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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the economic news. the security police of the production space and information exchange of fata warned about sending fraudulent text messages to citizens under the title of receiving equity dividends. according to fata police , receiving any messages with the content of equity dividends in the form of text messages or social media messages is fake and
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is done with the aim of emptying people's accounts. as the stock exchange organization has already announced, the dividends of justice shares are automatically deposited to the bank account number registered in the sjam system for eligible people and announced the time will be only through radio and official news agencies of the country. candidates for the election competition for membership in the board of directors of provincial equity companies. north khorasan and zanjan have until the 3rd and 10th of bahman, respectively , to upload their documents in the system. if the qualifications of the candidates are confirmed, the names will be included in the final list for the election of the board members. there is less than a month left until the holding of the provincial assemblies of the two provinces of zanjan and north khorasan. we don't know where to go or where not to go. we do not have according to the announcement of the
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central depository company on the 23rd of bahman of the provincial assembly north khorasan and siyim bahman will also hold the assembly of zanjan province. the rest of the provinces should hold their assemblies by september 1403 . it has been about 3 years since the last assembly of provincial equity companies. the reason for the postponement was the non-participation of shareholders in the election of board members. let's form a company in every province , that company can have managers who are elected by the people themselves and those managers manage the stocks inside that portfolio. the delay in holding these assemblies caused the trading symbols of these companies to be closed, and now with the holding of these assemblies the election of board members is held and it is the main step to reopen the symbol of provincial equity companies.
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any shareholder who wants to participate in the assembly comes to the ddm system and specifies how he wants to participate in this assembly, or maybe he can give a proxy to someone who wants to be a member of the board of directors of the north khorasan province company. they have to upload their documents in the system until the third of february, the checks will be done and this category of people up to 20 days before the assembly. you have the opportunity to read the declaration of candidacy or volunteering kenan to participate in provincial equity investment companies. according to the adviser of the head of the stock exchange organization, the company's participation in this system and the appointment of the board members of the provincial equity companies by the shareholders will affect the future shares of these companies. maryam fadaei of the sed and broadcasting news agency. head of the development organization. tejarat said that holding
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the iran expo 2024 export capabilities exhibition will provide the opportunity for traders to reach markets that we did not have a share of before. mr. ziqmi from the ambassadors mission with the aim of identifying negotiations with traders of target markets to attend the exhibition said: we are in a program that is expected to be one of the most important events in the country. to be recorded in the near future, other programs will start in the second half of next year with the focus of iran expo, which, god willing , will be announced in the near future, and iran expo will become the focus of the country's commercial and export programs. according to the chief of staff of iran's export capabilities exhibition, this exhibition
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will be held from the 8th to the 12th of may 1403 at the permanent location of tehran international exhibitions. administrative organization and employment contrary to the law on facilitating the issuance of business licenses . issues licenses in person and outside the national portal. this organization had to be connected to the national license portal until march 1400. in previous years, it took about 6 months for my permit to be prepared, but this year, through the national permit portal, which i applied for , it was prepared within 6-7 days. satisfaction with the facilitation of receiving permission from the portal. permits must be arranged by 18 september, but despite this emphasis, some agencies still did not implement the law. organization administrative and employment is one of these institutions , based on the previous reports of the national permits portal , a report that
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has censored the name of the employment administrative organization since the beginning of this year, as we can see in the national permits portal, after about 2 years have passed since the entry into force of the sessil law. issuing permit. the option to apply for the permits of the administrative and employment organization in person is not active . you asked the head of the administrative and employment organization why . we are doing the permits related to the laws. centers that are active now in the country of sita, it has been discussed that we should do this in person with this answer. we went to the person in charge of the implementation of this law , that is, the head of the business environment improvement center, the employment office , and we told them that you are not a priority at the moment, and yes, they do not need to, according to the law, the application for issuing any type of business license must be made only through the national license portal. it should be done in person. in this
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legislation , there is no note about prioritizing or excluding the administrative and employment organization. zahra shafiei of sedah and 3 news agency, the pest of wheat age is on the way to wheat fields in the southern provinces. this the news was announced by the head of the country's plant medicine research institute and said: every year, more than half a million hectares of wheat and jus fields are sprayed to control this pest. according to mr. naimi, timely spraying prevents damage to wheat fields. now we have sam. we use it to fight the pest. the pest of this insect is 14 mm. if we don't act soon, the larvae will multiply. these pests of wheat, which are currently wintering in the mountain slopes, migrate to the wheat field as the weather warms . it is one of the most important agricultural pests in the country and
