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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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at the same time, the consumer's purchasing power is 1/4 , so you have to increase the amount of labor assistance. your riyal help to the consumer to maintain his purchasing power. now, mr. doctor, look at my experience. we have this experience . we also have the same discussion in the field of chicken, for example . we used to say that the price is 423. the 100 units that you are saying, we came and reduced it to the preferred width. finally , how many chickens would arrive ? i mean
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, it didn't matter if we were that chain or that one we can't have a method to monitor the rings properly , it doesn't have the necessary transparency for us , now a series of systems have been implemented, such as the trade society system, and this debate to make this chain and these different rings transparent, but we know the truth. we are going to give 100 units to him first, but he is getting 300 units. now , if you take the value, you are sure of the price.
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why not at all, the price has increased a lot at once , for example 6 times, for example, when it becomes 6 times , the discussion is a different amount. what i am saying about st. pat means the bottles that are there. we say, sir, this water costs, for example, 30 cents . that is 30 cents. our dollar is now , for example, 20,000 tomans. this system will cost, for example, about 6,000 tomans . if it costs 50,000 tomans, how much will it cost? one thousand tomans, another 17 thousand tomans, this means when it goes to the border, why did our reverse smuggling happen a lot when the price of land was like that, so what happened there, the price was discovered, and he said, sir , the price of this water is now 17 thousand tomans, no. 6 a thousand tomans later in the domestic market in the same way to my picture, this is the same, why do you have water? you say that pistachio is a pistachio that all its institutions are internal
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, that is , we had a price reduction in many products, not because of the subsidy they give through the program. that they have to produce on a scale, this is done. we have many neighboring countries that are producing, well , the largest export exporter, for example, chicken, why is this happening because these small colonies that we have now as poultry farms. and they are producing chickens, and their costs are high. in the case of a large colony, it may
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produce several million pieces in its own period, and eventually the cost will be high, the price will be competitive , it can be exported, it can also become the largest producer in the region. we have witnessed it some time ago with powdered milk. once upon a time, for example, it was for the importers . now it is for the national code. which one do you think is better? yes, we are in powdered milk and even medicine. now the issue of medicine is also important. this story of supporting the population actually increases the population and these things naturally seem to me that this support should be given to the whole society and it is true, when it is proven that the target has been hit, then we no longer have to worry about children younger than, for example, 2 or 3 years old, according to any national code. well, dietary formula or powdered milk is actually medically paid.
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and this is a point that when you want to talk about subsidy and subsidy payment , you want to talk about subsidy payment policy , you are faced with a very, very huge literature. i want to tell you a real joke. president trump under the pretext of supporting american manufacturers, the united states imposed sanctions against one of the largest, one of the nine largest european economic partners . they imposed a tariff on the production of imports from germany, that is , they sanctioned the germans in a way , and punished them under the pretext of subsidizing the production in america .
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we have that the sanction itself is sometimes included some countries sanction other countries because of supporting their domestic production, afghanistan has the right to support its domestic agriculture. until the option of making a cash payment, for example, to a very doug chain , is actually an artificial one, we have to look at many of these spectrums. now we are facing a problem , we are facing a problem, annual payment with all the problems in the resources. supplying the resources of the country, we may have to make a payment due to the existing sanctions we should also give it for the difference or as a subsidy for energy or for other discussions . well, what should we do now? we should stay, not prioritize. after all, what i
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said is the car issue and i said these things, sir. 80, what are we ? we are giving, well, there is no problem , sir, let's consider that 20%, mr. automaker, you should go to the topic of cars. step by step, we have to increase this 20% until we reach a certain point. our policy package includes the current ones. now we are saying, sir , that gasoline is unbalanced, so make gasoline more expensive. this is wrong. i am not saying that. the price of gasoline should remain the same, i am saying that if we want to impose inefficiency on people, this is a wrong order . then you import gasoline with the size of the car with fuel of 13 liters and 14 liters. i am saying the same. it can be planned, but it must be done step by step. see step by step on the discussion that i said that we should spend 20% somewhere , sir, the car. you have to correct
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its fuel consumption in its hybrid or any other discussion that is needed, the country's need, or at all, we are going to imports, really, this import should have a purpose somewhere, let it hit. sir, according to your words , import is a car . should we go for a car with high consumption from a certain country or not? regarding the production of this type, sir , we should take our chicken farmers to the direction where they should produce on a scale. really, it is like this now . the health of their animals or their animals, even turkey apparently has 3 producers, all in the area of ​​death 3 there are four major producers , turkey, turkey, yes, they all have scale , they have big holdings, they have big chains, we have our chains working here, now, for example
