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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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who have been arrested after the start of al-aqsa storm operation is one of the most important clauses of this draft. the hamas movement also announced that it will review the proposal, but the demands of hamas are not in line with the draft paris agreement, the most important of which is the complete withdrawal of the occupying forces from gaza. the hamas movement is ready to accept new initiatives and ideas, but on the condition that the complete cessation of war provides shelter for the displaced. who were forced to leave their homes, leading to the lifting of the siege and the release of all palestinian prisoners . on the other hand, qatar's foreign minister expressed hope and said that the current stage of negotiations between the occupying regime of israel and hamas may lead to a permanent ceasefire in the future. but we cannot predict the response of hamas. the islamic jihad movement , which fights alongside hamas against the occupiers in gaza , announced.
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we will not agree to any agreement regarding gaza and a clear political solution that includes the rights of the palestinian people . now, in the second case , we are hosting mr. mukhtar haddad, an expert on west asian issues, to review the developments of the 16th day of this war. mr. haddad, hello , welcome to jens. hello , dear sir and dear viewers , is there a point at the beginning? yes, this is the operation that the zionists are doing today doing these behaviors in the fetus is unprecedented. well, these al-mustarabin teams, who disguise themselves as palestinians , are conducting operations. well, today it is true that we have seen this operation, they have taken this action, but in recent years, they have received local blows from the resistance. experienced resistance vs.
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with these, one of the most famous operations in these years was the failure of the infiltration operation that they had in the gaza strip a few years ago and wanted to carry out an operation against the leaders of the resistance and some members of the resistance, which failed severely even a documentary was prepared last year on this topic, but maybe they are using these methods, now immature and masculine, now the zionist regime, whose behavior is totally immature, masculine, inhuman and immoral, but well, and in this direction. it is also possible to target anyone , thank you. now, do you want to start with the developments? i think the most important thing that is being discussed right now is the agreement that you saw in the report, or actually the negotiations that were going on in paris, the latest news from the what we had in palestine was that ismail haniyeh said that they will go to cairo and check what what are the details of what happened in paris?
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i will start with the latest incident that happened in this regard, that netanyahu announced an hour ago that i will continue this operation and will not accept a long ceasefire , i want to achieve my goals, and he repeated his usual words and said well, he is worried that at any moment this war will end, it will definitely be the next day.
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the goal of the war was not the destruction of hamas , and now, the experience of elmert in the 206 war, i think made him say this, yes, definitely, and i say this, i mean , elmert may have lasted a few months, and then he was dismissed. he left the political scene and was no longer present there. he said that the goal of our war in 206 is to destroy hezbollah and that we want to change the map of the middle east with the americans, and that famous statement by the spokesperson of the us state department, but that's the end of it. we just witnessed that issues were raised there, and these issues are definitely related to what the resistance wants. it is different, it means that the
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zionist prisoners are freed, on the other hand, a small number of palestinian prisoners are freed, and on the other hand, that we witness a ceasefire. be implemented temporarily as experience showed in this temporary truce during the zionists did not observe the ceasefire and they continued to attack the people, especially the migrants who were moving, the displaced people who were moving, but today we saw the position of the leaders of hamas, especially the position of the secretary general of the islamic jihad movement, who emphasized that if we do this we are talking about the complete withdrawal of the zionists from the gaza strip and a ceasefire. the prisoners also said that all the prisoners should be exchanged . this has one aspect that activates the internal differences of the zionists. a day or two ago, a
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conference was held in the ashgali lands. we selected some parts of this conference to see and talk about it later.
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together the people to claim that we have to return to the gaza strip and establish jewish communities right away in the gushkatif area, in the city of gaza itself and all over the street, the arabs will not stay in gaza, not the hamas, not the supporters of hamas, and those who don't support hamas, don't want to stay anyway, i think it's a little bit strange to say that jews can't live.
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they say that we should go back and build settlements in the zionist regime's gaza he wants to get rid of onur, he wants to release asrashim , yes, well, the internal differences of the zionist regime , especially. in the zionist society , it has become more visible than in the past, especially in the new generation. well , there are radical people like ben guer, there are other people whose opinions are completely different from ben guer's, and we are at the same time introducing the same differences into these
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big mistakes in the society. let's not get into the same events that are happening in the political field . look at the ministers who are not in the security cabinet. they call it the small cabinet, so these are the protestors holding a meeting recently they are protesting netanyahu's behavior , what is happening, they are protesting the existence of these people in the cabinet, someone like bengavir smutrich, who is another minister, and because they are spending money , they believe that the problems we are having now , the existence of the whole regime is in danger. most of it comes back to the behavior of this. well, netanyahu is using the behavior of these people for his own benefit in order to stay, because this war is the continuation of this war, we mentioned in the previous question that the end of this war means the end of netanyahu.
