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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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hello, welcome to the half-day news. the unveiling
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of the new advanced shafaq missile system, 30 km targeting cameras and helicopter self-protection systems. the strength of the helicopter fire team increased 10 times. president at the space technology day conference despite te. president to the relevant agencies for commercialization and use of the capacity of the private sector in the field of aerospace. massacre of 13 palestinian families with more than 100 martyrs in the last day and night bombardment, hamas and islamic jihad insist on stopping the attacks and removing them. gaza is ready for any negotiation.
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iraqi resistance groups and harir bases they hit the us military in erbil and eastern syria. successful surgery of treatment-resistant seizures with electrode implantation in the brain. a procedure covered by insurance and a third of the cost abroad. in a few minutes, the confrontation between iran and japan to advance to the group of four teams. after the asian nations cup and in the higher election debate , we will check whether it is possible to manage the fluctuations of the currency market by setting up the land exchange. what do the supporters and opponents say , what role will the parliament play in preventing currency fluctuations? in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their resurrection. have a good day, dear viewers. respected, you are watching the 14:00 news segment . the president said that the successful launch of 11 satellites in the last two and a half years has defeated both the sanctions and the plan to isolate iran. the president celebrated the national day. space technology, referring to the launch of 11 satellites , said that this action broke the sanctions in this area. mr. raisi also visited the exhibition of the country's capabilities and latest space achievements on the sidelines of the ceremony celebrating the country's space technology day. the 14th of bahman is the day of space technology after 9 years of the president of the islamic republic of iran's space achievements visited the country. these. what you can see here
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are the space assets of our country that are alive, that is, what you see is completely alive. now the seria satellite is moving over the american continent . we signed a contract with the ministry of complex sciences for a class above one ton and one and a half tons. mr. dr. zulfibaram air force base is present, god willing, with the next 3 launches, we will have the potential to carry humans up to 147. the approach of electronic navigation support and also these launches are a manifestation of turning threats into opportunities. the presence of the islamic republic of iran in space is also a manifestation of power. definitely it creates wealth for the country. and the ability of the country to reach different fields. agriculture, natural resources
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, water resources, mineral discoveries and in various fields give the country the ability and this ability for the country has made us one of the few capable countries in the world to be in space. i think that the time is not far when god willing. we should find a presence in geo and that region will also be the presence region of the islamic republic of iran. the goal i set for my friends is that, god willing, this consolidation that took place in fanmali will become a commercial business so that we can, god willing, until the end. the government can launch a satellite belonging to another country, god willing. the iranian nation wants to have a strong presence in space. the islamic republic of iran was ranked 45th and today it is ranked 10th in the world in the field of air and space
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. we could conquer these areas much earlier and go to the level of geostationary orbit. but some people didn't want to take it, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that the iranian nation wants to have a strong presence in space. the space sector depends on the presence of the private sector. here, the issue of giving space to the private sector is very important, technology companies should be given space in this regard. the presence of the private sector, this sector cannot work, the private sector must be present. mr. raisi said that the launch of satellites creates hope in the hearts of the nation. it doesn't matter if they try to induce despair in their media and news empire. the important thing is that, with our trust
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in god, our scientists are offering innovations, innovations, and creativity. president tek. count the number of throws carefully more should be increased. the work you have done so far shows that you have the ability to appear quickly, god willing. this height is important, your height increases with every throw and it is very important. with the 11 satellite launches that took place in the 13th government , our rank among prominent air and space countries has dropped from 45 to 10. it was launched into space, a success that caused
