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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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check the houses with the same literature with the same explanations that you put forward . they also build 8m and 10m houses. we don't call them tabatabai houses. if we don't really know the definition of a house, i will tell you the distortion of a house once . a house is a place where at least. the first and foremost thing that a house should provide is a roof, then this house should provide peace and well-being for the family , a safe place for the growth and education of children, sir, 25 meters, where is the house? their wide houses are now 70, 80, 100 meters, and now their houses are wide check the houses of 70-80 meters, that means apartments, not apartments, let them study.
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which is for the social placement of the apartments, you should check it in the discussion of the family, now i have noted it here , it is directly related to the reduction of childbearing , the disruption in the functions of the family, i don't know, the strengthening of the isolation of the members of your family to all kinds of social harms, the psychological tensions that for guys , creating these studies about these 70-80-meter apartments means that if we go to 25-meter houses, i don't know 30-meter houses , your 20-meter houses will suffer exponentially. the above means that today you actually propose a solution for the housing problem , which seems to be the way to make people poor, by the way, the solution is not to fall into the pit and fall into the well, mr. tabaatbaei , not a review. in my opinion, you are a review of the damages. cultural and social harms that apartment living itself has in iran now, i am not saying let's go, for example, to the studies that happened in america, london,
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france, and this happened and they said sir , we made a mistake, we made a mistake, we went in this direction , the same studies that have been done in the last 15 years in the country, if we really don't know, i have the same files many articles have been written that show many social and cultural damages to the houses. in these same apartments , reduce the scale to one-third, one-fourth , what will happen? in the world if we come carefully to see what is going on in the world and really have a global view, it will be full.
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we have that small-scale housing is one of the most important ways to get out of the current situation of homelessness for some people . dear people, you are right now giving the example of south east asian countries where they have very limited land. look at singapore, which you and the other countries that i have mentioned before, sembaporu, look at the whole. the area of ​​singapore is 720 square kilometers with 5 and a half million people. you are comparing singapore with 720 square kilometers with a country of 1,648,000 kilometers with a population of 85 million people. there is no land in singapore to build houses . their own population has a very high population density we don't have any land problems in our country, even
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in many big cities, which you can check now. we have already studied the urban plan, our major is the same . you have no land problems in the country at all. look at the root, if we are looking for a solution , look at the people. in fact, the address is wrong. we don't see the housing problem for the people right now, it's a problem, it means there is no more solution. one of them is to talk about regulation. look at the housing market . there is no control over the housing market. it's not like this in the world. you say, i don't know the world. let's go and check it. you are the same. what is the heart of world capitalism in america? something happens when you are talking about rent , when you are talking about housing production in america itself, someone who is building a house , for example, wants to make it 2 stories, the government comes and says that these 6 stories are our freedom, what do you want to build, why do you want to build it, it says specify its use. for example, he says that his floor has four units.
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you have to bring it against the tenancy law . what does it mean? it confiscates for the benefit of the people. we are now coming to the side of the same 25-meter-long houses that are built and unsold. they enter the market for demand. they offer consumer products to the open market, which worsens the situation, neither control nor supervision no, look, first of all, the problem wants to be solved responsibly, my parliament government has done a good job recently , but unfortunately it has not come to a conclusion, now you have started the discussion from the parliament debate, i don't know that this law of jump in housing production that the law of the parliament depicted is a very good law, but i don't know you one of the questions is the discussion of follow-up on its implementation and supervision, where are the representatives sitting now? now people can ask their representatives what did you do? when did you bring this law that was approved and abandoned? i don't know the relevant minister, i don't know the relevant institution of the ministries that are responsible for leaving. and the assignments are written for them not to cooperate with the ministry of roads and urban development. well
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, we will return to our discussion, find a report and see together . according to official statistics , the number of housing transactions in 1402 has reached the lowest level in the last 10 years, and now we see that the ability to buy housing has been taken away from most of the society. in the view of realists, the high price of housing is caused by the high cost of its production. so economic housing or small market. today it is an inevitable requirement, not a choice. mohammad saleh shakohi, professor of the faculty of urban planning , iran university of science and technology. some prescribe the reason for building small-scale housing because of the high cost of housing. while the high cost of housing is due to the lack of land supply, and
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another point is that small housing is against the country's policies, such as having children, the iranian islamic lifestyle is family oriented. also, with the construction of small housing, small capitals also come to the housing market, and this itself will be a factor in the high cost of housing. dr. bijan khatibi, housing expert. you between not having housing and having a 25-meter house, which one do you choose? the reality is that we have to accept that the current economic conditions have made small-scale housing a suitable option for young people to start their lives with. so that in the coming years, they hope that with the improvement of economic conditions , they will gradually provide a bigger house for themselves. hadi abbasi, deputy minister of housing, ministry of roads and urban development. the government not only
