tv [untitled] January 27, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST
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hello again, the first cyber security event in iran named meco city f. held. in this competition, more than 2 thousand participants from 104 different countries, including america, india, russia, china and japan , participated online, and representatives of iran participated in person. the purpose of this competition was to challenge the ability of the participants by focusing on the field of information security, reverse engineering, advanced cryptography and penetration into applications to test their skills among other teams
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, considering the range of participants who i mentioned that 14 countries and 1257 teams were in this event well, this has really become a national achievement and i would like to tell you that perhaps the most important achievement of this event is the interest of the new generation of cyber security experts and their training by the same teams that you see here and the new techniques they face. let's train so that we can improve by training a new generation of experts in this field of the country's infrastructure against cyber attacks. the technologists of a knowledge-based company have succeeded in obtaining technical knowledge and producing nano protective coatings for water pipes. this technological product is of higher quality and lower cost than foreign samples it has been produced and domesticated. they say there is water
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, but it is scarce. these high diameter steel pipes are used to transport water to low water areas . now, in a knowledge-based company in tehran province, a product has been produced to protect these water pipes. our company's powder coatings have nano nanoparticle technology. it is the invention that the coating products that it offers are used as fba coatings in the outer coating of pipes, and in this way they prevent pipes and their corrosion against physical and natural factors. the technicians of this daneshbonyan company say that the ability to supply 30 they have a thousand tons of this nano product every year. regarding the oil, gas and water industry , we
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support almost all the projects of the country for the outer coating of the pipe. according to the equipment we installed in the factory, it is the most unique equipment in the region. we have a lot of production capacity and we can supply more than 30 thousand tons . this technological product is 40% cheaper than the sample. it is available in the foreign market, about 40% of the added value has been created inside the country, that is, for example, if we were able to support projects with 10 million dollars last year, and let's provide at least four million dollars of domestic added value , according to the officials of danesh banyan company. this technological product of theirs has been
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i put this national tournament, the asian tournament in my heads, i put my man here because i like the game very much, i am going to robotics in three age groups of 5 to 7 years , i learned to put a roof on it, put an antenna on it. if it is a little bit heavier, then it is stronger. if the structure is smaller, even if they weigh the same , the one with the smaller structure is the winner
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. it increases the children's concentration and creativity. that is one of their future plans. they say that in the future i want robotics , sherbatiko, i am very interested in it and i love it. in the future, we can make better and better robots . there are certainly many elites in every competition that we can hope for in higher and international arenas. have the we must be selected. if you win these competitions , you will be sent to the asian competitions . according to the announcement of the sada news agency, about 80% of the population of the itikaf are young people and teenagers. a large number of these young people are students of various universities, except for
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the students of microbiology. at the age of 19 , it is the first year that i have been in i'tikaf here, although i am a servant in addition to i'tikaf because i am a servant. there is another one, and the month of rajab is the month from which we should reap the maximum virtue. participating is after the exam, let's come have some fun and be alone with god. since i came here, my thinking has opened up a lot and i have become more attentive to everything. a three-day exam is the feeling of being closer to god or life for example. let him be alone and get self-knowledge, which is the greatest blessing that
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god can give to a person, that you can create yourself alone, know yourself, that self-knowledge, in my opinion, is more valuable than anything else. and they believe that in such an opportune time, a person can strengthen his relationship with god . khurim is a good place to practice letting go of the world, and according to the words of dr. kamran mafiha, one must have faith in his heart when he wants to participate in such ceremonies, and it is supposed that after these three days, they will leave some things here and some things take it with them. the length of the burden and the moral burden and the burden of god to close the package with himself and be able to implement it in his life. it leaves a mark on the character, and the longer he is with us, the more he is with us, and for
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every wrongdoing , he is very angry with me. mosques. this year, the head of the country is hosting the retreatants. it has been said that the reception of young people in this year's itikaf has been remarkable, amiri of sed and sima news agency. the next part of the news at 2 o'clock: the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament , the key is in the hands of the people, iranian coach sharaf iran
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has a telegram , he is playing with the whole country . we do not agree, above b , in the name of god, greetings, courtesy, respect, and service to each and every one of you , dear and respected viewers, especially for the higher program of the leader of the revolution in their recent meetings. they called the real one of the important pillars of the election , in the sense that it is the square for the presence of different intellectual, economic, cultural and political views and currents. it should be open so that all these different views can
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form a real competition and have an active presence in the big election race. one of the issues on which different experts have different opinions and the discussion of this program is the subject of our debate, the debate is whether or not governments should have a specific say in the capital market and intervene in order to support the market or not. don't do this as you know the government has established various institutions to support the capital market in different years. if you remember, in the last one or two years we have, for example, the stabilization fund. in the previous years , we had the development fund. the national development fund was decided to provide a part of its resources to the stock exchange organization through these funds. now one of these funds is doing market management with other resources it has, one of these funds is using the national development resources. the national development fund comes and supports some in the market from the experts regarding the government's entry
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, either for market management or to come and support the market in places where the capital market needs the support of the government, which we are witnessing a decline now anyway, and to compensate for the government's entry, some experts are fundamentally against this. there are two groups of experts who are against any kind of government's entry into the economy and its influence on the financial markets , and we want to talk to them in our program today. let's see what their opinion is about the issue that i presented to you, basically, why is it against the government's intervention and intervention, even to support it? there are others who are in favor of the presence and support of the government, what are they doing. follow the debate of this episode from above. well, here in our studio, mr. masoumi, the manager of the capital market development fund, is present . also, mr. durvari, an expert on the capital market, with whom we will talk.
