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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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try to take advantage of the powerful forces of the province. the local forces should not feel that you have to bring forces from tehran or other cities for a district. the provincial force must have priority. hormozgan province is very capable in sea economy. because of its extensive connection with the coast , this sea can be a source of wealth for our country, as stated in the policies approved by the wise leadership of the revolution, statesmen have a very important role in organizing the state of affairs, which , thank god, has been done in this period.
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issuing permits was one of the conditions of the trip, our dear and hardworking god willing, their work will be more organized, the services to sayadi will continue, this group of hardworking people , god willing, will be able to continue their work with motivation. with the 900 km connection that this province has with the sea , the sea economy can be activated in this province. the aquatic issue is very important in this province , if the active forces increase their efforts, god willing, they will create a lot of wealth for the country , not only for the province, but also for the country, god willing. the business of hormozgan province is very much
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it has a role. half of the country's trade is done from this province. the activation of terminals and ports in this province can help to promote trade in the country . the trade of hormozgan province plays a very important role in the trade of the region. being active in these areas is very effective. from the beginning of this government until today , thousands of megawatts of electricity have been produced in the province, something that has never been done before. electricity has been produced in the province, and this work continues. one of the requests of our dear people in the province is what has already been done
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6,000 residential units have been delivered to the applicants during this trip, with the efforts of our loved ones , 14,000 residential units have been prepared for delivery to the applicants, and apart from the 20,000 residential units that have been completed during this period, 11,000 plots of land have also been ready for delivery. it is up to the applicants to continue the construction with god's help and assistance , and this housing concern in hormozgan province can be reduced, god willing, of course, in the capital of badr abbas province, you know the land situation is not very easy to prepare, but at the level of the cities, this is the case. it is completely doable, friends can also do it this trip, god willing, the results
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will be tangible for the dear applicants compared to the many works that have been done in the oil and gas chain, mining and health sector . do because of the investments made in oil and gas and mining , which these investments are to generate wealth , to generate power, to reduce unemployment, and for what the leadership will say this year as the slogan of the year of production growth, let us all know today.
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from my devoted servant and dear hard worker for economic growth, we have to increase production in all fields, and it should increase, and the infrastructure works that have been done in hormozgan province as a strategic province for the country have been good works in various fields, and this situation should continue, god willing. dear sirs and dear ladies, in some countries
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, more than 50 d of their gross production comes from the sea economy, their income comes from the sea, and we use the sea very low . pursuing my colleagues in the government god willing, effort and follow-up. dear ones, god willing, especially in the private sector , it can be very useful in this regard, so i say that your efforts can make progress in various fields, god willing, with the support of the government, by giving facilities to people who are active in the field of production. effective for growth. economy 88 in the country , regarding the issue of culture, i would like to point out that the great capital of you people in this region is your culture , your customs and islamic and iranian culture, your people
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, in this region there is this relentless attack on culture. and there is a mix of cultures in the world global arrogance and media arrogance and the enemy's media empire, your cultural originality is very important, this beautiful song that my dear girls, my dear teenagers, boys and girls, is a beautiful song that shows your affection for iran. dear young people, dear young people, to this nation , to this country, to this border, to the original islamic and iranian culture of this country, it should always be emphasized that this country has this great wealth and those who
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are in charge of cultural affairs in the society should know it on the anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution. it is very important to preserve this precious capital against the attack of the enemy of islamic culture and national culture we who are united must be protected against this invasion, this is also an important wealth that is emphasized and paid attention to by honorable gentlemen and ladies, the government knows its duty, whether in this trip that i am doing as the second or in other words third trip in the province. i am honored to be present. what are the next trips that i will come
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, god willing? we are following the problems of the province . the government and the country have been and are and will never be removed from the agenda until such time to make sure that your people's problems have been solved , god willing, what i want from respected departments and organizations and managers is that my colleagues in all departments and organizations serve our honor and yours. giving the people our dignity and yours. untangling people's work . people should feel that when they go to an administrative organization, their work will be solved, lest they feel that
