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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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there were no household appliances. pay attention to the destination. the city of farsh and the city of household appliances. after azadi square in front of tehran, sarat, i will not volunteer in the future because i do not consider myself a worthy representative for the people. we and the war of insight.
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they take without order and coordinate from one place between the one who votes and the one who does not vote , the difference is from the earth to the sky . achieve your goals. in the name of god. good night hello, dear listeners and viewers who are interested in the program verb majlis. in the majlis film program tonight, we are hosting mr. ahad salek kashani, who is one of the oldest representatives of the islamic council , from the first term to the tenth term , he was a representative in five different terms of the parliament , and i think it is better to start here. let's ask them why they were not candidates in the 11th term. and of course, in the twelfth cycle
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, they were not candidates for parliament, otherwise we would not have been able to bring them in the campaign program , of course, in the sixth cycle when i was a parliament representative. without him, we did not have the honor of working with him, but i was a member of the parliament in the first, third, fourth, ninth and tenth terms of parliament. peace be upon you , peace be upon you, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, alhamdulillah, lord of the worlds, and peace be upon him, i am sending greetings to the holy prophet, the imam of the time, peace be upon him, and the blessed soul of the imam , and the health of the supreme leader and our zealous nation . we are at your service. we are sincere. haj agha , we were candidates for the first term, the second term, not the third term. and
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you were in fourth grade, fifth grade, not sixth grade, ninth and tenth, that means you weren't in seventh and eighth grade, ninth and tenth, why is this? what were you doing during the intervals ? look, there was an article in your orders about why i didn't attend the 11th and 12th period, which ended 3 months before the end of the 10th period. i gave a four-page statement and the reasons for my absence in the 11th period. i made a statement. one of the most important reasons that was noticeable to me was that i responded to the statement of the second step of supreme leader imam khamenei. this is my answer to the statement
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of the second step of the supreme leader, and it is remarkable and appreciated that this statement of mine was given to some of my friends in the parliament. they said, "why didn't you write your name ?" they said, "we gave you permission, because your statement was a strong, well-argued statement, and this is the main important point of my statement. it was the statement of the second step of the supreme leader, which was in 30 axes, and the 7 main axes were 23 in total. it was axis 7 and axis 30 that by studying and carefully you came to know about this matter, this may be enough reason why i did not attend the twelfth course. i tell my friends that i am 28 years old and the law
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did not allow me to be a candidate for the twelfth course. we do this because we are at the service of the people. 11th period, i didn't understand why i was in the 11th grade, my age required it, i had no problem, but i said what was the answer to the statement of the second step, sir, i mean, what was the point of the statement of the second step , sir, it was a youthism, yes, of course, i was 28 years old , mind you, but i should have opened the field, there were also events. it occurred to me that those events he dictated to me that you should help the new youth with your experiences . i did the same in order to participate in this election arena . i had a legal problem in the 12th term that i did not come, but
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your next question was about the previous terms. let's make the course one-on-one each of them had specific issues. it had peaks. it had ups and downs. for example , in the first period, it should be said that one of the most important peaks for the country was the political inadequacy of bani sadr. that the supreme leader of god's protection by presenting 15 axes. declaring his political inadequacy based on article 89 of the constitution of the president's violations in various issues . well, this was very important. after that, when the majlis announced the dismissal of bani sadr, imam rezwan
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, may allah be pleased with them, confirmed this legal move and rejected it. and i remember that night when the imam told them what really happened in the country it was significant, this was an important point, in the first assembly, it had one feature that maybe it did not have in other assemblies, and that was that in fact, the leaders of the campaigns before the victory of the islamic revolution with the government of the shah and savak shah and issues were present in the first assembly. many a high -ranking leader who took the position of supreme leader from himself in the struggle to be present, and many elders who were present at that time, of course, some liberal elements
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of the profession were also present in the first assembly. why do i serve you the second time? you asked, but you couldn't come, i remember the second period yes, i attended but didn't vote. ah, i mean , i presented myself. i gave my opinion and didn't vote. i was busy with other activities. in this case, i didn't come for the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth periods. the reasons for not coming were various issues, one of which was me. i became the commander-in-chief of the committees of the whole country. i didn't want to leave it there . i will come to the parliament and say that since 1964, i was responsible for the liberation movements of the country
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. i was active in this field for more than 20 years, and i am a reason. i didn't see that i was doing that job so well. i would come and work in another field do and in the same way, maybe we didn't have time , it really wasn't possible, because we had to work 24 hours a day, i tell you frankly , we really had the least time to sleep and rest , we were constantly working, and now we have detailed stories during these 20 years. i was the supreme leader in the quds force of the revolutionary guards. islamic well, it is a very heavy responsibility . it is a very sensitive position, classified and calculated . i was the representative of the supreme leader in the protection of the information of the entire army corps. i was part of the selection of the entire country
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. i was the secretary of the selection of the entire country. it happened that i won't be around the parliament again until the ninth term. some elders and scholars of isfahan sent me a letter and wrote that after i signed up. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, the following signatories vote for hujjat al-islam al-muslimin ahmad salehak kashani . signing ayatollah naseri, ayatollah haj agha kammal, all of these 7 to 8 elders signed , i bear witness to god, i did not have a meeting with them. their conclusion was to reach this conclusion and this showed the popular acceptance of the 10th term in the same way and this 9th term.
