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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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the result of all these efforts ended in one thing. the united nations issued resolution 181 on the partition of palestine on november 29, 1947. resolution 181 said that the palestinian arabs, who were about two-thirds of the population of that day and lived in 92% of the palestinian lands, should go out and be content with about 40% of their lands. in this way, the jews, who only owned 8% of the land, owned 5. they were among the best lands in palestine. the partition plan of palestine had angered the arabs. to prevent further riots, england sent its soldiers to help the zionists may the zionist convoys that entered this land be safe under the protection of these forces. after that, the zionist congress, bengrion, a member of the british labor party and a lobbyist.
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appointed as the head of the executive committee of israel and this was the same time as the beginning of a crime. the killing of deir yassin. on april 9, 1948, two zionist terrorist groups , iran and lehi , attacked diriyasin village in the west of quds city. all the houses were destroyed and 360 residents were massacred. eyewitnesses say that the zionists armed and dismembered the bodies of palestinian martyrs. women's stomachs tear the pregnant woman and burn them alive in the fire. many palestinian women and girls were raped in this attack. they
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were beheaded after this incident. menahim begin, the then commander of the zionist militia, who later became the prime minister of this regime , has mentioned the incident of deir yassin in his memoirs and said that this operation had great and unpredictable results. after the events in yassin, the arabs panicked and fled. of the 800,000 arabs who lived in palestine in 1948 , only 165,000 people. remained. less than a year later, 250 zionists gathered in tel aviv and they issued the recognition of israel. ben- gurion formed the first government cabinet headed by himself. this is the first difference between secular leaders and religious jews. the beginning of the road showed itself
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. the dispute over the name of god was at the beginning of the statement. differences still exist between parties and leaders of the israeli regime. that is why, after 70 years, the zionist regime still does not have a constitution. the intervals between the election periods of this regime are short , the prime minister hardly reaches a consensus to form the cabinet. in the occupied territories, every year on the 25th mehr of the year of independence, the haredi reach.
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of jewish teachings and in addition, this concept of building a sovereign homeland for jews happens to be in total contrast to jewish belief, according to judaism, we are in exile. jewish people are forbidden to end exile by any physical means, all jewish leaders from the very beginning of zionism, totally opposed this concept, this was invented not by religious scholars, the philosophy of zionism of building sover and homeland for jews, was invented by theoder herzel and his friends, people who didn't follow anything. in our opinion, this is not a rule at all in the legal and educational system , it does not work in the jewish way . we do not see any of the jewish behavior from the government that has given itself the name of israel. these objections are limited to harry. khakam david weiss from new york is another opponent of the zionist regime.
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he says: i am ready to be killed in the war with the zionists. i am ready but we are not allowed to enter israel. and we have to expose the nature of this regime and fight it. we announce to the world that this regime is not a religious regime, but is anti-religious and anti-divine, and we pray that the zionist hand will be removed from palestine. short occupation. khakan weiss emphasizes the explicit command of the torah and says: the occupying group came with political goals. they have established a government in palestine in the name of the jewish religion, and by encroaching on other people's land , they occupy it and kill people. which divine religion has such a right for the follower. he himself has believed. along with rabbis and jewish scholars, some history researchers are also in the ranks of opponents of zionism. like ilan pope.
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israeli historian and social activist who consider the forced migration of palestinians to be ethnic cleansing. he says: i believe that half of the population is not jewish the government cannot be based on monopoly or ethnic supremacy. according to this professor of social sciences and international studies, what the zionist regime has done to the palestinians is a clear genocide. the world community against zionism believes that the united nations general assembly has committed an organizational and legal violation in approving tudor hertzel's idea. however, the children of zion in the organization.
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various political and economic tendencies compete with each other in elections. the election is subsidizing the election. why should there be a salary cap ? a strong parliament is the key. it is in the hands of the people it takes you ahead of your competitors, the government's mandated pricing
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, you are the manager of the football player, we don't want to remove women from the stadiums , there will be no pain . product quantity depends on it. industrial equipment and machinery, if they are worn out or old , the production wheel does not turn well, like here in the textile industry. the general condition of the textile machinery that we have in the country is unfortunately old, that is, most of the companies
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that we have are working with machines below 2000 , that is, all the machines that we had and in fact it is used, it belongs to the previous generations , which are not updated, they consume more energy, their weaving speed is lower, a textile weaving machine, its minimum production compared to a machine 20 years ago has more than doubled, its energy consumption has decreased between 50 and 70%, a weaving machine that is in this industry wants to be used, the price is about 50,000 euros , so that it can produce a product that is of high quality and can compete with its foreign counterpart , what support do we have for financing for investment or renovation ? the total number of projects for all ministries is 50
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it was an effort for the entire ministry of home affairs, the entire industry, we inquired from the provinces, we consulted with the associations. due to the same imbalance in the line , we introduced other collections, but our priority focus was on this. i was introduced to the bank. recently, we also wrote a letter that the actual amount of the allocation that the banks have reported to us has not yet reached us, so i can tell you the exact number . the units were produced especially as the customs tariff for the import of these machines increased from zero to four percent in september last year. tafa himself increases the price of the products of the production chain. customs, for example, in the past
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, the importer could bring his goods to the country for 50 million tomans. nowadays, according to the conditions that have arisen, he has to pay 400 million tomans. in the assembly industry, we do not have any iranian cars that can. to help us, sometimes it doesn't exist at all , because the equipment and machines of the textile industry are imported and we only have some production machines . definition of imports decreased. machines that need to be renovated were exempted from customs duties with the approval of the ministry of civil industry and trade, and this is another opportunity for us to move our textile industry towards renovation. now the ministry is in the organization of expansion and modernization of industries.
