tv [untitled] February 1, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST
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[000:00:00;00] they performed 100 plastic surgeries for free at hakim children's hospital. fatemeh faramarezi, sed and broadcasting news agency. it is 5 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. deputy the economy of the central bank says that the recent fluctuations in the currency market are temporary and the trend of this market will improve by the end of the year. according to him , the recent fluctuations of the currency market have no economic basis and are affected by psychological expectations. in january of this year , compared to the previous month, which is december, the growth of the central bank's net foreign assets
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is equal to 2.5%, which shows that in fact. we alhamdulillah , we are facing suitable conditions in the currency and gold exchange center in terms of meeting the major commercial foreign exchange needs of the country . according to the latest announcement of the gold and currency exchange center yesterday, 361 million dollars. it was released in this center while the demand in this market was only 92 million dollars. the main transverse needs of the country, which are actually the transverse needs of the importers , are being met in the form of remittances. however, the economic vice president of the central bank believes that the recent fluctuations in the currency market are temporary and
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will improve by the end of the year. in fact, the recent fluctuations in currency do not have many economic foundations and are more influenced by psychological expectations and to some extent by political conditions that are actually being imposed . mr. shirjian also said that the macroeconomic indicators in the country are in the best conditions compared to last year and he expressed hope for the land market as well due to the positive conditions of the macroeconomic indicators . it will stabilize by the end of the year. rizvan basfa, radio and television news agency. sit down the performance of the provinces in the national housing development plan was held in the ministry of roads and urban development, and the latest status of land supply, renovation of worn-out and advanced urban structures and coastal settlements was reviewed. emphasis on industrialization and support for scientists' companies
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were among the other topics of this meeting. the specialized meeting to monitor the performance of the provinces in the national housing movement plan of alhaq , which we passed, tehran , khorasan, razavi, east azarbaijan, west azarbaijan and isfahan are the top provinces in the implementation of the national housing movement plan , south khorasan, south lorestan, south fars provinces, in fact, the general administration is in the rank we are the end identification of 73 thousand and 321 hectares of land across the country for the national housing movement plan , we examined about 98 thousand hectares of land and luckily we managed to annex 40 thousand hectares of land to the cities. through the national housing fund, these resources are about 3500 billion tomanes
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. completing the infrastructure of new cities is about 2 thousand billion tomans related to the completion of semi-finished housing units of mehr. another part is the promotion of the operation of the national movement, 188 thousand residential units under the management of the islamic revolution housing foundation. executives have started and, god willing, in the blessed decade of fajr, 6,000 residential units will be delivered . the quality and cost reduction of the implementation of the national housing movement plan is the formation of consortiums of knowledge-based companies, which we are managing with the help of the civil and housing headquarters of the scientific vice-chancellor . in the specialized meeting to monitor the performance of the provinces in the national housing movement plan, you stated that more than 40,000 hectares of documented urban lands
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have been allocated to this plan and the preparation of these lands in more than 1,330 systems and sites is being completed. sahar mirza tell the news agency. and. dehydration is an issue that has reached the border of crisis these days. if we pay attention to the rainfall statistics in euclid, this year compared to the previous crop year , we faced a decrease of 100 mm of rainfall, which is
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more or less evident in the whole country. this is where the policies of the agricultural jihad organization recommend the almost new ship. it can reduce farmers' worries to a great extent. in addition to being one of the least expensive agricultural products to grow, this plant also has an important place in the discussion of crop rotation with cereals. camelina is an oil plant that is useful for farmers in all aspects it is affordable. from its growing season to the cultivation of this product completely dry, it means that the water concern is solved. the kash period until the harvest of this product is short , that is, as long as the field does not need irrigation , even as a tenth crop, it is completely resistant to pests, and most importantly, it provides a large part of the country's need for oil seeds, which until now comes from products such as sunflower, soybeans.
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40% of the oil obtained from the camelina oil plant is an early crop, which is now the focus of euclidean farmers and a jump growth is observed in its planting. camelina cultivation in the city euclid we will have more crops in the coming years. camelina is resistant to dehydration, cold, heat and saltiness of the earth. a plant whose flour is known as a valuable animal feed with 40 proteins . this year, more than 44 hectares of the cemetery of this city have been dedicated to the cultivation of these oil seeds. abolfazl snabegi of sed and broadcasting news agency, khunjesht region, eqlid city. thank you until
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the next part. hello, dear and respected viewers of the special news talk show, as announced in the news , according to the head of the program and budget commission of the islamic council of the islamic council, the pension of the beneficiaries of the aid committee and well-being will increase by 30% in the coming year . today, the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare
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announced the government's 18 thousand billion tomans contribution to increase judicial security and develop social justice in the country . compatriots , the income of the first seven decades increased by 100 thousand tomans. to investigate this issue further, we invited the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare , mr. seyyed solat mortazavi . to his highness and to all the respected and worthy viewers of the first channel of the islamic republic of iran, i offer my greetings and greetings. mr. mortazami, please tell me the details of this new electronic product that
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is going to be presented on the 17th of bahman, and what is the purpose of this ? i offer the best greetings to the high spirit of all the martyrs, fortunately in the 13th government, in order to fulfill their duties and also help the people, especially the people. low income in order to support social takaful, several important projects the agenda of the government is set. one of these plans, the electronic goods plan , became operational in the year 2000. he faced ups and downs.