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tenth, significant events happened that i have to share some points. the first point is that the parliament has a mission. and this mission is to legislate , so the representative actually has three heavy duties , one is to falsify the law and legislate, sir, this word that i say is a very heavy burden behind it is to study the layers that the government provides, plans to amend laws, enema laws, and issues of
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this category. he wanted to study, he wanted a bachelor's degree, because my specialty was not socio-oriented , so they should have any specialization, so if i want to vote and pursue it, it should be with enough information. ok, study, this will take all your time , the representative will not be able to do other things . yes, that's right, he wants to study. i will repeat this issue. he wanted an expert. he wanted accurate information. it was for the benefit of the country . if this vote is to the detriment of the country , there will be trouble in front of the people on the day of judgment day. it means that when a person sits in the seat of parliament, he should see the grave and the doomsday in front of him. the duties of the first representative
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is to legislate and legislate in order to be able to cast his accurate and correct vote based on his thinking and thinking. give wisdom from previous studies and feel responsible before god and people. it is very difficult to say here that some people in the parliament, due to not having the necessary expertise in that field, looked at the people who were experts and trusted them, so to speak, they voted and acted, but the representative himself has the responsibility, the second duty is to monitor hasan. the implementation of the law of the country's managers has the tools of this supervision at their disposal. the constitution has been laid down because the sixth chapter of article 62
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of the constitution deals with issues of parliament from elections to attendance in parliament and this matter is an important matter. its monitoring tool is the so-called healing notice the scribe's note is a question of irony, and there are different ways to invite specialized commissions and discuss them there , and from this category of issues , there is national supervision over the good implementation of laws, because the law itself has discussed, it should be seen whether the executive is doing well or not , and if there are any problems in the way of implementing the law , there was an uprising to seek its reform. the third point is the relationship with the people. finally, the representative
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came out of the people's hearts. the parliament is also the so-called extract of one nation . this relationship with the people should be a logical and rational definition with a strong sense of responsibility and understanding. to have the depth of the problems of the society. this word that i i mean, any kind of deception, populist movements , promises to people and not fulfilling them, or movements that are not in accordance with the implementation of laws , show it in different forms in your speech before your order , in your defense, in your rejection, a
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reasonable representative can accept it. and if he acts strongly , he can act in a different way in defense of the people. this word i said is from deception to populist attitudes and promises that no one can make, or i should go a little further and be indebted to the rich and the thick-necked. i don't know where they get the money from, i have to ask. let it be known that his presence in the parliament, even if it is in any form, should be done . this is worrying. since when did you start this meritocracy? yes, we do not want to enter some of the let's talk about the issues, but we can see in these
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cases that it is not without reason that the imam and the position of supreme leader. one of their words was that you should not be indebted to go to the parliament. this is the theme of this public communication to understand the problems of society. ignorant people or international propaganda of aliens. this is also a problem, or sometimes some representatives say things that i don't have proof of, but later it will be proven that he was wrong, but the effects of his situation
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will remain in the society. he talks, then when he comes to the account , you see, wow. the salary that he gets from other places that he is assigned to the parliament is many times that of the parliament . yes, why is he saying this, in order to attract someone who is a good representative, he doesn't get a salary, so the one who gets a salary is very arrogant like that. this means that this is a policy, we call it the english policy of destroying others to prove oneself. yes, a person destroys others in order to define himself and say that he is me. what are we not going to do? no, if the attached law has no reason for these issues, you can brag about this and that, bring up
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what you want to prove in private and public meetings, yes, except you want to say that i am very important. but your performance in the parliament is clear that you are not important. this article is important for this reason. so understand those problems and dilemmas a study representative who wants to legislate comes to the conclusion that in order to solve this problem, a plan should be given to the parliament, either one or two times, we have had examples and this problem is a region. it is not the problem of the whole country , that is, if a problem of agriculture is solved , the problem of the whole country's farmers will be solved. this
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is an important issue here. . they did good activities from the first term to the 11th term, although the parliament became the opposition once against the system and that was the sixth parliament, we witnessed here, we saw the issues, we observed that the gentlemen coming here and imputing in this parliament and creating issues that are totally tolerable. there is no tolerance, what are the characteristics of their list, that they become opposition in front of the people and in front of the system by the people's vote, this is very bad. this was a black card for the iranian national assembly , and this point is an important point. those who
