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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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hello again, dear viewers , welcome to this news section, for the first time, satellite on simorghs satellite. successfully injected into an orbit 110 km from the earth's surface. a native satellite that was built with the efforts of space experts in the ministry of defense . kabir central iran, imam khomeini space base. on february 8, 1402, satellites on simorgh successfully launched 3 research satellites of mehda keihan de hatef.
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he injected in an orbit of 100 km from the earth's surface. simorgh is a two-stage liquid fuel satellite built by the ministry of defense. less than 10 days ago, iran successfully launched and injected it had space with 100 vertical satellites. space scientists of the islamic revolutionary guard corps have made all three engines of this 3-stage satellite from carbon fibers, which reduces the weight of the satellite. reduces significantly. the same problem shows itself in the launch of the seria satellite. seria becomes the first iranian satellite that, thanks to the irgc's space knowledge , goes up to an orbit of 750 km above a hundred earths and is placed in orbit. three months earlier, the qasid noor 3 satellite was launched into space. a detection satellite that after launch in orbit 45. bar qased and noor 3 satellites
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were both designed and built in irgc research organization. july 1401, the second research launch of the zul-janah 52n satellite, the first three-stage satellite, which operates in the first and second stages with solid fuel and the third stage with liquid fuel. the third generation of native launchers. the first research launch of which was carried out in february 2019. with the launch of the first satellite on an iranian native, safir, in 2007, we became the ninth country to independently launch satellites into space . currently, iran is one of the 11 countries that have the power to launch and inject satellites and have a complete space cycle. mohammad javad reza soltani , radio and television news agency. the foreign minister said the war in gaza
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there is no solution and iran has a special focus on solving this crisis through political means. mr. amir abdollahian emphasized in the meeting of multilateralism in the history of iran's foreign relations: the current crises and specifically the crimes of the occupiers in gaza have become a serious test for the international community and the international system. referring to the terrorist movements in iraq and pakistan, the foreign minister said that talks have been held with the authorities of these two countries with a view to political solutions and common understanding. mr. amir abdullahian also informed about his trip to pakistan in the near future for further discussions in this field gave three soldiers were killed in a drone attack on the american base on the border of jordan and syria. news sources
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reported the uav attack on the american military base in jordan and near the syrian border. biden confirmed the death of three american soldiers in this attack . the number of injured is reported to be 34. the spokesman of the jordanian government said that the american base that was the target of the drone attack is not located in jordanian territory. cn tv channel announced from the words of american officials. this is the first time since the beginning of the war in gaza that an american soldier has been killed in an attack on the military bases of this country. until the the end of the 13th government, all urban communities are covered by health care and health care providers . according to the director general of the ministerial area of ​​the ministry of health, more than 46 million iranians were included in the health campaign under the title of diabetes and hypertension. now. in fact, the results of this survey and
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the people who are found now are either suspicious or have high blood pressure and diabetes confirmed on the table. in fact, health care workers who are included in the discussion of family health are organized, and god willing , if more treatment measures are needed, even so that we can do their next work, god willing. they also need a bed , we will not abandon them. phased air meshes in the country. designed and produced. this product is used in the combustion systems of the petrochemical industry and power plants , and the amount of pollution is lower than the environmental standards. iranian chenavaran
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has succeeded in producing air-fun torches with low height. this technology monopoly was in the hands of large german, french, and dutch companies, from design to production and complete implementation. done by elites and good iranian fleets , there is no limit to cover the entire needs of our country, four more than this the manufactured product is ready to be sent to one of our own projects. the next plan is to add hydrogen fuel to this product and it has many capabilities. it has the ability to use any type of fuel, whether it is natural gas, diesel, or hydrogen today. the trend in the world, either pure 100 or mixed with other fuels , is the main fuel in the market or the customers we have are petrochemical and refining units. i am very happy that we saw the result of team work, we were able
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to make this inside and not need to import this burner. lunox air phase burners with management the combustion process of fuel and air provides conditions that the amount of pollutant production. a power plant is also useful. jafar esadi of karaj radio and television news agency and researchers have succeeded in designing the latest bulletproof particle suit.
