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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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safe discount and special sale with photos of 24 and 36 months of kalano. good evening, dear and respected compatriots. we have been informed that the gandhi hospital has caught fire. our colleagues have been dispatched to the scene. now, in order to find out the details of the incident, we would like to speak with my journalist colleague who is present at the scene. mr. asadi, at your service. please tell us the details of this incident , what was the cause. yes, apparently, we
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have not yet been in touch with mr. asadi. now my colleagues are trying to communicate with mr. asadi, our reporter, who is present at the scene of the incident. let's ask the cause of this incident that happened at gandhi hospital and whether there were any casualties or not . we will be at your service as soon as we are in contact with them and we will talk to our colleague about the cause of this incident. the same pictures that are being presented to you are related to the few minutes ago when gandhi hospital caught fire.
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yes, the pictures you are seeing now are related to the fire in gandhi hospital , what was the cause of the accident and what were the damages? so that we can ask the cause of the accident, but we have not been able to communicate at the moment. the pictures are related to the previous moments regarding the fire in gandhi hospital. i think we have established a relationship with mr. asadi to get more information about this incident from him. mr. esdi agar.
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do you have my voice? we are waiting for your report . yes, i am greeting you and the dear viewers of khabar network. well , we are right now in front of gandhi hospital, below the intersection of ministers and gandhi. here is what happened from the fourth, fifth floor. there is a fire up to the top floor the last floors, if i'm not mistaken, are in these 11-12 floors. the last two floors are still on fire, but the other floors have been contained. the firemen are here. many groups from the north side of the hospital and from the south side of the main door of the hospital are actually fighting the fire . there is a point that the entrance to gandhi street there is no traffic to be closed to the ministers and there are only emergency and fire rescue forces. who are based here, we
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are waiting for one of the officials who can come and provide us with more details so that we can get in touch and get more details. to you and dear viewers. that's right, so at the moment you don't know what was the cause of the accident, mr. esadi , and whether there was any damage to the compatriots or not . regarding the cause of the accident, because only the rescue forces are fighting the fire, there are no details for now . i see the point. here, in front of the main door, the patients are actually being brought to the parts of the main floors where there is a fire . emergency vehicles are stationed outside. in fact, the patients who are on the bed and are now being assisted are being brought. we are waiting to see if the official is here. can i give you more details? or not, yes, god willing, that is a special problem for the compatriots.
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if it doesn't happen, we will be with you again. if , as you said, you were able to contact someone in charge, let us know. i am at your service . please, thank you very much. we are saying goodbye, as i told you, gandhi hospital in tehran unfortunately suffered a fire an hour ago . what happened to the patients in the hospital for the time being not knowing now, colleague. they are trying to contact the relevant officials to ask them the reason for the accident. we hope that there is no problem for our compatriots. these pictures you are looking at are related to the fire at gandhi hospital, which unfortunately
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caught fire a few hours ago. now my colleagues are trying. ask them to communicate with mr. maleki, the spokesman of the country's fire department , so that we can talk with him about the details of this incident. the pictures you see are pictures related to the fire at the gandhi hospital where my colleagues were. moments ago, these images reached them.
