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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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mr. doctor, thank you and goodbye, we are higher than both or higher today, wherever we are, we will be higher tomorrow. it is 4 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. the president obliged the head of the program and budget organization to clearly inform about any budget discrepancy. at the meeting of the government board, mr. raisi
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advised all institutions and agencies to avoid creating financial obligations without predicting revenue support and said: "fearing the budget is against article 75 of the law." in another part of his speech, the president said: all government agencies they are required to take the necessary measures to support the family institution in various educational, educational and executive dimensions and focus all efforts towards reducing harm in this area. three -day meeting of university presidents. higher technological research institutes of the country started working in mashhad. the minister of science, research and technology said on the sidelines of this meeting: with the support of the vice president of science, technology and economics, the national artificial intelligence document of the islamic republic of iran is being compiled. for basic sciences and humanities, we also have special support for them capacity. we also used the 7th development plan well
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, and fortunately, very effective decrees have been approved in the 7th development plan, and with their implementation , we will take effective steps for the progress of higher education in the country. the director general of the community nutrition improvement office of the ministry of health announced the development of a map of the country's nutritional problems within the next month. dr. ahmed esmailzadeh said: by compiling this map , nutritional problems will be identified and based on the knowledge, relevant and necessary interventions can be made. the director general of the community nutrition improvement office of the ministry of health said that so far 80% of the work has been done for 10 the important index includes short stature, thinness, underweight , overweight, obesity, consumption of iodized salt, and until next month. the national map of medical sciences universities is being prepared for these indicators.
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it is possible to issue a certificate of origin in arabic in the commercial card system , according to the secretary of the iran-iraq joint chamber , this possibility has been provided in the smart system of issuing a commercial card based on the request of iraqi businessmen, to issue a certificate of origin or, as you say, the testimony of the originator in arabic in the commercial card smart system was activated and the concern that the government iraqi men have , god forbid, falsifying certificates of origin, a possible source of this concern it has been removed the implication that the same mechanism of q-four is also in this certificate of origin of the standard and modified form of the arabic form of the iraqi government , in fact, it became operational from today . women's wear and
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hijab products are offered. those interested can visit this exhibition until the 6th of bahman from 10:00 to 21:00. and the head of the water research institute of the ministry of energy said: the water level of the caspian sea has decreased in the last few years. according to mr. kavianpour, this decrease is more caused by the warming process it is the land that has involved our country. during the past years, in recent years , there has been a change in the level of about half a meter, which according to us, this half meter is about 190 billion cubic meters of water, only including a billion cubic meters this year, which we did our monitoring, and the report is ready, god willing , within a week. the following will be presented . our initial estimate is about 25 cm, which
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is a significant number. if you return to the days of al-tafula, the mistakes of al-barieh will be joyfully difficult until you return to the days. the name of al-tafula is a mistake of al-bariah, it is funny, difficult, and full of sadness and laughter shame, regrets
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, and laughter of shame later dwell in it, and worship god
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. it means that the israeli occupation attacked the tomb in a big way and destroyed a number of graves in this tomb. it means that the israeli occupation forces did great damage to this tomb and to this place. there was only one year left before the presidential election. america and trump to win again. he grabbed every string. after gaining political victories , he formed the deal of the century. agreement to establish peace between the butchers of quds and its neighboring countries. the first government to sign the agreement was the uae.
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next is bahrain. i will help them in maghreb sudan joined make peace with jordan and egypt. kuwait but he opposed this agreement from the beginning. the bettors had different motivations for betting on this losing horse. the uae sought to acquire f-35 aircraft and space technologies. bahrain sought the support and support of the united states, sudan wanted to lift the sanctions and leave the list of terrorist supporting countries, and morocco wanted sovereignty over the western sahara, concessions that neither the zionist regime nor the united states.
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canceled with the zionists. the story continued until al-aqsa storm. the zionists did not withstand the al-aqsa storm. by the way, attack. with rockets they left more than 24 thousand martyrs and wounded missing in front of the eyes of the world community. the war in gaza became a proof of the zionist criminality and proof of arab countries betting on a losing horse. 8 arab countries, including the uae, jordan , bahrain, saudi arabia, oman, qatar, kuwait, egypt, morocco, issued a statement condemning his crimes and refusing to continue the process of normalizing relations with them. maghreb
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was one of the countries whose people came to the streets in support of gaza on the anniversary of the normalization of its relations with this regime. people of bahrain, jordan and yemen. the same many officials of this regime say, there is hope they do not renew the peace treaty. have you ever exfoliated your skin? the secret to rejuvenating your skin is right here. i just need to
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judaism in zionist slavery. this is the first war that covers the whole of europe is. fire of war he went to the other side of the world to russia , west asia and even iran in the war known as the great war. world war i, august 1914.