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in any way, continue his existence there, and netanyahu's continued existence will go back to these extreme behaviors, some of these extreme behaviors have reached the level that they want. return the situation of the gaza strip to before 2005 and restore those settlements. yes, the next question is how is the situation in the field in hazara? well, the situation in the field of the resistance is good, that is, the zionists were not able to enter new areas in those areas, they are stuck in some areas. the battalions of the occupying zionist army retreat or leave the gaza strip, except behind the front in the interior areas. occupied territories, well, these are faced with many problems, especially the economic debate, the debate of security problems, many debates, that is, a lot of debates , political debates have caused these issues
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to affect the front as well, that's why we are witnessing that the resistance is with power in this battle of presence. it has millions of dollars daily, apart from the human casualties it causes to the zionist regime , it has caused millions of dollars in damage to the tanks and military equipment of the zionist regime and to the economic condition of the zionist regime . thank you. we were able to be present in that area and prevented the continuation of the resistance activity and precisely the resistance is operating from the same areas to target the center of existence of the zionist occupiers, which is tel aviv , and launch missiles there.
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they are preparing to invade lebanon. in the past few days , it has become a little more intense and has subsided. how likely is it that the zionist regime wants to attack lebanon? well , it seems unlikely, that is, in my opinion, most of these talks are on their side. sahinista , we can put this in the framework of a psychological operation , because if you are now in the northern region of palestine. look at the occupation, well, it's empty , 80 thousand settlers have to leave they have been stuck with many economic problems , i.e. being displaced to other areas from the other side of the islamic resistance in lebanon, almost all the targets that have been targeted, the operations have been successful, the operations are 12 to 13 to 14 per day, even we witnessed , for example, 15 operations per day. there have been weapons used and these were part of hezbollah's military power, so we have to point out that
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lebanon's hezbollah did not enter with all its military strength, that is , the very accurate anthari or shirjah drones caused them many casualties. they use powerful missiles like barkan and falak as we can see, for example, one of these missiles carries 500 kilos of explosives, and also recently unveiled a missile that showed the resistance of the camera until the last moment, when it hit the target exactly, in addition to guided missiles and weapons this is why we see that the islamic resistance is powerfully present, and in 2006 , they made the same claim, and the entry was limited, and the entry was limited at all .
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finally, we saw how zionists from the south lebanon fled, but what happened here was that the islamic resistance was able to target very strategic areas, the very spy bases of the zionist regime on the border, these are the bases that conduct spying operations against lebanon and the countries of the region and even conducting security operations , so far there has been a loss of about 5 billion dollars for the sist regime's facilities . these statistics are the costs more than this, the value of the currency of the zionist regime has fallen, and this itself has caused a lot of damage to the whole economy of the regime every day. i also want to ask you about yemen, but a few days ago we had images from the english sky news network
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, one of the british reporters defended the operations that the yemenis carried out against zionist ships or ships that go to zionist ports. western countries put a lot of pressure on them. to the government and people of yemen that this operation. so-called , it is threatening the global economy, causing damage , causing global inflation, this reporter's reaction english is interesting. was saying that frankly the biden administration should have acted sooner and faster, that hundreds of billions of dollars uh has been put at risk because the hooties have held uh this area in the red sea um at ransom. sorry, so just let me get this straight yielder, so we are bombing the poorest, one of the poorest countries in the world that has been under humanitarian
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blockade, there has been famine, these people have been decimated and we are bombing them, because a couple of guys in dingies in support for the palestinians who are having a genocide committed against them, they're objecting to that and we're bombing them, come on now, i mean this is just insane world for us even think, i'm so sorry your amazon packages are delayed, i really am, like i wish mine came one time, but you know genocide guys, genocide, there are two mothers a day dying in gaza right now, it's 109 days into a conflict in which humanitarian crisis has been the.. declared to the world day in day out by the way, by the way, dr. francois, there are many who are yemen watches who are who monitor and follow the hoothies who say this is doing wonders for their branding actually, that it isn't just the palestinian cause that they're focused on, so call se fire now and then the positive branding, if you want to stop the hoothies doing what they're doing then call
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believe that the hoothies would stop doing what they're doing, they have literally said that that's why they're doing what they're doing, they have not previously blocked the ... roots for any other reason except this one, so yes, i do, and i also think the west needs to start to understand that you cannot just go around playing cowboys in the world, there are consequences to your actions, you cannot just go around bombing people's countries, ignoring international law and expect no repercussions, for every cause there is a consequence, and just cuz you don't like a couple of guys trying to resist, i mean these are now prescribed terrorists, sure according to western governments, according to the yemeni people because government which is essentially our but the yemenis who live under hoothi ​​rule talk about the fact that this group continues to terrorize them as well, i'm no fan of the hoothies apart from when they're blockading in favor of a cease fire which should have been called a long time ago. bill brother, i'm just going to bring you into the conversation. we started
