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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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hello afternoon, dear viewers. good day . the 12-month liquidity growth rate has reached its lowest level in the last 55 months. the 12-month liquidity growth rate was 34 percent in january. in a downward trend , it decreased to 25.2/10 percent at the end of january , which achieved this figure for the first time since june 2018. to check the details of this news, we are talking to the economic vice president of the central bank, mr. shirijian. hello , please tell me what measures the central bank has taken to reduce the growth of liquidity. in the name of allah, the most
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merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings and respect to you dear colleagues and dear viewers, in this month , i wish light and mercy, goodness and double blessings of god for our dear people. well, as you said, the growth rate of liquidity in december this year compared to the same period last year is equal to 25.2/10 percent . i will give you the reasons for this. first of all, the most important variable which, if not managed properly, can lead to the intensification of inflation and the deepening of the economic recession is the macro-economic variable of liquidity, and the tormented leader of the revolution, with his aristocratic tact, they are giving . constructive organization of this variable in line with
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helping the productive economic sector was strongly emphasized by the central bank in line with the realization of the slogan of the year, i.e. curbing inflation and production growth, and within the framework of the new economic policy, which is actually under the title of economic stabilization policy, which is one of the most important axes of its own policy. the control of liquidity management was placed. therefore, i would like to introduce the issue of liquidity management control. well, during the past years , we were faced with a discontinuous process of liquidity growth, and the central bank focused seriously on the issue of liquidity control through the monetary regulatory policies that were implemented. including actually managing the growth of banks' balance sheets discuss the use of monetary policy tools such as in
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fact, the use of the legal deposit ratio and the regulation of financial relations between the government and the central bank are a series of other measures that we were able to achieve a 2.5% increase in liquidity. as you said, this growth of 25 and two-tenths percent actually has different implications, that is , it shows different achievements. one of them is, well, first of all, after 55 months, i will do it from hazrat ali mr. shiran , considering the limited time we have. what is the effect of this decrease in liquidity growth in people's lives and when will people be able to do this in their own lives? feel and see the most important variable among them. and in the long term, it has a serious effect on inflation . it is the issue of liquidity. if we can control liquidity , we can definitely control inflation in the medium and long term, as we are now observing its
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effects. since the beginning of this year, consumer prices have decreased by 17 or producer inflation has decreased by 95. cash growth. negi has decreased by about 176% since the beginning of the government, and along with the decrease in the growth of liquidity, we also had a decrease in the growth of the monetary base, that is, the growth of the monetary base. at the beginning of this year, it was 45%, this number is now equal to 317%, that is, in fact , the convergence of liquidity growth and monetary base growth has been achieved , and as you can see, its effects in reducing inflation point by point, of course, the numbers i presented inflation is point by point and god willing this is the situation. in fact, until the end of the year, god willing, may it continue and we can continue this trend next year as well. i apologize to hazrat ali yesterday, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , in a meeting with the producers, while re-emphasizing
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the restraint of liquidity growth. work must they should manage in such a way that it will not be like this that now the same limited share of resources that the banks are supposed to give to the state-owned companies. take it, take it, or special companies, companies whose people are smarter, more connected , have more connections, take it, it should not be like this, this management is necessary, and saying that the main responsibility for this work is with the central bank. practical and operational, please see that we still adopt polymoney regulatory policies to actually control liquidity and this. god willing we will continue this process until the 25% target that we have set for this year, which has almost been achieved. in addition to liquidity control , we have adopted a set of policies for the fair financing of economic institutions, which means that in addition to liquidity control, liquidity management is also a special issue. in fact, it is the development of chain financing methods
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that can finance a production chain through tools such as electronic step-by-step documents, and recently, in fact , our policy. we announced our new in the form of financing through special deposit certificates obviously, for a specific project, whether it is the financing of working capital or, in fact, the financing of development and creation projects, we publish these papers, and for that particular project, this financing is done, and its resources are used to finance that project, as well as working capital. and in fact, the development and creation plans, well, in addition to the amount control policy that we did, to some extent, in fact , we created a compliance limit for the bank. that through these tools, we can actually make a serious contribution to the financing of companies. it is currently being done by the banking network , and out of this 90%, 82% of the financial resources are allocated to business owners, 18% are allocated
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to final consumers, and about 24% are actually used for micro financing, i.e. financing below 300 million tomans, whether for households or economic centers, this actually shows that the banking network is actually focusing on financing centers, more than 82 million tomans are being allocated to centers, besides that, we are using accrual instruments i will interrupt your highness here for the fair allocation of a supervision it is very necessary to see what your forecasts are for this work. yes, we are actually monitoring the seriousness that is being carried out. in fact, these financial resources are appropriate. in fact, apparently, our communication was cut off with mr. shirijiyan, the economic vice president of our central bank in sada news agency. sima and our dear friends on
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the khabar network will follow this issue and we must go to the direction where we will face the decrease in liquidity growth and we hope that the central bank will reach this point with the diligence and effort it will have . this issue is having a meeting with the manufacturers of thank you very much for being with us and the follow-up program on the news network and see you in the future. 14th of bahman 2018 was his first birthday.
