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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 7:00am-7:30am IRST

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there, the school has a very high position, and one of the evaluation criteria of the schools after this is the level of their interaction and cooperation with the family and the participation of the families in all aspects of education. porvaresh , you have come to the studio of the morning program hello correspondent , dear and respected compatriots, we must watch news 7. after the news , we will be at your service with the continuation of the morning program hello correspondent. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, dear viewers, good morning . we are with you at 7:00 am. america and england went to yemen again last night. they attacked, american and british aggressor warplanes
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bombed three stan'a, tiz and biza at least 14 times. australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands also supported these attacks. it is said that these attacks are the most severe attacks on yemen since the beginning of the western invasion of this country. according to a member of ansarullah's political office, the places targeted by the us and its allies were open areas or former military centers. mohammad al-bakhiti, one of the leaders of yemen's ansarullah resistance movement , called these attacks ineffective and emphasized: yemeni forces will continue to operate against israel until the end of its crimes. the regime will continue in gaza. yemen's ansarullah targeted an american military cargo ship in the gulf of aden with a missile yesterday evening. education by holding three recruitment tests 72 thousand.
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he hires teachers, coaches and consultants. the spokesperson of the ministry of education said: registration will begin next week and all non-official teachers must participate in this exam for employment. there is a teacher recruitment exam on march 18 by the evaluation organization. recruitment test for educational counseling and physical education trainers in 17. esfand will be held by academic jihad and recruitment exam for secretary and art a training will be held on may 28, 1403 by the sensing organization for the registration of respected candidates who have at least a bachelor's degree and are relevant
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. the portal of the assessment organization will be placed. the exam resources are the same resources that we specified for the teacher and teacher exam last year, and we will inform about its content through our information base. today is the last chance to register candidates for the parliamentary elections in the television advertising system. volunteers representatives of the parliament have until the end of today to register by referring to the election headquarters system at the address am 1402.r. according to the proposal of the broadcasting organization , with the approval of the central executive board of the parliament elections, the candidates who get 1% of the votes will be refunded the expenses paid for
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the advertisements. television advertising was reduced based on the excess of expenses received from the candidates who have been up to now based on the previous approval, they registered , it will be returned to them. sed and sima has launched 20 television channels in all provinces in order to provide advertising opportunities for the candidates of the march elections. various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key, this is in the hands of our people. there is a telegram channel that plays across the country. why is there no pricing in these 6 months? your question is an interesting question . we do not want to be a football manager. higher. tendencies debate on the eve of elections. every day at 15:00 and 193 from the network
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we know what you are. the international water and wastewater industry exhibition and the 13th renewable energy exhibition were opened with the presence of the minister of energy at the permanent location of tehran international exhibitions. 127 domestic companies and representatives of foreign companies are present in this period of the exhibition. gathering of water and renewable energy industry activists, the panel is at your service . it is used for solar power plants up to size 60. it is the latest technology in the world and this panel that you are viewing is a bi-functional panel.
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we also made samples in small scales and to be able to export our wind turbine in amazon, we are a capable system. deputy minister of energy at the opening ceremony of this exhibition of the construction of 11,000 mw renewable power plant. he announced throughout the country and said: "now we are happy to announce that 11,000 megawatts are being implemented in more than 400 constructions across the country." at this stage, what is needed and the need of the respected investors is the discussion of support to follow up
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on the problems faced by the construction of these power plants . renewable electricity was also news that the minister of energy had a contract for electricity producers that allows our producers to export their own electricity within 8 months of the year without the slightest restriction, and all the facilities of the ministry of energy are at the service of these producers to use these facilities for export. today, we have very good lines between our beloved country and almost all neighboring countries . export is possible almost 80% of the year. the 19th water industry exhibition and the 13th renewable energy exhibition until the 7th of february will host
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those interested in the tehran international exhibition. are. jassim samari of sed and sima news agency. deputy of the national business environment monitoring center. the work of the country said that out of 15,000 requests for mining permits registered in the national permits portal, only two permits were given to two people in the exploration department, according to mr. haji jafari, one of the experts of the demarcation system of the ministry of semit, which should be registered in the national permits portal. after two years, the employment permit has not yet been connected to this portal. it has been 7 years, especially for the mining license. i am trying, unfortunately i had many problems in this direction. this is part of the problems miners have in obtaining various permits for their business. the licenses that should have been obtained through the national license portal. not only the license was not issued, but also
