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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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against the nature of tehran, it stood in the third place. in other games, pass gorgan passed 2/3 over gonbad municipality, tehran pikaan beat its host nian electronics mashhad with the same result, urumi sik chadormalaya erd municipality. on the 20th of rajab and the 1st of february, the noon call to prayer in tehran will be at 12:18 p.m. and the maghrib call to prayer will be at 175:00. thank you very much . have a nice day.
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that the election is the key to electing a strong parliament , it is in the hands of the people, iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram, he is playing with the country, why are you pricing this month? your question is an interesting question. hit manager football player do not want to treat any kind of person, we do not agree with hero or higher.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the people of iran, dear compatriots, hello, have a good time , and welcome to the higher today. well, as i said, today the higher program deals with the subject of farhangian university , a university that was donated in 1390 by gathering teacher training centers all over the country and currently it has about 90,000 students, which annually graduates 20,000 to 25,000 people, and these graduates are recruited as teachers of education, but since the number of retirees from the ministry education is more than this number every year. there is a
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discrepancy between the graduates of this university and actually the retirees of the ministry of education , and this issue has caused the education to face a shortage of teachers. in any case, this issue has caused the presence of farhangian university and the fact that only the ministry of education is obliged to recruit its own forces from among the graduates of the university to face the supporters of fani. today, with the presence of two dignitaries who are responsible for both farhangian university and ministry of education. we will debate this issue. please take us to the end accompany welcome. well, first, i will introduce you to the dear guests of today's program. excellency. mr. dr. ebrahim sarkhiz
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, the former deputy of the ministry of education and our other dear guest, mr. dr. reza kechoiyan, the former vice president of farhangian university, if you allow us to start the discussion with mr. sarkhiz, mr. sarkhiz, as the first question , what was basically the purpose of establishing farhangian university and do you think this is the goal of the policy maker. in the name of allah, the most merciful , i would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of the victory of the revolution. islamic iran decade of fajr and to all fajr creators of the proud and proud nation of islamic iran, especially the educated and educated colleagues of the teacher and culture of my country, iran. i would like to thank your excellency
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for the importance of the position of education and a strategic and sovereign university. as farhangian university , you can see what farhangian university shows based on its constitution , its philosophy and why it was established as a university with a professional mission-oriented identity to provide training, empowerment, committed and efficient expert human resources in the education system of the islamic republic of iran. that is, he sought to train a teacher at the level of the islamic revolution of iran, what
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we have both in the transformation document and in the general policies announced by the supreme leader, and you are reminded that in the resolution of the supreme council of the cultural revolution on december 8, 2019. in addition to this resolution , in the sixth plan, we also have the resolution of the parliament that education is obliged to provide its expected and required personnel only through rajaei university and educators, and in other words , we actually we are proud that our first graduates were the ones who entered education. and then also, see education from the point of view of the senior policy maker of the system, that is, the position of supreme leader is a sovereign institution and this sovereignty cannot be delegated
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. the most important element in teacher education is yes, we must train teachers with the same characteristics that the government expects. the experience of other universities has shown that they were not able to produce an intellectual and theoretical infrastructure for us in the field of education and training teachers, and our experience has shown that
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those who are pure graduates of universities of educational sciences and faculties of educational sciences could not find success in teaching. if i want to tell you about the great people who are well remembered now, mr. haddad adel has a book called "a way to a good end", in this book he mentions great people who are now the authors of textbooks. these are all those who started in school and then the professor with the right name will become a university, mr. doctor . if you allow me to interrupt your conversation right here, mr. dr. kechiyan, mr. dr. sarkhiz, they say that first of all, because education is actually a discussion. there is a government and we must maintain our own authority in teacher education and on the other hand , basically other universities have shown experience that they do not have the capacity to train teachers and only people who graduate from this university
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become experts in the sciences they are specialized in and become teachers. maybe they don't get training, i wanted to see if it is like this for 12 years. but we definitely cannot close our eyes to the facts. surely today, the development of excellence and success depends on realism and realistic thinking. dear dr. sarkhiz aziz
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, it is very unfair in my interpretation. education science has not really achieved good results for student education. i want these facts. that is, where and with what evidence, for many years , the educational sciences faculties of the country are actually the mother faculties in the country in different provinces. it is the gift of educational sciences and these are actually training teachers for the country and for us, the output of those teachers are very prominent figures, they are very big figures that if we want to name them , it will have a very long list, naturally, so with this section, the orders of mr. doctor, i basically do not agree, but look at the issue of university monopoly teachers. today, we are going to discuss with each other whether teacher training
