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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 10:00am-10:30am IRST

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anytime and anywhere with any trainer. hello again, viewers. welcome to this news section. the music video of the best father was released on the occasion of the birthday of imam (peace be upon him). this music video was made by sarood zaha group with the voice of ahmad mohammadipour and a poem by iman abbasi. o sayyid and my master, o paradise of my forgiveness.
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my best father, la fata ela haba al-aghli aye al-ashq, his name is yatli, qahir, kafr, barzakh, al-hashri, anh, hayta , vane, zakhari, according to the chief justice of the province . my dad is very friendly i have. for the love of the father daddy, i love you so much. you were always by my side in my every moment. thank you for it. deciding to get a girl around here. in order for the girls
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to be together with their fathers in one place, all the students are happy because i went here with my father to have fun. it's the best in the world. finally , i was very happy that my father is going to come to the house. except for one person, how is it, my daughter, why are you upset? he didn't say anything and cried and told me that my father's wife is in prison. it was important for us and all the school staff that this father be with his daughter at this hour, which was not enough in front of her friends, with a lot of follow-up and accompanied by the food machine, this girl also came to a tour with her father. i can't talk anymore, mr. deghan , because i remember that moment when her father came in. when he came, you thought you were throwing a spring under this child's feet.
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jump, jump, mrs. atashi, my father came around this father, jump, jump, she says mrs. atashi , my father came, i am very happy , he said to my wife, mrs. hello, mrs. i also came to your side. many fathers returned to the arms of their families. 63 people were convicted non-crimes as well as convicts. for the crimes of amadi, the financial value of your conviction is actually due to the efforts of yazdi's benefactors, who always plant flowers by another headquarters , he is released from prison, the sympathies that are always there, on the occasion of father's day, the children decided to release a prisoner from prison. happy father's day with this sympathies, our father's day became more beautiful, kazem dehghani , seda vasl news agency. sima yazd the drafting of
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the long-term cooperation agreement between iran and russia has been finalized. the secretary of the russian national security council announced this in a meeting with his iranian counterpart. in this meeting of the two sides about international issues, they discussed regionally and bilaterally. the first official visit of ali akbar ahmadian, the secretary of the supreme national security council of our country, to moscow and a meeting with nikolai patrushov, the secretary of the council. russian national security talks with the presence of political and security delegations of the two countries, in which a wide range of issues from both sides of regional and international developments were discussed. in this meeting, ali akbar ahmadian pointed to the continuation of the zionist regime's crimes in the gaza strip and said: today, palestine has been legitimized and the usurper regime has turned into an illegitimate and failed regime in terms of political, security and military aspects in the eyes of the world's public opinion.
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he has become the representative of supreme leader of the revolution in the council the head of national security added that the situation in abuhat region has also destroyed america and today this country considers itself a superpower. he has entered into a war with resistance groups and cannot even bring his traditional allies with him. almost once, all the topics of interest in the country of joint cooperation were reviewed and we made appointments to advance them better. by condemning the terrorist attack on civilians in kerman, nikolai patrushov called the relations between iran and russia unbreakable. relations between russia and iran have reached a new qualitative level in all fields , and political contacts between the two countries are at the highest level among other things, in the field of security , the development of the long-term cooperation community agreement between the two
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countries has been finalized, and with the signing of this document , new dynamics will be created in all fields of relations. the talks between ali akbar ahmadian and nikolai patrushov lasted a little more than 3 hours behind closed doors, talks that can raise bilateral relations to a new level. seyed ali, property of moscow radio and television news agency. following the renewed attacks on american forces in the region, western media are reporting washington's plans to withdraw from syria and iraq. reuters news agency quoted sources in the united states reported: the white house in an important letter to the iraqi government, conditions for ending the presence. according to this report, some evidence shows the strange negotiations between baghdad and washington with the aim of ending the military presence in iraq. the iraqi foreign minister confirmed receiving the american message and called it important. without referring to the content of the message
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received from america, fouad hossein said: this message will be reviewed soon so that the next steps can be taken. at the same time , the american foreign policy magazine quoted informed sources in the white house about the plan: washington's plans for exit from syria announced. this publication wrote that due to the increase in the costs of the american presence , there are discussions in the white house about the date of the withdrawal of american forces from syria. the us department of defense has announced that since the attack on gaza , there have been about 140 rocket and missile attacks against us forces in iraq and syria. in recent months, syria and iraq have repeatedly demanded the withdrawal of american forces from the region. the international criminal court will announce its verdict on south africa's complaint against the zionist regime. south africa filed a petition with the tribunal last month and
