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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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iran is the cradle of farsha . greetings from the first vice president on the occasion. on the birthday of amir al-mu'minin hazrat (peace be upon him) and on father's day , he was present at the house of the martyr sarai daran's family and inquired about artin, the young son of this family. artin saraye daran is one of the injured in last year's terrorist attack in the shrine of shahid chirag in shiraz, who lost his parents and brother in this incident. in this meeting, mr. mokhbar said that the islamic republic of iran always considers itself indebted to the families of the martyrs, and the government does not do anything to follow up.
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the arrival of a new rain system from the west of the country on friday for some western areas of the provinces located in zakrost slopes has issued an orange warning . yesterday, at the end of the activity of the rain system that had entered the country since monday, in some areas of the north-west of the north and the alborz slopes, including sabnan ghazvin and alborz, snow and heavy rains were expected in the slopes of khorasan. went and some areas of this province were covered with white snow.
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it is specially advanced for amputee veterans. it's a little difficult for me to understand. wheelchairs with special features were ordered by shahid import foundation for amputee veterans . take this special wheelchair. sir, we almost don't have such wheelchairs in our domestic production. look. this wheelchair now it fits easily, this wheel comes off easily, that's not what we want to say now. we followed up with the west tehran customs, now since it was very easy and very light weight, the reason for the deposition of the goods that came in was around the end of 1400 and the beginning of 1401. the goods were not declared to the customs . well, anyway, they are abandoned because they are subject to regulations. we have implemented the abandoned regulations and in the 8th tower and in the 10th tower , it has been declared in three paragraphs of the goods
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declaration with the customs. became. the head of the national standard organization issued a clearance permit for 700d wheelchairs at the same customs office. the necessary tests were done and the laboratory results came. we adapted the features of the test. there is no problem with this, and these will be redistributed, god willing, as they were done during the legal process. it is possible and i hope that the foundation will try to provide these 700 pieces of yarn to the veterans as quickly as possible. according to the law on strengthening and development of the standard system, the national standard organization is obliged to take the necessary measures for the quick clearance of goods stored in the country's customs. do it. nurture venus radio news agency. the member of the international commission of the khayran school building community of the country
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announced the participation of philanthropists from abroad in the construction of 120 schools . samia hashemi added more than 50,000 benefactors of the school. there are iranian philanthropists living abroad who cooperate and participate with the school philanthropists in the country in the construction of internal educational spaces . we have more than 120 projects of philanthropists . we have philanthropists outside iran in different provinces. we have opened four schools , we had three schools. a school in golestan province in fact, we had the opening of a charity school abroad next week . i think there are more than 50,000 people. when a charity comes , it builds a six-grade school. when it is satisfied
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, it builds a second, third, fourth, and fifth school . thank you for your support. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people, the iranian coach, sharaf iran.
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well, you are a special companion of the higher election program . in recent meetings, the leader of the revolution has mentioned real competition as one of the important pillars of the election, which means that the field is open for the presence of different political, economic and cultural views. everyone can express their different points of view and in the big election race and in this field an active presence and in this big race a real competition. one of the topics on which experts disagree in the field of sports, where the topic of this part of the program is placed higher and those who agree with it are invited for this debate, is the discussion of determining the budget ceiling for football clubs . if you remember, the same thing happened a few years ago. it was done, but for some reasons, it was withdrawn, but for
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this year's league, the current league, as you know, this has been implemented, and now a lot is being done i simply want to tell you that every sports club and club. football has always had a ceiling that should not be exceeded, that is, all the players it buys, all the expenses it spends must be specified within that ceiling and not higher than that, which is between 250 and 300 billion tomans for some clubs. rejecting the fines of some clubs, this has not happened to them. here in our studio, mr. esadi, the secretary of the football federation, is present, as well as mr. noursharq, the head of the committee to determine the status of the football federation, who naturally agree. mr. esadi against the issue that i would like to ask you that you are a special companion of the higher program. allow me to start with mr. esadi and this question, mr. esadi, why do you basically oppose the contract cap for football players , where does the reason for this opposition come
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from? i would like to say happy birthday to amirmanan ali bin abi talib and i congratulate all the shiites of the world and the people's day . let's make up our minds to discuss based on it when we come to this question, either we have answered it in this discussion, or there is no question at all in this area, if we look at it from above , it will look like what do we want this football for, that is, this football and every activity in the country. it exists, it should
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become wealth in the field of our education, every activity in the country should become wealth, football as a social phenomenon should definitely be this rule. otherwise it will definitely fail in the long run and the things we expect from football in the social, cultural, economic and political fields. to have we will not have one of the issues that is currently being discussed in our football is that it must be said clearly that our country's football is completely broken. when a country's football has no income , it is broken, what is the meaning of the ceiling at all. we have to go in a direction where our football will turn from the traditional field that it is now into an industrial one, and for it to turn into an industry, you have to pay attention to its products in the planning strategy of these officials who