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should be exclusively under the control of farhangian university and shahid rajaei university as a sovereign university, or is it possible to provide a basis for other universities to actually help farhangian university , otherwise, i proudly spent 10 years of my life in this university. today , i am grateful to all the people who have come to this university since farhangian university was established, mr. dr. mohibbinia, mr. mehrmohammadi , dr. khanifar, and after him, dr. sahraei. mr. dr. qiazi, i strongly defend everyone's efforts, but each person's efforts are based on their tastes, having a team , consulting with their team, making decisions and being a part of the path. the ways are going, but see the question in your question , your excellency, the answer
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that i have to give is underlined . 120,000 to 1,300,000 people need manpower, but there are few manpower available. we are faced with a situation of personnel departure. so, who should replace this force? now we insist that this force must be transferred to farhangian university. can farhangian university do it? to say that farhangian university, despite all its efforts, despite all the effective measures
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it has taken so far, could not fill this gap. the first story goes back to the fact that farhangian university does not have the required physical spaces. when i say physical spaces, it means we don't have enough classrooms. we do not have an amphitheater. a place for students to pray. all we don't have students. masters. we, and at all, for the governance complex, in fact, for centralized management in tehran, this
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is the first part , we don't have space . how do they work? the pillars of universities are their faculty members, and now they are also their students. there are audiences and referrers, but finally, we need a faculty because of having a university that is considered as an ideal slogan in the strategic plan as a pillar of excellence and development of the ministry of education and culture . today, when we are talking to each other , 117 thousand people, you said a number, i want to correct a number. you said that the students of our teachers are in addition to our skilled students in addition to those who
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they are assignment assignments, that is in the reality depicted by the honorable parliament, we are 17 thousand people, we have a total of 1,220 faculty members, mr. dr. sarkhiz, these 1,220 faculty members are not all recognized by the ministry of science, your highness, you know this point , some are faculty members, some are faculty members. it is different , it has different definitions in university systems, but we see the collection of all these dear ones in one format in one framework, we say that today we have 1,220 faculty members in farhangian university, we have 117,000 students, the ratio of students to our faculty what number will it be now? we, mr. doctor , are sidetracked in our discussion program. let me discuss. first of all
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, he said the fact that i spoke to mr. mehr mohammadi in the interview that we have a shortage of teachers. then we will say that farhangian university does not have the capacity to train 300,000 people. our sheikh ate the work and said yes, well, mr. doctor, they say that this thinking of the third plan is actually a development since the time of late mashmi rafsanjani , seeking to privatize education, outsourcing popularization is actually a slogan to sell education. this year's leader of ours
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sacked these people and said that this is the thinking of the school outsource heavy work for the government. he wants a big budget. this is a betrayal of the country. in the discussion of education and training, the government should take responsibility exclusively. why farhangia university, you see, for 8 years of mr. rouhani's government , no step was taken to hire teachers. making someone illegal as the head of farhangian university. which does not agree with employment at all. read the fars news agency's agreement in favor of education. their interviews are still available. recently, mr. khatami's service also reached to say that he is facing three crises , a crisis of legitimacy, a crisis of quality, another crisis in rome. bringing up and finally saying, what is the solution? i said that i should
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leave it to the people to diversify the schools. the government has a money like gasoline subsidy. according to the families , anyone can go to a school according to their pocket and find a poor child. in fact, the lower deciles of the society go to normal schools where the teacher has to tolerate 58 people in the class. even their judicial menu sometimes has to spend millions of tomans. in tehran , we have a school worth 100 million tomans. we have a school that has a locker. he did not want to be a university at all, sir, the faculty says that when the leadership is working, which minister of education, mr. fani, did not look for the recruitment of teachers for 8 years, he said that we did not need to hire a lot of teachers, he said that the density of
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previous needs has reached 300,000, there is a solution, article 28 in fact, of course, the boss before. the university changed . the issue was not that we were supposed to take special subjects that education and training could not provide. the reason for this generalization is that i told my teacher to take article 28. now we have reached a crisis. i tell him that he is dying. inevitably no one said article 28 do not take the test. the gentleman says that we do not have the facilities. if these facilities are in this government, the leadership of the policy maker of the general policy system. he is saying that our payam noor university has empty capacity . azad university is empty. azad university used to use our facilities. now, what about me? i believe that farhangian university, if it wants to stay , must recruit its own faculty and change its content. the content of the faculties
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of educational sciences should be coordinated with the research organization in a structure. the teachers should teach what we left for the children we don't want a math elite, we don't want a physics elite, we need physics education, we need math education , we need science education, and i don't have teachers, you go, the teacher wants to be a member of the academic staff , the first-ranked young man in the university, it is not known whether he is a successful teacher , whether he is a successful professor in the university, i believe that this thinking they are looking for 20 people , they are looking for selling education, you can see the interview of the governor of shiraz and mr. rouhani's time .
