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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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dear mr. qaim, an expert in turkey , i hope that you will spare some time and accompany us with this issue and check the details of it . thank you very much, considering the president's visit to turkey , we would like to talk about the dimensions and angles of this trip , its importance at the current stage, as well as the foreign policy strategies of the 13th government in relations with its neighbors , according to the routine of the special news program, first a report and then a report every night. the beginning of our conversation is to set a goal that the level
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of our commercial and economic relations with turkey will reach 30 a billion dollars can be achieved with the existing capacities. the president's visit to turkey is carried out while the goals set to increase the trade relations between the two countries to 30 billion dollars have not yet been achieved. a goal that, before the outbreak of the corona epidemic in the world, was about 20 billion dollars. he had also gone ahead and considered several axes for mr. president to negotiate with the president of turkey. in general, it was about transportation , it was about customs , it was about standards. both turkey is a country that trades with the world about 618 billion dollars annually.
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it seems that considering the good neighborliness of the two countries, our country's share in trade with turkey is still far from the desired level. our country's non-oil trade with turkey reached 8 billion 528 million dollars in 9 months of this year, which was accompanied by a two percent growth compared to the same period last year. the share of our exports to this country is 3 billion and 263 million dollars and the share of our imports from turkey to iran is 5 billion and 265 million dollars . it has been with turkey , there are manufactured goods with added value, we have prioritized those goods , like now electrical and electronic equipment such as aiti or technical and engineering service companies, transit issues are important and there are our banking issues in the energy sector.
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do you think that in the field of trade, free trade, preferential trade, god willing, we will achieve tangible results in this trip. important documents will be signed during this trip, which shows the will of the two countries to develop business and economic relations between iran and turkey. the activation of the commercial adviser in ankara, in addition to the iranian commercial adviser in istanbul, is another measure taken by the authorities for development. trade with türkiye is announced. mohammad mohajeri radio news agency. i greet you, dr. safar nejad. you are very welcome. the signing of 10 cooperation documents in the political and economic spheres . please give the overview of the importance of the president's visit at the current stage. in the name of god. hello , i congratulate you and dear viewers on the blessed birthday of hazrat amir. greetings and
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father's day, i would like to offer you a look at the discussion from the point of view that what has happened in the last two years since the 13th government is based on a logic and that is the logic of priority. cooperation and relations with the neighbors are the first priority. well, in the meantime, in the past, our sick kajdar has had relations with the neighbors during the past years, especially in the last 45 years, in different governments, but as a priority, he wants to pay special attention to this. let's look at the issue, maybe for the first time in the 13th government, this issue is being paid attention to, so you are aware during this trip.
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the 8th meeting of the supreme strategic council of relations between the two countries was held, and in any case, the holding of these meetings with the presence of high-ranking officials of the two countries in the political , economic and various fields shows its importance. there is an issue, now under each of these meetings of the supreme council that are held, there are usually documents that are prepared for signing, that is, during the interval between the holding of two meetings of the supreme council and the high officials of the two countries, documents that,
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in any case, considering that we we have so-called different aspects of this discussion with the neighboring country of turkey, its continuation and expansion of these connections. the monetary discussions of the bank, which have been started now, have not yet been done seriously. you know , the honorable chairman of the central bank is also with the delegation, god willing , we will reach a monetary agreement between the two countries. this is one of the requirements of the relations between the two countries, which i will discuss in the next section. i will explain to you in more detail that the importance of this monetary agreement may be a head and neck higher than the rest of the areas, and other areas that are related to the areas of interest of the two countries are another topic that has been of interest. certainly