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he sued the zionist regime for genocide in palestine in violation of the united nations convention. court orders that decide disputes between countries, legally required. execution is final. zionist sources announced that the increase in the number of deaths of the occupation regime's army in gaza has caused this regime to hire more foreign mercenaries. earlier , many videos of citizens of european countries who spoke in different languages ​​and were fighting with palestinians in gaza in the uniform of the zionist army were published on virtual networks. these two young couples americans came to the occupied territories for education. they are very excited. many bases register to undergo military training and join the zionist army, but not
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for free. the zionist project is no longer attractive to the jews of the world. recent developments have shown that the zionist regime is failing to provide security for the settlers. failed and has to recruit only with money. recruits are trained in such centers . this military instructor says: "our goal is not to play, only to kill." you should hit the sensitive areas of the body. pedro diaz flores is another example. he is a former soldier of the spanish army. he fought for america once in the iraq war and once in the ranks of ukrainian soldiers in the war that is still going on. pedro now from the army. recruited i am a member of the force fighting for israel for 3,900 euros per week, apart from the fact that i also receive other payments for additional missions. even though ukraine itself
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is involved in the war with russia, the pictures published on social networks show the presence of a significant number of ukrainian mercenaries in the ranks of the zionist army in the war against gaza. you mentioned that the foundation of the zionist regime is based on the forces the mercenary made by the army of this regime has an extensive program to attract foreign elements and has allocated a large budget for them. the main condition for employment is to be in combat units and not for other jobs. as the spokesman of the ezzeddin qassam battalions also says, we are becoming more and more sure that the zionist enemy is using mercenary elements in the gaza war. the occupiers claim that the current war is a decisive national war. but we see that there is no nation and the infantry of this war are foreign mercenaries. the spanish newspaper el mundo wrote mercenaries from the country. various other than spain from including france, germany, albania and even
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american special forces who had a history of war in iraq, afghanistan, mali and kosovo, are now fighting in the gaza front. the coast guard of cyprus rescued 60 syrian migrants who were stranded on the coast of this country. 3 people, including three children and a man , were unconscious in the boat. said. the passengers of the boat are all syrians and had left from lebanon. the united nations has announced that in 2023, more than 2,500 migrants drowned in the mediterranean sea. vegetation in beijing , china increased by 45% in the past year. according to the announcement of the beijing municipality, this is a thousand hectares of trees the city has been implemented. an increase in the number of trees available in beijing. this city is called the forest city. beijing is still one of the most polluted cities in the world, and china
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has put the improvement of air quality in the country's capital on its agenda. thousands of residents of the city of jackson in the us state of mississippi faced a lack of water. in many urban roads, broken pipes and rotting of the urban water network have caused water wastage, according to the report. water scarcity has forced people to buy gallons of water from stores on a daily basis. civil service department employees also continue to repair broken water pipelines because thousands of residents of this city are under the threat of water shortage every day. thank you for your companion.
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in the name of god, i greet and congratulate you , dear viewers of khabar network. with the continued activity of the rain system in the northern parts of our country, for the northwest, north of the slopes of alborz and the northeast of our country, we are witnessing the coverage of iber in the past few hours in the provinces of west azerbaijan , as well as zanjan, parts of the north of the country and for the northeast of our country. snowfall was reported for north khorasan. we expected rain in these areas and expect it to continue for the next few hours rains in parts of the northwest. the northern and northeastern coasts of our country will continue to be scattered. in the northeastern regions of our country
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, along with rain , we will sometimes have snow in these areas. we expect that the new rainfall system will affect our country again from tomorrow and widespread rains will start from the southwest of our country. therefore, for friday , the activity of this system will be in the form of snow and rain. it will start in parts of the southwest of the country and gradually this system will affect areas from the west of the central parts to the east of the country. it is expected to affect the north-west of the country from the end of friday. you can see that the intensity of rains will occur on the southern slopes of the zagros on friday. we expect for lorestan, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, kokil, northern parts of khuzestan, areas of isfahan province. northern fars province will have heavier rains. orange weather warning issued. the rains
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are heavy , there is a possibility of local flash floods and disruption of road traffic. we also predict snowfall on mountain roads. therefore, we request during this period from avoid unnecessary travel in these areas. for saturday, the activity of this system affected almost the entire country. it seems that in the regions of our country , we will witness the activity of this system for saturday, especially in the west, southwest, northwest , slopes of alborz, in the northern regions, towards the northeast of the country. it is more intense in the eastern and southeastern regions of our country . we are also predicting lighter and more scattered rains. we expect heavy rains on saturday in the regions of lorestan, ilam, khuzestan, in the north of khuzestan, chaharmahal bakhtiari, kokilet bakhsh. from kermanshah province , we will also have good rains in the slopes of alborz
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, the orange weather warning is also valid for saturday, there is a possibility of runoff and flooding. there is a possibility of damage due to the rains , the snowfall will bring blizzards , we will have fog on the mountain roads, and reduced visibility is also expected for tehran. there are reports of an increase in the probability of scattered rains from saturday, considering that the alborz slopes will receive rain again. we will witness extensive and good rains for tehran province on saturday. thank you very much for your attention and support. have a good time and god bless you.
