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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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our social culture and civilization and the fact that you said that we should form an islamic state, which we are still on the way to, is the parliament and it is the most important pillar . after all, the more people vote more clearly and know their candidates and the things you say more clearly.
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then there is another trap that grows domestically , that is, inside the import industry. yes, then one of the people who you yourself must know, for example, who they are , immediately wrote a plan, that is, a proposal that will be made until the country is self-sufficient in making the so-called cooking machines. imported bread is cheap. the next month we saw this happen it fell and a very big and famous factory, which is now there, made baked bread, bulky bread, started and imported cars, that is , it imported cars. now, look at the cars like this. who ordered it to be registered? if we have a law
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for many things to be done by the people themselves , the parliament will be relieved. we plan a way if the people will give their own manage the economy well and allow the macro economy to intervene in income generation , productivity, and wealth production. ha, well, they are the ones who pay taxes, wealth goes up when we tie your hands, these things happen on the sidelines , these laws also happen in the parliament, for example, the issues related to regulations and details that you said heat up the heads of the representatives, this takes time and it takes time , which means that it actually makes you not do the main work . in the 7th parliament , it took up a lot of your time.
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let's work on a letter, otherwise it can't be done in the seventh parliament do you think the useful things that you did, that is , what were the most important things that the parliament, not the whole seventh parliament, did? in my opinion, that debate was one of the most important debates, the nuclear energy debate, which was a lot of debate. i remember the first two months when i was a candidate. it was here, i think it was 84 seats. yes , the second row. yes, i was in the second row. mrs. tahriri was sitting next to me. roshd and onor were sitting. i think it was another woman. the first thing i started to do was to discuss the so-called obstruction of the so-called plan for in the discussion, now after seda abad , after that seda abad conference that happened and it was caused that we voluntarily added protocol .
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let's face it, i believed this, and i still believe it. i do not believe that those who are members of the mpt should negotiate with each other , what should be done about the enrichment situation , just like opec, and i have always wished that when they say let's negotiate that when you have a hat, when you have this atom bomb , i don't know what i want to negotiate with you . you are over there at the table. i had a lot of dreams and i want them to tell me if i have any responsibility . i will really say that i will not negotiate with you. like you at all, we are not in the same type and with now, as we say today, we are not balanced , we are not behind this, we are not behind this, we are not behind this , you can be this way, you have bombs,
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i don't have them. he said that this is because iran is a member of the mpt, so why did he say that india, pakistan, the united states and israel, who are not members, have nothing to do with them? yes, and this is why mr. al-baradi said that one of my wishes is that we get out of m.p.t. i am a lady, i participated in the presidency once in 1984, and now i am talking about my political career
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in 1988. one of the plans i announced was this, and my important plan was that i will allow people to do whatever they want in the economy, after that work is forbidden. import and export are known. other than that, their business is production, and everything should be in the hands of the people , so that i can do it, and at the same time, one of my plans was to collect taxes from the so-called kurdish expenses. the tax was paid by the value added tax no , let's take 3% from everyone who makes any expenses. let's see what happens. now there is a remission for some people who can be used up . look, sir, you mean, you oppose the income tax in order to eliminate the income under the pillow. it doesn't want to stay , it has to be paid for eventually, why don't they start this work now , but in my opinion, this work requires a little courage
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in the economic issues of the same car, the work of the car that they say is behind the scenes, and this does not allow you to see us. whatever my non-oil income increases , i'm talking about it behind the economic curtains first, they will be upset when the revolution penetrates , this position will happen. yes, you think that as the president, you can really face the pressures and threats that exist for the so-called distribution of the country's resources, the so-called interests, and the so-called prohibition of many people from eating junk food, and you know the numbers. it is also very serious. you can act as the president against all threats. yes, you see, i always say that running the country is very easy if a person is healthy and avoids all the factors that gather around him . examining the effective factors on improving the governance is one
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of my topics that we are working on. hazrat agha said that 12 years ago, in kerman shah , he spoke to the youth and said that we can make our presidential system one of the main principles of the constitution. we don't have those discussions , but the system can be changed in some of its structures , as we had a prime minister before, he was changed , and the imam gathered the elites and elders, and you believe that now the prime minister should return to become the president, right? his prime minister said that it is possible to make it a parliamentary system now that we have a presidential system i did this, it means to get a vote from our parliament , see mr. afkar. the election itself starts from the villages and goes up to the top . these have a series of social and political financial costs for us . in
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the election of the government board, there are a lot of rent issues . one of our issues of corruption is that 290 people vote now, how much now, how much later. then a president , after two months or three months, the one who voted and got 180 votes will easily change this in the morning. what kind of law is the implementation of the law, so we can say this gentleman, this gentleman, this lady, even in any case, the gentleman is missing, the leader is the leader, so he can become the head of the prime minister, this was a very good thing for us, it was a really good gift we got that day from mr. well, when we come to the president , we should say that the package of the government delegation is yours, we don't know who you want to go to the government, we voted for you, this is your package, go and this is your budget. very much , mr. afgarmi , we write the motive of corruption for all the petty things, and then the events that happen are the same.
