a golden leaf in iran's space history and a turning point. we did it, and after this curve , the space progress of the country is moving faster and faster . in
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fact, they faced the challenge of how to make a large solid fuel engine with a large diameter, which is firstly made of very light composite fibers. ok, then it must be very resistant and able to withstand the pressure of 100 atmospheres and the temperature of 300 degrees . now, the nozzle from which the aqaba fire actually comes out must be movable and those parts. this was a challenge faced by solid fuel engine specialists, so this project was defined in the form of a lift engine, and 2 years ago you saw that its static test was actually carried out on the ground, and its first flight test last year. it was done, but it was not a space launch. this launch test we had was actually the first space launch of this powerful fuel engine it was solid. you saw how beautifully
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it was done and put the satellite into orbit. now we have a solid fuel satellite carrier, all 3 stages of which actually use solid fuel engines, and we have space heritage in this satellite. because we were able to put a satellite in orbit , the second importance is that now i am in the virtual space , many people are asking that it is actually the height of the orbit that the same question has come up. now, for example, we already put our satellite at 500 km , now we have gone into a 750 km orbit, the interpretation of this movement it can be explained from 500 to 750 km please let the audience understand more. well, yes, i also said in cyberspace, there were a lot of questions about remote sensing satellites that take photos , the closer they are to the surface of the earth , the better photos they take, but from a medium to low altitude , their orbital life will decrease, for example in one year. they fall for 6 months
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. there is an optimal height and a compromise between 450 and 550 km. if you look at the noor, noor, and three khayyam satellites , they are all in this range. but the story is different for the telecommunication satellite, because the height must be higher actually, when the satellite passes over our heads , if it is at a higher altitude , we can see it for a longer period of time and we can establish this connection. now this class of satellites are usually between 700 km and 1500 km high, for example, satellites for example the iridium series of communication satellites are at an altitude of 700 km. the global star satellites, which are communication satellites of this type , are at a height of 1400 km. but where did this 750 come from ? the space agency is designing a narrowband communication system called shahid soleimani system well, the designers were faced with the fact that what
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height should they consider in simulating a height of 750 km, but the question was that we don't have a launcher at all, 750 km, how should this network work, the head of the satellite designer was in that meeting and promised he asks you to do this so that your friends can design this system with peace of mind. well, this launch that was done , this 750 was entered from shahid soleimani's system, and thank god it was successful, and now this system can design 750 km for everyone. be it the other and last importance of this launch is actually the first it was the cooperation of the government and the irgc that was very important for us to be able to be successful in the first step . alhamdulillah, the launch was very good, the satellite was put into orbit safely, and god willing, after this, we will have the success of launching a space organization for the government. we do many things , even if the government can communicate with friendly countries and
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neighboring countries that actually have academic satellites , the satellites are actually under 100 kg, if you can actually establish communication with their satellites. now the irgc is ready to launch the satellites of other countries to rome and this knowledge technically, zero to one hundred is indigenous to us, as you explained, it started with rafe engines, now we have reached this point, yes, the knowledge is 100 indigenous , in general, in the field of solid fuel engines , no country at all gives iran any knowledge, documents, or information. alhamdulillah, there has been a very good experience in our country. in fact , we stood on the shoulders of children who previously did solid fuel engine research in the field of defense, and this is a very good infrastructure in the country, and well, well, space projects and space engines. they have their own definition for this product
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alhamdulillah, it has arrived, mr. dr. faqinia is right, talking about sardar's solid fuel engines and that the qaam satellite had used 100 solid fuel engines. if i am not mistaken , could you please explain the characteristics of these solid fuel engines? in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to say hello to my dear viewers. in the matter of satellite launch, time management is a very important parameter , and actually injecting the satellite into the orbit at the right time is one of the requirements that the rocket must have. satellite on it actually comply and be able to put the satellites in orbit on time. well, solid fuel engines are more reliable than liquid fuel engines, because they are more reliable in starting up, and of