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and now that we are at your service, more than 17% of the target community welcomed this project in order to rearrange and redefine and update the reform plan in this electronic product plan . e-mail is available to various entities of seven income deciles. the subsidy amount that was paid in the form of purchase of goods from the electronic goods platform was 120,000 tomans in the previous period. now it is 220 thousand tomans. i have been promoted
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for 3 months. yes, for 3 months. for now, in the previous plan, the eligible people must have bought 20 thousand tomans from their subsidized place to be eligible for 120 thousand tomans incentive . it has been announced that your service in this plan does not need to be purchased up to 200,000 tomans, 11 items of coded goods , anyone who buys any amount of the specified amount of goods can be included in this subsidy , for example, if in this plan per
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capita. for example, two kilos of rice per month it has been determined that a family of four can buy 8 kilos of rice in a month and get their helpers, chicken in the same way, meat in the same way, beans in the same way as pasta, and the same 8 kilos of rice must be bought in another empty basket. it is almost exclusive. if someone buys 11 items, the equivalent of 220,000 tomans of double subsidy will be deposited into the seller's account, which means that the buyer will buy at the base price and 220,000 tomans, the difference will
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be credited to the store's account through the national credit network. another point is this. that is the 300 that you bought face whether it takes place or not, this project will be included in the seven tenths. the total of our seven tenths is 61 million people . the price of the basket is the base price.
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it is the same as mentioned in the previous sections to the dear people of islamic iran , it will continue from the 17th of february to the 17th of may next year. as i said , it is a weighted purchase, which means that anyone who buys any amount of these goods is included. the incentive subsidy will be doubled. that is, mr. doctor, forgive me, if a family of four, for whom you provided 8 kilos of rice, comes and buys 5 kilos of rice , the 3 kilos that they did not buy will be removed from their pockets.
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subsidy for the same 5 kilos. a kilo of rice, now he bought 5 kilos of rice , the subsidy will be given to the same 5 kilos of rice. well , mr. mortazavi, a question arises here, do these 11 items in one basket have to be bought together? suppose a family feels that they want to. if he buys rice or chicken, he doesn't want this to be a balance and adjustment . think that he is not interested in one item in these 11. did you predict that this will happen or not? he can buy from these 11 items according to his needs let me ask a little more easily, that is, if a household
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decides to buy chickens with all this subsidy money, that 743 thousand tomans, it is not possible for them , it is not possible for them, according to the amount of the share that has been determined. the same amount, for example, one kilo of chicken per capita per month can be purchased from the electronic goods platform . yes, the table is specific, you have the same 11 items in the previous sections, and they will be the same 11 items in terms of weight, for example , there are dairy products and low-fat milk, cheese, and eggs. there is chicken, there is chicken meat, there is oil there is sauce, there is pasta, there is rice, there is sugar, there are beans, and there is frozen meat. now, in relation to our meat, the amount of subsidy that is given to meat is specific, whether he wants to buy frozen meat or
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wants to buy hot meat , he will be given the same amount of subsidy. well, the stores that you announced are the same stores that were validated in the previous subsidy and have almost developed. according to the latest estimate , about 210,000 stores across the country welcomed this plan to connect to the national credit network system. approximately 10 chain stores you are great with all the talent and with all the national network. the country and their provinces have a contract with this plan, they are party to the plan contract, so the online store cooperates with this plan . according to the estimate we made , there is no point in the country that if a customer of maadi
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decides to use this offer. it is difficult to use this electronic product plan. that is , you predicted that this is possible in small villages in cities all over the country, that is, a village that is less fortunate in one area , how can we do it with the smallest distance, we tried. in addition to chain stores, other stores are also connected to it. i think the hidden point is very limited and almost accessible to
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different people. in the six stages that have started, it now shows more than 75% coverage. every person, if he buys 200 thousand tomans from his subsidy, 11 out of 11 items , will be subject to a double subsidy of 120 thousand tomans. according to the statistics announced by the ministry of cooperation, labor and social welfare, 61 million people are currently included in this incentive plan. more than 27 million people have benefited from the 120 thousand toman incentive plan so far. they used an electronic sheet. 30% the beneficiaries means 18 million people at least once and 15% means more than 9 million people on a fixed monthly basis from this scheme. they use and buy 11 items of its basic goods: milk and chicken
