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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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in fact, it has continued despite the fact that there are differences of opinion or conflict of views in some areas. what is important in the current situation is that the agreements and contracts are actually implemented. well, in the past years, we had very good agreements with turkey in various commercial areas, for example, one of the agreements that is always considered. two countries have eliminated the dollar. as an international offer of bilateral trade exchanges, in fact, the agreement was concluded years ago, but it has not yet been implemented in the way it should have been. if we can actually take more serious steps in these areas, then it will definitely create opportunities for the trade relations of the two countries, as well as the two countries in the field of transit and transportation.
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anyway, turkey has always been one of iran's access routes to the west and to europe, and iran is also one of the important access routes for turkey, in fact, to the east and central asian countries, even to the southern countries of the persian gulf. two countries can actually have common corridor and transit projects and investments instead of going in different directions. move the reality is that if iran and turkey are together and develop their bilateral relations, not only the national interests of both countries will be secured, but this issue will also have significant effects on peace and stability in the region. agreements and contracts, whether in the past or in this trip , are actually the most important step to be taken by both. the country should be followed and followed
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, let's go to the political field in the opportunity we have, of course , the economic field still has many issues left in this trip, and of course, in the relations between the two countries, mr. dr. safarnejad, the syrian debate is one of the common debates between the islamic republic of iran and turkey , how much can the relationship between the two countries' bandit positions strengthen and stabilize the process it is going through and of course maintain. the sovereignty and integrity of syria will help. see, let me tell you a fact. the syrian crisis would not have arisen in its current form if turkey had not cooperated with these terrorist groups, which means that the turkish rulers may be the first-line accused in and the first-line cause of the current situation in syria. but later on
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, they realize that their work is wrong and enter into the process of multi-sided dialogues you are in the news, that 's why they became the helmsman of this issue and the main leader of it, the same people who today are on the front against the islamic revolution, america, england, awan and their ansar, you see, so one of those mr. dr. bahman also pointed out that we are in the two-sided area of ​​the problem. we don't have anything special. at different levels, maybe one of the disputed areas is the regional areas. they are not in all the regional areas. in some areas, like syria, i agree that the zionist regime has been openly stated , mr. president. finally, turkey is mentioned in their statements there is a double standard, he cannot come from here and say that i am a supporter of the people of gaza, i am a supporter of hamas, because of that , there is oil. this double standard cannot
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continue, so you see, we do not have any problems with turkey in bilateral relations, maybe we don't have that much difference in political and even economic areas, etc., but in regional issues , some areas are disputed. in the last few years , with the serious development of the astana talks
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, the process of astana and the ground itself has opened up for these terrorists to enter syria with logistics and military forces. and this is our return to so and so. and these talks and the group that managed the astana process actually got on track , which , alhamdulillah , led to the stability of governance in syria. let's advance the economic and political cultural discussion and talk about the cultural leap between the two countries after this trip, and talk about what capacities exist for one minute. it has a very wide range in turkey and turkey also has it in iran, which means that the two countries are considered the depth of each other's strategy
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for example, in turkey, the books of dr. shariati, ayatollah motahari, ayatollah beheshti, allameh mohammad. it was translated and a large number of turkish people were influenced by iran's islamic revolution and a new islamic movement was influenced by the islamic revolution and the books of the same dr. shariati and ayatollah motahari. etc. , spread in turkey and also in turkey alwan and turkish shiites, who are about 23 million people , can
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revive the former relationship with iran, which has been restored to some extent . in addition, turkish sunnis, especially turks, are of the hanafi religion . on those bilateral issues between the two the country actually exists, there are also regional issues , now we have the gaza issue in the west asia region, we have the syrian issue, and in the caucasus region
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, we have the developments that have happened in the last 3 years, and there are also different issues in reality. there are two countries and it is necessary for iran and turkey to consult in all these fields , but the most important issue in the current situation is the issue of cutting off the economic arteries of the seifminist regime, which we hope will be a significant achievement in this meeting and in this the trip has been completed . a minute of jamming by dr. safar nejad you see, good political and even defense and security relations between the two countries are strong and stable when they have two links: economic and popular, popular and cultural. the one who can strengthen this economic link between iran and turkey, in my opinion, is the central bank and the central bank should with the conclusion of a monetary agreement between the two countries, to implement this field, a special effort is necessary in the public spheres, which, alhamdulillah , these relations are developing day by day, and from the turkish side, the explanation of mr. qaim magaki
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, due to this long-standing culture, is a point. let me also say a little about the model of our relations with turkey in the bilateral sphere cooperation in regional areas, some places cooperation, some places competition and some places confrontation . thank you very much, dr. safar nejad . thank you, mr. dr. bahman, for the presence of both of you. good night and god bless you. these scenes are like pieces of a game of men
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who wear military uniforms but play everything like children. i blew up this school in gaza just for fun. this one is also for laughing with you. he runs over a car in the ruins of gaza, or this one was ordered by his commander it erases the writings on this house, but this way it erases the whole house , blowing up residential houses is funny for them, war is also a game for them.