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, it was mentioned in the speech of the honorable president in his press conference and in the press release of the official meeting with mr. erdogan , the issue of gaza is an important issue today. gaza is a priority for the two countries. you know that our cooperation with turkey is not only limited to neighborly relations, after all, turkey is one of the countries it is also effective in the organization of islamic cooperation. well , all these together show the importance of dealing with the gaza issue, which i will explain in due time, mr. dr. bahman. greetings , you are very welcome, one of the axis. what was emphasized by mr. raisi during this trip was the issue of severing ties or cutting the vital arteries of the zionist regime . what role can the islamic republic of iran and turkey play in this important issue
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? i have and congratulate the birthday of hazrat amir and the day of the man and the day of the father of iran turkey is actually two important and influential countries in the western region. they are in asia and the interactions between the two countries have always played a decisive role in the development of the region. in the past 3 months , the war in gaza has been going on and the zionist regime has been killing and harming people with all kinds of crimes. the people of gaza are oppressed, there is an important issue in between, and that issue is the issue of the commercial exchanges of the siminist regime with the countries of the west asian region, especially with the islamic countries, and it is an issue that the supreme authority and the leadership
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have mentioned this issue three times so far. to the problem of cutting arteries commercial and stop the export or export of the material. judiciary and energy to the zionist regime is also a popular demand, that is, the people in the countries of the region and even the people in the countries of the world, well, we have actually seen during this period people in more than 92 countries, in fact, in the world , come out to protest the crimes of the zionist regime. and protesting and attending demonstrations is therefore also a popular demand, but in many countries of the world, products made by the zionist regime have been banned, so in line with this popular demand, which was emphasized by the supreme leader, this issue of cutting commercial arteries and economic is an important issue and in the meantime
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, when we actually look at our economic statistics , we see that it is one of the important routes of foreign trade. in fact, it is passing through turkey in such a way that in the last year, the figure of this trade has reached more than 7 billion dollars. now, a waiver of trade may be bilateral. a waiver is anyway about the transit of goods and energy. well , as a matter of fact, today the president clearly stated his opinion on this matter and said that this is an issue that will be on the agenda to be negotiated by the parties. it will be placed and this has definitely happened especially that this demand exists among the turkish people, that is, in the protests. and the demonstrations that the turkish people
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have been doing since the start of the gaza war until today have always demanded that this trade process with the zionist regime be stopped. therefore, it is an important issue that iran and turkey can definitely play an effective role in that turkey's trade with the zionist regime is actually cut off , and they can influence other countries in the region and encourage them to take steps in this direction. thank you, mr. dr. bahmand seyed ali qaim maki, an expert on turkish issues, was added to our group i greet you, mr. qaim maggi. have a good time. the president's visit to turkey was postponed due to the issue of the terrorist crime in kerman, and now the important issue of fighting terrorism and the threats that terrorist groups have in this regard has been discussed. the cooperation of the islamic republic how effective can iran and turkey be in this field? terrorism in the region, in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, the most merciful , i am proud to be of service to you and the esteemed viewers. common. in iran, in turkey, as well as iran and turkey, it is the ruler of the five seas, and the extensive cooperation of these two countries can guarantee security, stability and peace in the region. in such a view, the relations between turkey and iran should
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be much broader than these issues in terms of security, military , political, economic, social, environmental, as well as transboundary waters, human security, and national security of the two countries that overlap each other. in iraq and syria , turkey and iran can carry out terrorist operations against iran and even inside iran.