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yes, for now, my colleagues are trying to communicate with the relevant officials , considering that they are busy, but they are not succeeding at the moment . the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament
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is in the hands of the people. iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram with him. we do not agree, we are higher, higher than any dream, wherever we are today aunt ferga in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, the people of iran. hello, good time . we are proud to serve you with another higher program . well, as you know, it has been a while since one of the words entered the vocabulary of our country's politicians
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that refers to the qualification or lack of qualification. it does, and these days in the words of politicians or in the media . we hear, but where does this word come from ? well, as you know, according to article 99 of the constitution of the islamic republic of iran, the duty of verifying the qualifications of the candidates for the four elections in our country is the responsibility of the guardian council, and the guardian council is based on the author and the characteristics that are mentioned in the law , he has the duty to check these characteristics in the person who is a candidate for the election and finally decide on the absence or presence of these characteristics. in the words of politicians, it is referred to as qualification approval or disqualification, but recently, the guardian council has been using a word called non-qualification, which refers to the fact that the guardian council has not been able to follow up with all the investigations
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that have been done confirm or reject the qualification of a person and give a written vote as not qualifying for this matter. there are winners and detractors some agree with this and the council approves the work of the guardian council, and some believe that asr should be acquitted, and if the guardian council fails to do so during this time. if he approves or rejects the dismissal of people, he should leave it to you in the evening and confirm these. we will discuss this issue with the presence of experts in tonight's program . please accompany us to the end. hello . first of all, i will introduce you to the guests who accept the trouble and join the higher program . tonight. we are very much at the service of dr. ali sabri tolay az, a member of the academic staff of imam sadegh university
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welcome, and mr. dr. morteza khamse, university lecturer, thank you very much for coming to the above program. first of all, my colleagues prepared a report on the positive and negative opinions raised about this issue. please see this. we will return and continue the conversation with the presence of guests. gave ineligibility is the opposite of the legal principle of truth. if a decision cannot be made between eligibility and lack of eligibility, the principle is that a person is qualified unless it is proved with a document that this necessary condition does not exist, in such a situation, the person is said to be not qualified. that the guardian council investigate he should state the result of his investigation as we did. and we could not confirm the competence or lack of competence, this is a deliberate violation. tahan
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nazeef the law foresees three statuses of qualification verification, non-qualification verification and non-qualification. a person who meets the conditions will be approved and a person who does not meet the conditions will be given the title of non-approval. sometimes some cases are not identifiable, that is, there is no information about the person. reza cannot reject or confirm the qualification of a person , which is given the title of non-qualification. the guardian council will do its best to qualify and if it cannot really be identified, the candidate will be awarded the title of non-dismissal. ahmed heydari for many years , we have been facing the title of disqualification, and in many different elections , we have the right to be elected and their supporters have the right to be elected. they were deprived of their choice, without the fact that their deprivation was documented by the law and
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justice, and many times in these years , there have been protests against this process, but these protests have not reached a result. people are either qualified or not. non-verification has no meaning. leave it to the people. abbas ali kodkhodaei. for the guardian council of the principle of authentication it is a qualification and it should be clarified for us whether the person who registered for the parliament or the presidency has legal characteristics or not, but if an unknown person who has no responsibility or has no opinion registers to be a candidate , why do we not disqualify him? some of them have registered, but they are anonymous even in their neighborhood, and such people are not certified. seyed hossein hashemi, the law did not say the participants. first , those who are qualified, secondly, those who
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are rejected, thirdly, those whom you do not know. the law does not say that the third category cannot enter the field of elections. the principle is the right to have rights. mohammad bahadri jahormi: non -qualification does not mean disqualification of candidates, but it means that some candidates have not qualified. the law enforcers and supervisors are required to allow those who meet the declared conditions to enter the election process, if it is determined that they meet the stated conditions, well, you have seen the report , we will start the conversation from here, if you allow us to start with mr. saberi, mr. doctor your patience is basically with the issue that has been raised that the guardian council can't have jurisdiction at the time. he declares the qualification of someone , he gives the verdict of disqualification, do you agree or disagree, in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service , dear audience, i hope , god willing, that we will all benefit from the blessings of the holy month of rajab and see about the story of disqualification, the story of disqualification, discussions there is a lot to talk about. i have to say before this that it is basically about the guardian council itself, rather than about the competence. candidates for parliament representation should express their opinion in general before holding the election . there is a difference of opinion. the debate was about whether the surveillance was exploratory or exploratory , the constitution was silent on this matter, and the guardian council
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finally ended this debate in favor of exploratory surveillance . this was a stage that, finally , the possibility of participation decreased to a certain extent. the second stage, well , a little further, this new dispute was raised again, whether the principle is that the candidates for the parliament representation meet the announced conditions. the basis of that condition has not been met, that condition itself is in the law.