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there is a legal process for the producers of the country's industry by allocating financial resources for the reconstruction and renovation of their machines. the government introduces companies to the iran industry modernization development organization for renovation and renovation. they should be provided by the government and the development organization for a period of time. limited he takes over the management of the company and performs the reconstruction of these companies. they transfer it to the previous owner again and again. this decision was made based on the law of supporting the reconstruction and modernization of the country's industry. nowruz beigi, sed and sima news agency. desalination of salty water, a technological method to solve the lack of fresh water. the method
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in which the salts in the water are sweetened by separating the positive and negative ions with these membranes is a healthy and low-cost method called electrodialysis. among the water desalination methods, the electrodialysis process is one of the most advanced removal methods there are solutes in water that are very strong vast investments are made for the development and application of this process in the world, and as this sub-project is currently one of the main sources of drinking water supply in the country of saudi arabia and also in the united arab emirates, it should be done with a large investment. in the context of kh. also, these devices have been set up to
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meet the drinking water needs of different regions in this country. the membrane, which is the most important part of the electrodialysis method , was made here at amirkabir university by the young technologists of this university. the main focus of our research is related to the exchange classes it is an ion that is suitable for sweetening and salting processes. in fact, in this laboratory, we have prepared a series of cost-effective carbon membranes based on phosphorous materials. ion exchange membranes include cation exchange membranes and they are the heart of the electrodialysis process. and in fact, the structural and physical characteristics of these membranes strongly affect the energy consumption
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of this process and the efficiency of this process in producing ion-free water as well as water that is imitated as the second product related to this process is delivered to us, we were able to design glasses that have the property of spatial stability, chemical stability and high operational stability. that suitable ion content can provide high selectivity penetration. in addition to being used in the sweetening and desalination process, these layers are used. oil, gas, petrochemical, chloro-alkali units and any unit and industry that is actually deionized, it is completely applicable, as the technologists of this university say, these functional membranes
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are produced at half the price of similar foreign samples and are now on the way to the market. . samia nasser, sada and c news agency. the picture shows us the minister of defense and the commander of the army . they are visiting a variety of drones. the massive number of combat birds that the ministry of defense built and delivered to the army to increase the market power of a country. we check. we adapt the new and up-to-date technologies in the world as well as the needs of the armed forces that are trying to defend the country against threats . which enter the country's defense fleet, each
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of them has different characteristics. this is one of the same , even when the enemy bird insists on entering the country's sky with the help of its majid missile. it erases the bird from the radar screen, but one of the most complete of this bird, when it has the ability to monitor, identify, collect information and electronic warfare, it can enter air combat with the help of diamond missiles. in addition to solid fuel diamonds with a thermal imager, ababil is also armed with a vertical smart bomb. a bomb to destroy
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targets with the lowest error rate. this bird is also capable of reaching and identifying targets at night. and if necessary, the targets will be destroyed in the darkness of the night. in the field of education in the country, everything depends on the internal strength and knowledge of young scientists ours, from the field of design to the field of application against threats. also, according to the announcement of the ministry of defense, in this annexation, a system based on artificial intelligence to guide the control and command of collective and batch operations of drones , which no further information has been announced. seyed mohsen hosseini of sed and sima news agency
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, we worked on this project for almost 10 years until we concluded a piece worth more than 3 billion tomans. it plays the most important role in the detection of dangerous tabs. its main shell consists of a gypsy made of incanel. the inlet and outlet are actually gas and finally the outlet from this side it happens at this point, we can control the view from 600 degrees to 3700 degrees. using high heat, this plasma incinerator can decompose everything into primary elements and return it to the economic cycle. if there is actually a piece of this torch at a distance of, for example, 10 cm , the molecules will be broken due to the heat generated. these turn into gas . we call it synthetic gas. for example , they become hydrogen. that this hydrogen may combine with the oxygen of that material and turn into water
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and we will have water or not, hydrogen will come we can burn hydrogen and turn it into gas. now let's bring the hydrogen gas to the hot water in the boiler or whatever temperature it is and use it as hot water. a suitable process for hospitals that do not have the right to separate. whether it's fabric , metal, plastic, or whatever you want, it should be with each other. this model of ours will not leave you with anything called hospital waste. the output that gives you. the output material you can use now is asphalt in cement. as something like this , let's use the piece that was forced before the sanctions we were going to buy the whole waste incinerator in a hospital, for example , with 100 beds, it would cost nearly half a million dollars. consider the cost of a device. now this plasma burner is placed in garbage incinerators with a lower cost and higher efficiency. a normal plasma torch
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works for 200 hours. according to the last tests we did on our torch and we produced our last torch. 200 working hours of our torch to 400 working hours. according to the statistics of the working group of tehran city council, 15 to 20 percent of air pollution. the security council met in a situation where the occupying and apartheid regime of israel
