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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and politeness and respect for your presence again. in this section, the winners of the book of the year award of the islamic republic of iran were introduced and appreciated by the president. mr. dr. farooq from bangladesh. dear mrs. dr. patimat ali beko from russia. mr.
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president, to present their own award to the great wall of gorgan as one of the cultural heritages of golestan province, dr. musa najafi, the honorable head of the research institute of humanities and cultural studies , should receive the statue and the corresponding certificate of appreciation. in this ceremony, mr. raisi gave a mission to the people of qalam to stay behind to compensate for the country's problems in the field of books. we have some serious needs that we have to compensate for these needs or delays. a book in the field of children and teenagers, even though many books have been written, but it is not enough. second: writing to introduce the civilizational works
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of islamic iran to all nations, dialect and culture, and the third issue is the issue of paying attention to writers, authors, translators, and intellectuals. i will be my servant, mr. minister of culture, to islamic guidance and the government to integrate the voting tariff for the parliament elections and leadership experts, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters, stating that two elections on march 11 will be held in one deviation , added the right part of the tariff for the elections of the assembly of experts. the middle part is for the elections of the
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islamic council and the left side is the identity information sheet of the voter. according to mr. eslami, the blue box is related to the elections of leadership experts and the red box is related to the assembly elections, and if the tariff is mistakenly placed or filled in another box , it is invalid. one. another journalist in gaza was martyred by the zionist regime following the airstrikes on rafah in southern gaza, palestinian journalist zakaria abughali was martyred along with his mother and sister. to this the number of martyrs of journalists reached 124 since the beginning of the occupation regime's attacks on gaza. also , the zionist attack on khan yunus left three martyrs and several wounded. in another attack on
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residential houses in deir al-balah, eight palestinians were injured. in addition to gaza, various areas of the west bank were also the scene of attacks by the occupying forces on residential areas and clashes with palestinian citizens, so that last night , at least three palestinians were injured and more than 10 people were arrested in nablus, jenin, qalqilya and ramallah. in tubas, palestinian fighters beat the zionist soldiers with improvised explosive devices. target put. hamas announced that it has made amendments to the plan of the proposed paris agreement with specific timelines. therefore, the announcement of reforms
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is aimed at ending the war, rebuilding gaza, returning refugees to their homes, providing immediate shelters for refugees, transporting the wounded for treatment, and lifting the blockade of gaza. the prime minister of qatar also announced the response of hamas. us president joe biden said last night that negotiations are underway to reach an agreement. the us foreign minister has stated that there is still a long way to reach an agreement, but it is possible to reach it. but the zionist media regarding access to have expressed doubts about the agreement. these media , quoting knowledgeable sources in the zionist regime's cabinet , claimed that tel aviv does not intend to accept the condition of ending the war. the latest news from the war cabinet of the zionist regime also tells about a dispute over the prisoner exchange agreement and the acceptance of the condition of the end of the war.
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australia has stopped sending cattle to the ports of the zionist regime and the reason for this decision. despite the tension in the red sea, kurd said that since yemen's naval operation against ships related to the zionist regime, the price of meat in the occupied territory has increased. about two weeks ago , australia also sent a ship carrying live animals the reason for its possible seizure was to return it to the hands of the yemeni national army in the middle of the road. the zionist regime is one of the largest importers of live animals from australia , and only in 2020, about one million animals. live exported from australia to occupied territories. the strike of german lufthansa airline workers canceled 80-90% of the company's flights. the employees of lufthansa's ground department
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stopped working at 4 am today and are not going to go to work until saturday morning. cancellation of lufthansa flights to berlin, frankfurt airports. affected munich, hamburg and dusseldorf in germany puts. about 600 flights of this company have been canceled in the largest german airport, frankfurt. lufthansa has asked more than 100,000 stranded passengers to change their flight plans . this strike was held to increase the wages twelve and a half times. some other news about showing short films. and the long documentary started in 4th of the second fajr film festival. in this period , the documentary qovi del and the short film sharif received crystal simorgh at the opening ceremony of the fajr film festival. mrs. doshide, did you give me a reflection
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of a father's efforts to discover the secrets of the crime that happened to his child? a story in a documentary 81. the 4th feature and the second faraj international film festival competed with 6 other works with documentaries such as ahmed and finally the crystal statue will be awarded the best documentary film. call my strong heart documentary , my phone doesn't sound right. the father's role can be seen in the screenplays and in the short films of the festival. in a work like nazer, the same
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thing happened to my father and he was with me for a long time. it became the main idea of ​​this film and it took me about a year to get to the initial version of the script and 18 films were selected in the short film section of farge festival. last year's fall events in front of mikael diani's camera, mr. qonbadari and ms. moini, from their colleague to the narration of kuch do asheg in omid yousefi's film sharif. defense of the holy one is part of the short film , the narrator is a person who lives in the area he is living in. a film that was able
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to win the crystal simorgh in competition with other candidates. a work by mr. mohammad ali fard. zahra alizadeh, sed and sima news agency. simultaneous. the anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution was held in tehran with the participation of professors from iraq, lebanon and algeria. the influence of women. at the victory of the revolution and after that, the topic of some meetings these days has been a review of the role of women such as mrs. ahadi, who shared her memories of the victory years of the islamic revolution with our reporter. in the pages of the history of the islamic revolution, you can find the stories of women fighting for the victory of the islamic revolution of the iranian people. like mrs. ahadi, one of
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the revolutionary fighters of kirk, whose memories turn pages from this notebook. my brother was one of the politically active children before the revolution . we wrote the next day.