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failure to qualify is wrong and we should take the principle completely based on the existence of the conditions, and i don't believe that completely the way the guardian council is interpreting it right now, i believe in detail. article 31 of the recent election law mentions the conditions for volunteers , not the conditions. let's get the conditions. the guardian council should verify the competence here, but regarding the 5 clauses, we should take the principle based on the existence of these conditions unless it is proven otherwise
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. i will read these clauses . i will read the article 31. in my opinion, belief and practical commitment to islam does not mean qualification here the principle must be established unless it is proven otherwise. the second clause is the practical commitment to the holy system of the islamic republic of iran. again, qualification does not mean anything here. the fourth clause is the third clause for now. i believe it should be original. in my opinion, we should take the principle of not having a bad reputation in the constituency , unless it is proven otherwise, so there is no need to verify it here either
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. he speaks physically and mentally in such a way that there is a conventional ability to perform the duty of representation, the principle must be established here as well, unless, contrary to you, you are summarizing the discussion that the few clauses that, in my opinion , do not establish the necessary competence and principle here. this is a citizenship of the islamic republic of iran, here two documents must be presented, paragraph 5, having a master's degree, this must be verified, the document must be presented. third, the minimum age is 30 years and the maximum age is 75 years. this is also the principle of not having it . finally, let me tell you the last one. last, the tenth, having a termination of service card, so about the five clauses that first, i said that the horse exists unless it is proven otherwise. regarding the four points that
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the other indicators that i mentioned at the end, there is a need to qualify, mr. dr. khamse, mr. saberi says that now you also understand that in fact , if he happens to be they are starting a discussion about the method that we have to confirm in the evening, which is now a controversy, and in fact, many people whose qualifications are rejected do not have these qualities, and that is the reason for their disqualification. and i respect you, dear guest of the program dear viewers, i hope that we will witness a passionate election. mr. doctor, let me start by saying a few propositions, let's have a review together , measure their validity, and get to the recent discussion, which is the discussion of non-verification. the guardian council raised that issue and based on it , it is actually raising the issue of non-verification. the constitution is silent until the guardian council came with an interpretation
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and solved it . when i read it, it becomes clear that this issue is actually from the very beginning of the revolution and the image of the law there has been a basis, and i request your presence to verify the qualification from the same first assembly. it happened and continued. at some point, because of some differences of opinion, the interpretation of the guardian council was added to this procedure, which existed and actually existed, and there was nothing new . because article 99 of the constitution mentions several elections , including the presidency of the house of experts and the referendum , and it says that the supervision of these is the responsibility of the guardian council. difference there is no difference between the parliament and the presidency and the experts, article 115 of the constitution, almost all of us have heard that a religious man
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, a politician, a resourceful manager, and the same qualities that he has listed for presidential candidates , have been mentioned in paragraph 9 of the 110 asr, which is related to the powers of leadership. it mentions that one of the powers of the leadership is to sign the presidential decree after the election of the people. this paragraph has an explanation. i read that explanation. it says that the qualifications of the presidential candidates are due to having the conditions mentioned in this law, that is, the same principle 15 15 the constitution must be approved before the election the guardian council and in the first term, the leadership 's approval, the reason for this, you said here, is because he wanted to assign duties to the first term, and he said that this is only the first term's leadership duties, and the next term. in fact, it was the duties of the guardian council. you saw here that the constitution of 1958 was clearly approved . it was the constitution before the guardian council was established. here, it clearly says that the conditions must be approved. so
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, the issue of supervision is based on the fact that the constitution is silent on the guardian council. with his own interpretation , he added this to the constitution. this is the basis of his command it is not correct, in terms of the practical procedure, it was the same . now we have seen in relation to the presidential elections , even in the first term, the approval of the leadership had to be obtained. and i would like to thank you for your presence in the following periods of the guardian council in relation to the elections of the parliament . before the first parliament of the guardian council came into being, because the guardian council gave birth to half of the guardian council and the parliament, there are actually 6 more members of the legal profession. the vote of the parliament was chosen, so the first parliament must be formed so that the guardian council can be formed later . examining the qualifications raised as an example of disqualification. if i'm not mistaken, about 100 people were actually disqualified in the first parliament, and this happened in all the parliaments, that is, it wasn't just from the first parliament, that is , the first, second, and third parliaments were continuous. there was a time when
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the guardian council presented this interpretation of article 99. there was a time when a challenge was presented , and i explained that it was established or actually confirmed. the existing procedure of this first point is that saying that this is actually a matter of casting supervision and verifying the competence that was added, which we realized was a mistake. in fact, the participation was low . this is another wrong claim of participation in all periods of the presidency of the parliament , there are statistics, everyone can search on the internet now to see the participation that he has had since the first period of supervision and the guardian council has always had ups and downs . we had 85% participation.