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the final letter of the so-called cancellation of this area was announced to us. this is the fact that according to the tassil law, the issuance of person's licenses. licensing authorities are obliged to facilitate the conditions for issuing and renewing licenses in the least possible time. the exploration permit is a proof of discovery and before that, the registration of the area is entered in the kadas system and is connected to the national license portal. the last thing that remains to be connected to the portal is the issue of employment permit. report of the national business environment monitoring center it tells about the backwardness of the mining department of the ministry of semit to connect to the national license portal. the butterfly. the employment of mining engineer , which is issued by the organization of mining engineering system, despite the fact that 2 years have passed since the entry into force of article 7 of the law on the implementation of general policies, article 44 of the constitution , has not yet been connected to the national license portal, according to the law of the last deadline for the devices
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to connect to the national portal of permits was given in december of last year, but the registration system or the cadastre of the mining department of the ministry of semit is still complete. not connected to this port. seven license titles under the ministry of mining, trade and mining issues including titles such as discovery certificate, exploration license, exploitation license, civil chain test, etc. these seven license titles are connected to the national license portal. however, despite the fact that 15,000 applications have been registered in the national license portal, after two years only two licenses have been issued to two people. according to the announcement of the national business environment monitoring center. some licenses are issued outside the national license portal, which
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is in accordance with the provisions of note 4, article 7 of the law on the implementation of general policies, article 44 of article 600 of the islamic penal code. mohammad reza sohrabi, sada news agency and sima the end of this news section of khodnaghadar. dear and honorable compatriots who have joined us from this moment, good morning . hello, thank you very much for choosing the reporter to watch
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. the national conference on the legal rules of our supervision is scheduled to be held today at the ministry of health . my journalist colleague, mr. azani rahi. this conference will be held . please allow us to talk with them to see what legal issues exist , which are very important to monitor. a legal conference will also be held in this field . to you, mrs. hajipour, and to all the esteemed viewers of the khabar network, yes, as you mentioned, today we are witnessing a lot of advertisements in the real world and in cyberspace, based on advertisements for slimming beauty and performing actions that are not easy, unfortunately, and well. a relatively large number of people are fooled by these advertisements and
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put themselves in the hands of unscrupulous people in this area, and this will definitely lead to complications and complaints . on the treatment of medical universities of the country, well, as it is you know, according to the law, the implementation of a series of health services is the responsibility of the ministry of health. and it should be done by competent people with a valid scientific degree from the ministry of health, but unfortunately, we are witnessing that there are a number of people who are now working in the basements of hair salons and underground with little experience in this field. well, the work of these treatment monitoring units is to identify these people in the form of field visits or in the form of follow-up on popular reports in cooperation with extra-ministerial organizations such as the medical system and the prosecution and government punishments.
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get hit today, we are following up on these demands and complaints from the people, and we are following up with the managers of the ministry of health that, sir , i apologize for these issues, such as the table under the table, issues like the doctor's face, and how to deal with these deceptive advertisements that are being carried out in cyberspace. they want to deal with it and get a statistic from it. in these two dimensions that mr. azani pointed out , what will the supervision department actually do , mr. dr. haji mirzaei, good morning, you are very welcome. two more days, a series of
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illegal activities are being done without permission from the ministry they don't have health care, a half of them are doctors or other medical staff who have a license, but they do things that are legally considered illegal. please tell me what solutions the health system authorities have to deal with anyone who is qualified in the field of health, who has serious harm to public health. the social media, the virtual space also came to the aid of these people, unfortunately, and it spread a bit , what can be done, anyway, the legislator himself has determined the ways to deal with these people, and article
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3 of the medical affairs regulations has clearly stated that people and centers other than by the ministry of health that intervened when it comes to treatment, their business will be closed and sealed, so who should identify this? the main work is the responsibility of the ministry of health and the departments of monitoring the treatment of universities. we have given a statistic to our compatriots that in the first 6 months of this year, 2,600 unauthorized centers were sealed and closed. how many do you predict there are? there is no forecast, but you should know from this amount that we have about 130,000 authorized centers, and 260 unauthorized centers were closed by 63 universities and faculties of medical sciences. pessuran was taken from the universities
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. intervenors in the matter. the treatment should be written by the government, and god willing , it will be submitted to the parliament soon, and we expect that bill, god willing, to be passed by the parliament. following what happened in the last two months, it was emphasized that the interventionists in the treatment should be dealt with more seriously. two happy things happened, one is almost 40% of the number. the number of centers that were closed in the last two months has increased by about 40% compared to the same period last year, most of you, one of them is because of our more monitoring, so this is a good message .