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to have a very wide cooperation in anti-terror cooperation. thank you very much from your analysis. be on our communication line. if i get a chance, i will come back to you again and ask another question. mr. dr. safarnejad , let's focus on the economic issues, the targeting of the islamic republic of iran and turkey in the matter of trade, now whether free or preferential, and see how much what was achieved in this trip in the economic field and signing can help us to set our goals, the most important see where the obstacles are, the relationship between iran and turkey is not only at the official level, perhaps the largest part of our economic relations is the people-to-people relations between the two sides. today, according to the official statistics announced in turkey, there are 500,000 people. we have iranians who live in
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on the other side , we have a number of turkish citizens who live in our country, and they are leading the other side. one of the problems we have in announcing the trade statistics in our country was not due to that. it is the official foreign trade in the country that this should be a serious thought for him , that these statistics are announced regarding relations. the economy between the two countries is a part of these relations , and the main relations are much more than this, even according to the statistics that the turks themselves announce, because they multiply the per capita entry of each foreigner into their country by 2000 dollars as tourist income. they add to that volume of financial circulation or
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financial turnover between the two countries in addition to the transit that is being done. the border trade that is being carried out in the border markets, luggage trade , the so-called medical trade, medical tourism and religious tourism, tourism in all kinds of types that enter iran from turkey, we have to include all these in the statistics, and unfortunately, usually the statistics announced by our customs they do it in the two-sided dimension in the announcement of the statistics, so why is this if the statistics. if it is correct, what this shows, it raises the importance and status of economic relations in the country now according to the same statistics that you mention , how much is the target setting or trade exchange, see the target setting that you announced, mr. president, as 30 billion dollars per year, but the current reality is the same as what was announced in
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the news and people. there is a lot of difference in the declaration by the commercial and customs authorities. in my opinion , it is more than 3 times more, because these are only the circulation statistics from here to there in the official domain and from here to there in the official domain. if several millions of people spend money on traveling between the two countries, this should happen i don't know what kind of luggage business should come along with these things . you don't want to go to your destination now. our land, our land customs, take a look at the iranians who go there, from the turks, who usually have a lot of cargo with them, and many goods are exchanged, this should be included in the statistics and the estimate they make, those who all these parameters and they count the items : tourism, transit, border trade, luggage trade
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, medical tourism, tourism, tourism like that, and the reality today is over 20 billion dollars, but the statistics that are announced are about 8 and up to 9. billion dollars and the road ahead brings us closer to the realization of this goal. it definitely brings us closer . one of the requirements that must be implemented is the discussion of the monetary agreement. it was promised, but it has not been implemented until today. if god willing, this agreement will be implemented. money helps so that the dollar is no longer the basis for this iranian business, if he wants to go there, he can do whatever he wants , or a turk wants to come to iran, he can do whatever he wants, buy property, invest, do business, if this is based on national currencies, if the banking network shatab network of our central bank will be connected with its corresponding network in turkey, the path will be much smoother and this
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will make it effective as a strategic bridge. in the political aspects and in other areas , i will say the last sentence. in this good political discussion between the two countries, it is stable when it has two attachments . the first attachment is economic attachment . we have these good signs, mr. dr. bahman payman poli banki, paying attention to the issue of transportation and transit, discussions of free and preferential trade, discussion of energy, gas export, and maybe eco and shang. those of which both countries are members , do you think that what should be paid attention to and planned more precisely in the direction mentioned by mr. dr. safarnejad in terms of stability and economic security between the two countries ? the relations between iran and turkey in
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the past years have been that the two countries actually got along well. compared to now, if they actually have differences of opinion in the region , they manage their differences in the region, which means that bilateral relations have actually continued to grow, even though now in some areas. even if there is a difference of opinion or a conflict of opinion , what is important in the current situation is that the agreements and contracts are actually implemented. well, in the past years, we had very good agreements with turkey in various commercial fields, for example, one of the agreements that are always considered by the two countries. it has been decided to remove the dollar as an international currency from bilateral trade exchanges. well, in fact, the agreement
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was concluded years ago, but it has not yet been implemented in the way it should be. indeed, serious steps well, it will definitely be imagined that the trade relations of the two countries also have special opportunities in the field of transit and transportation. anyway, turkey has always been one of iran's access routes to the west and europe, and iran has been one of turkey's important access routes to the east and central asian countries, even to the southern countries of the persian gulf. in this area , both countries can definitely have common corridor and transit projects and investments instead of moving in different directions. the fact is that if iran and türkiye are side by side to be with each other and develop the relations of both sides
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, not only the national interests of both countries will be secured, but this issue will also have a significant impact on peace and stability in the region , so the implementation of agreements and contracts that were in the past or in the present the trip is actually the conclusion of one of the most important common issues between the islamic republic of iran and turkey, how far the relations of the two countries can be strengthened and stabilized.
