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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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basically, this trust is revoked because sometimes he sees this lawyer 's relationship with that lawyer or with that client. second, third , there is no standard for the index of payment of fees and attorney's fees . i say there is no standard, i know there is a tariff and etc. but we are talking about a market where the real price of the service is discovered based on what is known to be the price. alimony, family matters, property matters , business matters of the company, etc., how will it proceed, because here people actually look at who they are with and what they are doing, the ceiling and floor, etc., and this is also meaningless. i don't believe that a ceiling and in fact a red line should be put up, but i don't use the word cheap, nor the word expensive. in other words, it means cost-effectiveness, which means
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the same logic that makes people feel in any field. that they may even be able to perform this service themselves sometimes, but still they go and entrust it to another person because it is economical in terms of economy, for the time being, such an index does not exist, for reasons that i will explain again, so these three items are trusted sufficient knowledge and in fact an indicator that we do not have in the field of attorneys' fees, according to you is it cost-effective to provide legal services for the people or not? it is cost-effective. i must say that i know this current situation . it is written on the floor of the street. free lawyer is written on my door. finally, we will get it. i know the result of this. it is because of this confusion and chaos that the incident that i mentioned did not happen.
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data means that which causes enough knowledge to be created , the difference between buttermilk and dushab becomes clear, and gradually people also know who they should go to in which field, which of course, usually i know this in lost opportunities. the trustee of the legal institution for many years you could actually deal with it and this happened. thank you, mr. farhanakian. your opinion about these three things that mr. gurbanzadeh mentioned is more important.
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in any case, we should explain its necessity and its importance and specify the difference between it and its absence. it is not ineffective , although according to mr. ghorbanzadeh's words , we will not get the full effect. another point is that people do not know enough. they don't have specializations . it is definitely one of the places where the honorable parliament should work together with the judiciary and lawyers' associations in the coming years. in fact, we are not allowed to come as lawyers in corona according to the current regulations and specialization. let's put it this way , it is not very common in the rest of the world, which means that they allow the market and the demand of the lawyers market.
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it means that it is not the case that, for example, different specializations have their own demands . there are some cases that people are very involved with. there can be more specializations, some less . the stronger the economy, the more these specializations are created. in fact, we cannot create specialized specialization even if we allow it to be created. to do and get the result we need, so the serious part comes back to our economy, which is next it has an effect on the economy of the law firm that they do not have enough trust and it is followed up, then unhealthy relations between lawyers and judges appear. my experience in the board of directors and lawyers shows that a serious part of these unhealthy relations is between the lawyers who have become lawyers and the judges who are currently working. that is, we are the ones who become lawyers from the beginning. few can say that this relationship is unhealthy
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, which means that we have a revolving door of corruption here, where we are actually retired judges or those who leave the judiciary for any reason. we allow them to become lawyers, and then because they are in the system, they have their own previous relationships and this corruption there may be doubts, i don't want to say that lawyers who don't have a judicial background don't get involved in corruption, i want to say that this is exactly the weak point here, this is where more methods should be used regarding the payment of fees and labor. the supply of attorneys and lawyers: let's say that the market is free and facilitate their entry, and after that, about their rights and fees, the amount of fees and fees. in fact, if we believe that we should increase the supply, fees and fees should be adjusted, which means that they should be ordered again. you can talk about the right and the effort , but right now the right and the effort of the lawyers are compared to the cost
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the trial is really proportionate to the right and the effort. even i can say that the ratio of the cost of our trial is much higher than the fees of lawyers in the world. in fact , we have an expensive trial system . we do not have an affordable trial system. let's increase the cost because we tried to reduce the dependence of the credit authority on the public budget . mr. ghorbanzadeh, i would like to say this first that i really respect mr. farhanakian personally because of the knowledge i have of these points . in fact, i have the supervision system of the law firm i would like to say that regarding the anomalous situation that exists and the negligence that has been done in the past years or the current situation that
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is repeating this vicious cycle , do not dare to serve mr. it is a well-known fact that it is basically a gap. there is an income, or in a way i call it , there is actually a class separation, unfortunately , there is a division between lawyers . he gets billions and competes in the elections and in the board of directors, he actually gets a position. in these relationships, he is not too worried about his income . these people are the people who
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enter the competition because they have been on the board of directors for two years. well, the logic of the election is that there are two spectrums or in fact, different people and different persons are facing each other, it is a disaster if you see the orders of the board meetings of all centers, what about the center center, etc. for example, on monday , january 18th, the meeting of the 104th session of the 32nd session of the board of directors of the center lawyers association was held. on the website of the lawyers' association, there are orders and a written order. delayed the writings are actually requests for issuance and transfer
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, in fact, trainees or attorneys. very. it depends on the public interest part, that is, to think that how can i provide fast, affordable quality access to people, it actually takes away a small part of the concern from friends, so that what is now easier for the professional field, even for me, to say on google you search for a lawyer until you reach a lawyer to the website of the bar association , you will see a number of these, in fact, personal collections and institutions, etc. then, for example, the first site you see is the website of the central bar association , you will enter the website of the bar association, the news will appear from the top
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, and then the agenda of the meeting. the ones we see are the personal profile that lawyers must enter with a password and the personal profile that interns must enter with a password . in order to find a lawyer, you need to know the person's license number or actually mix several items in the search to make this happen. as you know, there is no other service now that this is possible if there is no platform that you can easily access to the people who provide that service, because you are shaking your head a lot, i will interrupt, but i will continue, now i will tell you the first step. another basic flaw is that it makes us busy with a lot of professional work. for example, if we know that mr. farhan has had 10 real estate cases or 20, for example
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, the tax department knows that in connection with the judiciary to collect taxes from us, they are working as lawyers . if you click on the center of the site, fersht faranakian, license number, phone number, office number along with the address, he doesn't leave anything more than that , he doesn't leave more than that, it's possible that a part of it is the same as what you're talking about, that we're too busy with public service . we don't have it, that is, we are not allowed to classify the information that is in the hands of the judiciary or the tax
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department, get a result from it, put it on the website, of course, in the seventh program , make a move. it makes it more serious and i myself accept that we have more than 20 lawyers associations, this is more serious for example, if you take my name and search for lawyers in shiraz, my name will not appear. the arrangement of this site will start from the beginning , as i said, my news, basically, before mr.
