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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 2:00am-2:30am IRST

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morning time. it is tehran time, and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. the head of the imam khomeini relief committee announced that more than 2,000 people from the relief committee in birjand have become self-sufficient . mr. bakhtiari announced that 85% of the aid committee's commitments for this work in different provinces have been fulfilled in the celebration of the self-sufficiency of the refugees and said: by the end of the year, 15 thousand more refugees will be self-sufficient. we this year. 100,000 people are celebrating
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their self-sufficiency in the whole country because they have received 99,400,401 educations during the years 99,400,401 and now stand on their own feet. we celebrated the festival province by province. the renovation project of tehran's grand bazaar has reached half way. the architecture of the square, known as sabze maidan , was designed based on iranian architecture and is currently being implemented. this is an example of the history, culture and identity of tehran. tehran grand bazaar. it has 70,000 active units and has been designed in this way since the qajar era. 3 months ago, the design and operation of reconstruction and restoration of its main square has started and it is supposed to be used based on iranian architecture. for the basement entrance, we were inspired by the entrances of
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old basements and traditional iranian architecture on these sizes, there are skylights and herno that we can provide almost skylights to the basement , so that we can see a single view in the square complex with a brick view. almost to induce a traditional view of iranian architecture. changing the surface of the pavement is done with al-alqa from the carpet and rug and the patterns of the carpet on the sidewalk. on ahjam , we were inspired by the carpet motifs, so that we can display almost those rug and carpet motifs at the main entrance of the market with bricks and light-reflecting herno. after the square of shahadai sadeghieh metro station.
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now tehran's bazar bazar square is the fifth project the reconstruction of ghahi square is designed and built on the basis of iranian architecture in dimensions of 1800 square meters . we hope that in the first phase we will be able to open the western route almost by the end of the month. the traffic of the people from the western zal will be smoother . we will be able to complete the operation in june of next year, god willing, with a figure of 40 billion tomans. the curves at the entrance of the passageways and the use of the iranian shamseh fountain in this project are reminiscent of ancient iranian architecture. therefore the announcement of the civil organization of tehran municipal regions is that the reconstruction and recreation of 15 other stadiums in the city
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of tehran is on the agenda of the municipality. mohammad salar , the stability of the sed and cima news agency. thank you until the next part.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri and i will accompany you in this program for an hour. a few days ago, the united states received a blow from the resistance forces of the region, a blow that
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killed three people. the military of this country was in the american military base on the border of iraq and jordan. the american authorities chose their reaction to this attack which seems to show that the body was hit hard. in tonight's program, i ask what was the importance of the action taken by the iraqi resistance in this operation and whether american officials want to make this blow bigger than it is. before the beginning of the conversation , a selection of images of the global demonstrations in support of palestine!
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shame on you, shame on you, shame on you, shame on you, shame on you, shame on you, shame on you, shame on cowards, you guys are cowards , oh i love you
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, let's go to the first case of the world today, the spokesperson of the us ministry of defense said after the attack on the bases this country. in jordan, american forces three times they were attacked again. without mentioning the location of these attacks, patrick ray-derder said: "the attack against american forces continues." last night , the iraqi hezbollah brigades announced that they would suspend attacks against american bases in order to prevent pressure on the government of this country. but if washington attacks the bases of this group, it will respond to it. three american soldiers were killed and more than 40 people were injured in the pe papadi attack on the american base in jordan. the pentagon spokesman said that all the wounded have been taken out of jordan for treatment. in the wake of this attack, washington's establishment more air defense systems
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were reported in this base located in the northeast of jordan. i will talk about the details of this matter with mr. akbari pouiya. an expert on defense and strategic issues that are the guests of today's world. welcome mr. akbari poya. first , i ask what was the importance of this action of iraqi resistance? why. this site was chosen, why was this time period chosen, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, with greetings to his holiness and the discerning viewers of the jahan today program from khabar network, i would like to give an introduction before answering the question of his holiness. why did this happen after the so-called iron sword operation in response to the storm operation of the islamic jihad group and hamas from haft. october means the 15th of the month of mehr , the united states of america will send warships us gerald
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ford, us bataan, us eisenhower with 20 battleships, 20 fifth-generation aircrafts, along with the submarines of your service, the ohio class with 154 tomahawk missiles with four missiles. the nuclear warhead along with the 35,000 people of the force he sent. to the east of the mediterranean sea so that the war front does not go further, i.e. the northern front in lebanon , the discussion of the presence of resistance forces in syria in the heights golan, the discussion of resistance in iraq and ultimately yemen , should not be active as a rogue who enters into a fight, one side keeps the case , the other side is afraid of all these behaviors that the united states of america did. it was not america's aid, but the flood of military aid that the united states of america
