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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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the tudeh party of iran, in fact, like the communist party of iran, which existed before the tudeh party and was dissolved, and whose activists were all in prison , was created in the lap of the soviet union, that is, after shahrivar 20 , when the allied armies came to iran, and the soviet army also he occupied the northern part of iran, reza khan fell, his regime fell , there was a brief relative freedom, political prisoners were released from prison, and communist prisoners were among them. whether
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those who were imprisoned in the troubles 10 years before 1320 or 53 people who were imprisoned 5 years before 1320 in 1315, these prisoners with the agreement of the soviet authorities created the initial nucleus of the tudeh party of iran, and suleiman mohsen eskandari, who had a history as a socialist who participated in reza khan's cabinet and supported him against the struggles of his late teacher, was placed at the head of the dodeh party of iran. he was placed at the head of the tudeh party of iran. from that date until the day that the tudeh party of iran existed, in all these contexts of complete ideological, political, practical and
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economic dependence on the soviet union, the communist party of the soviet union continued to exist in almost all the nodes . the basic history of the recent 42 years since the establishment of the party the mass of iran is passing because of us. due to our alienation from the reality of iranian society , we have always chosen ways and used methods that ultimately resulted in our actions betraying the interests of the iranian nation . but the biggest witness of nashreq.
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the letter of imam khomeini and the last leader of the soviet union should be understood as not the westernization of the iranian islamic revolution. this letter was taken to moscow in the first days of 1989, i.e. 13 months of 1967, by ayatollah javadi ameli, mohammad javad larijani, and mrs. marzieh hodeidah chi dabaq, in the context of the cold war. it is not over and gorbachev is the leader of one of the two biggest superpowers in the world.
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the main issue of your country is not property, economy and freedom. your problem is lack of true belief in god. the same problem that has or will drag the west to a dead end. your main problem is the long and futile struggle with god and the origin of existence and creation. dear mr. gorpashov, it is clear to everyone that from now on communism should be searched in the museums of political history of the world.
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and says about the end of the communist era and the withdrawal of countries from alliance with the soviet union. today, other governments are aligned with you, who care for their homeland and their people beats. i declare that the islamic republic of iran as the largest and most powerful base of the islamic world can easily.
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ayatollah khomeini's message, in my opinion , was all the relics throughout history. when i received this message , i felt that the person who wrote this message was thoughtful and sympathetic to fate. is the world from reading this message, i deduced that he is someone who is concerned for the world and wants me to know and understand the islamic revolution more. if we had taken ayatollah khomeini's prophecies in that message seriously, we would certainly
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not have witnessed such a situation today. i always think about these two pictures i sank this image of the guardian. the stable of the dutch embassy is exactly the same man standing next to the horse. publishing this photo and talking about it during the pahlavi era was a crime. it was after the victory of the revolution that a copy of this photo was published for the first time. everything goes back to this man standing next to the horse. reza mirpanj, a notorious and illiterate kazakh, who started from the stable of the dutch embassy and later saw the qajar dynasty aside with the help of the british. and in may 1305, he officially became the king of iran, so that the british chose the king for the kingdom of a country with thousands of years of civilization and culture without consulting the people. but the second photo is dated 1322 and
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those in this photo are churchill roosevelt and stalin, i.e. the british prime minister , the american president and the soviet leader. they held a meeting in tehran without the knowledge of the iranian government to decide on the face of the world after the end of world war ii. interestingly, out of these three people, only stalin allowed to meet with mohammad reza pahlavi for a few minutes, and roosevelt and churchill left without paying attention to the shah's request to visit iran. independence is something that , without asking us, others like reza khan and his son will put them to work, and even without our knowledge. we are in imam khomeini uses the word independence 13 times in his will, and about 40 times in the same will he talks about the concept of non-dependence on powers. of course, this number
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reaches a thousand times during the imam's political life, that is, at least the same period of his campaigns. with all this, imam khomeini established the relationship with all the countries of the east and the west based on the principle of independence. the title of the basic principle of the foreign policy of the islamic republic was permissible. our relations with all foreigners will be based on the principle of mutual respect. in this regard, not cruelly we surrender and we will not oppress anyone, and in the context of all contracts, we will act based on the political, economic, social and cultural interests of our nation. imam khomeini addressed several important sentences in his will. the foreign ministers say that my will to the foreign ministers at this time and the times after that is that your responsibility is very great, both in the reform and transformation of the ministry of the interior and the embassy, ​​and in foreign policy, to maintain the independence and interests of the country and