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does not agree with the construction of small-scale housing, but also opposes the construction of such residential units because of the lack of suitability for the needs of the family and extensive social damage. will leave the position of the ministry of roads and urban development in the area the housing is in accordance with the 31st principle of the constitution, which considers the right of every iranian individual and family to have a housing that fits their needs. dr. mehdi sultan mohammaddi, housing expert. policy making in the construction of housing should be in such a way as to satisfy the needs of the consumer. i see that most analysts only need families that have several children. are considered however, in our target society , students who live alone for any reason also need housing, and we cannot impose more costs on these people in this economic situation. dr. saman vali nouri, researcher
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urban economy. the problem of housing in our country and especially in the metropolis of tehran is caused by the waste of land and housing into capital goods and communication. it doesn't have much supply and demand, so it can be helped to balance it through the construction of small scale houses. another point is that if we also build houses , they will be bought and hoarded by real estate traders. the proof of that is the existence of 45 thousand empty houses in tehran's 22 district. well, we saw the report of my colleague mohammad masauri. mr. tabatabai mr. that omranzadeh pointed out a few points about the cultural point, the point of the cost of the housing price, which is what happened to you you are referring to it, it will not be effective. please give your answer . it is one of the most important issues in the field of housing. we also mentioned in the previous submissions
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that the more we concentrate, the more the situation of the target society will be. there are no houses in the big cities, because it is natural that tehran is our population. it is close to 12 to 18 million people a day, now according to university days and discussions about health and hospital, etc. , medical services, shopping and shopping on the eve of eid and other such events, the night population is between 9 million and 10 million people, this is what has been heard. therefore , the same thing has happened to the metropolitan cities when we see that tehran has such a population difference, or in other words, the population gap is different day and night, we realize that many people are blocking the traffic between tehran and back because of this . and thousands of traffic problems and air pollution, social problems and free use of city services
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that people pay for, which means an urban injustice. moving, moving, moving, driving, wear and tear, accidents, and thousands of problems will be created, which requires tehran should work and come back, so it should accept this, the more we concentrate in the big cities and the capital of the country and in the centers of the provinces and the rich cities, in any order , we are talking about the current situation, we say that there are more jobs in big cities and rich cities. well, in deprived cities where there are not many jobs , we don't want to talk about idealism. if we go and visit the deprived cities, we will realize that in the deprived cities , one of the reasons why these cities have been turned into dormitory cities is because of
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non-social phenomena. unconventional or marginal they are working, which means they don't have suitable jobs . why is it that they don't have suitable accommodation because they don't have suitable accommodation? this happens in big cities . they want to live in big cities , but they can't. they have to commute all the time. we are spending and one. one of the most important reasons is this unnecessary traffic, which is one of the most important causes of population decline in the country and the ominous phenomenon of population aging, which is that the right housing is not the same as the right place of employment , while now we have to accept this. belongings or commercial complexes that are being built in different cities , these are commercial complexes where people
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can have all the necessary facilities in their own homes like before in the park and suitable places for recreation and green space , there are issues like that. we used to live in the old days , until two or three decades ago, and even before that, in a 12- meter room of a woman. four marriages or less , so we see that from the perspective of social crises , the issue of micro-apartments is not only a crisis rather, it is a social opportunity, and we face many such problems in the cultural sector , not more, mr. omranzadeh. look , mr. taba tabai, now you are saying that housing
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is expensive, the costs have gone up in order for people to own houses, we have to go for downsizing. look, the main price of a house is the price of the land. 60% of the price of the house that is being built is the price of the land. this land is as wide as all the land. if we go to the 25-meter and small-scale houses, my wife will tell me that if we come to the spring, we will die of thirst. we have all the facilities , we have all the land in the country, we can remove this 60% from the housing price, now in the national movement plan, the idea is based on this, but the iranians that exist now , the issue of financing, as i mentioned, is to connect it to the supply . look at the finances of the national movement, look at the banks, why don't we want people to read what the constitution says, we are above
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the constitution, we don't have a document in the country anymore , the 31st constitution says that having housing is suitable for the needs of each individual and family. in fact, iranians have an inalienable right, this must happen, so it is happening it doesn't work , it is happening in this small housing estate, no, i want to say that when we can make people own houses of 70, 80, 200 meters, why should we go for it. look, my dear, i mentioned that you should go to the same countries that have micro-apartments in them, namely singapore and japan , and study the social harms and numerous problems that their people are involved in. if you haven't checked, i will tell you as soon as you know. the micro-apartments that you or the economic housing and the economic apartments that falsely pretend to be economic that i mentioned are economic
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it's not that the cost is higher than the price of apartments, go and check it now. i would like to tell you, are these apartments inhabited by young, unmarried, elderly people who usually live alone, my brother, this type of housing is small , i don't know, 20 meters, 25 meters, 30 meters, 10 meters, 15 meters, suitable for families, and basically it is not suitable for family life at all. to check, let's go to japan and singapore. brazil, colombia, let's go to the places where it has been implemented and it is very useful. in order to live the standards that happened to be in the urban system, we said that the defined per capita should happen. we suggested that we use the worn-out tissues. now