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this day to be named national space technology day in the country's calendar. in recent years, space technology has improved from zero to hundred thanks to the efforts of scientists in this field. hatefeh a first nanoman. bahman this year along with two mehda and kihan do satellites were successfully launched. finding the cause of car malfunctions using remote sensors. this is a service that has been defined and developed in the field of internet of things by domestic technologists. we can tell you exactly which part of the car has a problem on your phone. we can communicate with you right on your phone. even if your internet is down, the device will call you and say that something has happened to me, or intelligent management of household appliances and intelligentization of greenhouses, which are widely used in the field of internet of things these days. is. if we need out-of-time lighting with the time we gave it, it can
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turn on or off our lights for us and activate or deactivate the humidifiers we have in the system , but it is needed for the development of internet of things technology. the development of communication networks is an infrastructure that will be provided for the first time in the country with satellite communication with the launch of the hatef 1 satellite. this hatef satellite was actually the first step as a research step to start the internet of things system , in fact, telecommunications are defined as narrowband. hatafeh 1 nano satellite by space experts the ministry was built and launched in the first multi-cargo launch on 8 bahman along with mehda and kihan do satellites. a success that is the beginning of a path in the country's space industry. the next direction we are moving towards
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is going towards the beam of operational satellites. we have developed operational satellites during the past years and this year . the mawars who are no longer in service. images or telecommunications data are used as communication data. iran is among the 10 countries in the world that have localized zero to 100 cycles of the space industry. a widely used industry based on principle the basis of the 10-year space document in the country provides services in various fields of telecommunications, development of modern technologies, agriculture, etc. mohammad qasim kiaei, sed and sima news agency. the new generation of shafaq missile and self-protection systems. the helicopter made by roz army aeronautical engineers was unveiled in the presence of the commander-in-chief of the army. the fire power
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of rooz aviation attack teams increased 10 times by upgrading the weapon system of cobra helicopters to six shafaq missiles despite the embargo on the equipment of this fleet. what happened that within 5 years we didn't buy helicopters for army ground force, but the number of ready helicopters is approx. it doubled when the chief of staff of the armed forces of the country recently considered the recent five-year achievements of the army's air force to be remarkable. the improvements that the commander-in-chief of the army, on the sidelines of his visit to the air show today , are examples of jihadi movement in the field of equipment. the presence
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was accompanied by two unveilings in the field of increasing the combat capability of the helicopters: mohammad shafaq anti-armor air-based missile , youssef air-based camera, shafaq missile mounted on various types of helicopters and six missiles with a range of up to 20 km. and the yasef aerial camera with operational capabilities all day and night and adverse weather conditions. today, a missile is made in havani, with a range of 200 km, we have about 800 types of parts. we are producing, we are ready to work, we have reached a point
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where we are 5% higher than the world soft with sanctions. in the air force of the islamic republic of iran , we now have more than 82 combat readiness. has created for the pilots in an atmosphere similar to real operations . the air force of the islamic republic of iran now has the strongest transport fleet in west asia. military experts believe that the use of this volume of the return fleet, along with the use of local and modern weapons, as well as the expert force of this force , has maintained the superior hand of this force to respond to any threat. ali mohaghegh of sed and sima news agency. the central command of us terrorist forces in west asia centcom announced that
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the us air force attacked seven areas in iraq and syria. the us army claimed that command and intelligence posts, ammunition warehouses and logistics equipment were targeted in these attacks. but official sources in syria and iraq announced that most of the bombarded centers have been completely evacuated they were. us strikes on seven areas in syria and iraq with several fighter jets from davis-monthan air force base in arizona. despite the fact that the americans claimed to target the command posts, ammunition warehouses, drone centers and logistics equipment of the resistance groups .