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, how many chains are working in the country, but we see the same thing. some places are being suppressed, but the point here is that we should have a long-term plan for them in terms of production. when we had this plan for them, sir , you should go in this direction, our comrades with differences, i agree with your opinion, we should take my goal in this section, but now what is our problem, our problem this is an annual number. how many years has this been happening? hey, they sit and talk. sir , how should we explain this? since 2009, when the subsidy targeting plan was implemented , it should have been implemented in the chain. it was not done. a part of it that i have no business with now is inflation. there is a number subsidy. it was low , but the government can increase the purchasing power of the people with other methods, such as quasi-cash, such as goods, such as payment of exemptions from paying certain expenses, such as in the field of health and welfare, and such expenses, mr. hassan
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fani. now, because we discussed milk powder, you now do you agree that, for example, what has happened now, the subsidized milk powder that the government wants to pay, let's be a little more detailed in the issues. let's give it to those families who have a small child, for example, under two or under 3 years old, or not , let's give it to the first of the chain or explain in the chain , no more powdered milk . find a person, for example, an adult , who likes to consume powdered milk, he has no reason to satisfy his need or demand with subsidized powdered milk. but the milk powder you have about the policy of having children and encouraging people to increase the population has no problem , it doesn't matter to any national code whether it is rich or poor or in the middle, this point is the right point. the policy is the right policy in this sector. you
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believe that now on a larger scale, if you see this same discussion, now i want to say this , i want to say on a larger scale. well, it's relatively the same as the ministry of welfare. there is work and social welfare. after all, different tax collections have good information on various topics, that is, the tithes that have been used to divide these people, anyway , they have classified or filtered those different people in different areas . now we have the information. so, what's wrong with the same method you mentioned for milk powder , let's implement it in the public level, that is, let's do the same thing with gasoline, for example, no, no, i'm talking about knowing first, it's clear what the different understandings are. the method of payment is now approved by law, not by law. our law is a legal clause we are talking about this story
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, well, you are right, but now, since the issue is the issue of the elections and the parliament , i have to be really sorry. what about the importation of cars ? in fact, the government should oblige it to work on the priorities , sir, what is the most used cars
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, taxis that are in big cities, so let's electrify them, if we really want to import cars, import cars. let's hybridize these let's make it electric, the general public will use it. there is a subsidy. if the subsidy is done now, and this happened to the taxis , i would like to make a point .
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you say that if we work case by case, there should be a clear priority system. if we want to subsidize bread , it should be clear that we have built a concrete wall between the people and the financial relations between the chain. buy 500 tomans, buy this side of the chain , i will make it myself it is being done, it is reforming financial relations , regardless of whether it is done before the people, it is being done before the final consumer . this is true. that's right, what i mean by agreeing to pay subsidies to the chain is that we have to fix the financial relations between the production chain, between the different links of the production chain
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, that is, to govern, not to abandon it, and then tell the consumer that this abandonment means work. simplifying the government in a sense and injection inefficiency harms people. look at bread as an example . you are right. this chain is being paid to the chain and our problems are the reality. i don't want to say this at the level of society. we see the discussion , that is, on the final price, on the quality, on the quantity , on the quality, on everything, we really have this. look , this is being given in the chain . there may be some savings in the supply outside the network, for example , we are talking about flour, sir, a very good amount per year. it is being saved, it is being supplied outside the network, it is said to be 2 million tons, no, yes, for example, two and a half million tons, now according to its statistics, it is two and a half million tons. in this discussion, it meant that it wanted to go up, now it has gone down , now there are discussions like this. i have no interest in that discussion. we should tell the people, sir, that the bread you wanted to buy
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is at a good price and of good quality. introduction now i have to stay until these systems are implemented properly , we are now also giving to this chain, but people don't see the result, people even have some places , they buy at a higher price. let's make sure that this subsidy we are giving reaches the people this cycle is also clear.
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is it not possible at all? why is it possible? the government, and the single commander, unity of action, actually create a concentration in politics, it can be done. even the economy can be done, but if we see the scale, at this scale, there should have been some special controls. in the last 9 months, in the last 9 months , our wheat imports have decreased by at least one billion dollars compared to parsa, because of what?