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gave to the usurping zionist regime. the statistics that we have found are 100 b 1991 31 32 38 trench bombs with a weight of 2000 tons, which after penetrating to a depth of 60 meters will release condensed steam and fuel in such a way that the islamic resistance groups of hamas will be destroyed. it can be done in the tunnels we mentioned. 20 meters to 60 meters deep in the ground, they are present in some way to destroy . 52,000 tons of weapons in the form of 15,000 bombs , 57,000 munitions of 155 mm artillery , himars smart artillery, tamir missiles to strengthen the units of halum or the rokandaz m2070 iron dome system through 230 flights of 3017 aircraft is a wide-body aircraft. and seven other penpicker ships from america, especially from
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the nato air base in germany to namstein, the largest air bridge in the world after the yom al-gippur war or the istaqa war or the ramadan war of 1973, to the airport women formed in the negah desert and ben guriant airport , all the help was not enough even with the dispatch of 2000 delta force forces, who had the experience of fighting in the war of fallujah, mosul and raqqa , syria, in a way to give an advantage to the occupying regime of ghat in resisting with the oppressed people of gaza and the fighters and fighters of hamas, seyyed hassan nasrallah , has a sentence in this regard, saying that the war in gaza will end when the main sponsor of this war gives an order to end it, and it is not a country. except for the united states of america, the islamic resistance group hamas directs all the dangers in this field to the states themselves
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the united states of america, kurds, where are we talking about, the border triangle of jordan, iraq, syria, under the name of the nato base in iran , it is also called al-tanf, in a way that even the highway route that goes from baghdad to damascus or the madira sea ends in beirut . he finds that he is passing through this area in the space of 50 kilometers here , even the american allies do not have the right to be present. al-rukban base of aruzq which jordan hosts 3 there are a thousand people from the united states of america. our viewers should understand that jordan
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receives hundreds of millions of dollars in grant aid from the united states of america every year. at this point , it's safe to say that under the pretext of drugs and the pretext of fighting daesh takfiris, they are actually training the free army here. giving takfiri groups here taught them in the same base where tower 22 is next to etnaf to create a cycle of reluctance that the americans will somehow stop supporting israel in the field of fighting against the oppressed people of gaza. the americans themselves create an environment that shows that this issue has become effective. in an introduction, you actually pointed out that the united states entered this
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conflict with all its strength and military capabilities, and by referring to the fact that the united states is directly involved in the conflict. you knew about the resistance forces and you mentioned that the iraqi resistance chose this base for this reason. its importance was explained to some extent . it seems that the american authorities want to make a big show of what happened in their stance. it is great that the americans take a stand. attack or can this interpretation that they want to show it bigger be correct? in general, it is the american nature to create a crisis, according to the supreme leader , americans live in a crisis. during the second world war, he had more than 80 campaigns. that the lives of others, something like 26,000 martyrs of gaza, have no credit, their blood, but the 3
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american soldiers who were killed here, is an exaggerated propaganda. remember that you have to pay a heavy price, but there is another side of the story, in the american society , they are very sensitive to the issue of the killing of american soldiers, but this let's remember that whenever the americans want to start a war, they always have a crisis to sacrifice, for example, their own soldiers started creating the same field in the field of vietnam, which later turned out to be exactly their own work. in contrast to the japanese , they are now raising the issue of the great victim, creating an environment where america's prestige as a hyper-politic or hyper-power as a superpower has been damaged, and it must have the necessary response, otherwise the deterrence of that prestige will make america vulnerable to the preservation of this prestige, in
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your opinion, is the answer of the americans what will it be, to what extent will it be? we have a word in defense science called deterrence. the definition is very clear and simple . in their opinion , deterrence is realized when four components are observed, one of which is credibility, i.e. open sources. possession must be the second ability. the country that claims deterrence must have shown once that it is capable of action. saudi arabia in the 6th war with yemen until the 5th war is on yemeni soil. in the 6th war, the yemenis are in your land and you cannot break the will of resistance
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. iraq says today that if america continues to attack our bases, we will not stop attacking american bases. the next issue is communication. there must be a bridge of communication with the enemy. i would also like to say this to my dear viewers. deterrence is never absolute. all countries try to increase the level of deterrence to the level of the majority, the other the necessary attack it doesn't have, but it has a marker. this is the case, we are in the current state of the world, america is not the america of the 1990s, america is not the america of the 1950s, 45 to 90s, this world is the era of the many powers that came in the national security document of the united states, officially stating that we entered the competition of great powers. mr. akbari poya, you are pointing out that america
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is not the same american as it used to be and you are referring to the decades that are no longer like them. this means that even if america wants to give a deterrent answer, it will not be able to. since 1880 america was the 13th military power in the world in 1898, in less than 20 years, i.e. 18 years, it became the first military power in the world, especially with the engineering masterpiece that connected the atlantic ocean. with the digging of the panama canal, it is interesting that america today has a defense budget of more than 800 billion dollars with 11 aircraft carriers under construction, 5 aircraft being studied, 800 military bases, 130 bilateral or multilateral security agreements. . in all the countries