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if god was a witness at that time, we would not have sat down for a second for adultery, and we did not sit down in 1957. the first thing i did was to learn weapons. i was in charge of military training for the army of 20 million sisters . i was in karaj. it is a huge mountain. we used to do pranks there, work with tnt, work with grenades, we didn't take girls and men there. the effect of a female presence like hazrat zainab. the women behind this front and behind the fronts did not help , the warrior could not do something that will be reviewed after more than four decades. we felt needed for the safety of our existence, the safety of our religion, the safety of our school. let's make a revolution , from karaj radio and television news agency, with the efforts
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of yazd infertility treatment center specialists, since the establishment of this institution, 40,000 babies have been born through ivf. it is known as ivf method. every family's eyes and heart light up, with the birth of a child, it is a good feeling to be a mother , and when she is not, it is really hard to leave empty space. this is where the value of the science of infertility treatment is evident. the patient's sperm and egg samples are inseminated together. now you will soon own it you will be the second child, yes, yes. before this patients go abroad with heavy expenses.
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today we will witness the birth of iran's first ivf children. keeping up with the world for the new methods of this treatment , participating in foreign congresses almost every year, participating in the annual production medicine festival, for example, he has denied putting his life on hold. even though hayat offered bread and water, a group from dubai offered us dubai .
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for example, they say, dad , now is the time, for example, have a healthy baby, dad, the master of raw wheat, or allah, with every birthday, when he calls, he says, i am pregnant, or what should i do now, this is worth the world to us , did you get pregnant after 12 years? countries like china, even canada, europe , or persian gulf countries are coming and getting good results. a man who hated his wife every time i mentioned it, i was able to do a lot of things with his support, i just tried.
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i will not be a volunteer in the next election because i do not consider myself a worthy representative of the people we expect that the person who represented this would not give a bow now.
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in order to give up their right to vote, they may take orders from a coach and coordinate from one place between the one who votes and the one who does not vote , the difference is from earth to heaven. a person who votes and declares his wishes and steps to achieve them can achieve his goals. in the name of god. hello and good night, dear listeners and viewers who are interested in the filmjals program, in the filmjals program tonight , we are hosting mr. ahad salek kashani, who is one of the oldest members of the islamic council of iran. from the first period to the tenth period , they were representatives in five different periods of the parliament, and
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i think it is better to start from here and ask them why they did not run for parliament in the 11th period , and of course , they did not run for parliament in the twelfth period. otherwise, we would not have been able to bring them in the program, it was considered an advertisement, of course, in the sixth round when i was a member of parliament , we did not have the honor of cooperating and accompanying them, but in the first, third, and fourth rounds. in the 9th and 10th parliaments, i was a member of the parliament . peace be upon you peace be upon him, muhammad and his family , from here i send greetings to the holy prophet, imam of the time, peace be upon him, and the blessed spirit of the imam, and the health
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of the supreme leader and our zealous nation . we are at your service. and you were in the fourth period , the fifth period, not the sixth period, you weren't in the ninth and tenth, that is, you weren't in the seventh and eighth, the ninth and the tenth, why were you doing these intervals? look, there was an article in your orders that why i didn't continue in the eleventh and twelfth period , the tenth period, which was over for 3 months. . before the end of the 10th term i gave a four page statement and the reasons why i announced my presence in the eleventh term in that statement. one of the most important reasons for me was that
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i responded to the statement of the second step of supreme leader imam khamenei al-ali, and this is my response to the statement of the second step of the supreme leader . and thanks to this statement of mine, which was given to some of the friends of the parliament , and some others, i told them why you didn't write your name . it was strong, argumentative and good. ok. and this remarkable thing, the main part of my statement, was the statement of the second step of the supreme leader. that in there were 30 cores, and the 7 main cores were a total of 23 cores and 7 and 30 cores, which
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came out by studying and carefully in this matter, this may be a sufficient reason why i did not attend the twelfth course. i will tell my friends that i am 28 years old and the law allows he did not want to be a candidate for the twelfth term. i am proud that we are at the service of the people because of this . i did not understand why i was in the 11th period. i was not a problem. but in response to the statement of the second step, sir, i said what was the point of the statement of the second step, sir, it was a youthism. ah, of course, i was 28 years old, but be careful i should have opened the square. there were some events that happened to me that dictated to me that you should help