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the legal consequences of this intervention have not yet been met and it is illegal. it is closed in the country . if you divide it by the number of days and holidays , the significant number shows that this area is harming the health of the society. you are actually sealing yourself, what is there to stop him from doing it again or what
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is there to stop the next person from doing this unauthorized work again , there are different areas if the person is unauthorized and the center. it is not allowed. article 1 of the law on government penalties in health matters states that all properties that are in used for treatment, it will be confiscated for the benefit of the government. well, we know how much this equipment costs. it is very expensive. the new equipment that is being used in this field is mainly used for beauty purposes, and it will be relatively faster to procure new equipment. it was 25 years ago , this had not been updated, and the request to update these amounts was made to the government board, and
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the punishment was increased, which the government and probably will go to the parliament in addition to this now. for the cyberspace , the committee for determining criminal certification of the attorney general's office made a very good decision and communicated it to the devices the executive in the field of health has been notified that the establishment of an unauthorized institution in the virtual space is also subject to the law , which means that this is also the title of the bill that you drafted. yes, no, this bill has been passed by the parliament. it has been submitted to the parliament, and god willing, if it is approved , it will be punished in such a way that it can help to prevent interference in all of this, which will be an illegal part. yes, but those who are licensed, the medical staff who are licensed, but do illegal work, like what mr. azani mentioned, such as the under-tables that
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they take them, what will you do with them? see, this discussion is really detailed and there have been many ups and downs for years . i suggest that sociologists, lawyers, and lawyers be invited to see why this is happening. you see , we have a deterrent, mr. doctor. yes, the law is what i wanted to point out. you see, in the law, we do not have anything called under the table or on the table, what the legislator called it. in the law of government punishments in health matters, it is said that it is imposed additional cost to the patient. or it is forbidden to receive extra money received from the patient, so the title can be called extra money, maybe the legislator deliberately did not even use the word "expensive" here, although
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it seems that it means that someone wants to violate this law in any way. ok, i'll give you my word, so the correct title is surcharge received or imposition of additional cost on the patient in the same law. the law enforcement of the medical system organization has considered crimes for people who have committed violations because of your presence. it can be dealt with, that is, it is in the law , but how often, because sometimes you, the media professionals , impose a term on the society anyway, that is, now the title of the medical profession comes to mind, no, i wanted to say
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that this under the table is a term created in a place other than the law. respected doctors who are of course respectable. all doctors must be many doctors who do not really do this, but only a few. there are people who make this mistake, except for doctors , who else can do it under the table? let's go over the numbers and figures together. it will be much clearer. you are summarizing this statement. yes, that's why i said it. look at your argument. in the first 6 months of this year, we have about 200 thousand members of the medical system. 5 about 5 thousand complaints with additional issues. received to the 19th system
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means either the center where this was happening was called, it was corrected, or it was the patient's mistake . the case was decided to be handled by the university complaint handling unit. of these, 160,700 in 900 cases, it was proved that overpayment occurred. in the same government punishment law , there is a procedure. these 900 cases went to the article 11 commission of universities. 700 cases were found to be violations. these 700 cases were announced to the tahzir organization. government to announce the punishment, how many of these were confirmed by the head of the branch
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, we don't know because they don't give us the answer, but they announce it to the offender, because he has to provide a sum of money to the recipient of the service, that is, the person who was the complainant he brought it back to get his consent and before it was double in the law, now from the meeting of the heads of the organization government punishments got permission and multiplied it by 5 , 10 times that amount should be deposited into the government's account as a fine, so see if we have some time, mr. doctor. we should pose the question in this way, what should we do to limit this evasion of the law among medical professionals, i will say this much, if there is a detailed opportunity , god willing, we will give him another opportunity. health that to study. council
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islam and let's see what will happen today in baharestan, mrs. akbarzadeh, hello reporter , yes, hello, i am also at your service and to all dear viewers , i have a greeting and a good morning. well, the public meeting of the parliament starts at 8:00 am today. it is the third day of examining the details of the budget bill in the parliament. it is as announced many times. this year, the review of the budget bill in the parliament is a little different because the regulations have been changed in two parts. now the members of the parliament are reviewing the details of the first part of the budget bill, which is about the ceiling of the country's public budget resources, according to how the revenues will be generated. so far to review the various clauses of note 6 of this bill , which is about the issue of taxes, the mechanisms to
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prevent tax evasions, as well as the granting of incentives or tax exemptions, considering the important issue of increasing an additional barzash benefit , will be reviewed, and then in the note seven issues of agricultural soil and water infrastructure are examined. thank you very much , ms. akbarzadeh, reporter of the news agency. thank you very much for your voice and voice that you pointed out what will happen in the islamic council of baharistan, but dear and respected compatriots , as in the beginning of the morning program, hello. reporter and in the international section, we also mentioned that the palestine meeting at the united nations will start today and the first interview of the minister of foreign affairs, mr.
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amir. abdallahian has reached us and we offer you our presence. the main purpose of my trip to new york is to participate in the meeting of foreign ministers in the un security council, where the issue of sahel and security , especially the issue of palestine and gaza , is on the agenda of foreign ministers. and this meeting will be held tomorrow with the presidency of france. it is an opportunity to discuss the positions of the islamic republic of iran in support of palestine we should express our opposition to the genocide, the human blockade of gaza, the forced migration of the people of gaza, and discuss the existing ideas and solutions in the security council. using this opportunity
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, they planned meetings with some international officials and my peers, including today we had a conversation with a number of foreign ministers . we used this opportunity to discuss bilateral issues and follow up. we put among the agreements that at the head level. iran and russia were done during the recent visit of mr. dr. raisi to moscow, where important agreements were made with mr. lavrov. we followed up and our common assessment is that the agreement between the two presidents is being followed by the governments of iran and russia in this regard.
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now the topic of developments in the region from gaza to the red sea was also taken into consideration. good morning , we are at your service with the continuation of the sabgah program, hello reporter, and another news event, the conference explaining the legal requirements of artificial intelligence, will be held today. sometimes communication and information technology is one of the active areas in the field of artificial intelligence , and in order to have more details, we invited mr. ehsan arianian, the supervisor. innovation and development center for artificial intelligence , communication and information technology research institute, so that they can be with us in the studio and we can hear more from them about artificial intelligence. dear mr. ariane , hello, good morning.


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