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during this four-year war, each of the involved powers is looking for a policy to turn the situation in their favor. to change england, who are almost at the end of the line , will use any means to win against the germans. even if this path
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goes through the path of realizing other people's dreams. the realization of this man's dream. a man named hertzel. hertzel's dream at the age of 40 was rooted in his childhood. benjamin zeohrtzel of he was born to jewish parents in austria. parents who were born jewish. but they did not believe in religion. benjamin, who was later known as theodore , had learned to be a nationalist rather than a religious person adhering to the teachings of torah . he studied law at the university, but
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professionally he went to the position of a journalist during the years of working in the thought press that
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a declaré le nommés alfred, capitaine breveté au 14e régiment d'artillerie, à majorité de 5 voix contre deux, coupable de haute trahison,
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toutefois, à la même majority sont voté des circonstantes atténuantes, en consequence de quoi? but in the end, the military court sentenced dirifos to be stripped of his rank and exiled to devil's island in the french guiana islands. france used to send its political prisoners to prisons on this island and it became known as devil's island because of the harsh behavior of its guards. the betrayal of france by a jew of jewish descent
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had aroused the feelings of the french society, and hertzel, with his reports, which were published at that time in the austrian newspaper neue frei perers, tried to erase the negative feelings from the minds of the society and convince them that the jew they want an independent country for themselves. the dreyfus incident became an excuse for hertzel to write a book entitled the jewish state. we want to lay the foundation stone for a house that will be a refuge for the jewish people. zionism is a return to judaism even before the return to the land of israel. signed, tudor hertzel. the main idea of ​​hertzel's book was this: in order for jews all over the world
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to be safe from anti-semitic thoughts, they should live in a specific land. it doesn't matter if their religion is jewish or if they don't believe in the religion of moses, peace be upon him. the idea of ​​a jewish state for jews who they had the experience of 2000 years of displacement, it was a bold idea. contrary to what is stated in their religious texts. according to the texts of the jewish religion, the establishment of a jewish government was forbidden for the children of israel, and this displacement was a punishment that this people had to bear until the appearance of the messiah or the messiah. with all these books of the jewish state , it was passed from hand to hand among the jews. and it was from here that among the religious jews , hertzel, who
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gained the opposition to religion and, on the other hand , came close to the bases of power, then announced that zionism is a return to judaism. he was far from jewish culture and european style when he grew up, he started learning hebrew so that he could pray. in his own words , learning a few hebrew words was more difficult for him in those days than managing the congress meetings. he
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writes about this in his memoirs: i have to communicate directly and openly with the government minister or a prince. in this case, the jews will believe me and follow me. the most suitable person can be the kaiser of germany . german emperor william ii allowed hertzel to visit. the second option after qaiser sultan abdulhamid ii shah it was ottoman. one day in may 1901, hertzel was able to meet him. a bad school between the ottoman sultan and hertzl. in exchange for the fact that hertzel was a well-known journalist, with his writings he blamed the ottomans who were accused of armenian genocide , and in front of abdulhamid ii.
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davut yıldızı in the middle, and the blue line in the top and bottom. "sadece bir sign, no manası yok, manasını unuttuysanız ışılıtayım, bay hersun. siz
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etinız by drawing this flag, you announced that your emeliniz is arzı . bir devlet kurulmayacak. buna mani obokurim. during these trips, hertzel continued to publish his opinions in his personal journal and organized a congress in basel, switzerland, which he also presided over
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. jews all over the world. gather in it. a year or two before the end of hertzel's life , he became a member of the british royal commission on immigration and asked the british colonial secretary to help settle jews in the sinai desert. death in 1904 he did not allow 44-year-old hertsel to see the future of his dream. but this idea had become a good source of income for england. the british government was sent and accepted . his majesty agreed
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to do his utmost to establish a national home for the jews in palestine. until this work is completed. it is very clear that the civil and religious rights of the non-jewish and indigenous residents of palestine should not be violated, and the legal and political needs of the countries in that region should not be changed. i will be grateful if you present this statement to the zionist association. signature: arthur balfour. zionist congress. he asked rothschild, the famous jewish banker , to give a loan to this country in exchange for a definite promise given by england. the famous balfour letter was signed in exchange for receiving money from the jews.
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england did not leave the zionists alone during the years after world war i and ii. in december 194 , the central committee of the british labor party announced that it was necessary to turn palestine into a jewish state and expel the arabs and send them to neighboring countries. england the following year. the province, together with the united states , officially proposed the establishment of a jewish state in palestine. at first, few countries with they agreed to this plan, but over time, the gifts that were distributed among the officials of countries such as latin america and africa softened the statesmen. beside the gifts, brilliant services and fur coats were presented to the representatives' wives. the result of all these efforts ended in one thing. organization. the
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united nations issued resolution 181 on the partition of palestine on november 29, 1947. the resolution of may 181 said: palestinian arabs, who were about two-thirds of the population of that day and lived in 92% of the palestinian lands , should go out and be satisfied with about forty percent of their lands. thus the jews who only owned 8% of the land, they owned 57 of the best lands in palestine. the partition plan of palestine had angered the arabs. in order to prevent further rebellions, england sent its soldiers to help the zionists so that the zionist convoys that entered this land would be safe under the cover of the support of these forces. after that, the zionist congress, ben graven, a member of the labor party.


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