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the new young people with your experiences to participate in the elections, and that 's what i did in the 12th term. in the previous period, it should be said that one of the most important peaks for the country was the political inadequacy of bani sadr, who held the position of supreme leader. by presenting 15 axes of presidential violations in various issues
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, declaring his political inadequacy based on article 89 of the constitution. this was very important after that, when the majlis announced the dismissal of bani sadr, imam rezwan, may god bless him and grant him peace, confirmed this legal move. and i remember that night when the imam was talking about what really happened in the country . this was an important point. in the first assembly , it had one feature that maybe it didn't have in other assemblies, and that was that in reality the leaders of the campaigns before the victory of the islamic revolution with the government of the shah and savak shah and i was present in the first parliament , very high-level personalities who took the position of supreme leader from being present in the struggles and
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many of the elders who were present at that time, of course, some liberal elements of the profession were also present in the first assembly of my second, third, third, and fourth term. i was at your second service, why did you ask, you couldn't come to the second term? i remember that i was present, but i didn't get a vote, that is , i presented myself, i gave my capacity, and i didn't get a vote, i was busy with other activities. there were various issues. one, because i became the commander of the country's committees, i had no reason to leave there and
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come to the parliament. from 1964 onwards. to tell after that, i was responsible for the liberation movements of the country, both domestic and foreign. i was active in these fields for more than 20 years. i didn't see any reason why i could do that job so well. i want to come and work in another field and in the same way , maybe you didn't have time for me, it really wasn't possible because we had to work 24 hours a day . during these 20 years, on the other hand, we have a representative of the supreme leader. i was in the quds force of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, well, a lot of responsibility sangin is a very sensitive place classified and
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calculated. i was a representative of the supreme leader in the protection of the information of the entire army corps, i was a part of the selection of the entire country, i was the secretary of the selection of the entire country, so these various responsibilities caused me not to come to the parliament again until the ninth term of some elders and scholars of isfahan in a letter to i send and to write that after i signed up, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, the following signatories vote for hojat-ul-islam wal-muslimeen ahmad salek kashani, signed by ayatollah naseri, ayatollah haj agha kamal, all of these are 7 to 8 of the elders. i testify to the signing of god , i did not have a meeting with them, they themselves concluded that this was
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the conclusion. i attended, followed by the 10th period, in the same way, and this ninth and 10th period , significant events happened in which i have to share some points. the first point is the parliament. he has a mission and this mission is legislation, so the representative actually has three heavy duties, one is to falsify the law and legislate . on the layers
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that the government gives. the one-time, two-urgent plans that are proposed in the plan assembly. amendment of the rules. enema laws and issues of this category. this needs to be studied. he wanted a bachelor's degree. because my specialization was not sociological to have any specialization. so i have to vote if i want to go for it. it should be with enough information , it should be with study, this will take all your time , the representative will not be able to do other things, yes , that's right , he wants to study. answer if this vote is for the benefit of the country , it will be rewarded, if this vote is against the country, tomorrow will be
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the day of judgement. trouble in front of people means trouble really, when a person sits in the parliament seat, he should see the grave and the resurrection in front of him. the first duties of the representative is to legislate and legislate in order to be able to cast his accurate and correct vote based on the thoughts and wisdom of previous studies and to feel responsible in the eyes of god and the people. it is a very difficult task that we have to say here, some people in the parliament, due to not having the necessary expertise in that field, looked at the people who were experts and trusted them, so to speak, they voted and acted, but the representative himself has the responsibility, the second duty is to monitor the good implementation. the law of country managers. the tool of this monitoring
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he is authorized by the constitution, because the sixth chapter of article 62 of the constitution deals with parliamentary issues from elections to attendance in the parliament, and this matter is an important matter . now there is irony and different ways are to invite to specialized commissions and discuss them there , and from this category of issues, there is a national supervision on the good implementation of the laws, because the law itself has discussed , it should be seen whether the executive is doing well or not, and if there are any problems in


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