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good relations with the governments that intend to they don't interfere in the affairs of our country and decisively from every matter that depends on the branch with all its dimensions. complain and you should know that dependence in some matters, although it may have a deceptive appearance or have benefits in the present, but in the result will destroy the roots of the country. as soon as the law to remove barriers to the development of the electricity industry was approved, it was put into the hands of the government. all regulations related to this law were immediately requested. from the custodian institutions to submit the draft texts to the government. the law was approved with 19 articles, and
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now all its executive regulations have been promulgated except for article 10. based on this article, the ministry of energy has a mandate to cooperate with the ministry of oil and the budget program organization should take steps to gradually remove energy pricing along the electricity generation, transmission and distribution chain and remove all subsidies before the consumer. to transfer the final electricity to the end of the chain, they are rightly going in this direction to remove the subsidy from the energy carriers and pay it to the final part that is the consumer , and everyone should pay the subsidy according to their consumption needs, in other words the gas subsidy of darha power plant will be removed and this amount will be paid to the people. this transfers the fuel subsidy to the end of the chain. it causes the power plants that they have higher efficiency, they can have more receipts and
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there is more incentive for power plants. if this happens , the subsidies will be removed and paid to the final consumer, it is expected that in the freedom environment that i have actually told you, the correct rate will be obtained for electricity, and god willing, now in that environment, the investor will have a clearer role. let's see how much he can sell his paper in this space. the return of his investment will be guaranteed to a greater extent, and based on that guaranteed return of his investment , we will witness an increase in investments, god willing. in this field , let's not experience these summer blackouts anymore. optimizing energy consumption can be economically justified, as well as increasing productivity in thermal power plants, which means increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of power plants, as well as renewable energies in the country, god willing , more economic justification. find the removal of the subsidy from the gas delivered to the power plants, which means that the fuel price of the power plants is finally going to become real, which means that
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it should be a little closer to the fuel price of the industry and petrochemical feed, they say, we will sell your fuel price to you cheap, we tell them we don't want it. rate let's sell cheap, like petrochemicals, come with us , the gas price is the same as the price outside the fab band anywhere. you calculate, calculate, but let us get the electricity rate as well, of course, in order to realize these predictions, the price of electricity must be discovered in a fair environment. the experts' solution for this issue is the energy exchange, and the latest follow-ups from the promulgation of the bylaws of article 10 of the law on removing barriers to the development of the electricity industry, the initial draft of the text of the ministry of energy's smf submitted to the government's infrastructure commission , have been discussed and reviewed in advance. bachelor's degree in order to perform as well as possible the provisions of this law, which the government
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has agreed with in general, and with the cooperation of the government and the parliament, this law has finally been finalized, predictions have been made and returned to the relevant institutions, including the ministry of energy, the program organization and other related institutions that review the texts. they can strengthen the necessary implementation points and send them again to the infrastructure commission as soon as the expert discussions are finalized. naturally, it will be finally approved. tina salehi, sed and sima news agency. in the news , we had a quote from the executive director of ardonan's smart subsidy plan that the monthly quota is 70 the percentage of names has increased or remained unchanged. mr. nazafti said that the reason for the decrease in the quota of some bakeries is the registration of unreal transactions , the more intelligent management of the flour subsidy, and he also said that there are no restrictions in the supply of bread to the people, in the matter of imposing restrictions on the purchase of bread, there are no
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restrictions from the intelligentization plan. in this context, there is no provision for the people, people can buy from the bakeries in the eyes of their normal needs and within the framework of the needs that they have every day or every week or in any period that they want , and there are no restrictions on the matter of receiving flour. or help there is no cost in response to the conventional needs of the people in the matter of buying bread, when my colleagues' quota of flour is reduced in a month and in a decade, and it is a waste of service. the nanino bread company refers to what my colleagues there justify, the discussion is more about the conventional and unconventional sales of our bread , when it comes to these calculations based on the lack of knowledge and the lack of training that was proposed by the nanino company from the beginning. they implemented this