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farhanakian's order that we reach whether the case will come or not, i want to see how many lawyers the bar association has in the bar association. etc. that i should go and say that, well, this is my alphabet . i remember a lawyer who was farhi, farhi, farhanakian. then i'll go . there is no way for you to enter the list . then you can check the list to see if the attorney 's license number is valid or not, because maybe this is on his website. it is clear whether the license is valid now or many other issues . first of all, i say that there is a foundation that says
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the sun came because of the sun and it's very interesting that there , for example, a normal person doesn't know that he has to go to the open fund of the site and it's very interesting that we have a union of lawyers who actually have to put this system of access to our pension fund in it. it is the site that you are looking for , it does not provide this service at all , it does not provide this service at all, so it is obvious that we just say, sir , first a list, this means that you will go to the barracks. you go to the prison, they count how many people are here, see numbers 1 to 20
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, don't escape, etc. then they say, well, there are 21, now what will happen to their food, etc. basically, basically, if you put the list at all, yes, now we will say according to your words, in the next step, you will know what it is. the amount of preparation that i interrupt you is that each of these lawyers are now independent centers . in fact, their independence and this lack of legislation is a matter of doing this coordinated work , especially more seriously than all the ones you mentioned that we are too busy. i mean, mr. farhanakian, we will probably get to your questions, which in fact we call this discussion unemployment or whether the case is finally finished or not . you say that culture should come first from everything, i say, sir, basically, you introduced yourself to the people, and then we actually say that people
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don't hire lawyers. it's true that you became a lawyer , you studied hard. you have a university resume, etc., and now the only problem is that, sir, why don't they know me? look, we have a minority that doesn't need to advertise its own description and definition because it has its own long-standing clients. it is advertised, he does not need this site, who needs it, more than 80% of those who have just entered this field. the party has arrived with all the difficulties at some stage now , he feels, "hey, why don't we use this service of mine, those who come to mr. farhanakian will definitely confirm , saying that i can't pay the rent for my office, or that there are some priorities in life, and many other issues because of that." it's that we didn't connect it for the person who needs it on the other side, so to speak, we
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say in economics that the exchange cost has not decreased , the information is unstable. it is not lost that these two find each other, it is a blessing of the judiciary , if only the judiciary will track these electronic judicial service offices with code numbers. a system that is first managed by the judicial system itself, then it can even be handed over to the people , let me tell you that this is needed every day because people go to file petitions , file complaints , etc. are you coming to file a lawsuit? if you want someone there to offer you an offer for my lawyer, i will click this button and your offer will appear on the site. go and choose. at all , go and negotiate. this site should be a daily list of current lawyers and current trainees you can see that these are at the level of tehran, the city, etc.