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were responsible for these issues should have been tried in the people's court, and now he has stories about these cases or many cases of laws that, by god's grace, he lightened the way for the people. you are in the 10th period. you were in the cultural commission , i was in the cultural commission, yes, he was the chairman of the cultural commission , i was the chairman and the vice chairman, after all, friends had love in different periods, different periods in different years , of course, many things have been done, one of which is really the law of good and evil. one of them was the mavalid law, which was an important issue , and the other was about paper. here, we conducted a one-year detailed study on paper production . we visited all the factories in the country. then we gathered all the managers
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, we brought all the publishers, we got comprehensive information, and then we saw that we can produce paper and meet the needs of the country, so we have to fight with a gang of paper smugglers and we found the ways. in the detailed meeting that we held in the commission , we gathered all the managers of these paper factories and all the publishers and their associations and they discussed mustafa in several meetings and turned it into a very good movement . that we are moving towards self-sufficiency in paper production and to meet the needs of the country we should not reach out to foreigners. ok, so there were different issues, but the foreigners and the internal political currents whose
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interests have been harmed by the parliament say things against the representative and the parliament, they create discord among the people, they cause problems for the people , they create differences. they create a gap between society and their representatives and dozens of negative effects. we are now on the threshold of the twelfth term of the assembly and the sixth term of the assembly of experts. we must have a great partnership. if there is people's participation , the parliament is strong. a strong parliament creates a strong and authoritative government and the credibility of a nation at a high speed goes the arrogant world seeks to bring down the number of participation. of course, this is not their job this year. it has always been during the courses. but always
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getting hit. but the other enemy, we must say, is a stone at ghazvin's foot. this is how it is. since it doesn't go away , you throw it out of the window and it comes out of the door. still looking to boycott the elections. the weakness of being present at the polls of arin and these people think that they can carry out the subversion debate in this way . strong parliament vs all this is true, this is a fact, therefore, the participation of the people and the people if they speak. it will be solved, but what will happen if nyan is the history of islam, the history of islam is ghadir khum , the holy prophet amir al-mu'minin raised up and said
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, "i was mullah ali mullah, but in less than 3 months , saqeefah was formed. what does it mean that the people of nyan support the province and the laws of the province?" it is essential and the people should do it. well, they have left amirul momineen for 25 years. he helps and helps the believers by means of himself, by means of the people
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. the position is a high position. i have a request and a recommendation for everyone the political currents of the country, if you are a nationalist , if you like the revolution, if you worship the motherland, the weakness of this issue is the growth of problems and other issues, haj agha, from the first to the tenth parliament, whatever your memories are, whatever you are. it's funny and there were sweet events or critical days, whichever you like, tell us in the 9th parliament, there was a brother named mr. jamshidi azadeh , he was 10 years old
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. and mr. mr. jamshid bag went and slapped his phone hard in front of him. you were on the table. on stage this is one of the memories. why? this dear mr. jamshidi is alive now. he spent 10 years under the torture of saddam. he understands the pain of religion and revolution. not this reformed liberal mr. in this regard, when he talked irrelevantly , he went to give me advice. now some of the advice is verbal, some of it is operational. the next point is for the water of isfahan province. i remember that we had a meeting in the assembly of isfahan representatives. that if the rules approved by the water council are not implemented
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, they will leave the parliament, and we did this, oh how many people there were 19 of us representatives, and we stood firm here. the president of the parliament and the presiding committee should come and go , and these issues, why the parliament is like this, our main concern was the implementation of the decisions of the supreme water council . what else did you say? it does not matter whether it is isfahan or chamar bakhtiari province, beheshtabad should find a water transfer to zaindro and the third tunnel of movement of the hundred should be completed.
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he had secured the honorable and dear people of the fourth province of al-bakhtiari , both the people of isfahan and the people of the zayandeh river the road is alive, the people are alive , but they are dead, the people are depressed, agriculture is also affected, there are other issues, yes , now they are looking to bring water from the persian gulf, it is useful for the industry, it is useful for agriculture. there is no need to solve this problem in a beautiful way, for example, because the water in anfala is not divided into provinces, it is wrong that it should reach all the people , i don't care if the east, north, or south of the country should use drinking water, agriculture, and industry. i don't want it here . let me tell you what
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happened during the time of mr. khatami, ahmadinejad, rouhani, etc we have a lot, but this matter was an important matter, that is , 5,125,000 people in isfahan province should not become the property of reconciliation in the hands of the political conflicts of the governments, this was our opinion , we took action based on this, of course, other measures were also taken for urmia and taleb. well, a law has been passed in the country, so we also rejected it. we did it, the people of urmia and azerbaijan should make the best use of it so far , why should it be nice, so we should support it, but the cow house pond has been dry for several years now, maybe 20 years, so this is an important issue for the people of esfahan , the people of my city, the people of our city, the people of yazd as well. azerbaijan is the same as other taliban .


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