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, he comes without being placed, he makes a calculation between himself and... that number is taken into consideration by the fashion. what we are talking about, mr. azaribeq, is really the same issue why don't they clearly state this ceiling at the level of the whole of iran once and for all. a misunderstanding has been created for the dear nunawas, now in tehran province and now, as we found out , unfortunately the same thing has happened in the country too, that this record of the namesakes makes friends think that it will be used as a criterion for deducting the quota or causing problems for the nunawats. especially now , the number that is in the record of bakers is the question of their baking rate compared to the average of the region . it is for the reason that maybe it is not very clear, the matter is not clear, i will give you an example, for example
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, suppose that the 6th district of tehran, the 6th district of tehran, the system is based on all the bakeries in the 6th district of tehran, it takes an average, it says, for example, in non sengak, the average sales sengak bread in the bakeries of region 6, for example, their average sales is four , compare this average in the report card with the average number of that specific bakery, for example , a bakery may have four or five, or a bakery may have less or more. this does not mean that in fact, given that now you said the average is 4, which means other names can be up to 4. no, this is the same misunderstanding, thinking that since the average of the region is four, they should not sell more than four . this number is not at all the criterion for deducting the quota. it means that the average sales of nonvai may be 10, but it has nothing to do with deducting the quota. is it possible ? really, after every decade, this performance report should be officially presented to the bakers themselves , don't these 30% of the friends whose quotas have been reduced have the right
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to try and improve themselves, and the next time, the bakers' performance reports will be regularly reviewed. 10-day markets means after the formation of that data record in the baker's application , details of their records, the number of bread sold, the amount of the subsidy they received, and now they can understand why their quota has decreased, why it has increased, in the matter of reduction our quota, i would like to present to you the issue of allocation of quota units. well , it is happening in a smart way. why, in my presence , we have shared previous reports with you, dear people, that people's opinions, inspection records , baker's performance records, and field opinions of ardonan working groups of the province on the issue of quota allocation. by marriage khabazi is effective and therefore, when we say
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what is the exact reason for the reduction or increase of the share, we do not know this, but if we want to show the definite reason in the application program, because of this multiplicity of reasons for assigning the share, as a rule , there is a lady in roza neighborhood who is cleaning. he has to go to the governorate and present his request for 100 breads and register in the registration menu before completing the registration process .
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this is the point that we are discussing now in tehran province, especially that the majority of shares may be less than 10 % of our bakeries, including them. their reason is not about selling bread at all, that is, the main reason, mr. the main reason is the expensive and low sales , that is, we , the system, yes, you are correct, that friends told us in the same meeting. . it was a bakery , it was a stone village, its quota was about 10 tons, but it had registered about 30 tons, maybe 25 tons, which means it had sold 25 tons of bread in the same system, yes. in the same khanshu card, 25 means that it was clear that this nun was drawn, both yes, one nun, two cards were drawn , that is, two nun cards were drawn, in fact, this means
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the common violation that caused the reduction of the quota is generally this. if this plan is really smart , is it corrected manually the night before uploading the quota information, or is it not possible for me to explain the process to you after the system restarts before the deadline? the performance of bakers for one month is due to the fact that there are days off, sales are falling or due to weather conditions, because there are no significant effects on the issue of quota allocation for bakeries, the period of one month is taken into consideration. and after checking the performance and abandoning the transactions unrealistically, the allocated quotas
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are intelligently provided to the working groups of the governors of the province, so that the working groups, based on the knowledge of the field and the necessities that they consider in their own provincial considerations , make revisions in the issue of sustainable supply of bread in the province. legal framework. and the regulations that have been communicated to them and after these revisions will happen separately, that these revisions usually take place within the same framework and regulations, within the framework of the approvals of the working groups of ardanan and the provinces, and therefore there are no arbitrary allocations. i am 30 years old now how am i