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at that time, simorgh was just one engine resulting from the combination of four other engines. with a total of 6181 pieces. this engine is a liquid fuel engine. at the first moment, its speed is very low, zero, but the exhaust gases from this engine reach 160,700 meters per second. now the 26-meter long simorgh had to experience flying between and crossing the mountains. with a
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sub-orbital research launch from the imam khomeini space base in semnan, with the end of which iran joined 10 countries the owner of the design and construction technology of the electric satellite. i think that it is in the field of space, and that we have a breakthrough from a scientific point of view. phoenix. the imaging and control of the status of the mechanisms leads to the earth orbit. in 1397 and in the first month of winter , simorgh traveled again. in a trip that should take less than 490 seconds of satellite. it delivers the message to the 500 km orbit of the earth. we have taken a step forward towards having a completely
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indigenous satellite with the ability to inject satellites in the orbit suitable for remote sensing satellites, i.e. the 500 km orbit, where most of the sensing satellites are from around the world, they are located at the same altitude of 500 to 700 km. zafar was the next passenger of simorgh with a remote sensing mission. this satellite went into space with simorgh on 20 february 2018, and simorgh was supposed to bring it to an orbit of 530 km from the earth. it is said that simorgh reached a speed of 653 meters per second. we had made some changes on the engines in the control system. we are at a high altitude. it reached 540 km , the satellite flew for about 9 minutes and
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we reached a speed of over 650 meters per second, but as the ministry of defense the manufacturer of this bar satellite had announced that simorgh could send several main and cubic satellites into space at the same time in 1400 . for the first time, we had a 500-second performance of our second stage engine in space conditions. the satellite on simorgh almost increases our weight by 5 times from 50 kilos to 250 kilos and doubles our height from 205 km to 500 km. but simorghi, who was alone 14 years ago. it was a motor on the 8th of behman 1402 in its seventh launch
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seyyed mohsen hosseini of sed and sima news agency put three mehda kihan and hatef ik satellites into orbit for the first time. workshop to recreate food support for children and teenagers. a workshop organized by the vice president of crime prevention of the judiciary and the ministry of justice. it is designed to review and update the legal procedures in dealing with the crimes of children and adolescents. remove the environment of the prosecutor's office and the children's court from the appropriate atmosphere of the criminal authority . so that a child or a teenager
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does not experience fear and anxiety when referring to the prosecutor's office and children's court. respectful behavior based on dignity always consider the child's humanity. the guests of the judges' workshop from all over the central province of iraq, dadyar branch six of the damavand prosecutor's office , al-barsem province, who told zahad didegan kochuk about their experiences for judicial support. in the children's court, especially juveniles who must be under the age of the accused. it should be considered and the type of crime and to feel responsible towards the child, most of our efforts are to issue a suspension change and that we are going to have the aspect of supporting the teenager, for example, we had a case where a teenager committed a crime, he was illiterate and we order that
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we gave the obligation of the teenager and his family to continue his education . it should be taken into consideration from the beginning to the end , which means that the law supports it in a way, and in any case, human, emotional, moral, scientific , psychological issues. if it is drugs , it is sent to training classes. driving is sent to teenagers who drive without a driver's license. if, unfortunately, the teen is addicted, we send them to addiction treatment centers
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. there are no solutions. you can see that these children and teenagers are present in an inappropriate situation . they should be accepted, supported, and organized . according to the minister of justice, the protection of street children is based on rights. the plan is that if the child who is accepted from the street is homeless or poorly cared for, they will be sent to the family. they give up so that they can be supported by their families. if they have a family and they are poor, which many of them are like this, they give this to the families themselves. that family is supported financially and then the social workers who are involved in life take care of them defiantly.