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compared to existing samples, this clothing is 70% lighter and more resistant to bullets. the particle pages of this dress are grouped. the german- canadian construction can withstand three 39 mm bullets from a distance of 10 meters. according to the researchers, the flexible spine of this bulletproof suit and the design of the parts related to the round joints of the knee, wrist, and the end are such that the user is up to 99% maintains normal range of motion. the next part is at 2 o'clock.
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the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people, the iranian coach, sharaf iran. the debate in this part is dedicated to the debate between the supporters and opponents of the normal village plan, as i told you , the important topics are to see how much damage has been done
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, if this happened, according to the opponents , how much damage has been done to the face of the village or not, how much has it been able to help. to the situation. facilitating the living conditions of the villagers in the villages, basically, how much iranian islamic architecture has been respected there in this reconstruction how much could this change of land use or determination of land use that has been done there contribute to food security ? valimi is present as a member of allameh tabaei university, and mr. vermoziari is present as an opponent and is a member of the faculty of science of tehran university. greetings to both guests, i would like to start with mr. vermoziari . what is our priority in rural areas now
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? what is the reason for migration? it's not unlimited, it's limited , the resources of the government, the budget that it wants to spend every year for our various plans, if we want to implement a plan for the whole village that will reduce immigration and increase the longevity of people in the village, there should be a prioritization. the country should have a financial discipline and prioritization. after all, from the moment when hazrat agha raised the issue of resistance economy , all our policies in the rural area should be based on this issue. the village helps or sacrifices, so what it is true and i have evidence that unfortunately the plan has changed the utilization of agricultural land in many places and one of the basic resources in the rural economy
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is the agricultural sector with all its sub-sectors , horticulture of medicinal plants and the like. it takes hundreds of years for its cubic meters to form, which means it is not like, for example, if we run out of land and in my country we have 1 million 200 thousand hectares, only we have first-class land , which means they have no restrictions on production, they are the best land, the rest are grades that have limits. one of the basic infrastructure of the rural economy is being undermined. this is a debate. the second debate is that now, considering that the economic policies of resistance are announced and we should have moved in that direction. since years ago, our debate is that if the government has limited credits that we have to decide to see what plan will help the most.
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most of the main part of the problem will be solved, maybe there is no need for a fundamental review to be done here once every 10 years, except for a certain percentage of villages. after all , they are more dynamic, they have more demographics , they need a transformation, but our main issue is that we we must recognize the basic priority of the village and allocate our resources accordingly, and according to you, this has not happened much until now, not until now , because the discussion was more physical , it went in that direction and it is limited to the discussion in the format of the village boundaries according to the law and according to the regulations in the form of village limits, while many economic activities of the village. it happens outside of the village . thank you, mr. vali nouri. why do you agree
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? basically, how much do you agree with mr. vermziari's statements regarding hadi's plan? the explanations given by mr. doctor. let me suggest how we arrived at hadi's plan , what was the need for an acute plan, and how did we arrive at this issue? well, basically, our country is a rural country, or the village is the foundation of our social life, but we very quickly and in a period of time. in a short time, from a rural society , we actually reached an urban society . in 1335, we had around 70, 69, 70 percent of rural residents in the country , and the rest were urban residents. urban country during the time that the population. the country's population has quadrupled the urban population has increased 10 times and the rural population
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has increased 1.6 times. the trend towards cities has slowed down, but the fire of urbanization is still there in our country. well , you should also consider the developments and technological changes in this context. we had a village that had an organic state. there was a traditional business there, from there we reached a village that is under control. it has been placed under citare, in fact , education and service networks have been placed in those days, electricity was cut off, water cut off, gas cut off, so this village is no longer responsive, this village actually finds these problems here, in fact, the issue of intervention in the village, management and planning of the village is brought up, the issue of housing for the underprivileged , in fact, i might say that the starting point of this issue is that the imam of the year 1958 actually started the
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issue. i will continue with the establishment of the housing foundation. tarhadi of the village. it is brought up in paragraph seven of the housing foundation's statutes, article 7 of the housing foundation's statutes , the discussion of hadi plans is brought up . village indeed transform it is a village. now, i would like to tell you that there are about 60,000 settlements in the country. there are about 40,000 people with more than 20 households. and almost according to the reports of the housing foundation, now all our villages