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small things create corruption. in the so-called generalization of the budget in the provinces, we give the big budget to each province. now, each ministry is divided above it. you go, but if it happens, we are with you. it is very easy for you to think that when the election of the governor starts , the governor is almost determined. 80% of the issue has been resolved in the elections, so we can't rely on this election because this is what our current governments have done. choose, choose, what can be done to increase the number of female representatives, in my opinion , television can work very well, radio can do very well. the parties of imams of fridays, imams of congregations, encouragements, university professors
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should announce to the people, and they should also announce that good women should be promoted. i remember it was an important issue. it was said that it was known that it was only taken from the air, that is, from the building , and well, we had gone to imam agha's service . our factions go once a year. we went to see the gentleman, it was very long, maybe two and a half hours, we talked, finally , there were different issues, the issue of gender justice was brought up, saying that gender justice is much better than that issue, it is equal, and we had a lot of discussions, it was an important discussion. polygamy and discussion. there were some issues, he said
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, and i was also worried about this issue, there was a lot of abuse, and the family debate was also discussed in the parliament during that period . there is a lot of talk about rizal and qavanst we discussed that this was the inheritance of the woman from the land. we said that you agree that we are a city anyway. sometimes i mentioned it to the gentlemen. yes, i agree. we came tomorrow morning. we wrote two urgent orders for the woman to take the land from the land because you know that, for example, many villagers are hurt, women, for example, his wife had several hectares of land, when she died, for example, a house of 100 meters, it was not enough anymore, and the problems of the cities are the same. from men, i will not name him now , being a cleric, coming to oppose, saying with two it was urgent and i quickly went to his service , so to speak, and said, hajj, sir, why are you doing this, yesterday
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, i mean , i agreed , and i said , ok, the seminary has different opinions. but the new jurist said, but the jurist , do you know what he meant? yes, i know that the conversion was an emergency. anyway , he did not vote when he came to the floor the next time . that the jurisprudents questioned the issue and gave their opinion mr. laijan announced that i spoke with mr. he agreed and you, god willing , don't worry about the issue. see how long this matter took. yes , we worked a lot. i don't believe that women can't face danger in the presidency, as you say, except you. there is no violence in some people's houses, that is dangerous. it was the most critical day you had in the 7th parliament. yes, there were two or three. there was one
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when i first entered. now, in the first week , they divide the representatives into commissions , of course, with the records they have. me too, because i was in charge of the country's weapons, now i was out of the country he suggested that i go to the security commission on foreign issues and languages. national and international. well, i didn't think at all that this would not be the case. i would say that sometimes things happen in the chairman's board. well , we went and got that vote. no, it's not me, and one of the ladies who had only studied abroad left her. i am very for me, the issue is because i wanted to work on defense issues and now security issues, the second issue is the so-called issue. the same discussion, in my opinion, was about nuclear energy
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, which the chairman of the commission, in my opinion, does not know why he should do this, because our exit from the mpt and the issues of the additional protocol like this, at that time i really felt hurt , i have a soul, which means that our whole country is playing a game, for example, maybe two or three people threatened me, saying that if you say these things , sir, they will be upset, i said, right? i said, "how do you know?" he said, "i know." i said, "are you the representative of mr. sir? i will either speak or write a letter. i am a representative. i am not your representative. sir , i do not think that the country's independence is against enrichment and these are against one of the at that time, i had no idea about the plans in targeting the subsidies i was against cash, i came , domestic gasoline at that time, i don't know, it was about 30 million liters per day, i think it was 20, i divided it according to the number of people, then according to the population in each province
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, i thought that this is the gasoline that you are buying i. other people, well, we want to spend this money, this is according to the number of each province, the population of the province, i got a percentage, i also wrote the plan in such a way that we do not cash this subsidy, let's say that, for example, gasoline in zanjan province is so much per liter, tehran is so much, if it is really targeted gasoline from zanjan or, for example, tabriz should not come to tehran for example, if it costs more, let's leave it and then divide it according to the number of each person. i think 4 liters per person per month. yes, it was four liters or three liters. my plan was that we would come to the liter every month, whether it is a baby or in the village, let's say the liter per month is, for example, zanjan, let's say, for example, 10 one thousand liters, these 10,000 liters, that share of justice, i was against, this