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does not observe any red line in the genocide of palestinians in gaza and the west bank, although according to article 24 of the united nations charter , the members of this organization have the main responsibility of quick and effective action to maintain peace and security. have left the international affairs to the security council, but the inability of this institution to deal with the crime of the israeli regime and respond to it is unacceptable. the united states of america , as the main supporter and partner of the israeli regime in its crimes, prevents the effective performance of the inherent duties of this institution in stopping the open genocide of a nation and establishing a ceasefire in the gaza strip is on the other hand, the united states has repeatedly expressed its strong concern over the escalation of tensions in the region, but still continues to fully support the war machine of the israeli regime . the united states of america is violating the sovereignty of yemen and actually expanding the scope of the conflict . actions for which he must accept responsibility for the consequences. instead of calling on others to exercise restraint,
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the united states should force the israeli regime to stop the war. america should try to get rid of the trap that the zionist regime has spread to drag it into a direct conflict. mr. president, we believe that the future of palestine belongs to all palestinians. i stress that the killing of innocent civilians, especially women and children, must stop immediately. war is not the solution. security cannot be achieved by resorting to force and committing genocide in gaza. the killing of civilians in gaza and the west bank cannot continue until the so-called complete destruction of hamas. because that time will never come. because the steel will of this nation has not weakened a bit. therefore, the security council should end
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what is the solution to the current crisis? i would like to emphasize that it is necessary to completely blockade gaza be removed and to ensure the unrestricted delivery of humanitarian aid to all areas in the north and south of gaza. also, there is an urgent need to provide the necessary facilities for the return of the people of gaza to their own areas, to accommodate the displaced and homeless, and the help of the international community to rebuild the infrastructure. in addition to this, i emphasize accountability. war crimes and ensuring that the perpetrators of such crimes are brought to justice is very important. in this context
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, we support the recent action of south africa. today, some political ideas are being proposed for the future of palestine. must consider he said that within the framework of any idea, the leaders of palestinian groups and the palestinian people should have the right to choose their own destiny. president of the united states and england with a military attack on yemen. they committed a strategic mistake , a strategic mistake that will lead to the risk of further expanding the scope of the war. we all see maritime safety and security as critical to global trade and energy security. with this situation, a concept is connected. the course of developments shows that stopping the genocide in gaza is the key to restoring security to the region. netanyahu seeks to preserve his political life through war. the survival of the israeli regime is dependent on the crisis regional and overflow conflicts. to achieve such a goal, the israeli regime uses the tactic of pointing the finger of accusation and blame towards iran. through the use of lies
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and false information, the zionist regime is trying to divert international attention from the genocide and massacres committed with the support of the united states in the gaza strip and the garden bank, but the israeli regime cannot deny the reality in the field. slow the israeli regime bears full responsibility for the crimes in palestine and its genocidal war crimes are widely recognized by the united nations and other documented human rights institutions. and introduces it as the most recorded genocide in modern history. in the end, it is necessary to emphasize once again that a permanent solution to the palestinian problem is only possible through holding a referendum with the participation of all palestinians. thank you, mr. chairman.
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a special garment that is tied to the patient's waist and legs . as these are inflated, the blood returns to the heart with intensity. this treatment method is called blood circulation facilitation, which is done with an advanced device. this device is very expensive and it comes with accessories and other issues he found a little less. for any reason, the device detects that the heartbeat is good. now , after seven years of research work, daneshmounian company specialists in isfahan have completely designed, manufactured and localized the biocompatibility . in addition to receiving technical certificates for domestic equipment, irani house has also obtained iso 13485. only 31
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test result files were sent and all of them were successful. cardiologists say coronary artery blockage or heart muscle weakness is the main reason heart attacks and deaths are fatal, and in order to improve the function of the heart, either medication or invasive methods such as balloon or open surgery should be adopted. however, many people cannot use both medical and surgical methods due to various reasons such as physical conditions and age . 35 one-hour sessions. due to the non-invasive actions it performs, this device can gradually increase and improve the quality of life of these people , it causes the resistance of our peripheral vessels to decrease . have more activities
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what points should we pay attention to in order to prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases? we should reduce the amount of salt we add to food when cooking. to avoid excessive consumption of salt, do not use salt at the table.
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limit the consumption of canned foods and many packaged and prepared foods. to improve the taste of food , use fresh or dried herbs instead of salt. consumption of salty foods such as salted nuts of various products let's reduce bulk grains, pickles and sauces. baking soda has a lot of sodium. therefore, in people who have limited salt intake due to disease, consuming products containing baking soda and limit by announcing at 5 o'clock in the morning tehran time.


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