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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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glad to hear about half day. the leader of the revolution in a group meeting with officials, representatives and ambassadors of islamic countries. the tragedy of gaza is the tragedy of humanity and shows that the current world order is completely invalid and unsustainable. the duty of the nations is to pressure the governments to cut off aid to the zionist regime. the good news of the minister of economy for entrepreneurs and
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investors is that the automatic issuance of pending licenses has been resumed. the martyrdom of the senior commander of the iraqi hezbollah in the us drone attack. the iraqi people gathered at the place of the terrorist attack and demanded the expulsion of the military and the dismantling of the american bases from iraq. election satire on nasim network. series 1 and 2 will be aired tonight at 21:00 on nasim network. magnification of objects up to 7000 times by making an eye lens of several microscopic pieces. and we will check in the election program above. finally , the planning of organizing the weekend. what if?
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should the weekend be thursday and friday or friday and saturday , what do the pros and cons say? in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful, o allah , peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their death, greetings and good day to you , dear and honorable countrymen. we are in your presence with the detailed news of the hour. on the blessed eid al-mubasat of hazrat khatram the order of muhammad mustafa , may god bless him and grant him peace, ayatollah khamenei, the leader of the islamic revolution, in a meeting with the officials and agents of the diplomatic system, ambassadors and representatives of islamic countries and a group of people from different sections of the people , called the response to the call and prophetic mission a cause of growth and happiness in this world and the hereafter, and with referring to the tragic incident in gaza, the crimes of the zionist regime said:
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the tragedy of gaza is the tragedy of humanity and shows that the current world order is completely invalid and unsustainable and will disappear. in this meeting, the leader of the islamic revolution congratulated the people of iran and all muslims on the occasion of eid mubarath they read the history of mankind and said: with the sending of the great prophet, the complete and final version, and in the dark environment of all the crookedness and deviation of ignorance and the revelation of the signs of deviation and fall in all the great civilizations of that day , they considered the world as an extraordinary event and added the program the mission is to open the way for human communication enclosed in the tight material framework. man means
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to elevate and grow him through removing the defects and removing the ugliness, evil and falsehood. ayatollah khamenei called tazkiyyah a comprehensive movement to reform the affairs of the individual and society in all political, economic and social dimensions and to negate all kinds of injustice and class gaps. have read and said cultivation provides the basis for the education of man and society so that by enriching the society in terms of human knowledge and spirituality, it can be made equal to islam. referring to the verses of the holy qur'an, they considered the sending and calling of the holy prophet to be a permanent issue for all time and said: even now , the holy prophet, peace and blessings of god be upon him
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, is teaching and cultivating, that is, as he taught people to stay away from idols that day. they invited today the same address of invitation exists. the leader of the revolution called fighting the ego and breaking the idols of the ego as the first step in answering the call of the holy prophet and added that some it is said that in order to reform the world, you must first reform yourself and your society . the inviter is an invited party. if the inviter is the prophet today, he is inviting us all, but the invitee does not respond
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. nothing will happen. what happened in our revolution was that the invitees responded . he announced the mission of the prophet to the people , demanded the people to fight, and the people responded to this great movement. this work happened. it was done big, and then he died. our people , by god's grace, by god's grace , continue to move on the right path, there have been successes , we have failed in some places, this tradition
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continues, this tradition is eternal, whenever we answer the prophet's call. that cultivation is achieved , that teaching is achieved. that growth and development occurs. my growth is not only spiritual and otherworldly growth. no, our lord is good in this world and good in the hereafter. the growth of this world and the hereafter. happiness is in this world and the hereafter. the leader of the islamic revolution in they pointed to the continuation of the zionist regime's crimes in gaza they said: this calamity is the calamity of the islamic world, but above all the calamity of humanity. this shows
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how false the current world order is. that is: an important part of the world powers today are behind the caring and blood-stained hands of the zionist regime . england is behind this , many of the european countries are behind this, naturally, these are the same countries that are subordinate to them, they are following their lord, this is the world order
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, you can understand the invalidity of the world order from this incident in gaza, and this is not civil. it is not viable, it will be lost. he considered the bombing of the hospital and the killing of nearly 30,000 people in gaza to be a disgrace to western culture and civilization, and added that behind these crimes is the money for american weapons and political aid, and as the zionists themselves admitted , they cannot survive a day without american weapons. they did not want to continue the war , so the americans are also guilty and responsible for this incident. they are bitter. ayatollah khamenei called the solution to the end of the gaza crisis to be the withdrawal of the major international and pro-western powers from this issue and said that the palestinian fighters are capable of managing the field. they are still as
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they have not been hit hard by the stage management. he emphasized that it is the duty of the governments to cut off political aid, propaganda, weapons. and not sending consumer goods to the zionist regime, they pointed out that it is the duty of the nations to pressure the governments to perform this great duty. at the beginning of this meeting , hojjat al-islam wal-muslimin raisi , in his speech, stated that the incident of the great manifestation is the greatest blessing of god, that is , the blessing of guidance. referring to the similarity of fajr decade with eid mubarak, he said that the response to imam khomeini's call to serve the almighty god, fighting against poverty, corruption and discrimination on the part of the iranian people is a manifestation of answering the message of the prophetic message.
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the president also considered the genocide and infanticide in gaza to be the cause of the loss of all human rights claims of the western powers and a clear sign of the inefficiency of international organizations and added: we are sure that the blood of the martyrs of gaza and palestine will mark the end of the zionist regime and the current unjust order. mr. raisi the government's internal policies and programs in order to expand justice, compensate for backwardness and improve the economic situation he read and emphasized that the only solution to the problems is to rely on internal will and the government does not look at the hands of foreigners to solve the country's problems. the celebration and joy ceremony coincides with the arrival of the anniversary of the prophet's mission.