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i would like to start with mr. durvari, and this question, mr. durvari, why are you completely opposed to the intervention of the government, whether it is to support the capital market or for something else , what do you know about the harms? greetings and courtesy and respect to you, dear friends, dear viewers. i would like to serve you you are the capital market where you bought financial assets. and the activists and investors of this market buy and sell according to the evaluations made by the level of awareness and analysis, and invest capital in this market. this capital helps the companies to grow production and economic growth. it is effective in the capital market and this system is the width of the demand and this information. that the investors have, causes a demand to be created or someone wants
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to supply it, any external factor outside of this supply system will enter this system and put pressure on it. but this system is definitely out of balance , it seems that the government is doing it with the stabilization fund and the support fund. this cycle has been disturbed a bit, the reason for this is that it has eaten into the investors' portfolios. it is usually clearly visible, as you can see, that the market has grown by about 67% since the beginning of 1402, but the investors' portfolios are at a loss of something like 20, 30 or even 40. it seems that there is this kind of support that may support certain shares of a certain industry. in general, i think that the government as
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an external factor should not interfere in this field. ok, the government can direct its energy towards other things, towards transparency , towards building investors' confidence, towards the economy being predictable and investors having a logical and accurate assessment of their investments. you are completely against both funds. i am totally against the support and influence of market management intervention in the market. my reason is that the capital market may fluctuate due to the fact that there are many factors influencing it, and this fluctuation is an inevitable part of the market. promote investors to enter this market
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. thank you, mr. mahsoumi, how much do you agree that the government should not have any intervention or input in the capital market, either for support or market management. well, i also offer greetings and courtesy to your honorable colleagues to all dear viewers. you see, from one point of view , mr. durvari's statements are correct, because the structure of the capital market actually consists of supply and demand , the estimates that are made from the stock price, the future outlook that analysts have on these stocks. and they buy it at the price they see, so to speak, they say they see it or they see the price is higher, they sell it , this is the general rule, i agree with this part of their order , but we have to
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see the structure of our own capital market and the actual form of supply and demand in the market, anyway, because of the issue of limits. the range of fluctuations that we have in our capital market and other issues, the base volume that is defined , sometimes the stocks are not really traded at the price , so to speak, they are either undervalued or overvalued. we do not claim that the market stabilization fund will balance the market round this is not the responsibility defined for the market stabilization fund. stabilization fund is a fund that supports and stabilizes the market. it is mentioned in this way in its statutes and regulations. because we have the same in other countries. including china, south korea , thailand, singapore. these are the countries that we
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have similar to the stabilization fund. there is news that recently one of our news sites quoted from bloomberg that the china stabilization fund is re-equipping the pulpit and re-equipping the resources to re-enter the market and help this fluctuation. if a small amount of this fluctuation happens in the market , it can be managed and controlled to reduce it . i said to the whole market that yes, currency and demand should determine the market. and the market should be defined . it was perfect, our market actually
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had the same functionality as the japanese, european and american markets. in that case, we we said, sir , do we have a support fund in countries like this, so the stabilization fund has no meaning, if we reach that stage and we call it the level of efficiency, the market stabilization fund , your mission is over, please come up with another solution for discussion starting tomorrow. let's manage our fluctuations. please, how much do we agree with the fact that until we reach a stable economic condition, the government will come and control the market, at least for a certain period. i have a problem with this story. i have to tell you that we have many financial institutions in our stock market , investment funds of sabatgaran companies investment consulting, provision of funds, the assets under the management of these institutions are something like
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76,000 to 760,000 and this number is not low. definitely, these analysts have an investment manager , they have a board of directors for this fund and they make a decision . it seems that if there is going to be support , these analysts will definitely come to the conclusion that this is a very attractive point for the price and they can enter this share. hear that, for example, foulad mubarakeh will buy the fund in the range of 600 tomans 60 and the source. these friends don't have enough money, this money will run out like a house it seems that the government should take the solution elsewhere , as the market activists are convinced. and you are also aware of it. in 1402, the capital market was hit twice by the government
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. one was the issue of feedstock for petrochemicals . the government could handle those events much better. it's strange and they could have prevented the decrease and collapse of the market. how the inspection organization comes as a trustee and invites the industries that are suffering from this resolution is seen in the budget. there was a food ceiling, it was not bad that this happened , the organization was inviting the activists of that area of that document , they would come and set up a mechanism for this story and prepare themselves, but unfortunately, due to the lack of transparency, a series of institutions started selling and later it became clear that i asked my dear friends
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it seems that the government should not do this the branch interferes and i told you that this system of supply and demand is collapsing , these things happen. there are special stocks, indexing stocks , do you accept these or not, i myself as a manager. market development fund no, no, i do not accept it in any way , i have said this many times , i do not believe in this case at all, the philosophy of indexing and market manipulation , and so on, neither me nor the members of the board of directors.