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he wants to increase the conflicts. the spokesman of the command of the iraqi armed forces considered the us attacks to be a violation of iraqi sovereignty and said that at a time when iraq is seeking to ensure the stability of the region, this will have all the destructive effects. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs condemned the us military attacks on iraq and syria condemned. mr. kanani considered these attacks to be incomplete for the sovereignty of iraq and syria and said: america's adventurism is another strategic mistake that will have no result other than the escalation of tension in the region. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs warned again about the danger
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of expanding the dimensions and geography of war and conflict in the region. he asked the security council to confront the unilateral actions of the united states and prevent the spread of the crisis. at the same time as the us attacks on iraq and syria , the country's military base in the koniko gas field in eastern syria was targeted by a rocket attack, which led to a fire in this base. according to some sources 30 rockets hit the base of the american occupation in keniko. islamic resistance. iraq announced that it has targeted american military bases in ain al-aswad al-tanf and al-khadra village in iraq , syria, as well as the harir base in erbil, iraq , with rocket and drone attacks. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces
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announced a missile attack on targets in the south of occupied palestine. yahya saree announced that the only missile of the yemeni armed forces in support of the oppressed people of palestine and in response to the continuing crimes of the zionist regime with a number of ballistic missiles in the occupied area of ​​amalarsash, the zionist port aimed at eilat. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces emphasized that the yemeni armed forces will not hesitate to carry out more military operations against the zionist enemy on land and sea until the end of the aggression and the lifting of the blockade of the palestinian people in the gaza strip. 27 people were martyred in the air attack of the zionist regime on rafah and deir al-balah in the gaza strip , and many were injured in these attacks
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. this city, which is currently the busiest city in gaza , has more than 1.3 million people. minister the zionist regime has said that the ground attack on rafah will begin soon. according to the announcement of the gaza ministry of health , more than 110 people were martyred and at least 150 people were injured in the night and day attacks of the zionists on this barricade. the zionist military announced in the northwest of gaza city. these soldiers were ambushed by the resistance forces and were killed in a close combat. the resistance forces also targeted two gatherings of the occupying forces in the southwest of gaza city with bloody attacks that resulted in the death and wounding of a number of them. a
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support headquarters for the occupying forces is also around the town occupation of kisofim. he was targeted by heavy bloodsuckers . the resistance fighters also destroyed several tanks and armored vehicles of the zionists with anti-particle rockets. local sources also report intense clashes between resistance fighters and occupation forces in khanyounes. the palestinian resistance groups stated that any negotiation for a ceasefire should stop the encroachment on gaza completely. the result of this area will lead. officials of hamas, islamic jihad and the people's front for the liberation of palestine announced in a joint statement that the negotiations should lead to the withdrawal of the occupying army from the gaza strip, the reconstruction of this area, the entry of all our the subsistence needs of the people lead to the barricade and the complete exchange of prisoners. this statement was issued after
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many predictions regarding the intensification of efforts to exchange palestinian prisoners with the zionist regime in the form of a new mossom plan. paris has been mentioned. in the paris negotiations, representatives of the zionist regime, the united states, qatar and egypt agreed on a ceasefire and exchange of prisoners, but not many details have been published. earlier, the hamas movement announced that the resistance groups have fundamental reservations about the paris plan. the un high commissioner for human rights about the consequences of possible military action by the zionist regime. at rafah warned. volker turk said: the military action in rafah endangers the lives of one and a half million palestinians and causes thousands of palestinians who were ordered by the zionist army to flee. they have come to be displaced. the minister of war of the zionist regime said on thursday: the army of this regime is carrying out its mission in khanyounes, south of gaza, and
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will reach rafah as well. rafah currently hosts more than half of the population of gaza who were displaced by the war. rifa is also the main channel of humanitarian assistance for the approximately two million people in urgent need of assistance. united nations officials from they expressed concern about the possibility of a bigger humanitarian disaster in gaza as a result of the closure of the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees. according to un officials, human rights have not been observed in the war in gaza. the united states and 17 other countries , which were the main providers of funds for the united nations relief and works agency , have cut off its funding based on
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the un special rapporteur on the occupied palestinian territories described this action as meaningless, unjustifiable and surprising. this is really shocking and not at all justifiable under the pretext of budget anerova should be discontinued. in such a situation. even now , gaza is facing the danger of starvation and the spread of various diseases. stopping unrwa will definitely lead to a bigger humanitarian disaster in gaza. the representative of the united nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs also emphasized. there are still no safe places for people to take shelter in gaza. protecting civilians is a principle, but unfortunately during the ongoing gaza crisis, none. not a single bit of human rights have been respected, after the new ruling of the international court of justice , there has been no change in the field scene, and israel's attacks on gaza continue.