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the war in gaza is not a game for everyone. we are witnessing a deep human rights crisis in gaza. nearly 25,000 people were killed, 70% of whom were women and children. the pain and suffering of these people is not a game. their hunger is their wound. their displacement and death is not a game. i hope i don't go in the new year . our childhood was destroyed. i want to go back home. our conditions are very bad. this war must end. this injustice must end. azadeh taheri of sada news agency. sima
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in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light , in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light , in the name of god , light on light, in the name of god, light of shadows. in the name of god, the light of shadows. el noor alhamdulillah. who created the light from the light and sent down the light to the people
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and sent down the light to the people in the book fi allah akbar, allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest , allah is the greatest . i bear witness that there is no god but allah. alia wali allah
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is the witness of the alia hajjah allah, may god bless him and grant him peace hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah god
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bless god , god is great, there is no god but god.
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according to statistics, now more than half of our mosques in the country. this shah bayt was the speech of the head of the center for dealing with the affairs of mosques in the consensus meeting of the taraz mosque of the islamic revolution. whoever has work goes to god at home. his house is a mosque. all needs must be met in this house. the meaning of closing half of the mosques is that the mosques do not have a congregational imam and three times of congregational prayers are not performed there. the solution to this problem is mosques. the floor of the mosque is intact this means that the mosque is open during the prayer times, that is, from the morning call to sunrise, that the mosque is open during the morning prayer, from before the noon call to prayer, to one hour after the isha prayer, this is what we call an established mosque, an
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established mosque. the worshipers should provide the indicators of the level of the revolution. be it islamic , the characteristics of a mosque equal to the islamic revolution are that it invites people to the mosque , provides an opportunity for people to go to the mosque to express their affairs, and is one of the components of the population. if we want the mosque to be at the top of affairs. ok the imam wanted the position of the leader to be really attentive to the mosque, which means that the people should feel sheltered and sheltered. there is a higher level of solving all their problems in the mosque , which is to make it a place for people to come and go during the day, that is , the mosque is open from the first morning when it opens until the end of the night. the creation of mosques in
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the fields of science and sports was one of the other topics raised in this four-hour meeting.
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and four had hit the inside of the car. beyond the crime of murder and depriving him of life, the body the little one was kept in the morgue for 10 days , then handed over to the family. he was handed over to us after ten days while his body was frozen. the pain and suffering of ruqiya's martyrdom is indescribable. they dismembered his body without the consent of his family. the occupiers
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or it is forbidden to be like any other child in the world. ruqiya is one of the 112 children killed by the invaders in the last one year.
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various political and economic tendencies compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people. who will get ahead of your competitors? the pricing is mandated by the government.