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on what basis do you say that there was no recruitment during mr. dr. fani's period, so allow this dr. ini, who came to the farhangian university of the year ; mr. dr. fani became the minister of education in a situation where you and dr. haji babaei sobh decided to make the five grades of the primary class 6
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grades, the head of the human resources center came to the first meeting of the council of deputies, where i was in that meeting, and announced that mr. with 5, for example, the first grade, the second, the third , the fourth, the fifth grade, once your sixth grade, without any other plans, mr. doctor, we have started our work, we should have hired dr. fanny, i say that you made this decision in 2012. did you read the sixth grade of the tasmim news agency
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? mr. fani's interview says that the government used up all the recruitment ranks before, we didn't have them . you also accept that forgiveness was in your responsibility period, but let me see, mr. doctor, when the entrance channel of education becomes farhangian university, it was your order that you will become a teacher, according to the order of the supreme leader, who specifically trains teachers from the university's channel and mosque, please do not interrupt, mr. bakhter. it cannot be concluded, mr. doctor this is how we want to discuss with each other. farhangian university wants to get 50,000 people to enter. as you said , it should get 300,000 people. i am telling you that you and
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dr. haj babaei took 164 of our technical and professional buildings overnight and gave them to our technical and vocational university. when mr. badhai and i started walking , we went to the president of technical and vocational university, when we asked him, we said, " sir, he had a problem with the document, he kept calling us, and we decided to send the documents at once. your name has been transferred to us now we don't have enough buildings and educational space to train teachers for our own students to spend our days. do you know what mr. dr., the president of the technical and vocational university at the time, told us , he told us a joke, a joke? you must approve the document in our name . assembly, you must give it to the technical and vocational university 1. we went to the rooms of the buildings that we took from you. we saw that there was a laptop, a printer, a tv
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, and a computer in the room. now this is not the case. billion tomans 3 billion tomans have been spent, you must pay 3 billion tomans for the buildings that you are building in our name as a professional technical university. we are not a university to call ourselves students. we are now saying that teacher training graduates should return to the system. what percentage of beggar education graduates return to the system? you can see the number better than me, sir. because we don't have the capacity now, we don't have the facilities. and
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we cannot provide for the shortage of teachers in the ministry of education we didn't. i said that my question is that if you examine the discussions that you are having and the performance of the ministry of education in different periods, my argument is that if we have this possibility today, it means that from farhangian university of this capacity it has to produce 300,000 graduates a year. do you agree that this authority should be maintained or basically there will be no trace of quality. dear mr. shayan mehr, look, you have a container, in this glass you can pour water to the same amount, let's see the story. unfortunately, his actions and activities and work were not successful in terms of quantity . wow, i have to say the quality of this sentence, mr. s. i was the vice president of this university. the prestige of the university i was the vice
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president of, farhangian university , is lower than all the universities in the country. i am declaring the number that i have in 2014. other universities are 27 million . farhangian university is 17 million. why? they say, yes, i believe that there is a problem with the atmosphere of kalbarish. you should have gone. you put someone in charge of the budget who
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was a 40-year-old retiree. it has not gone at all. defense program organization yes, you are the organization of the program, you announced that the university should be closed, we should hand over the schools and buy services. mr. doctor , how do you know the budgeting system in your country? if something goes to the parliament, it will be approved, then it will be notified to the guardian council. if it approves, can we do it? can we do it? mr. doctor ma, don't you see every day that you say you didn't go? how much do i have to say here, mr. dr. fani, mr. bataai, at least when i was in your service, we repeat we went to see mr. nobakht bargar, to increase the budget, we are at the service of both nobles . if you continue the conversation, sir, where do you go? sir , they said half of their words about your quality, and i said half of what
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i said. i have and we believe that the quality in farhangian university is not only not up to expectations , but it has really declined. i have to tell you why. i believe that there should be a structural relationship between farhangian university and the education research organization in the production of teacher training textbooks. see why. we produced these textbooks a philosophy behind it. the teacher, as the educational leader, is supposed to convey these concepts to the class so that we can achieve the educational goals. they should have structural coordination. the second discussion is a masterly discussion . i believe that many of our teachers are not
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yet faculty members in terms of the structure of the ministry. in science, the ratio of knowledge between students and professors is not optimal, but no real effort has been made in the past 8 years. farhangian university, its audit board should be dedicated, then they don't just recruit these zero-mile young people with high-ranking doctorate degrees . look at the education teachers. a teacher or a teacher should understand the school himself. if you want to learn teaching methods , you have not been a teacher. this is a point like this , we should also establish a university. so let's train teachers with the style we want here.


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