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their work will be delayed due to unhealthy relationships with bribery and complicated administrative bureaucracy . let them feel that the offices are empty. it's their refuge and it's their work, so i request all departments and organizations that they are busy in the name of the government. from the government as a term government, not all those who serve in the name of the islamic republic system today. my dignity and your dignity will be very good and dear to serve these people. i hope dear people do not complain about the administrations and organizations and they feel that the administrations will solve the problems of the people , god willing and my advice. to all colleagues this will be. i have already mentioned that during the elections, i said that our opponent
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is corruption and complicated administrative bureaucracy. this must be fought. absolutely no corruption should be allowed in any office or organization make a nest what should be fought. it has always been sensitive, especially in the province and in developing regions like hormozgan province , where the turnover of work is very wide . one should be sensitive to this. one of the very important points that i should be grateful to god almighty for this unity and coherence . it exists in hormozgan province between sunni and shiite and between all ethnic groups . unity and coherence in hormozgan province is exemplary. the advice and
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emphasis of the wise leadership of the revolution to preserve this unity and unity does not like the enemy of unity. we believe our progress will depend on unity and cohesion. therefore, unity and coherence are central and it is a very important and fundamental issue that should always be mentioned. it should be everyone's attention that no one distorts the unity and does not allow himself with his pen and his words to cause problems for this unity and cohesion , which is the national capital. self you embarrassed my servant and my colleagues with your presence. really, our feelings
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for you and our feelings for serving you, men and women, boys and girls, old and young, have increased. the love, kindness and care that you people have for all managers, but i know that your presence, this expression of your feelings, belongs to the revolution. to the system, to the leadership , to the blood of martyrs. your feeling is that i am a servant serving you people. i am also moving in the same direction . my feeling is this. i do not blame this on myself , i blame it on the revolution , i blame it on the system and values. i know your presence. dear young people, boys and girls, young and old, in this square to declare loyalty to the imam and the revolution. under the wise leadership of the islamic revolution and loyalty to the pure blood of the martyrs
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, i hope we will die as your servants may we be able to pay our religion to the revolution to the system and be a sincere servant to you, dear people , god willing . i am very grateful and lastly, i pray for alhamdulillah, lord of the worlds, peace be upon you, and god's mercy.
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in the name of god, i say hello to you , dear viewers of khabar news network, have a beautiful winter evening . god bless you. we were waiting for it, it has entered the country and it has led to good rains in many areas . height. alborz and also parts of the south of the country have received rain, we predict that for the leading hours in the entire western half of the country, the southern half of the alborz range and heights , the zagros range and heights, parts of the shores of the caspian lake , we will see rain in the southern parts of the country. we will have rain with thunderstorms, and
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we are predicting snowfall in the northern and western regions of the country. to the south and also from the west to the east of the rains it happens, except for parts of the center and east of our country where there is a possibility of scattered rains , in other areas, god willing, we will have rains , but the highest intensity of rains that we predicted for tomorrow will be in the areas of hormozgan province, the southern half of sisistan. balochistan , the southern parts of kerman province, also in the slopes and heights of the zagros, in parts of the provinces of kohkiloi, abai rahmat, the northwestern parts of fars province, the western parts of isfahan province, and parts of chaharmahal bakhtiari . in addition to these areas, in parts of the eastern coast of the caspian, parts of the northeast of the country the rains can also be significant
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. the meteorological orange level map has been issued . there is a possibility of flooding of public roads and flooding of seasonal rivers. due to the snowfall that occurs , we will have disruptions in road traffic and mountain axes, and we need your help. another phenomenon is the strong wind that will occur tomorrow in parts of the east of the country, southeast of the center and the southern slopes of alborz. in the areas where we had snowfall, we will have a snowstorm, and in the areas where there was no rain, there is no possibility of walnuts. there is also soil, we still recommend it our good countrymen should cancel unnecessary trips, if there is a real need, they should bring winter equipment, wheel chains and enough fuel . mountaineers should not go to high altitudes. thank you and god bless.
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the assembly will open to the assembly, the cups will be filled with your pledge, those who are trying to know the poetry , the first-class mark of art that was awarded to simin dekht vahidi, the poet of the revolution, from the programs of this period of fajr international poetry festival. closing of the 18th international individual poetry festival. a year passed by reviewing poetry books and he reached the 18th festival. the nightingales soared higher than the heavens. canary hai shida moved to the end of love.