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yes, i am talking about the people, i say, sir, the people should not pay the subsidy at the price that the government is paying, but the subsidy that the government is spending. it is costing a lot of money. people should touch it. now, how can they touch it in terms of quantity or quality. how can they have the power to choose? sir, it doesn't matter to the rich or the poor. if we are going to raise the price, we must have purchasing power. the person who doesn't have a very high financial capacity, let's increase his purchasing power , the old one who finally buys it himself and has no problem in the discussion in the process, but he is poor, so we have to increase his purchasing power . how can we increase his purchasing power? different models offer coupons, i don't know what this is
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discussions on the wisdom and yes of goods, electronic paper and what and what, now you should see these methods exactly later. in order to answer your question, we want a centralized distribution system in our country, not just the support of the tax and subsidy system . see now what are the features of this centralized system. what is happening now, we have from one rich to another rich. that guild is receiving value added subsidy from the people . next year , it will pay to the government if they can find it, but the same gentleman who is working in the guild has his subsidy exactly on the 20th of every month, this person too. has it pays taxes and also receives subsidies. well, if
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we have a system, we don't get many subsidies. no , sir, a lot. we have 8 million guilds, we have 8 million guild leaders , these are 8 million people, now 8 million of you have jobs , other jobs, 8 million guild jobs, about 3 million, 3 and a half million, 3 and a half million guilds, the total number of people who refuse to pay and receive helpers . i think it is less than two million . now, maybe because it is based on income , yes, there are many of them . this person must pay his taxes, at least that means he doesn't pay taxes, if he is not exempt from taxes, if he has taxes, then why is he getting subsidies? this system is not right . either he has to pay taxes or he is giving, this person should not receive subsidies from us
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. when he receives subsidies, it means that the system is open . our explanation is not compatible. it is not compatible with each other. one person from one side pays taxes to the other one year later, but he received his subsidy on time and in place. i mean , if we want to talk about subsidies, we should talk about the welfare society system along with taxes. let's do it. this system is still faltering in some places in our country . one of the most important issues that caused the inefficiency of this centralized system is the lack of reliable statistics for 4 years and 3 years . delete them, but due to the lack of statistics, we can't do it until now . i believe that in this area, at least, our information is much more complete than you can see in the area of ​​our chain, from the chain of
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import , production to the supply level. we have a series of systems running we are building, for example, the system of the trade society , well, this finally has a sinefan, these sinefans are resisting in some places , they are not implementing until the implementation of this work and its completion and finalization, and so that we can access the information from there. we have a lot of time to quote. i want to say the percentage . i want to say that in the information of the households that we have, we may have a discrepancy of 10-20%, for example, there is no question. the subsidy is the tax let's not take it from him, or the picture says subsidy to people who even deserve it, we say 10%, 20%
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, even if we disagree, it's better to give a place in that chain that creates rent and corruption. it also creates unusual relationships in the field of chains. this is happening in this discussion, and unless it goes forward with a proper planning and we can make this part completely transparent, now in whatever form it is, whether it is a comprehensive trade system or a madian system, it should be implemented correctly and transparently, why do we hey program let's leave, sir, at this point, we want to implement the mining system, for example, so far, these people, so far, these people, because of this weakness of this information, if it was transparent and had. which was not necessary at all, we immediately said that this will be implemented from tomorrow, but what is happening is because of the lack of transparency of this chain, but compared to this chain, our household information
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is much more complete and, in my opinion, more competent. it is the responsibility of the iranian welfare base to actually conduct this extensive test and be able to determine which decile the households belong to. bandi is also gone . let me tell you something about the infrastructure of this database. this logic of the database must receive information from 18 to 19 devices and have information in it to be able to do this . the problem was not that the devices did not have information over the years. although it was partially the same, the problem was this and this, but now this has changed . mr. askarian, the deputy minister of labor came here to explain
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. the main problem is the lack of data generation logic in different devices together it was different, so this. these could not fit together in the welfare base of iranians. when i can combine or combine these with each other , i will create a character and a picture of mr. bozor nasib as the head of the bar. where is he spending, where does he live, what is he doing, what is his consumption, and how should i support them, how should i tax them, if it is possible to use the welfare base of the iranians, which they now command, mr. askari said that it is complete and up-to-date. done
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it should be monitored by the government step by step be with the producer and at the end with the consumer, and see the supervision and regulation of the government . hazrat agha said that interference was a very nice and precise word
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, interference is implied. it can come in and interfere in the economic sphere . incidentally, it prevents it, that is, somewhere, if we allow this real formula of the supply and demand market to happen, this unnecessary interference of the government will not happen in many of these cases. why
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should we say chicken? sir, you must come at this time and take this gift from me you took this input and at that time, for example , your chicken ran out for 45 days, i don't know, you are not allowed to sell it, go get a loan, that is to say, there is an equation in economic work, for example, there is a bakery, i say, if it is the middle of the tenth, i will run out of flour , i will leave this bread. i borrow 5 bags in my hand, i come and do my work, when i have 10 , i go and return the 5 we borrowed to him. in general, it is an economic equation, an equation, this is this, this is there, this is ours we can't deny it, but we are coming to say , mr. consumer, our people, with that decade that exists, considering
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today, wherever we are, we are franka!
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hour 2: the tax of doctors working in disadvantaged areas was reduced. deputy minister of medicine of the ministry of health, medicine and education. the doctor said that the implementation of electronic prescriptions and the reduction of taxes for doctors in low-income areas are achievements in the field of health. removing the efficiency ceiling in deprived areas due to creating an incentive for doctors to go and work in deprived areas . tax reduction in the areas of these government centers for those who work only in the areas of government centers private sector.


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