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is considered a key pest of wheat. according to national plant medicine research institute. when the temperature reaches above 15 degrees, this pest is sent to wheat and barley fields. one should be alert, based on the forecast and optimal temperature of this pest, the so-called desired measures are applied . if our wheat is old, the grain office will not buy the wheat. no more than 2% aging can be purchased. on the other hand, as the executive of the country's wheat plan said, due to the rains from the beginning of the crop year until now and the increase in temperature has provided the conditions for the change of pests, the average temperature of the country is unfortunately relatively high. the duration of two degrees has increased, and this amount
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has increased from 1.6 degrees to 3.9 degrees in different provinces. dear farmers, you must consult with our experts in the provinces in the jadkashi organization of our provinces and cities to get advice for controlling these pests is the common and main method of using appropriate stubbles. the country's plant medicine research institute has announced that two and a half million hectares of wheat fields are affected by this pest, and annually 20-30% of barley fields and 50-60 % of wheat fields are damaged. faratiar of the radio and television news agency. daily. produce products from waste recycling requires special machines that our industrialists were able to internalize most of this need. the minister of roads and urban development said that by
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the end of this year, 500,000 hectares of land will be implemented in the form of industrialization in the national housing movement plan. according to mr. bezerpash, today the industrialization of the construction process. housing in iran is necessary due to the severe shortage and increasing demand. the fifth exhibition of waste management, recycling, machinery and related equipment has started. this exhibition, with the presence of 66 private and government companies , will be held in the 8th and 9th halls of tehran international exhibitions. at the 5th exhibition of waste management, recycling, machinery and related equipment, 66 karfa will present their latest achievements in this. the field has been exhibited. the audience of this exhibition
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is organization and municipality and people who want to create a new business or develop their business in the field of waste management recycling. these materials that you see are produced from the recycling of nylons and city and factory wastes . and industrial smoke purification of our company's production products in the field of sealing the burial places of tabaneh in tabaneh burial centers it is used in urban areas and it prevents leachate from penetrating into the ground. the device detects that it is a metal core. in this exhibition, the presence of knowledge-based companies and local manufacturers is wide ranging from the production of heavy machinery to all parts and accessories related to the use of the system. smart devices for waste collection our system
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is currently active in 76 cities and intelligently collects waste from people door-to-door . also, in the fifth exhibition of waste management and recycling, researchers in this field say about their latest technologies. i am the mediator of this technology we were able to dispose of contaminated sewage disposal centers. settle and turn it into fully distilled and sterile water that can be used in industry and agriculture. according to officials, one of the most important goals based on this exhibition is to eliminate middlemen in the recycling industry , which is considered the main challenge of this industry. the most important policy that we are following now is to be able to remove these intermediaries and in fact transfer those raw materials that are caused by separation from the source directly to this industry. activists in the field of waste management and those interested in investing in the recycling industry can do so until the fifth
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visit this exhibition in february from 9:00 to 15:00 . saeed hajizadeh, sed and broadcasting news agency. i sincerely thank you for your companionship. he visualized his childhood drawings from the drawings of our childhood, when we used to put a piece of wood and put a cube under it. they were making all these things into me. the use of wood has been common in iran since ancient times. an example
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of it is here in aliqapoi palace in isfahan to here in farg wooden mosque in south khorasan. we see many climates in the world that when entering industrialization using wood as housing. basically, the pimdonbandi model that we saw in the 19th and 18th centuries of wooden houses. it started and there were standards that because wood can be transported , they could build houses in the so-called "pymon" and implement it in the regions of a country. currently, wood plays a prominent role in the constructions of the north of our country. a wood that has opened its place in architecture due to its advantages. it completely warms the environment of the house and
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they can produce a good sound environment in the house, but these woods were not resistant to fire or decay. today, with the use of new methods, this problem has been removed. it is waterproof, anti-termite, and assembly is fast. compared to products that work traditionally, such as stone or ceramic, the work is done faster. there is a material that is used in front side. in this era, it is not enough for you to just be worthy mothers, maybe if you were in a different time , this would be enough for you. this is one of the recommendations of imam musa sadr, which is on the back cover of this book, a book with the name of women and the challenges of society
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, one should try multiply yourself to remove this threat from your nation from the first one entering lebanon and starting to work is one of the things that is very important for the issue of women. the book "women and the challenges of society " gathers together the surviving texts of seyyed musa sadr in 16 pages , which are not based on a single topic. social status of women. a series of centers that actually train women to launch this and before schools and centers. in order to establish young boys and men, one of the chapters of this book is an analysis of the dignity of women from the perspective of imam musa al-sadr. they bring them to take care of their work in the time of war . it is good for you that you have a daughter. she is a daughter of mercy