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i got this disease because i had come late, which caused me to die. to lose a part of my body. some of my body's lymphatic power is removed, so i can't work with the mold at the moment. of course, this disease does not recognize young and old. i did the process twice. did you get better i got better, yes. did your pain get better? my pain got better. i had 50 infections. many people ignore or underestimate its symptoms. i had about 40 kilos in the middle of my pregnancy, but because i had a back surgery before. i said maybe it's my back. every year, 150 thousand people like ala, mr. bezli and mrs. norgoster are diagnosed with cancer 3 thousand of them are children. the most common
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cancers in women are breast cancer and in men lung cancer, followed by colon, prostate and stomach cancers. the head of the cancer research center also says: thanks to new treatments, the life expectancy of cancer patients has increased in iran. breast in iran has a 5-year survival rate of 80% in the country. the field of hematology and oncology is the first in the country. it is still among the first in the world, which means that the same work that america is doing, the same work that is being done in advanced places is being done here, even though the country is from canada. it is better than england because you have all the facilities do you have to see a specialist there , you have to go 6. wait for your general practitioner. look, cancer is the most expensive disease in iran , as announced by the head of the health insurance organization. over 70% of incurable fund expenses are related to cancer patients. most of them
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are drug discussions. we give the coverage we have. now , the surgery and other treatments that were necessary were already included in our basic insurance, which came and helped a lot with medicine, and maybe some of our efforts were just for medicine. we spend money on cancer patients throughout the year . the ministry of health has also announced cancer it costs 5 thousand billion tomans annually on the hands of the people and the government. costs that are reduced by prevention. various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is in the hands of the people
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. it is impossible by order, naft abadan is paying him to watch football. yes, minister, your talks are mostly behind the window and for the sake of these media , it is known that the press is eating you . we don't want to be the manager of a football player. you can say that by moving the capital this problem will be solved. 440 business applicants come to the agricultural space, but it is highly debatable. on the eve of the elections, every day at 15:00 on the khabar network, wherever we are, we are higher and higher.
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in a few months, you have to make these settings for your device, for example, more or less . instead of being at school, the days were in the hospital bed , the drugs had no effect . it's like i was born again, i don't have any pain, i don't have any pain in front of you, even on the second day after the operation they don't have a special taste, they don't have a lot of headache , and they don't have repeated seizures. this good mood is the result of an unprecedented surgery in iran. their seizures start from the left forehead area. her doctor says that samira's convulsions were life-threatening and her number was high. about 8 months ago, the number of tashnojas had increased significantly.
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in such a way that they had a very large number of seizures during periods of the month, they might have 20, 30 or even more seizures, and these focal seizures continued until the patient finally had one major seizure. implantation of two electrodes of about one centimeter in his brain regarding thirst, well, this was not the electrode, finally , we performed dystonias and movement disorders, but regarding seizures, well, for many years in the world , lifelong stimulation of the brain as a method. navin is known because these electrodes were not available in iran, the electrodes are imported in iran because we have electrodes for parkinson's, but regarding thirst, well, this electrode was not available. finally, we gave this request to my board and the medical board approved the possibility of this surgery by providing electrodes. we wake up the patient in the middle of the operation and we need the patient he should be able to cooperate well while he is awake . implantation of two electrodes will prevent his convulsions. it is 7
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mm and it is not. this wire is placed inside the brain , it passes under the scalp, it passes through the neck , and it is placed in the chest area. we put this now. in fact, next to the place of the fixed skull hole , we installed the right electrode inside the nucleus of the patient 's thalamus, and we have to install it on the left side and finally connect all of these to the main stimulation generator of the brain. australia has a very high cost, about 30 thousand dollars is the target point we, who were actually selected here, were able to find out the surgery, the cost of which is 6 times higher abroad, and these costs are covered by insurance in iran .
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it is five in the morning tehran time, and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. the spokesperson of the government punishment organization said that if the automobile companies receive more amounts from the people than the competition council's mandates, they have committed a violation and must return the excess amounts to the customers. our branches , when sentencing, in cases where there is a private plaintiff, they also order the return of funds even where it is issued in general , loved ones can go and claim their damages. it is certain that the orders issued in tazirat can be enforced as soon as the execution is certain.


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