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come to be at the head of the federation or the ministry or other places. as far as i can see , there is no such prospect at all, and this is a cause for concern adam, yes, if you want to look at it from a different perspective, i think that when you don't have resources , our strategic management is flawed . meeting of course, dr. noorsharq is one of our very good friends in
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the legal field, maybe my main audience is not dr. noorsharq. why do you agree with this work, what do you think it will help let us have a contract limit for our football players and a budget limit for our clubs. in the name of god, i also congratulate you and our dear viewers on the birthday of amir al-mu'minin imam, peace be upon him, and also on father's day to all dear fathers. let us begin by wishing and blessing our program with a hadith from amir al-mu'minin, saying badr al-falseh before it. i hope you find out the moments of grief and the opportunities before they bring sorrow. the program is an opportunity to clarify more about this issue and
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provide proper information and analysis about it i borrow from mr. dr. esadi's statement that pointing to the bad financial situation of our clubs , which is not a new issue, and that this issue has plagued our football for years, and when mr. esadi himself, the general secretary of the federation, was closely involved with this issue. dealing with and the reason they mentioned this issue, i think that this is their accurate information about this issue, so if we are facing a problem called the unfavorable financial situation of the clubs, which has various reasons, and in my opinion , it should be harmed in the independent program or programs the knowledge of this payment, why our clubs financially and sources of income and expenses of the kurds
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may be in a bad situation and i don't use the term broken because they have special rights . what is it, but if you think that the bad financial situation is not facing this challenge according to your interpretation , the problem is that if you pay attention to this whole program and some other programs , you should use different experts for their opinions on why our football is at the level a club , despite the so-called professional title yes, but why am i in this situation? if i want to enter into this matter from a so-called window. in my opinion, the best entry to enter this topic is the club management entry. you
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are aware that our club ownership system is run on the basis of independent legal companies, that is, we have an independent company, which is the company that manages cultural and sports clubs. there are different ones in the country. in the corporate system, you have different pillars. the highest pillar of the company is its general assemblies, which take major decisions for the management of the company with different levels of authority and these decisions. to the board the management is notified and the board of directors is responsible for managing the company in the form that the assemblies approve the issues for them.
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what is the reason for the clubs to have a contract ceiling? well, one of the reasons is that you are one at the management level . sometimes your expenses are not proportional to your expected sources of income, what do you expect, that is , it will not happen except that you will fall into the abyss of financial problems. our country's football has fallen and this is where we expect the football federation to enter into this matter and a thoughtless solution is that we enter into a financial discipline system. thank you sir. it is acceptable, but during the management time, when this happens again, this painkiller does not work because we have a state of resistance, as our medicine, it becomes resistant
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to this story, and this disease turns from an acute state to a chronic state, and the difference is that in a chronic condition, there is time to fix it, provided that there is also the will. now, i don't give much of this will, but in this part, if i am a federation. if he wants to come and do this work, which is partial and not in the main way, the main resources that exist in the country and the main capabilities that exist in the country, and there are these rules in all countries, but in our country, we cannot do this. i see. let's use, that is, we in football is an industry , this football industry in the world , we don't want to go and invent a wheel from the beginning, that we should be able to use this industry from its resources . this work that
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i mentioned is the duty of the federation or not in the area communication with the government of the parliament, yes, the right to broadcast television, the ceiling of the contract that i put , the ceiling of the contract is a house, in my opinion, it is not the duty of the federation or not, yes , it can. this method is one of the capabilities of a federation to regulate that work, that is, the other federations of other countries also do this, so if their conditions are like this, if their conditions are really like this, they will not go to this, but it is temporary , it means you once, twice, three times. can you do this work on the condition that you set indicators so that those who are members of the federation are not allowed to commit violations. for example, a club comes and says how much is the limit of the contract . my
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fine is less than that. i will break the limit. it is not that he will be able to assemble the system, that is, he will not be able to reach the point where he can observe the balance of justice that exists in the discussion of football. his tools are very limited, but the bigger and more important thing that can be done is to consult with the government parliament and those who can help the structure of football in this area. sponsorship is the issue of economic resources that can arise in football. it is a communication issue that we can pay attention to through football
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. it brings abundant resources to the system. thank you , mr. noursharq. in my opinion, football on the clubs was confirmed in the statements of dr. esadi . most of the so-called feedbacks and guarantees of his performances and accurate implementation, in my opinion, he pointed out that we must agree with this issue. the world has a history and different issues can be raised about it. since 2010, uefa has seriously entered into the issue of financial discipline , known as financial freedom, and found these important developments after the corona pandemic and the economic issues caused