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. actually explain this point. you can see that the view of the qur'an is an equal view of men and women, and in fact , it regards the position of creation as equal to the status of humanity . the article written by imam musa sed in the conference on islam and family planning is very lively. who act as if they are in the same society and the same situation as we are, they wrote this book, seyyed musa saad in parts of this book , he criticizes the western view of women as a tool for pleasure. outside the house, he should see him as his partner in building the world, and not as an art painting that prevents him from building this world by looking at it. women and
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society's challenges, the tenth volume of the collection in the realm of imam musa's thought. ist zahra alizadeh of gal anaf is a zionist soldier who joined the occupying army with the call of the ministry of war of the zionist regime to recruit reserve forces . onaf was the owner of a furniture store company in jaffa . he managed it for 9 years. he is now from the war is back with millions of debts and an uncertain future. anaf is one of the 350,000 workers in occupied palestine who were recruited by the zionist army since the beginning of the occupation's military offensive against gaza. the statistics of the ministry of labor of the zionist regime show that most of the reserve forces that
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were recruited into the zionist army worked in the field of information technology. exports form this regime and it is referred to as the vital artery of the zionist regime's economy. this is the center of tel aviv and these tall buildings that you see behind me house the largest it companies, but due to the call reserve forces and joining the workforce of these companies to the gaza front. they are now empty. also, 70 % of large projects have been postponed and 50% of investment in this area has decreased compared to last year. the startup central institute of the zionist regime has also announced that most of the start-up information technology companies have transferred their capital abroad, and some
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have closed down due to the lack of labor. the war in gaza marked the beginning of the collapse of the israeli economy. the consequences of this war are very serious and currently the economic losses of this war cannot be estimated. zionist trade statistics center he announced that due to the problem of the movement of ships in the red sea , the import in the last month of 2023 has reached the lowest amount in the last 3 years with a decrease of 16 percent. exports also decreased by 18% in the same month , and in some cases, the trade balance of this regime with several countries became negative. if the cabinet of the zionist regime does not take tough economic decisions as the head of the central bank of this regime wants, the israeli economy will reach the edge of the curtain. now the capital sector. the livelihood and living standards of the settlers are facing big problems. the zionist newspaper yedi oved aharanot wrote: the ground attack of the israeli army
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gaza is estimated to be the most expensive war in israel with unprecedented economic costs of nearly 60 billion dollars. a war that has entered its fourth month and has not achieved anything so far. what is it?
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there is no upper limit in al-saa'a, one hour, in the shoes, there is not enough, there is no child, there is no woman , there is no woman
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, and there is no peace, despite the disastrous massacre that israel has launched in gaza, both on the battlefield and in front of the court, the people's belief is failing, there is no way. and there is no end to this war even in time. in addition, it should have an achievement for rejected israel, its rejection due to the occupation and it is a racist approach that he left behind and israel knows this fact , so they try to do everything , including actions out of desperation that may lead to a bigger conflict with lebanon, iran and any other side. for america to come to the rescue and save israel from the consequences of its actions, as it was shown in yemen. he was obliged to report. due to their criminal and supporting actions , it is americans and europeans who are behind the continuation of israeli assassinations. without them they tell you
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to get your country out of the crime in gaza. i say to funderlein and the criminal government of germany that your actions and words in support of israel in the international court of justice are not supported by us and the people of europe stand by palestine and south africa. various political and economic tendencies compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people. who will stop your competitors ? the government's mandated pricing is giving subsidies. why should there be a salary cap ? we do not want to remove women from the football manager's team. gyms will not cause any pain
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. couldn't i say another word? cheap selling does not lead to productivity. higher debate of tendencies on the eve of elections every day at 15:00 hrs from khabar network today .
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unrepeatable and limited sales opportunity. 34 months without advance payment and 36 months of bank facilities , the major difference in the movement of this carpet is capital , which is woven by machine, but it is like hand-woven, 100 % wool, and the finishing steps are done by hand . the price is even more interesting, which is a quarter of the price of hand-woven, so far. i have never seen a machine quilt that looks so much
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like a handloom. not every month, not every week, but every day win 50 be a million tomans today by buying all kinds of cheese maze shir and buttermilk and sending the code in the company's 50 million tomans lottery. send the code for more chances to win. draw every day at 18:00 live from the communication media of the country in the celebration of the big row of the city of household appliances. for every 35 million tomans purchased in cash or in installments, a free electric medicine with a valid brand name at the same moment. get a gift for a limited time.
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sweep gifts in all branches of tehran, isfahan and sarieh. allah and ashbarim will take away all enemies, the iron of the pile of the leader's line, i will be my mentor.


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