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there was a year left for the us presidential elections and trump grabbed every string to win again. after gaining political victories , he formed the deal of the century. agreement to establish peace between the butchers of quds and its neighboring countries. the first government that the uae sought to acquire f-35 aircraft and
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space technologies was looking for support and support. the uae was the leader in this agreement. the doors he gave his economy and tourism to the zionists. by reopening the embassy of the zionist regime, manama canceled its visas with the zionists. the story continued until al-aqsa storm. the zionists, who could not bear the storm of al-aqsa, decided to attack
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. with their missiles, more than 24,000 martyrs and wounded were missing. the eyes of the international community have left the gaza war as evidence of zionism as a criminal and proof of the arab countries betting on the losing horse of 8 arab countries, including the emirates of jordan, bahrain , saudi arabia, oman, qatar, kuwait, egypt, morocco issued a statement condemning its crimes and refraining from continuing the process. the normalization of relations with them failed.
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bandi on the horse is a loser, the old sanazo of sed and sima news agency. at the same time as the support of the people all over the world , south africa was the first country to go to the international court to defend the people of gaza . we are proud of our heroes who showed that we can show humanity. some praised. south africa's documentation
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was very detailed in this court. along with analysis and away from emotions. south africa understands the difference between acts of genocide and other violations of international law slow the same actions that the zionist regime has admitted and is doing in gaza. hamafker
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resolutely reiterates his position in full support of south africa's action in the international court of justice to oppose tyranny and support justice, and some followed in the footsteps of south african lawyers. indonesia supports the un general assembly's plan to request an advisory vote from the international court of justice because international law must be enforced. discussion with the presence of legal experts. badiei sed and sima news agency echoes
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the sound of protest on the floor of the streets of talawi the indifference of the fate of the captives, dozens of whom have been killed in the attacks of zionist fighters and commandos .
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100 days have passed since the war and the return of prisoners through war will not be achieved. stop fantasizing about a heroic military operation. you must do the pow trade now. the media of the zionist regime have interpreted netanyahu's decision as the result of personal motives and stated that it is not possible to release the prisoners through war. the army has admitted that the chance of returning the prisoners alive with military operations is very low. every day the number of living prisoners is decreasing. we have control over the ground. but the prisoners are underground and we
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are not succeeding in getting them out. the streets of tel aviv are still crowded and the number of prisoners in the hands of hamas is decreasing every day. the latest international movements in this field are the joining of indonesia, mexico and chile to requests for an investigation by the international criminal court about israel's aggression in gaza. explaining this decision, mexico said: the reason for the measures taken by this country and chile are the growing concerns about the rise of violence, especially against civilian targets.
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mexico to un reports. the ally mentioned about the occurrence of events that might be a war crime count on the other hand, chile declared its support for any investigation into any possible war crimes anywhere. these developments took place in parallel with the request of south africa, bangladesh, bolivia, qamar islands and djibouti to the international criminal court to investigate the crimes of the occupiers in gaza. despite international efforts to stop all.
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in the international criminal court, many countries of the world are trying to present a large number of documents about israel's crimes in gaza to this court . the question that arises here is that the international criminal court and other organizations when will the international organizations and the united nations agencies take immediate measures to protect civilians and stop the attacks in gaza?
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it is better to pay attention to these points from any place where we intend to buy a washing machine . now let's calculate the remaining cash together , if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract this 4 million from the consumer price, that is, 20 minus 4. this way, our debt will be 16 million tomans, so installments and interest must be paid. the basis of this amount should be calculated. meanwhile, be aware that the installment fee should be from zero to finally 1 percent.
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in al-rasim sales festival, on the occasion of father's day , buy two products and get the third product as a gift, and buy one product and buy the second product with a 50% discount. happy father's day. stay tuned as you chill. i also dedicated your next program to you. it's very good, rasi mila , you can send me a message whenever you want in the discussion section of arman sarath. ok sure. i saw the meal plan. it needed a change that i coordinated with a nutritionist. sports coaches they can
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send the number 6 to the number 20087 for registration. exercise anytime and anywhere with any coach. in the name of the lord of beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the merciful and the merciful . greetings to you, dear viewers of khabar khemet network. i congratulate you on the birthday of imam (peace be upon him) and father's day . we start the news section of the media with news from the music video harem goli , the review cafe program, and the broadcast of the third season of the evening program to fecher , i will make a shrine with flowers.


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