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this year, the festival received more than 2,000 works and was judged in five sections. sharafaj is one of those festivals. it has the capacity to become international among persian speaking countries, in fact, this capacity has been actualized, that is, persian-speaking poets are publishing their works in other countries . the anthem. during the holy month of ramadan, in a primetime hour
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, god willing, every night, we actually have one. in the dynamics of contemporary poetry and contemporary poetry, fortunately , there is a dynamic and alive poem, poets to the issues of the day they pay attention to the goodness and our poetry is a mature poem , a mature language and an important point that exists in contemporary poetry . kurdish fajr poetry festival had a national perspective and ended with a national perspective. qaqaninameh daftar received an award for the best research book on poetry.
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i was selected for the khaqani nameh book, a collection of articles about khaqani shervani. one of the awards went to dialogue poetry, a work with different topics. they participated with a collection of conversational poetry this year called conversations. a selection of poems by a young poet who the traditional or classically written ghazal collection was selected by surah mehr publishing house a poet who was inspired by his childhood and his book of poetry won an award . the work that was chosen by me is called river poems. it is aimed at children. behnesh publications, astan quds razavi, should publish this. it was the end of the poem , it does not mean the end of it, but after the end
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of this festival literary circles will be held all over the country. the third stage of pars ara national competition was extended until 30th of bahman. in the third stage, we will invite culture-based businesses to listen to the presentation of the personality plan and choose from among them in order to the continuation of the development of the product chain based on those characters is the foundation's culture business.
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it is cultural, it has economic circulation, and it is a company or a cultural institution that has a vision based on the narrative and characterizations that actually exist and has developed them or developed and produced a chain of products based on cultural elements. enter the market and in this way attract a loyal audience, and therefore the culture business is a business that has a network of cultural producers connected with them and creates cultural employment. a solution for characterizing children and. the youth are the businesses that exist all over the country and have these features, for example , they have a character, a character, now
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the english term is character, and they can have this in different product chains, such as dolls, or even a single product apart from the product chain. now , in different ways, either to the provincial guidance offices or to dargah. the media campaign of personalities will be held to actually introduce selected personalities by farhang banyan businesses. another situation of the parsara competition is to provide prototyping facilities to farhang banyan businesses for personal prototyping. there are selected character products. another situation of this competition is to create a platform for participation in the promotion and distribution of personality-oriented products. this
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platform takes place in the process of the competition and farhan's business can benefit from this area. the big challenge of cultural products for children and teenagers is iranian-islamic personality development. the point of our dispossession is characterisation. and the introduction of narratives and dramatic and animated characters on various fields of writing for children and teenagers. parsara national competition is a solution to solve the challenge of character development in the cultural products of children and teenagers. parsa festival it is the biggest challenge of character creation and the creation of islamic iranian personality for this. products that i hope can provide many times the variety of personality for iranian stationery products for the next year. bekne
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ahmad amin fard of radio and television news agency, hello dear viewers of the majlis movie program , he said, "what are you doing?" he said, "i am making a slogan for the businessmen of the majlis in the world, that is, the lobby, but the lobby has the rules of the game . the session of the parliament in conversation with former representatives every day at 1930 on khabar network.
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looking for the right opportunity to buy carpets, all beheshti carpets at the factory price, now is the time for a discount unrepeatable in the celebration of the extraordinary sale of beheshti carpets from 5th of bahman to 5th of march, our ice broke today, all the food became like water, buy a repairman in installments. sir, rahima, of course, aftabah, spend lahima, go to sera, buy an installment, you mean to go to sera , i don't have a check, sera doesn't ask for checks from us retirees, she doesn't want a guarantee, she doesn't want a guarantee, this is how sera works for retirees, selling special installments for social security retirees without a check and without a guarantor advance payment without going to the bank in
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iran's big house in qom and wesfahan and tehran check check check check your bride check your cheese you will be checked always be careful, be happy, be happy, be happy, and be healthy. check your milk . check your milk. check the 5 million lottery. take part in the big lottery of 50 million tomans every day. in the big festival of the city of household appliances, for every 35 million tomans purchase in cash or installments , get a free vacuum cleaner with a reputable brand as a gift at the same moment. for a limited time
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, sweep the gifts in all branches of tehran, isfahan and sai. the city of home musicians , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, dear countrymen. at 17:30 i am at your service with some news from the field of science and technology. specialists of a knowledge -based company achieved the technical knowledge of producing ultra-light composites for the production of anti-fog coats. unlike previous examples, this product is flexible and can protect people from x-rays. probably you


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