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course , they start up very quickly. in fact, there is, we tried to actually kill now. tried and the irgc aeronautical organization tried to go towards solid fuel engines that can actually carry out the mission of satellites properly and one of the important features of solid fuel engines is the same as i told you, fast start-up. the equipment needs simple infrastructures and is cheaper than fuel, and i must say that it has a much higher transportability than fuel and that we can actually transport solid fuel engines in different parts of the country because of this capability. the transfer that exists now should be deployed now and the launch will take place, and just as sardar
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said now, in order to actually achieve the missions of a system of satellites, it gives us the possibility to be able to launch several satellites from different parts of the country at the same time. let's shoot and see the issue of reliability that i brought up generally, in the aerospace industry, the issue of reliability is a very important issue because of the very high and huge costs that exist, especially in launching a satellite, and this requires that a satellite launch mission is carried out with sufficient reliability as far as possible. we can say that it means either 100 or zero exactly so that failure happens much less and in fact. now , the effort that our loved ones in the irgc aerospace and the ministry of defense have made
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is to increase this reliability much more than before, and in fact , the solid rocket launchers enter the operational stage. to be commercial means to get out of that state of development and to be operational means to trust them so much that we can go with confidence. let's easily inject the satellite into the orbit. alhamdulillah, this happened to a very good extent, and this actually happened in the last launch, and especially in the last few years, two or three years , as you know. we had less than in previous years, that's right, sada mentioned the timing, did you want to tell me ? it is not like that, in fact, it has its own advantages and fortunately in the country, liquid fuel is also
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being worked on in parallel by our dear brothers in the ministry of defense, and god willing, in the future we will hear good news about liquid fuel launches, and this capability is the fuel of the ministry of defense and the capability of solid fuel that is in there is the islamic revolutionary guard corps, god willing, they will become two powerful arms that we can launch many satellites into space in the future, and i think that in our future , now in the past, i used to say that there would be no launch if the satellites remained on the ground. i think in the next two or three years we are ready to accept the launch we will be and we will have few satellites. now in this regard, but the tendency is towards solid fuel . i will give you a statistic about the world. well , for example, the chinese have a long history of solid fuel, but in the last 7, 8, 10 years, they have returned to the direction of located parallel to the back to the side. solid fuel and several parallel companies started this work. now this is also the characteristic of the chinese that several companies
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enter and we see that many launches of different solid fuel companies have been successfully carried out by the indians, who are actually very good in the field of fuel. their work in the last 50-60 years is admirable achieving this conclusion means that in parallel with that , solid fuel launchers are now being launched, but they have not yet actually launched successfully. but they are looking for it, right, regarding this solid fuel and having solid fuel technology, there are now several countries that have this technical knowledge, sardar, almost five countries in the world , and we are one of these 5 countries, we are the fifth country that actually has launch technology. we have solid fuel, if we count the moving nozzle, which is actually a cutting-edge technology, we are the fourth country, that is, we have worked in four countries in this field. what countries are they? country there is america and then there is china and the country is actually
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india. i think no, the indians have not launched yet, what about russia, yes, russia did too, and we are iran, that's right, so we are among the four countries that use those moving nozzles to launch solid fuel. we can pay regarding solid fuel , mr. dr. faqihi, mentioning the timing, which is very important, in this regard, you also explain about my film, sardar , prepare a film regarding when the launch time is correct, sardar, yes, yes, now, if my colleagues broadcast this film, i i want permission because this movie has been published in the media. in fact, the major part can i give an explanation about this recent launch that actually shows what is happening? yes , it is actually ready for launch . it should be launched in our corner, fortunately
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, we have a vast country and it provides the possibility to launch in different angles from different places so that we can form satellite systems . it is getting ready for launch now. it was the first stage, sardar , i think that one is actually a clip, not this one this continuation will reach the telemetry images , i think sardar, this is actually the first stage , which is the main issue of the recent launch. the solid fuel of the lifting engine that they are working on is working and the purpose of the test was that alhamdulillah it worked well and the rest worked safely and the satellite actually reached the orbit in a very short time . it was 11 minutes. yes, now, since 11 minutes, the engine has not been turned on. this