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by corona. as a result of these developments, financial fair play became much more serious due to the economy of the club and led to a change in the regulations, that is, what was previously referred to as financial fair play or financial balance, in 2022 there was a major change and it was based on three axes. it was established that now i will not make the program boring in the next episode i am talking about these three axes, my intention is that it seems that both in the football fan community and in the management department of the club or federation , someone is against supervision. you see, one of the plagues that
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have threatened our clubs in the past few years is the rulings issued by the international authorities against our clubs. the transfer window of the club closes or the executive guarantee is severe. terry is considered for them. surely the expectation from the football federation is that the ratio effectively intervene in this issue and other bad financial trends of the clubs and also point out a point that it is beneficial for the teams to pay a fine for this violation and set an example . let me give you an example from uefa, where there are also various performance guarantees
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, fines, deduction of points or even exclusion from participating in european competitions. he was seriously and decisively looking for its implementation, it is good that he knew be that as it may, this recipe is for the current season. it means that the title is the same as the current season 1402 143 and for the next season, based on the many suggestions received from the clubs , we will examine this matter in the relevant working group, and the recipe for the next season will be submitted to the federation. could it be that why the budget limit is for the team and not for the players, what do you think? every shower is there. it means that most of the resources that the club spends belong to the player , which means that the ceiling is higher when it is considered for the club, but the highest amount of expenses is
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it leads to the contracts that are signed with the clubs. what seems to me is that now this discussion about making mr. doctor is a correct discussion. it is a discussion of the supervision of the football federation on the contract. now the main discussion is how we will go out with the clubs. now you are looking at how many percent of them are private banks, which usually spend their resources like this because they have no income . they are also bankrupt when the financial balance of a company is negative for several years. now, if they give another name, i don't know how but this process will certainly not be a good process and eventually.
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and be efficient to improve the situation, which you definitely confirm that the positive effects of this directive on the budget ceiling in this season cannot be denied, and the second option is to negate and not have this supervision and leave the matter independently and exclusively to mr. esadi, which option do the clubs choose? it was a very good question, so i answered this question. this is how they raise this ceiling limit since when, what was raised in europe , their income and expenses are completely defined, i.e. profit.
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you have to show it. their structure, otherwise, the federation does not allow them to participate in the competitions, but in the system of our federation , it is not like this at all, that is, if a club with a negative balance , even now, i don't know how to say this in this media because it is broadcasted live. later , those who and fifa is trying to get the blame for this. i don't want to get into this story too much, but it happened that our clubs presented their financial indicators at the international level as unrealistic, and it was the duty of the federation to take care of this before and not let this happen at all. what is the result? the result is the same as these regulations. yes, housing is very good. if i were to answer your question , which one would you choose
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? very well, let's do austerity, and then when the resources are ready , let's take this austerity. i promise you, this will never happen until something big happens in the policy-making area. what are those areas ? we don't have any sources of income for the clubs , let it be. let me see if mr. noorshaq answered your questions or not. i felt that every time mr. asadi came to the sources and the topic. between those two options, i think it is the same option the desired by the federation and the football community is to choose them, because mr. esadi knows that without this supervision, the executive work at the level of promotion in the federation and the clubs.
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what do we do? let's buy a chance. my problem is that the federation cannot use these opportunities. because he doesn't have the tools and he doesn't have the ability to go to counseling to solve his problems. the problems are not at the level of the federation, they are higher than the federation, but it is important to think about it. mr. noor person. at least spend a character. let me point out a point here. open to it is better to have a living example
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and let's talk about its implementation at the world level . i said that in uefa in 2022, these regulations were changed and some basic elements were found, what is called the so-called changes in financial balance from 202 onwards, for example. in the drama department, control the expenses of the clubs. being serious and saying about your income , if the owner has a wealthy owner, the club's income from the wealthy owner's pocket cannot exceed a certain ceiling, so to speak, and the club must have its own sources of income and its expenses must be proportional to his sources of income are good there, of course, they allow up to a certain queue, and
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the clubs up to one percent. they were allowed to spend more than their income sources. well, this approach is actually localized, nationalized and in accordance with the requirements of our country's football. this is the recipe that you can see. however, we cannot deny that some of our clubs have government subsidies. and they are using government sources of income. you expect me not to monitor my income and expenses. no, i asked which country. now , since i didn't get the answer from you, i will get it from mr. esadi. which countries are you who are putting a ceiling in this way? i don't believe that this discussion will be very difficult. saudi arabia is not rich in its club .


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