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, kandeh, yogurt, fermented milk, rice, beans , oil, cheese, and pasta. your payment, which is deducted from your personal card, is 513,000 tomans, of course, in addition to the electronic product , about 132,000 households with children under the age of five who need extra nutrition will receive a monthly subsidy of one million tomans or 600,000 tomans. they can use 16 fonts buy the products of this plan for one million tomans for each child if they are in the 1st to 5th percentile. from each person, it is entered into their account monthly per tenth of 6 and 7, 600 thousand toms per person. currently, 21
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thousand stores are ready for people to go and buy their own items in the program that you can find in the stores section. who are members of kalawork plan, in your credit section, in addition to the inquiry of the credit balance of their products , you can also see the credit for improving children's food security. vahid hajian of radio and television news agency, mr. mortazavi, please tell me what is the purpose of the implementation what is this plan for food security and to help families with children under 5 years old in the implementation of the youth and population law, the judicial security plan for children 5 months to 59 months old. designed and implemented. until
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now, when we are at your service, money has been deposited into the account of the housekeepers in 3 stages. at what time interval will i send you an amount ? we have paid you bi-monthly in december, january, february and march. deposit amount for decimals 1 to 5, it is 1 million tomans, and for decimals 6 and 7, 600 thousand tomans. in other words, it is more for the food security of householders and children from 5 months to 59 months it helps the number of children who have been nominated for this plan by the responsible institutions, including the ministry of health, medical education
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, is 153,000, and based on the refinement that has been done , 132,000 of them are subject to this doubt. the items they can use in addition to those 11 items are 5 items. the goods are planned for the children's food security plan, that is, a total of 16 items, to which 11 items, a few items of apple fruit , date oil seeds, safijat and vegetables will be added. the beneficiaries of this plan are part of the seven income deciles of the society, which are deciles one to five as i told you, up to one million
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people and the 6th and 7th decimals are 600 thousand tomans for each child. now, the question may be that if a family has two children , are both children included? yes, that is, if a family have two children under 5 years of age and be included in this plan for and in the tenth. if it is 1 to 5 , 2 million tomans will be deposited into the account of the head of the household. if it is in the 6th to 7th decile, 1 million 200 thousand tomans will be deposited into the account of the head of the household . those those who benefit from this are also subject to subsidies and merchandise. yes
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, they can use the electronic product plan , and all these families can use it. yes, mr. minister, some families may be left behind from this plan. these same children under 5 years of age, how should they communicate and get involved in this project? you or the ministry of health should take action. the tenths of 1 to 7 should be done through the ministry of health and medical education, because through health centers and the rural and urban health centers will be summarized and provided to the ministry of health. they should apply through the same way. a new list will be presented and amendments will be made. very well, if there are any remnants of this plan , go to the nearest health centers, mr. minister. you have another plan called yesna plan, which is dedicated to nursing mothers and is in line with the youth of the population
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. please talk a little more about ism plan. this plan is also an innovative plan that was started with the cooperation of asan quds reza and with the blessed name of hazrat ali bin musa al reza, in the first place for the first tithe. in terms of income, a number of mothers who need food baskets were introduced from this collection in the first decile of 22 thousand mothers who meet the conditions. the provinces are south khorasan
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, north khorasan, khorasan, razavi, fars, lorestan, golestan , hormozgan and ko. levy and boi rahmat, god willing, with funding and with the help we hope to have from supporting institutions, including the executive headquarters of the imam's command, the foundation of islamic revolution employees, we will be able to develop this plan as well. approximately 400,000 tomans are deposited into each mother's account and they can use these 16 pens to make the difference. the children's food basket plan and the yesna plan with the product plan of the electronic leaf are in this form that in that plan they must buy 11 items of goods and on average buy 11 items with that specific weight in order to
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can use the electronic goods plan. which is the first, i hope, god willing, we will be able to expand the first income decile at the national level . we are following the discussion of the youth law with hazrat ali. in this law, it says that the 8th and 9th deciles should be removed from their subsidies and given to the other deciles. i wonder why this law has not been properly implemented until now, friends. it depends on different members of the society and we are in the process of reviewing and reviewing. i think that if we can get funding from other sources and if we implement it, it will be more desirable, while
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