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first stage engine is an engine that actually has 60, almost 60 tons of torque. so, this is the first stage, when our solid fuel first stage engine worked yes, this 60 is actually more like 60 and it works for 70 seconds. can you tell us how far it went up in the first stage? yes, the first stage of the satellite actually brings the entire payload to 60-70 km, and it actually speeds up there. it will reach 3,000 meters, which means it will take about 10 months. in fact, the first stage will be separated and the work of the next stages will begin. i think that this is not the clip. now let's continue the conversation. dear colleagues , the original images of the next ones were telemetry images. now, until the telemetry images arrive, i will ask you the next question, explain the importance of the space industry you say, what is the importance? look, in recent decades, a series of branches of science and technology have become very important, and the supreme leader of the islamic revolution
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said in a very interesting speech that if countries are not equipped with these sciences and technologies, they will actually disappear . and giving examples of what countries were actually in the old days, sir, sorry, the pictures came now, yes, look, now this actually shows the lift off of the satellite, that the same lifter engine is now working with power and the satellite is taking off from the earth. you can easily see the curvature of this globe 70 second. this is how it burns, after it is finished , here you have now separated the sugar head that is on the head of the satellite, the satellite is inside because the pocket is finished there, my fairing is now opened and we had a separation again. yes, this was actually the second stage engine. that was separated
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, can you say in which orbit the engines of the second stage were separated, in the same 8 satellites, you can actually see how soft the satellite is, considering that the satellite is also a solid fuel, now mr. doctor , they have more expertise that the separation is actually the satellite goes from satellite to so smoothly and goes there you can see that it is weightless, that is, two objects are completely suspended, when they are separated, that small object, in fact, if they are not exactly aligned , their center of mass is not the same, it will start to rotate the satellite, and re-stabilizing the satellite is a problem, but here you can see that as the first launch of the model, the satellite will be placed in orbit and we are relieved that we will deliver the displaced safely to our friends . we want to have some time limit to have a management to get to the issues of the next questions, mr. dr. faqihi in construction i think it's even a telemetry camera the capacity of scientific companies has been used
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. yes, i would like to tell you that now that you have said the role. knowledge-based companies in the development and promotion of aerospace systems are now really knowledge-based companies, their role has become really prominent. now, i am proud to be in close contact with many of these companies in various fields, especially in the field of the space industry. the routine is that the irgc aerospace organization and of course the ministry of defense are going in this direction that the aerospace organization itself is an aggregator and the knowledge-based companies are actually the arm of the aerospace organization and in the areas of different and now maybe many people don't really know about this very good thing that has progressed in the field of roads. indeed, many
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people who go to get to know the products closely will realize that the companies actually have good sub-system equipment. and let me tell you that i told you that the companies are very knowledgeable now. let me give you an example of the telemetry that you mentioned. look at the videos sent by axis from a distance of 3 thousand kilometers, a 100 gram module with a small antenna. this was actually at the edge of the world's technology in digital telecommunications. well, it was made by the same danesh-bayan company, and this is the overflow that our space industry is a part of, for example, a 10-door sector
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, and the interesting thing is that our young people are now building this. together with you , i am making different pieces, and the success that we have achieved now, and the world has called it a masterpiece, is the effort of young scientists and experts in the space industry regarding the role of the satellite route and iran's space, as well as the programs for the satellite. we are standing together, you are explaining when i was present in the 21st news, i said that now , thank god, the satellite is on qaim hundred, in fact, with this beauty that answered, we had gone today. we were looking at the telemetry results, and we saw how amazingly the forecast graphs corresponded with the graphs that happened, and
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we were very relieved that now this satellite can be put into the operational cycle again, and after this , god willing, maybe will launch many satellites, in fact, this is an intermediate product of our road map, now that this technical knowledge of solid fuel has been localized, we have the possibility to let's go to the higher circuits. to reach heavier satellites , the bar qaim 105 satellite is the next step, which is now scheduled to come one year later, god willing, for launch and research tests, and that bar bar is actually capable of increasing the weight it carries into orbit to 200 kg. i want to say that in normal situation, sir, you have it now, if the satellite is light , it can go up to 200 km, if the satellite is heavy, it can go 500 km, but 200 kg. now i want to say very normal, you see, we are the first we had the launch 3 years ago, when it was a light one satellite, which was around 17, 18. now, this launch