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sometimes there are gangs that you know better than me. they are abusing these children , they need judicial action, they are criminals , those who are abusing children and in fact exploiting children, one of the actions of the national authority for children's rights is the development of joy of life complexes where children and teenagers return to the arms of the family. currently, 35 nutrition offices throughout the country support children and teenagers do frankly i mean there are many who were saying that the biden administration should have acted
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sooner and faster that hundreds of billions of dollars uh has been put at risk because of the hoothy. have helped uh this area in the red sea um at ransom, sorry, so just let me get this straight yielder, so we are boming, the poorest, one of the poorest countries in the world that has been under humanitarian blockade, there has been famin, these people have been decimated, and we are bombing them because a couple of guys in dingis are in support for the palestinians who are having a genocide committed against them, they're objecting to that, and we're bombing them, come on, now, i mean, this is just insane world for us even think, i'm so sorry your amazon packages are delayed, i really am, like i wish mine came on time, but you know, genocide guys, genocide, there were two mothers a day dying in. gaza right now, it's 109 days into a conflict in which humanitarian crisis has been declared to the world, by the way, dr. francois, there are
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many who are yemen watches who are who monitor and follow the hooties who say this is doing wonders for their branding, actually that it isn't just the palestinian cause that they're focused on, so call ce fire now and then the positive branding, if you want to stop the hoothies doing what they're doing then call. would would stop doing what they're doing, if they have literally said that that's why they're doing what they're doing, they have not previously blocked those roots for any other reason except this one, so yes i do, and i also think the west needs to start to understand that you cannot just go around playing cowboys in the world, there are consequences to your actions, you cannot just go around bombing people's countries, ignoring international law and expect no repercussions, for every cause there is a consequence, and just cuz you don't like a couple of... guys trying to resist mean these are now prescribed terrorists sure according to western governments according to the yeny people because they which is the saudi back
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government which is essentially ours but the yemenes who live under huti rule talk about the fact that this group continues to terrorize them as well i'm no fan of the hoothies apart from when they're blockading in favor of a cease fire which should have been called a long time ago bill brother i'm just going to bring you into the... we started the whole conversation an hour ago about um how how you can't afford housing and your generation and so on and so forth, these people are creating a total trade blockade , which is causing inflation, which is causing all sorts of problems to everybody, 25,00 people are dead in gaza right now, there are over 60,00 people injured with no access to food, water, aid, how dare we have a conversation about trade when there are?
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then, between their cars in the alleys , they stop a car in front of it, they love the passenger , they change their car, they shoot at them from behind , and 3 of them are martyred, and one of them is wounded. what are they doing and what are they for ? the prosecutor named iraj faiz, the 9th row accused iraj. from tehran, a person who
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was involved in the important operations of the hypocrites. after being sent to iraq, he was organized in the military department of the hypocrites and participated in the military terrorist operations of deholuran, aftab chalcheragh and forough javidan. chalcharagh operation. the operation carried out by the hypocrites in june 1967 by attacking the city of mehran left 8,000 people martyred and wounded and more than a thousand people captured . the special operations units of iran's national liberation front in the framework of chelcherakh do pol operation they have destroyed a very important strategy in the mehran region. agent. he also presented documents of the cooperation of members of the hypocrites, including ahmed golpayegani, with the baath regime in the massacre of iraqi kurds in 1969. they said that we will split the word saddam into sad dal
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al-af mim and assassinate every friday imam whose first word is one of these. going to see ayatollah sadouqi, ayatollah dastkhaib, ayatollah ashrafi isfahani , ayatollah madani, who is actually a gift to saddam with these assassinations. in fact, conflicts occurred in the north of iraq, and they themselves tried to suppress the people of khordestan, iraq it's over for saddam. he provided them with all the weapons they needed, from cannons to pans , whatever they wanted, and supported them with ground-to-ground missiles and helicopters
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. and for a month and a half, they were actually responsible for that part of the war , if at that time iraq did not have a large army, and even its presidential guard had disintegrated due to the blows it received and had no special organization. and they themselves actually do this in this court session after reading the names of the accused and their accusations. mehdi abrishamchi is accused of us. deputy in the hijacking of the boeing 707 plane in order to escape masoud rajavi abolhasan bani sadr and the perpetrator of the explosion of the islamic republic party building on august 6, 1360 through the planning and design of the plan of the quadrilateral aircraft called tier 7, namely mehdi barei , is accused of being the deputy in intentional murder. or the martyrdom of
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mohammad ali shahri through incitement, intimidation and encouragement of the gang members as well as directing the terror agents. at the end, 215 complaints of the private plaintiffs of this case, who were the injured or the families of the assassination victims , were submitted to the court.
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special sale of air conditioners in the large iranian house with exceptional conditions have begun. sale of apartments without advance payment, without guarantor , buy this year, pay in the next year, for every iranian , a gas conditioner in the large iranian house, a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials, cash, and 10 years of fixed salaries for everyone. all of washland's gift cards are for the first person. remember, you must be a winner because washland has hundreds of prizes every month . buy washland today and get a prize at the end of the month . it is better to pay attention to these points. the remaining consumer price is cash. i say let's assume that the consumer price is this
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washing machine 20 million. now let's calculate the remaining cash. if we pay 20% in advance , it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract these 4 million from the consumer price, that is, 20 minus 4. this way, our debt will be 16 million tomans, so installments and interest must be paid. the basis of this amount should be calculated , while you should be aware that the interest rate of the installments should be from zero to finally 1%.
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hello, welcome to the half-day news. the presence of the leader of the islamic revolution at the shrine of imam khomeini. may allah have mercy on him on the eve of the 10th of fajr and the 45th anniversary of the glorious victory of the islamic revolution the head of the judiciary renewed his pledge with the ideals of the founder of the islamic revolution of iran by attending the imam's shrine. publication of the statements of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution in the meeting with the participants of the congress of 24,000 martyrs of greater tehran. tehran prayer.


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