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if turkey did not cooperate with these terrorist groups , it would be the first-line accused and the first-line cause of the current situation in syria. turkish rulers but in the continuation of these, they realized that their work was wrong and that you are entering into a process of multilateral talks of your astana process . look at england, awan and their ansar, so one of them, mr. dr. bahman , also pointed out that we do not have a particular problem in the side area. at different levels, maybe one of the disputed areas is
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the regional areas. they are not in all the regional areas. i am one of the areas like syria that the zionist regime has openly said dear mr. president, you mentioned it several times in your statements , after all, turkey has a double standard , it cannot come from here and say that i am a supporter of the people of gaza. the supporter of hamas is also aware of that , the zionist regime's oil goes from turkish soil, food goes from turkish soil, well, this double standard cannot continue, so you see, we have no problem with turkey in bilateral relations, maybe we don't have that much difference in the fields. political and even economic, etc., but in regional issues, some areas are disputed, well, in the case of syria as well alhamdulillah in the last few years with the serious formation of astana talks. the process of astana and the group that is leading this issue is to accept the turks to join wardubi and in this framework
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at least stay away from terrorists like isis and some other takfiri salafi groups that they openly defended at the beginning of the syrian crisis. look, this day we are holding this meeting together, 13 years have passed since the syrian crisis and 13 years ago. on such a day, the one who opened the land border for these terrorists to enter syria with logistics and military force is turkish. i said right, it's the beginning of making mistakes later, we returned and this same return we took to falnik, and these talks and this group that managed the area of ​​the astana process actually got on the track, which alhamdulillah led to the stability of governance in syria. i think we have about four minutes to the end of mr. qaim's conversation. while reviewing the economic and political issues , let's also discuss the cultural issues and
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talk about the words of mr. minister about the cultural leap between the two countries after this trip. iran has a very wide cultural influence in turkey, and turkey also has influence in iran, which means that the two countries have mutual strategic depth it is considered in all respects, for example, in turkey , the books of dr. shariati ayatollah motahari ayatollah were translated, and a large number of turkish people were influenced by the iranian islamic revolution, and a new islamic movement was influenced by the islamic revolution and the books
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of the same doctor. shariati and ayatollah motahari , etc., spread in turkey, and also in turkey, the alevis and shiites of turkey, who are about 23 million people , can revive the former solidarity with iran, which has been revived to some extent . . they are hanafi, and the kurds of turkey are shafi'i, the kurds of turkey and iran sunni kurds have a very wide ethnic connection with iran, this was a very wide cultural source. thank you, mr. dr. qaim meggi . i say goodbye to you, an expert on turkish issues, about two minutes, one minute, final summary
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. yes, well, the important point is actually in this trip these meetings are in addition to the bilateral issues that exist between the two countries, there are also regional issues. now in the west asia region, we have the gaza issue , we have the syrian issue, and the developments that have happened in the past 3 years in the caucasus region. we have that, well , there are different issues between the two countries it exists and it is necessary for iran and turkey to consult in all these fields, but the most vital issue in the current situation is the issue of cutting off the economic arteries of the siminist regime, which we hope will result in a significant achievement in this meeting and in this trip. okay, one minute, mr. dr. safarla, you can see that good political and even defense and security relations between two countries are strong and sustainable when they have two attachments: economic and people, people and culture.
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in my opinion, the person who can strengthen this economic connection between iran and turkey is the central bank, and the central bank should be with the conclusion of a monetary agreement between the two countries should implement this field, a special effort is necessary in the public spheres, which, alhamdulillah, these relations are developing day by day, and from turkey's side, the explanation of mr. qaim magaki, due to this long-standing culture, is a small point. let me also say that the pattern of our relations with turkey in the bilateral sphere is cooperation in the regional spheres, in some places it is cooperation, in some places it is competition and in some places it is confrontation. thank you very much, mr. dr. safarnejad . and as always, thank you for your support good night and god bless you.
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in the name of god, hello ladies and gentlemen. i am alireza hashem zadegan with jahan today. tonight's program with palestine, according to the narration of the picture, begins.


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