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, with these issues, cases are being added daily. these are the same cases that the food system can help in the field of job creation . and there is a board of directors, do you accept it and how, if you have one, how was the conflict of interest answered, in the sense that there are actually people there who decide that, in fact, young lawyers, for example, do not take cases, young lawyers do not enter, in this sense there is no such thing. but because there is actually a civil institution based on votes the majority is becoming every two years , there is an electoral system, this difference of opinion and challenges that all democratic systems are involved in, whether political or non-political, means that lawyers' offices are not an office where you, for example, can become the other
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members of the board of directors in the administrative system, the rest of the lawyers now, your personal or expert opinion, in order for this situation of people's access to judicial and legal services , especially the lawyer we are talking about today , to be favorable, what is the solution from your point of view and from the people's point of view ? let's make a series in our supply department let's do some activities in our demand side and for
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this supply and demand to find each other, a market must be formed. mr. ghorbanzadeh also said that we must do everything in order for this market to be formed. now , in order for this market to be formed , we are a bit complicated, because in fact, not so much we have to follow orders because it doesn't work, not so much we have to give up because of the lack of our cultural footing does not answer that answer either, so i believe that i believe that seti is definitely for the supply system because now there is no time for us to enter into that discussion for we are getting new admissions , and there are many of them, and i don't have a problem with their large number, but i believe that they should be graded and then after we are graded
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, we will make it mandatory for you to become a lawyer . we cannot do this at once, that is, based on more important lawsuits , less important commercial lawsuits, non-commercial lawsuits . let's move the legal profession towards becoming mandatory in commercial cases, for example, we definitely have to . now the point is that i wanted to object to one of the current parliament's approvals. the case that went against this situation means that we are coming somewhere, we want to shape the supply , concentrate it, fix it, it comes up once , for example, in the supply plan, because the guardian council has not yet approved it as a law, i use the supply plan in the clause article 20 approves
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that, for example, non-lawyers can work in the judiciary simply because they are legal employees of a company at the discretion of its managing director. this is interesting now , it has been approved, the guardian council has also approved it, and it has come back. see, i have a problem with it in general, i have a problem with the principle, which means it is the opposite, so you have the supply from that side. you increase it, then you strengthen the tax system, you want to make it clearer , and then, on the other hand, a person who has no previous experience, like mr. gurbanzadeh, says that i need to know people, know who is doing what, then we are opening a way. . people , just because it is very interesting, this is already a plan of yours , this was already a plan in several articles, this plan
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has become a clause in article 20 of the provision plan, which means that it is not clear at all that this employee must be an employee there at the moment and have a contract. if there is a case before and after, it means that i just need to be funny i have signed a work contract, the text of the law is as simple as this. and my request is that in the current parliament or in the future parliament, if you do not believe that this paragraph should be deleted, which i believe should be deleted, because it is contrary to the criteria of verification that mr. ghorbanzadeh says, at least come and see the text of this proposal that was already in this regard. let's say hello, it was in several articles and we didn't want to reduce it to a paragraph in two lines. thank you mr. gurbanzadeh . the point was one is that you discussed the grading , trust, and attorney's fees that you said, sir . what do you expect from me when prayer while traveling
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it's amazing to see something that happens when the market of harj marj and the state of the education system and the acceptance of the legal profession in iran are widespread, and these events that we are talking about will finally come out from somewhere. 2012 1396 in the islamic council of the islamic council, the plan for the training and admission of attorneys was announced . it had classification and specialization, and there were things that were in favor of the existing lawyers . nobody could become a lawyer at the first step. in fact, it must take years. he used to give tests from this side as well. in his case, in fact, a system of accepting amendments in test materials had been formed. ok the previous friends who
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were sitting in your position before came and disagreed with him in the legal commission and with the cooperation of the then chairman of the legal committee of the islamic parliament, who is with the friends who are in the board of directors. at that time, being the center's bar association , they were teaching together at the center faculty of azad university, and being faculty members, and then, when their parliamentary term ended, their attorney's licenses were immediately issued, this was the height of the conflict of interest. it was for the benefit of the legal community and naturally for the benefit of the people, so once the parliament tried to do it give a solution, but this does not happen when, well , finally, a representative based on pressure , gives a proposal, a note in a law, which usually may not have the subject connection
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, but the product. the principles of this process of non-accompaniment have existed. after all, we are talking about an issue that is related to life, as friends say, lives, property and honor of people , and no matter how well this space is laid out from the beginning, i believe that we are not basically training lawyers. we do not train lawyers in the real sense. look at the field of law and advocacy, such as handball and basketball, yes, both of them are a sport. from the outside , everyone says that this is another ball . they hit it with their hands. yes, but where is this and where is that in basketball? can that person play handball? actually, can he play the best games, or can a handball player? go to the basketball court, actually throw the ball in the basket like that. ball
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and handshake have the same overlap, but there are so many differences that these differences require their own training . today's regulations are all a process that we need to put people first let's educate them gradually, not in a 120- minute test with 120 questions, which is only a way to save and save. is it actually their fall? we have a minute to give your opinion. just tell me about the mandatory and your solution. i believe that compulsion should happen when this is a step towards sincerity . this is a step that the law firm should first put the list of lawyers, then gradually tell what their specialties are, then gradually. in fact
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, the history of this field should be gradually recognized based on their own discretion, and then the market i am really happy to conclude and put it aside, i will say this sentence, one day we were sitting on seda vasima, if we used the word supply and demand mr. farhanakian, they would beat us with doshiks and exhort us, what does this mean sir? i am very happy that mr. farhanakian is here. they talk about the logic that in the whole world the legal services market is a market for legal services, and i consider this to be a great development , and i believe that with this cooperation and with this approach, the future will be bright, god willing. good special the higher program, as always , you have accompanied us until this moment, may god protect you , higher than fer, as if we are higher today, whoever
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we are, we will be higher tomorrow . you are very valuable from the sanctuary, only from the madman, but if it were, the prophet himself is the greatest sanctuary and sanctuary of islam.
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at 4 o'clock, the national support fund aims to help the movement plan. meli maskan deposited 2 billion dollars in bank maskan. chairman of the national development fund executive board at the signing ceremony of the 2 billion dollar deposit agreement to support the national movement plan maskan said that the national development fund had the opportunity to maintain its horizontal position of 2 billion dollars with bank maskan at an interest rate


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