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have a guide plan, villages with more than 20 households have a guide plan, now the discussion is that this stage, in fact, but in the discussion of the implementation of the plan , the issues will be much more complicated, the discussion will be much more detailed, but it is a necessity. one of them is the issue of the car-oriented nature of the villages, the issue of education and so on the services that are updated, the discussion of environmental hazards , which we will seriously discuss in the continuation of the discussion , has made it necessary to create and exist a plan that can somehow recreate the village system . in your opinion, this necessity needs such a plan. or not? according to the explanations you had in your previous order? look, now my question is , for example , how high is the durability of our rural settlements against natural hazards? how many percent of our villagers live in houses
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that are vulnerable to earthquakes and floods ? you are at the forefront of this they are vulnerable. the first place that a flood destroys is the village, and then it reaches the city. usually, there are earthquakes. similarly , now earthquakes are more common with our rural settlements. they are more vulnerable to this conductor . you can see that we are a resistant housing. let's build and strengthen housing. this discussion is different from that of a villager. a villager may have a structure but not a resistant house. yes, the foundation of how to build housing is laid in a plan, for example, what dimensions it has, but what materials are used , how much does it relate to native architecture. to notice or not that one of our criticisms are that terhai hadi did not pay attention to the issue of iranian islamic architecture and paid very little attention. now , i am not saying that he was not paying attention, but
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he paid very little attention to this issue. nothing has happened, but the modern house that was built has been razed to the ground, which means that the people who live in that village have reached a knowledge of how to build a house over the course of thousands of years, but we didn't come to recognize this, we didn't come to promote it. let's do it , while if i'm not mistaken, it's in the fifth plan law we had a provision regarding the compilation of iranian islamic architectural model, which has not yet been compiled, this means that it was only limited to words and speech, and these , for example, should be an executive letter , a practical order, such and such, should be included in the housing construction standards. sit down, we don't have such a thing, then our next question is, well, we, mr. doctor , who say that we, for example, plan as an interventionist , well, i don't like the word intervention very much, because people's participation must be attracted, which is unfortunately one of the flaws of these plans.
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there is a lack of real and complete participation of people in all stages but now that we say that it is transformative, it creates transformation in the village, now we have this transformation, where do we see the plan that is supposed to create transformation, why don't we attract people's participation in a real way, we don't take it into account, whether in the design stage of the plan or not. in the project implementation stage or in the evaluation stage of mr. kali's project , there are three or four questions, from the change of use and criticism of the architecture to the discussion of people's participation in the intervention that you mentioned . yes. in relation to the issue of whether we have now reached that resistant housing with the implementation of hadi's plan and what is the connection between these two issues. i say that in fact. the rate of sustainable rural housing has increased from 7% at the beginning of the revolution to over 50% . i am not saying that all of this is related to the implementation
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of the emergency plan, but i am presenting to you based on the statistics , dr. according to the available statistics, this happened in the golestan and gonbad areas . destruction of residential units in the village first of all, the majority of the destruction happened in the villages, so this intervention that i mentioned is not for the purpose of ignoring the people. in my opinion, hadi's plan has the structure and consistency of people's participation, because it is also a villager. you can actually play a role in it, the council can play a role, and the mayor and the council can transmit people's opinions to actually the set of plans, both from the consultant and the decision-maker, and actually the approver and approver, they can play a role, and i actually agree here. with mr. doctor , these are probably not the way they should be, and maybe
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they are not conveying people's opinions to the hadi plan process, but i was saying that the statistics show that the villages whose hadi plan was implemented, and of course, the implementation in a better way, are more favorable. better than many of our villages, mr. doctor, in hareem rodkhone they are within the boundaries of the roads, and we cannot ignore this fact that many of our villages even need a relocation plan, that is, with a leader plan that
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organizes these , they will not be removed at the same problem point. landing in river basins and riverbeds is a subject that has a very high number in our country and approximately 33% of this kind. carried out by the villages and rural areas, this shows that if we consider this issue as well, the necessity of creating a plan that fully identifies the region, knows its capacities and knows the dangers there is actually visible. dear mr. barmzai, you are satisfied . thank you very much for the explanations of the doctor . please, let's separate the topic of vulnerability to risks. let's not get tied up in the discussion of design and rurality. i said that tarhadi village can have it, but its housing is not yet resistant because it is not yet a village, and they could get it, for example, a
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proper architecture that is resistant to earthquakes is defined for it in that way. we cannot necessarily tie these things together. the second point is that now you are about 40 years old , our rural houses still have that endurance and strength. they don't need to deal with natural disasters. this percentage is lower in the cities . it is much lower than this number, and this shows that while we now say 100%, almost 100% of the villages with more than 20 houses have been prepared . now, i think it is 50. and the percentage that has been implemented for them, well, this actually shows that we do not necessarily have to describe the actual services , especially the villages, for example, in front of the audience. let's make it sustainable, so to speak, and it is actually related to many other things.