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it doesn't lead to productivity if we are on the khabar channel every day at 15:00 and 19:00 on the eve of the elections. these worker ants , who deliver food to their destination in a row , have a task similar to that of bread and carriers, a new type of drug on a nano scale that absorbs the drug without being absorbed or harming other organs due to their large size. it is not enough for the body and the consumer
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has a problem with absorption, and usually the amount that should not reach the body, we have reduced it so much that it can be absorbed more through nano technology. now, to produce these bread carriers, the technologists of a scientific company in the northeast of iran, in the mashhad technology park , they have built a device that is the mother of this. our company's products include 2 devices that are related to the synthesis of pharmaceutical nanocarriers on a laboratory and industrial scale . in these devices, microfluidic technology is used, which encapsulates the process of encapsulating drugs and vaccines inside nanoparticles in one step with high quality and accuracy. does the above a functional product that was only canadian, now it is also made in iran. it is in the market with a special position. there is a foreign sample device now that is six times the price of our device. in conventional methods, there are several steps and need
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by using size reduction devices, but in our device, it is single-stage, and all these events, from the formation of the particle and the encapsulation of the drug inside the particle, are all done in one step and inside the microfluidic chip. officials of this daneshmanian company say that their national production has also found a transnational customer . samia nasser, sed and sima news agency. they used to say that a fish is fresh whenever you take it out of the water. what does it mean? it means that it is never too late to turn to our own actions. such as continuing education, creating a new job, starting sports and a diet from the city. and at all, this modification of management's consumption habits electricity consumption is now a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they try a little and increase their accuracy , they can definitely return to the consumption pattern
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. take five minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home, for example , lamps can be used from this to no, no, yes , it will be converted and their consumption will be 90% less than before. part of our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not used. that is, in ready-to-use mode or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers, tea makers, microwave ovens, chargers, computers, tvs, etc. these are electrical devices that are still on when they are off they consume and when we don't need them, they have to be unplugged. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the washing machine. if you get used to electrical appliances without using electrical outlets. do it and be very careful when buying them. in the end, you will see that you are not only doing your pocket a favor, but you are also taking a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country.
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we use it to fight the pest. the pest of this insect is 14 mm. let's not act too soon, larosh aziat finds these pests of wheat are currently wintering in the mountains. as the weather warms up, wheat is grown. they migrate , it is one of the most important agricultural pests in the country and it is considered a key pest of wheat. according to the report of the country's herbal medicine research institute , when the air temperature reaches above 15 degrees, this pest is sent to gendon and jo cemetery. you have to be careful, based on the forecast and the optimal temperature of this pest, the so-called desired measures will be applied. aging that
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is not acceptable more than d, if our wheat is aged, the wheat grain department will not buy more than 2% aging. on the other hand, as the executive of the country's wheat plan said, due to the 25% decrease in rainfall from the beginning of the crop year until now and the increase in temperature, the conditions for the change of pests have been created . found that this amount in different provinces , it has increased from 1.6 degrees to 3 and 9 degrees. dear farmers , you must consult with our experts in the provinces in the jadkashi organization of our provinces and cities to get advice on the common and main method of using insect killers to control these pests. appropriate research institutes the country's herbal medicine has announced that two and a half million
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hectares of wheat fields are exposed. the damage of this pest is 20 to 30% in barley fields and 50 to 60% in wheat fields. faratiar of the radio and television news agency. hello, this is gina publications. exams of the national exam, possible questions, 1616 , up to tips, tests, and general techniques. only and only in the book , you heard it exactly right. nostrazist, the new star in the sky of the country, a different work from gilna publications . get 60% of the resources of gilna publications as a gift by
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sending . in faith and faith, the message of our faith, the imam of independence, freedom, the role of our martyrs, wrapped in our ears the time of your cry is our foundation. oh, the
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islamic republic of jabdar! in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. greetings and good morning . dear viewers , welcome to the news section at 6:00 a.m. on the occasion of the birthday of the pious prophet, peace be upon him, there is a special program with the presence of pilgrims in the shrine. motahar razavi celebrated the birth of the pious lord at the holy thresholds.


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