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participation does not necessarily have anything to do with the lack of qualifications or recruitment supervision or the performance of the guardian council. it needs to be proven in the last one or two periods, when by the way, we had a decrease in participation, apart from the corona issue, which was one of the reasons for the polls. many centers do, by the way, usually less than 1 or 2% , referring to the existence of the supervision of the guardian council for their non-participation, mainly raising economic reasons, this is also the next false proposition. but regarding the issue of lack of verification, i emphasize that in every matter, in every matter, in our normal and everyday life, you
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have time to fulfill something. you set a condition that automatically all of us people will go to vote, hey, this is a rational process, it has nothing to do with elections , it has nothing to do with the guardian council , it has nothing to do with our legal system, in all legal systems and emphasis i think that in the daily life of all people, it is true that wherever we have a condition, we automatically meet this condition , that is, we make sure whether this condition exists or not . that for me to come , i have these conditions, material appearance conditions or anything , political beliefs, religion or any other conditions , it is possible for the father of anyone who entered the house to say, well , let's go, for example, get married, for example, my daughter, i checked the conditions, no, her daughter should check it. he asks, this is the condition that i said, in fact , it is not a qualification check, the issue is that if in in fact, the guardian council did not believe that this
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candidate. does the election have these characteristics or not , should you rule on disqualification, or is this all the preliminaries of that debate? now, i will give the final answer, because you are apparently only looking for the last answer. in the same law of the election of the islamic council, it is clearly stated that the guardian council can act against the law. it is true that this is an issue where the lack of qualification is explicitly stated in the law. this is the last answer. if you are comfortable, then let us go back to mr sabri, mr. sabri, what do you think? is there actually a legal basis for this lack of jurisdiction or not? well, i want to talk about it. investigative surveillance is a story in itself. however, i would like to add this footnote: mr. doctor , the constitution is clear about the role of the guardian council. after this role in the presidential election
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, i gave the example of bahr hossein in my anxiety. ok , there is a lot of gap between parliamentary and presidential elections there is not a single bloc that we can say , because the constitution has given them such a role . it will definitely be given this role in the next election. but let's get to the main issue. i have four reasons for this opinion that i expressed about the promise in detail about the non-disqualification. the first reason is the text of the assembly elections law itself, the text has been mentioned in various articles, such as article 61, which
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mentions the duties of the executive boards to present to you. : the opinion of the election executive board regarding non-approval or non-qualification between non-approval and what is the meaning of non-verification, or the word "appeal " means that it separates these two, it says that you have to do two things, non-verification, non-verification of these two tasks are separate, it means that either the person's qualification must be confirmed or rejected, if not, if the law's opinion is that non-verification verification of qualification is necessary . there was no need for the word disapproval. it was said everywhere that non-approval was enough. why repeat the disapproval next to it ? so this disapproval is supposed to do something. failure to verify a job is not the same. there is a difference between them. mr. dr. khanse, whenever you think that it can actually be discussed, let me know
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do you accept non-examination, whether it is non-approval , that means if we don't verify someone's qualification, we didn't actually verify it, you are right, you agree, so please tell me, it means that i may not verify someone's qualification, but i will impeach, no, non-approval, well, now i will say that it will come to me later. thank you very much . now i will talk in my own time and explain my reasons . then they will ask my doctor to answer patiently. i say that if the legislator meant that your guardian council should approve these conditions , he would not have mentioned the word disapproval at all, only the lack of approval would have been enough. there was no need for that, it's not like i said, well, now you said you have to verify, do i have to confirm , there's no need anymore, i said confirm, that means if you didn't confirm, you didn't verify anymore.


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