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hadi's plan, let's see if a consulting company prepares the plan and then, for example, the signatures of the villager and the council are taken, this is the truth , i am a serious partner because my participation has different levels, the highest level is the highest. do not apply, do not ask for my opinion , do not invite a meeting. no, when we say participation, it means the jihadi group that is active there should be asked for their opinion, the villager who is there should be asked for their opinion , the entrepreneur who is there should be asked for their opinion
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, the farmer who exists should be asked for his opinion. we want to go into the criticism of dehiari and how much they can or can't really represent the opinions of the village public, or how much, for example , there are dispossessions and shortcomings, we don't want to get into it, but i would like to say that this participation that we are saying goes beyond , for example, coming to something let's get a signature from the village head of the council, then let's call it village participation. this is really not acceptable in my opinion. it is not acceptable to participate, while our villages are smart from the olden days when they choose the village and their place of residence, they usually pay attention to all matters. they say that, for example , it has been built in the area of ​​rodkhone, which is now gone. these phenomena have become very prosperous in the last 10-20 years, and once you see, for example, there is so much construction next to chalus road . in which village is this, for example, the village of kandor ?
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there is such and such a village, it is far away from the privacy of the river house, the one who even built it on the edge of the river house, that city is the second home that he came with, in fact , he came with any relationship or with anything, and by the way, the smoke is in the eyes of that village that has been in the eyes of that village for years and hundreds. he did a correct location last year, the smoke goes to his eyes because it is in front it stops the flow of water, once there is a flood , well, the other flood is rural and non-rural, the one that is in the river house and the one that is far away is not recognized by the power.
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the village, the body of the village and the physics of the village is because of these policies and programs that we have now evacuated that element of production from the village in many places. thank you mr. valivari for raising 3 points, one is the conversion of villages into cities, change of use and iranian islamic architecture . please answer these three in connection with a bring up an issue. mr. doctor, the argument that our villages are basically smart means that they are smart from the beginning, and in fact, the new rural settlements or the outskirts of the village, which are considered as second homes by the cities , are those who do not comply with the geographical requirements of that place. let me not accept this issue because the reality is that our villages, many of our villages, if you
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have visited the western region of the country, are trapped. climatic and geographical conditions may have been such that 40 years ago and 50 years ago, the vegetation cover of the land was a type of vegetation that posed a danger to the village in that area. indeed, the mountain should not threaten, but with the increase in the population of the village and with the events that have happened to the village, many of our villages are really in this situation. they are located on the slopes of the roads, they are located in the valleys , they are located on the slopes that are prone to slipping and falling . and we have seen this with our own eyes, even with a rain that is a bit higher than normal, many
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high-rise buildings collapse. and this is not true for you to say that, for example, the design of the conductor has no role it can't be in this case, of course , it has a role, of course, the strengthening of an issue is said, the discussion of iranian islamic architecture, now i prefer the architecture compatible with the climate, maybe it is a little closer to the issue. the village is considered, where does this matter come from? in my opinion, a typical and single view of the plan discussion is one of the harms of hadi's plan. in a village that is based on cattle breeding, because all our villages, which are not cattle breeding , are not all agriculture, we have a tourist village, we have an industrial village. it's even a village, but you see , they design and organize the roads in such a way that cattle can't move easily, or vice versa, for example , for the villages that we have


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