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has it. the representative of the world health organization in the occupied palestinian territories also announced that out of a total of 73 medical centers in gaza, including 36 hospitals, 60 medical centers and hospitals in gaza have been completely destroyed by the direct attacks of the zionist regime. contaminated water and severe food insecurity in gaza have caused the spread of infectious diseases. more than 245,000 cases of respiratory infections, 160,000 cases of dysentery in children under 5 years old, nearly 70,000 cases of scabies and lice have been reported in gaza, while there is no possibility of effective treatment. unicef, the united nations children's fund , announced that more than 17,000 children were born in gaza as a result of the attacks of the zionist regime , they have lost their families. he warned that all the children of gaza , whose number is about one million , are in serious need of care and mental health services. ali rajabi, broadcasting agency,
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united nations, new york. the zionist vala information base warned the commanders of the zionist regime about the presence of hezbollah's special forces in the border strip. i am talking with my colleague stationed at the border of lebanon and occupied palestine. hello mr. azimzadeh . the authorities and commanders of the zionist regime have repeatedly threatened to expand lebanon in recent days but the media of this regime are constantly warning about the consequences of expanding the scope of war. what are the zionists pursuing with these threats and warnings? mr. zahorian, dear viewers, hello, have a good time, a complex media and psychological war on the side of the front and. the battlefield in the north of the occupied territories is ongoing, the information and zionist base has also warned the authorities of the zionist regime and, in addition to
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warning the soldiers of this regime , has also taunted them by targeting residential houses in southern lebanon as well as areas haunted with slogans it is not known that they are targeting hizballah bases , the media and zionist bases have said this and said that this is more of a propaganda war and a media war , the zionist military should know that thousands of trained and trained hezbollah forces they are stationed in the border area and south of lebanon and are ready to give a crushing response to them if the zionist forces want to invade south lebanon by land. also from zabdeh forces hizbollah are the forces of rizwan hizbullah, which both the zionist authorities and the military have repeatedly stated
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in numerous interviews. referring to the high strength of the forces of rizwan hezbollah , they know the terror of the north of the occupied territories and the presence of these forces in the border strip, and the operations that they are carrying out in a row threaten the authorities of the zionist regime in lebanon, and these threats are repeated many times. they have been repeating themselves in recent days , but the media of the zionist regime took it to calm down the 230,000 zionist settlers from the north. occupied lands displaced these threats should be continued in order to calm down the public opinion in the occupied territories and on this side in southern lebanon, hezbollah is showing the answer to all these threats every day with its operations. also, hezbollah's threats in response to them from its new weapons of guided missiles that
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send images at the same time as they are fired at the target. he has also used barkan and falak heavy missiles many times in recent days and is a response to this psychological war of the zionist military in the field of action in the northern front of the territories. data occupation thank you very much, mr. azimzadeh , a radio reporter on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. people in different countries continue to express their anger and disgust with the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza by holding marches. denmark, australia, yemen and bahrain were among the countries where anti-zionist demonstrations were held.
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may allah send down america, the devil, the great command , i am in the red sea, the army of america , the great devil , i am the one in the red sea, thank america, the great , the devil, you are not alone. or gaza or palestine or gaza or palestine qalha
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abu jibrilha or qaidna labinak or qaidna labina in al-quds lis ysawi shaab bahrain resilient awalina saha the president's trip to the economic capital of iran ended with the exploitation of thousands of projects, in addition to the opening of projects, about 160 resolutions
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mr. raisi's two-day trip to it was hormozgan. the two -day visit of the president to hormozgan province ended with the administrative council meeting. in the second round of hojjat al-islam wal-muslimin raisi's trip to hormozgan, 132 routes were opened. the president directed the projects with an economic approach and also the use of capacities darya emphasized. the economy of the sea, which is the leadership of some countries, you know. their connection with the sea is much less than ours . we have 900 km only in hormozgan province. in the country as a whole, maybe 3,000 and 700 km. if we count our islands, it is 500 km. a number of hormozgan elites also participated in the meeting with the president al-islam wal-muslimin raisi emphasized on analyzing their opinions that import and export
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in the province


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