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our worn-out tissues have the worst condition in the service per capita, urban per capita. check you, the education per capita, the health per capita, the cultural per capita, and none of these are standard in the worn-out tissues . to be the service pressure will rise again in these areas and what will happen again to the quality of life of the same people whose quality of life is now in these areas. it's lower and lower again . instead of helping people, you are ruining people's lives with this idea . the minimums they have will become even lower again. this idea is not a good idea for housing people . we have a lot of land for housing. we will reduce the price to zero, and i think that my discussions are about financing. now
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, i am proposing that there be an opportunity. look at the land market from the hands of the banks that have it. we do not need a banking education at all, mr. tabot, in the field of financing, my humble servant, i have a book that has been reprinted nearly seven or eight times so far. the most important challenges are identifying the target community, what is it doing for it? investment is made, participation is made, and it can be said that when our monetary institutions, our credit institutions, our capital market is ready to help the housing sector, but in a situation that ro ritter is an investment means that the return on investment can be calculated. when
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you buy a house and let's say a 100-meter 130-meter apartment, it will take 2 years, 5 years, in the best case, 2 years, which i have never found anywhere in the country with this speed. full facilities without any problems. now, the banks should not be reformed by the national movement. what you are saying is that if they behave rationally, they will return . it is a fact that they are following the orders of the honorable president and they are doing them, but it is a fact
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that the banks in any case, they should help with the help of the departments in charge of covering the body, after that they see a project due to various reasons, a project due to the problems of the permit and the municipality, and now the discussion is to solve the problem with a temporary permit, but in practice, we see that a large part of the construction costs goes back to the issues of the permit of the engineering system of service devices. contributors and subjects affected by that statistic. materialization and issues like that, well, when we are facing so many challenges, why should we prolong this project? really, i think that some people are using the project as a reference, what is this literature, what is the government doing
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, what is it focusing on? finishing half-finished projects what is the philosophy of the half-finished project? you say that there is an upper-level document. if there was a higher -level document, if the financing was correct and on time . they should finish all the projects of the previous government, and they should make a financial statement, and they should make a proportional statement, as if you assume that the bonds have been issued and their due dates have been reached, there is a kind of inflation because the installments are not paid , and there is a kind of inflation because the project is not delivered on time , a kind of inflation because people there is a kind of dissatisfaction and problems when not being rehomed we are facing many problems, so let's easily come and give him a small house, make his room quickly, and he can start climbing this ladder from a point .
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to provide resources for a project, people can go home with a small amount of income, and maybe with travel income, except for many of these countries that we mentioned , what was wrong with people getting home early ? mr. omranzadeh, look at mr. bozor nasib, i think that mr. tabatabai is not aware of the reality of the housing market right now. you and i say that the main problem is housing
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. why is inflation the main problem in your field? they are economists. now let's tell them how much was the general inflation in the country , how much was the inflation in the housing sector and how much was the land inflation in our country twice the inflation? in the country , we didn't have our own polls because of the benefits. if we don't know, my friends , i took the statistics of one of the cities. now there are 48 people who are registered in the national movement. selling as a broker means that the government is in a national movement now 50. the percentage of the construction that he is doing is making for a broker, because people don't have the power that is said in the national movement, the same
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25-meter house is not going to be given to people like you and me , but i can't buy it and ordinary people can't buy it . b has a paradox that you say he is selling his points, why are they selling them, firstly, selling points, which is illegal, and secondly , we are talking about the finished price, not the current finished condition, it is about 1 billion to 1 billion for a 100-meter apartment, now that's it. let's get fit for other parts we have to accept that the smaller the apartment, the easier it is to finance it. on the other hand, the infrastructure will be provided faster, on the other hand , the people will move to their homes faster . you have a problem in arguing
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. i think you are very close to the existing realities right now. and you probably don't know what is going on at the bottom of the society, most of the people who want to participate in the discussion of their own contributions, that is, the applicant's contributions are such that almost out of every three, four or maybe half of them can actually be returned, that is, they want he should get his money back because he doesn't have it to provide for the rest of his morals, but under a bank, he can help well . when the price of land has increased a thousand times in the last 30 years, that is, more than the currency, more than gold, what happened? that is, we did not have a regular supply of land for the benefit of the stock market. the earth. we did this by those who hoarded land , including companies, big companies, including banks, that are active in this area, and
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these are our main problems. if we have a regular supply of land , people's problems will be solved, and because we have made the main need of the people into the paradise of brokers something has to happen, i'll tell you in 30 seconds, not 10 seconds, i'll tell you, you see what needs to happen, if we give each person 200 meters of land in the country, with a density of 120 , there is no need for bank reforms, nor does the government want to do anything. people themselves are going to do this
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it will be replaced within 7 days. what do we want 2 o'clock the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces announced the missile attack of the forces on targets in the south of occupied palestine. supporting the oppressed people of palestine and in response to the continuing crimes of the zionist regime with a number of ballistic missiles targeting the occupied area of ​​omrash, he emphasized that the yemeni armed forces will continue to encroach and
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destroy property


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