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was my opinion, we should say that these 10,000 liters belong to zanjan in the government account. it belongs to the people, if they want to get the profit, if they want to make money with it , gasoline means 4 liters of gasoline per month, for example. it would be 10,000 liters in, for example, zanjan. this would be 4 liters per month for everyone in 12 months. this is a hidden capital of gasoline money at a free price, as you said, in the so-called fob, in the so-called persian gulf, it will be a share at that price. a subsidy from azad gasoline for zanjan or let's say tabriz or tehran, this money stays in the government's fund , what is it for ? for example, marjan, for example, suppose hosseini
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is in your account in the government, but this is the trust, if this is the day the lady said i have money. i want him to know how much money he wants to spend, for example, to live, study , and well, this would go up based on the price of the day , whatever the government added, our production of gasoline would be 4 liters, it would be 5 liters, now a person could sell it to the government for azad could have said that this can be done in the same way now . i want to sell my 5 liters at the price of 50 thousand tomans according to your order or the
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one that is sold at the border. i mean, let's calculate now , now, i think that my plan will be 30 months give a free liter to the person, if he wants to sell it to the government, he can sell it to you , for example, the gasoline is mine, and you may say that i want to go on a trip, you have to give me your card, i will buy 30 liters, i will buy it, if we do this , it will be expensive. for example, increasing the price of gasoline and other issues will also help me. it is pouring because i am getting my subsidy , i am selling my 30 liters, it could have reached 30 liters now, and now you are going to be 5 million, it will be much more , then i may sell it to the government at a free price, now suppose it is 10 thousand tomans. i sell, i get money i'll take it. if not, it's still in the fund, it's going to my benefit and it would be a lot of capital. how many children do we have? i have three sons and a daughter
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, one daughter who is a doctor and two sons who are computer engineers. the younger boys have just finished their studies . the older ones are 36 years old and 31 years old, so how old is your youngest child? he is 31 now . yes, he has also finished school, but he has not started working yet . why do they do freelance work? they sign contracts with their friends. also , there is no job for phd in your institution, no, they say that when they said that we took the parents' rent. we are working, hammering. they do it for them. after all , how old has your daughter, who is a doctor, been working now? she is almost 41 years old. she has finished her studies in about 6-7 years. yes, she has been specializing for a long time. university of tehran and doctors of iran, have you thought of establishing a women's party
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? until now , it has been said that a party means a party with only women members, and now we have recently followed it, as perhaps we should create a civilization- building women's party. it grows to be really open-handed in the process of streamlining, such as membership the party is a completely permanent daily organizational work , that is, to have a party with a progressive program is good, and if it succeeds, it may really send the largest number of female representatives to the parliament , i hope in the future, but now that we are trying to encourage women to be more daring. let them express themselves and we have set up a training class so that they can master themselves a little bit better. then we have many decision centers. mr. afghan
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, look now, the expediency mattress of the supreme council of cultural revolution and all of these should be dissolved in this parliament. in my opinion, it should be organized they are working in parallel with the parliament, discussing the issue of how to take the car there, and why should this be done. the expediency council cannot approve the law, it has to be sent to the parliament. the parliament has something to do . the parliament can interpret this or not. the more our law is summarized , the less ambiguous it is. what you say, sir, is not something that we want, for example , it is our own mental framework. sir, they are emphasizing it themselves. if only a commission could think about it , it would take four or five months to collect and fix it. what is wrong with the applicability of the law and the quantification of its implementation, let's say it before it happens let's say, sir, we want the gold
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, for the women's gold, it was recently to say what do we want to do, the feedback will come, how will the law be shaped by itself, focusing on the real needs of the law, it should be like this, isn't it ? rifat bayat we were among the representatives of the 7th term of the islamic council, who are now working in an institution that does cultural and academic work, and they think that through this institution and the social activities they are doing, other representatives should be introduced to the parliament. they should do and introduce to the people that they should go to the parliament to do what they did in the 7th period and do in the 12th period
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. good night. different political and economic trends compete in the elections . what is stopping your competitors from ordering fixed pricing? the land price is impossible according to the order . how are the qatari oilmen paying him to watch football?