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, which has been completed in full day, can put 5 times that to put nearly 100 kg into the orbit of 433, which was light one, which means we have the capacity in this we have increased 5 times in 3 years and in the next 3 years it is expected to increase 5 times again and god willing we will be able to put a satellite above 500 kg in orbit after three years. this is actually the operational summary of iran map mr. doctor faqih points out a point, in my opinion , we should not easily pass it by, pointing out the ways of progress this was the second time that during the launch of the satellite , there were people from different walks of life, elite students from all over the country were present and closely observed the achievements of our space industry scientists. how was the students ? can you give us a commentary on the situation and the situation? of course, my pictures are ready . we can show my pictures while you
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are speaking . progress that guys among the students, the progress of the defense department is spreading. one of the ways to progress is to bring students to these launch tests. well, first of all, these dear friends who are there for encouragement , we will be very happy to visit these dear ones in the middle of the desert. their worries become our worries , for example, in the 10 minutes of the launch , they have the same excitement from the beginning to the end . in fact, there is an iranian student of his original nature it shows that iran is friendly to their countrymen and that they want this satellite to go into orbit , it is actually impossible there.
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he has seen it, especially the moment of tjarij, this is actually the finale of the community ships, when we get up, standing in front of the tv, everyone gets up and wants the satellite to be injected and celebrate this. well, in fact, this pattern will continue in yes , thank god now. the courage of the dear commanders will definitely continue and it will definitely take a better shape . it is very high to see a successful launch . i would like to point out one more thing. now that we were serving these dear students, i said that space launches are important for us in all countries, but as iranians, we have another responsibility because at all the history of our country has been paying attention to space and astronomy for thousands of years. well, you see, in western european countries, since 400,500 years ago, new scientific sparks with copernicus and and kepler and
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galileo were mentioned, but we had khwaja nasir al-din tusi 500,600 years before that, who had an observatory in maraqa, in fact, astronomical work. at that time, civilized countries like china used to have students who would come and work for them . a thousand years ago, for example, we had kharazmi, who came and introduced algebra, arithmetic, and numbers . he introduced addition and subtraction after he died 300 years ago. after coming to europe , he published his treatise. translation and numbers just arrived in europe and before that they were working with signs, so this burdens our responsibility, now this generation who are our experts are working, and god willing , this new generation, we used to tell them that you must come . take the road and, god willing, reach the peaks iftikhar, let's continue , god willing , we will reach the peaks of honor that you mentioned, which we have set for the 105 satellite, soon. anyway, all this
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is the effort of the scientists and specialists of the space industry of our country, which we saw the result of last two days, and the world he was mentioned in the title of the masterpiece "perfume point" and its reflections continue and sardar jafar abadi is right to mention it. of course , there are other people's efforts behind this scene, so maybe it is not possible to show their image, we should thank them too. we hope that this path will continue as before may this effort make iran proud. thank you for being with the special news talk tonight. good night, god bless you. they used to say that a fish is fresh whenever you catch it, which means that it is never too late to start doing things we have not done before, such as continuing education , creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from
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saturday. and in general, this modification of consumption habits, management of electricity consumption, now a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they stop a little and increase their accuracy , they can definitely return to the consumption pattern . spend 5 minutes once, all the electrical appliances. check the inside of your home, for example, lamps can be changed from this to this, no, yes, and their consumption will be 90% less than before . coffee maker, tea maker, microwave oven, chargers, computer, tv and so on. these electrical devices consume electricity when they are off, and they must be unplugged when we do not need them. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but we leave the fan on for hours. most of them consume much more than lamps. if you get used to it,
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unplug unused electrical appliances. and be very careful when buying them. in the end, you will see that you have not only done a great favor to your pocket, but we have also taken a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri . i will accompany you in this program for one hour . in the first case of the world, today we will examine the release of critical prisoners for the occupied territories for more than 100 days. .


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