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the whole conversation an hour ago about how you can't afford housing and your generation and so on and so forth. "these people are creating a total trade blockade um, which is causing inflation, which is causing all sorts of problems to everybody, 25,000 people are dead in gaza right now, there are over 60,000 people injured with no access to food, water, aid, how dare we have a conversation about trade when there are children right now being treated without anesthetic, there are things that require us to make and this would be one of them." yes, we are in the situation this unity of fields that we are witnessing in the axis of resistance , from gaza to yemen, well, the most strategic operations that have been carried out until today, along with
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other operations of the axis of resistance, were the operations carried out by the yemenis, that is. it means that targeting the economy of the regime and cutting off the vital artery of the regime from the red sea region , which is an important region, where most of their maritime trade takes place. the red sea was not like that at all, only the red sea for the ships that go to the occupied areas and for the zionist regime is carrying goods, it is safe like this ship that also carries fuel, yes, but the rest of the countries are moving easily, crossing and reaching the areas they need to reach, but the americans are also against yemen during this time. carrying out military actions, the yemenis announced that many of these areas targeted by the americans were actually areas that were previously targeted in the war between yemen and saudi arabia
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and were not active, and the americans were not actually successful because the day they operated was the day after that. we saw a ship carrying goods for zionists it takes fuel and is targeted, so it seems that the yemenis will continue this success in this operation until this moment and will succeed in the future, and the americans will not reach a result, but the americans, as a zionist partner there are people who want to save the regime in any way possible, and i emphasize this again because the entire existence of the regime is in danger today. we see that the us foreign minister comes to the zionist regime many times and meets with the officials of the regime because the regime's existence is now in danger. now it's about the americans the blow that hit three american soldiers in jordan last night, nearly 40
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people were killed and 8 were wounded, 9 of them are in serious condition , they are still in a state of confusion. where did it come from and what is your analysis of the situation that the americans are in? yes, the drone that targeted the americans was really a unique operation, and you see that the americans themselves admit that we do not know how this happened. of course, the americans were killed again in recent operations well, we are witnessing that after the rocket attack on the ain al-aswad base, after the martyrdom of hajj qassem soleimani and abu mahdi al-muhandis and their companions, the americans came and claimed that we had concussions, but everyone knows what happened and how many americans to perish now they are doing things secretly, but this time they came to announce and now they are using this issue to threaten us
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. be a broad action, the consequences it will be very bad and today we also saw that the americans are saying that we do not want the war to expand because they know that their forces are very vulnerable . i was reading an article that had been published, now i don't remember the name of that newspaper , but the author of this article said that our forces are very vulnerable in the west asia region, and therefore it is a very big risk for them to start a large-scale war here. definitely , this extensive war will not be in the interest of the americans . thank you my colleagues have a report on the expenses that biden is paying for support.
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biden said one thing just a few months ago at the beginning of the gaza war when he went to the occupied territories to show his solidarity with the zionist regime. we continue to support israel. we will not leave you alone. since the beginning of the war in gaza, the biden government has twice rejected the request for a ceasefire in the security council in support of the zionist regime.
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in gaza, they know or they want the end of the war. now a group of opponents of the war against biden
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because of his inability to stop the genocide in gaza take them to court we are here because america supports the genocide in gaza. the whole world wants america to stop supporting israel. to the region again, not for the sixth time after the al-aqsa storm , he is traveling to the occupied territories. what did he achieve in the previous five trips ? what is he looking for now? well, in the previous trips that he practically did not achieve anything, i mentioned in the previous questions why the americans , entering the scene with such intensity, even accept the risk of military operations
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, foreign minister. shun travels to the region many times because the existence of the zionist regime is in danger they are worried that this regime will be destroyed soon , that's why their foreign minister is coming , they are bringing their military power into the region, but now the costs for them have increased, which means what has happened now, the costs for them have increased, and they themselves are exposed to an all-out war. the americans, i mentioned that the americans are not capable of entering into an all-out war because their own hands are under control. yes , because first of all, all their forces and all their bases are within the resistance's objectives, and this has been proven during this time, that is, a drone that can be eaten at night. and rockets and now things what's new, let's see again. well, you mentioned that this drone operation was very strange for them
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. how did this drone come and they didn't understand. that is why the costs of war are increasing for them and they are looking to reduce these costs and on the other hand save the regime from this . the combination of these does not limit their foreign policy much because it is difficult to achieve all the goals together. yes , it limits, and especially since they are about to hold presidential elections , they take that into consideration, mr. haddad , thank you for your presence in the world today. and the end of tonight's world program according to the picture.
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pero puede pasar entonces aquí está el crill muchachos
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well, we are reaching the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.
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at 30:00, a group of turkish students gathered in front of the consulate of this country in istanbul to protest against the sale and transfer of oil from the republic of azerbaijan and turkey to the occupied territories. the protesters demanded to stop sending oil to tel aviv with the slogan "azerbaijan's oil feeds israel". they also asked the turkish government to transfer oil from turkey to occupied palestine.


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