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archeology in iran started from the qajar period , in the complete monopoly of french and german archaeologists, the products of this historical period are now in the museum can be seen in the world. the glass shelves of the louvre museum, the british museum and other museums of the world are full of iranian cultural heritage that was looted as a result of foreign explorations in historical sites. what have the qajar kings done with iran? not only in the east, north-east and south-east of herat, mero baluchistan was given. and not only did they forgive tafris in the northwest and the role of youth and darbandra, but also the cultural and civilizational heritage of thousands of years of their ancestors . this situation
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did not change much during the pahlavi period. we had a law during reza shah's time that foreigners who came to dig 49 what was theirs? 51 ours means the objects that were obtained 49 51 we take them. the 50s and the years leading to the victory of the islamic revolution , the historical sites of iran were an archaeological paradise. all excavations were licensed in their name, and archeology before the revolution. well, more. there was a connection between iran and foreigners, for example, dr. hof and others, dr. sarfaraz and others, and some more foreigners , for example, we were with him as observers and helpers, after the revolution, well, most of them fell to us, that is, the ancient experts themselves. introspection
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started working that year. ancient iranian scientists were working in their homeland under the supervision of foreigners, takht suleiman was in the hands of germany , susa, takht jamshid, bostan in west azerbaijan, shiraz , there were many of these works after the victory of the islamic revolution, the activities of all foreign archaeologists stopped for a short distance, and the research work was entrusted to iranian members. the groups were handed over to the revolution when the german group was closed in 136, three workers were handed over from germany. despite the imposed war and emergency conditions in the country, iranian archaeologists carried out scientific activities and the result was the first world record after the islamic revolution. takht soleimani, which was not active for more than two months a year solomon quickly became a permanent fixture on virtually all subjects.
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it was due to these activities. takht suleiman was one of the first works that could be registered in the world heritage list. today , iranian researchers are in charge of all archaeological excavations in the country, and when necessary, foreign archaeologists work under their supervision to exchange experience. the generation that is being educated now are those who understand well, understand well and are good. they analyze and in fact try to know our national identity with archeology knowledge, then this category. applying it in order to create interest and passion for the country's past and the cultural values
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​​of architecture. and archaeological data archaeological activities now focus on popularizing cultural heritage. we hope that we will be able to involve the people in these research and cultural activities and discuss tourism in the archaeological sites so that we can make these available to the people in a way that means this heritage and archaeology. let the local people know about themselves, and it will become a kind of tourism base , so that we can do ancient explorations from its source of income. let's continue the science. archeology is not only the knowledge of discovering valuable objects, it is an opportunity to plan and think about the past. elham goran of sed and sima news agency.
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2:00 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. the funeral ceremony of saeed alidadi, iran's military adviser in syria , will be held today in tehran. on saturday evening , a vedic ceremony was held with the martyr's body in tehran martyr's ascension. martyr ali dadi was martyred in the early morning attack of the zionist regime's fighters on the outskirts of damascus. almost until a few days ago, he used to walk in this house before those who gather here for his absence. his daughter and son didn't think either.


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