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of the world, after 1948, the north atlantic treaty or nato, even though the conference was held in the year 45 breton weld also shaped the dominance of the dollar for him, and during the cold war, which was partly rigid and partly flexible , but reality. the thing is that from 1990 ad to 2008 ad, when the american housing crisis started, we entered a single multipolar system , but from 2008 ad we officially entered the multipolar world. we have grown up with the competition of great powers. when you enter the competition of great powers, america is no longer the america of the 90s. 45 if the world's economic cake is in his possession , it will be balanced by other powers there is a forgiveness of transnational behavior in countries
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like hamas. you can see that israel has considered several factors in every country it attacked . a great spy named jamal abdul nasser's son-in-law ashraf marwan reveals, but he is completely surprised about this. the weapons that the resistance group has are tactical, but their effect is strategic. they give missiles and drones, and america is no longer the main game . it is no longer an independent variable of security. others are also involved. space has something to say, my opinion this part of your talk is that america is not getting the results it wants in its calculations recently and has made a calculation error, and maybe in this answer that it has in mind
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to give resistance in the past days and that it wants this attack . which became the border base between iraq and jordan , it no longer has the power it used to have . i want to point out a news that a member of the supreme political council of yemen he said about the reaction to america and let's talk more about this, the member of the supreme political council of yemen warned against any american adventure against the nation and the government of this country, mr. muhammad ali al-houthi emphasized. the kurdish nation and the armed forces of yemen are steadfast in supporting the resistance of the people of gaza and the palestinian resistance groups. they are not afraid of missiles and the military gathering of the american forces and its allies. a member of the supreme political council of yemen said that the yemeni army forces pledged that until the israeli regime stops its attacks on gaza
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, it will not stop attacking the ships of this regime or the ships bound for the occupied territories in the red sea. i will continue the conversation with mr. akbari pooya, an expert on defense and strategic issues, in the jahan today program, mr. akbari pooya. the bond that the americans in the past days of the yemeni resistance clearly , there were not a few blows in the issue of ships, but why was there not as much reaction as this base on the border between iraq and jordan? for them, the yemen issue is a very dangerous issue for the united states of america, the united states of america, the united kingdom, and especially the occupation regime of al-quds, yemen , when we speak 548 a thousand square kilometers with an area of ​​more than 25 million. with the islamic awakening that is taking shape, today 15 provinces are under the control of yemen's ansarullah resistance group. after
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the 21st day of the sihonist regime's attack on gaza , a 3-stage attack took place: first by air, second by ground , and the third by the idf. plan 9 in the next month to two years, the ansarullah islamic resistance group is fighting for israel to grow wild . it is unfortunate that some of these were intercepted by saudi arabia's interceptor systems , some of them were intercepted in the mediterranean sea by american ships , and some of them were intercepted by the iron dome system, but even though yemen does not have high capabilities to hit the zionist regime here, it has high capabilities in the sea area. we are talking somewhere. bab al-mandeb strait, the gate of tears , has about four million barrels of traffic per day . it should be noted that 90% of the economic artery comes from here. here
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there is a bottleneck area . it has 300 km of coastline. previously, the yemenis had all the weapons they had with a range of 10 km. now the missiles are 200 km above, these drones are above 200 km, and interestingly, they have anti-ship cruise missiles . they have sea mines here. and they are placed here, or their owners are members of the zionist regime. i will not allow them to get out of this issue. the discussion of ansarullah is very dangerous here after the attack that the americans jointly carried out with the british with 16 f- 22 aircraft. supernet raptor from himself, for example, assume navis
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scarny on the side. it rises, but the space it has, i never in the history of america, which i study the contemporary , you took a defensive approach in the field of at least my field . it didn't work, i think it's time to move. in social capital, the level of people's trust in ansarullah , ansarullah in the people, the trust that exists between them, a country of people who were oppressed until yesterday about this, they can bring the united states of america to ruin . what was america's solution? connecting with china.
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to china, put pressure on iran, iran on ansarullah, even this is a miscalculation. americans think that the resistance forces are iran's proxies , they are iran's mercenaries, unlike iran , they are trying very hard to use this keyword in their media. and when talking about iran's working with the resistance axis , they are coordinated in the big issue, but they are completely independent in maneuvering. here, even today, the statement that hezbollah is not in the past, according to the question i asked, i want to know now what the americans mean about the yemeni resistance. they have worries that they don't read expressions such as the attack will continue or we will give the yemeni response are prominent in their conversations.
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but they use words about the jordanian base that seem to show that they are more angry than the attacks of the yemenis. i would be grateful if you could shorten this . etnaf crossing, which is a triangular crossing between iraq, syria and jordan , has gained an honorable status for the state. united states of america exactly, americans should be abused here, leave this area as if space these are to withdraw from the middle east, that is, 16 countries between the red sea and the mediterranean. this puzzle is completely certain. in syria, there is no one except the kurds who want to ask for the bokmal border. the resistance group has taken it there. at the border of tanaf, they are willing to pay there, but here. don't miss out
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on the importance. american public opinion regarding the positions taken by the authorities of this country regarding the developments in west asia, i want to talk to you more about the news that is related to this issue, a group of american students staged a demonstration in the city council hall of chicago, establishing a ceasefire and stopping the attacks. zionist regime to gaza they got married.


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