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neither we nor the stock exchange itself accept the market stabilization fund and the capital market in the same way . i think there is a bit of confusion here. we wanted to discuss the philosophy of the stabilization fund. what is he doing. regarding indexing, we have prepared a report in our analysis unit on the date of september of this year, discussing price increases, price decreases , and which stocks are the most traded, which stocks have the highest market value, what we directly discuss. we did not index, but what what we concluded was that 30 to 50 of our big companies when the market gets excited. they grow less. the average we got for 30 big companies was 94, and these were 25% when they fell, on average, between 20 and 25.
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i think their average was around 20% . so, instead of the shares that you please tell me that there are some friends and loved ones who are in the extremes , according to the level of risk, they have chosen a share, and the share that has grown by 400 has a much greater fall. we made these roads with the price ceiling of march and with the price floor of september. we also got a price on november 8 last year. this shows that the shares that grew from november 7 last year to adi behesht 16, 1402 have fallen in proportion to their growth. now, 30 of our big companies are falling by 20% when the average growth is 94%. that company the most highly traded companies have more transactions and the companies that have the highest efficiency grow by an average of 300,400. we have made a report
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on our channel, friends can refer to and study them. so i am an investor if it fits the market portfolio if i have set up a portfolio , i take the index if the weight of the most valuable shares is more than the index, if the weight of the highly traded shares is, and those shares that are strongly correlated with the market, their beta is strongly positive with the market. every bit more than the market , i used the specialized term that they are affected by the market, which means that it affects the performance of the market more. yes, we have just selected 30 of them, so i think that our shareholders are under pressure now they are really making losses. yes, i accept this
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. it is one of our distorted duties to actually support and not let these losses increase, but as you said, we are not connected to the source of this support . i completely agree with the part of your statement that the government sometimes damages the market with the decisions it makes, and neither the development fund nor the market stabilization fund can solve this issue, and i think that there should be more in those policies. if we reconsider how they make decisions, how they communicate and even their implementation process and why should i in fact, the feed rate of the refinery that i want to change, don't consider a breathing period for it and don't go up a ladder, now for the refineries , it will come on saturday this week, notify the refinery companies to publish it, now the date letter was from 7 days ago.
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he graduated 3-4 months ago. i want to know. this is the degree that he is preparing. the deputy that he is preparing . they have access to confidential information . their information should be disclosed. they have confidential access they should be monitored, and the most important thing is not to change it in advance, that is, don't say that from the first of 1402, from the first of 143, these two months will go to you
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, because a strange amount will come out of the shareholders ' pockets. let's go back to the existential philosophy of the stabilization fund and the main point of discussion is whether the government should support or intervene. for example, if the index comes down , should the government step in and provide financial support or not ? you say that it should be done temporarily. it is not a problem to be there, no, i have a problem with support, the government can go elsewhere show your support. the stock exchange organization can specify the place of its support. in the same letter that came for gas products and oil products on the same date, the stock exchange organization, as the custodian of the market, could identify the symbols of refining and companies that are greatly affected by this issue. stop and oblige these friends to clarify and disclose the impact of this incident. it didn't happen
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considering that they have a history from may and the market came to the market saying that something new is happening , the price of food in the market started to sell and this effect is still not trusted. support, this is going to happen , dear capital market activists, this is going to happen, a similar resolution is going to happen from the other side. it has the ability to predict that suddenly , as mr. masoumi said, you go to sleep at night and get up in the morning . a resolution has come and it affects the entire capital market. so, if you agree , let's see a report together. mr. eshghi, head of manaz allocation exchange organization, on the opinions of supporters and opponents and the topic we are talking about.
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