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lord, the messenger of god, god bless you. a smile and a happy face are one of the characteristics of muslims
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in china and of course the well-mannered people of iran. you think you are a well-mannered person . i think i am more or less well -mannered. others should say this. what do you think others say? they usually say yes, why not be well-mannered, this is nice. ethical is a heritage and a souvenir from the family of the infallible imams, and of course, above all. prophet muhammad peace be upon him passed away the family knows about it from their parents , they taught us, and we did it according to it . naturally, this model is derived from alevi behavior and prophetic behavior, and naturally, anyone who considers himself a follower of these loved ones should follow this path in a practical way. move. in my quran, it is said that we should have good morals. it was the advice of the prophets. some people are good-natured themselves and they try to pass this trait on to others, considering that i myself
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am a member of the faculty and anyway, one of our assignments in class is to promote these islamic values. that in we should transfer the position of a teacher to our own knowledge , but when good-natured people are with bad-natured people. but i am very calm and gentle with everyone, i make it clear that the effect of this good manners in life is that when you smile , all the doors open, i have peace of mind. i think, as the famous saying goes, ease comes first . we live with people, we don't have war with anyone. let's listen to their words patiently , analyze and
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present our own opinion in a logical way , what we think is logical. the ethics of remote pilgrimage to the prophet's shrine on the day of his emissary, wal nematian news agency. on the occasion of eid al-fitr and 22 bahman, all impounded vehicles that do not have a court case will be removed from impoundment. the spokesman of the country's police commander said: owners whose cars have been impounded in the framework of traffic regulations, faf and hijab since saturday can apply for clearance by referring to 10 plus police offices across the country or through the my police application. take your car. good news from the minister of economy
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for entrepreneurs. and mr. khandozi's investors said in last night's special news talk show isdar the license automatic was resumed from 15th of february for about 97 thousand pending licenses. mr. khandozi also said that in order to improve the business environment from may next year, all licenses should have a unique identification and if someone has a paper license , he should get one by referring to the national licensing portal. thank god. i was here, just like abroad, everything is online and there is no need for all these paperwork and visits. these are some of the economic activists who were able to get their licenses offline and by referring to the national license portal. people who said minister of economy, their number is not small. nearly 1,400,000 economic operators were able to get
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their economic activity license through the national portal. there are also about 97,000 applicants who , although they have registered their application in the national license portal , but due to the inefficiency of the devices, these applicants have been delayed. the good news during the ten days of fajr is that we have started the automatic issuance of berzmanda and blatkrif licenses from the last few days, exactly from the 15th of bahman this year. but in the meantime activists. there are also sadi who, although before this permission they got it, but they complain about the sudden change in regulations. yes , we get up in the morning, we received a directive that , for example, to collect this copy for us, an issue that, according to the minister of economy, has received special attention from the government . we received two very good resolutions from the cabinet this year. exactly, the government started the reforms by itself
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and said that there are executive bodies that should be disciplined. act according to the approval of the council of ministers for article 24 of the law on the improvement of the human and working environment , a list of ten economic regulations has been considered, and these regulations are valid between 30 and 180 days after they are announced to the economic operators. regarding export and import, 30 days before the implementation in the field of customs affairs, about 30 days before the implementation regarding the change of water and electricity rates. economic enterprises and producers 30 days before the implementation of environmental and health regulations for production units and industrial estates 3 months and 90 days before the implementation of mandatory social insurance tax standards, all of these 90 days before the implementation of that regulation to inform economic activists, mr.
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khandozi also said that in order to facilitate the work of economic activists, the number of business circulars this year has been halved compared to last year. speaker of the council the guardian announced the approval of the qualifications of 144 candidates of the sixth election cycle of the assembly of leadership experts. announcing this news, mr. tahan said that there is electoral competition in all the seats of the assembly of experts. according to the confirmation of the qualifications that took place recently and also according to the use of some candidates of the legal capacity to change constituencies , there are currently enough candidates in all constituencies to hold elections, god willing. the term of the islamic council in the
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guardian council ends and the final names of the candidates tonight will be sent to the ministry of interior in these two. complaints of more than 9,000 volunteers have been examined in the guardian council, mr. dr. hello, at the last hour of examining the complaints of candidates representing the parliament , they went to the guardian council . the members are busy every day. they will come back again , they will stay in a few more days, we are the same way, i was here last night, don't be tired anymore. during this period , about 8,000 face-to-face interviews and phone calls were conducted with volunteers in tehran and other cities to clear up the ambiguities of their cases. hello alaikum and this is an example of phone calls with volunteers. you are a member of the city council. when
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did you resign? you didn't resign . wow. well, according to the law, you should have done your resignation before registering in that game. god forbid. dear , he had not resigned from the council, he was a candidate for my parliament. yes , it was an interesting case. i thought that he did not resign on time. he said, "no , i did not resign at all. he was a little worried that if i resign and am not elected, then please tell me again and this." the candidate should upload all the documents related to his executive records they didn't add to the file, i think the file is complete for the requester to comment. i say that these are our duties, stay healthy, there is no problem, this case is nothing but confirmation, god willing , we went to the joint meeting of the members of the council. here
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, sometimes the members of the guardian council discuss and examine a case for hours. the results of the night and nine days in the meetings will be announced for the candidates of the islamic council. during this period, a significant number of volunteers were checked for their objections and approval was obtained. electronic tools and computers that much facilitate the work both in accessing the file and in voting. one question was that the members themselves investigate the cases. one issue was raised . i wanted to investigate in this regard at the guardian council stage. azad is checked by the members , it was very fast, more accuracy was done in the qualification check, and a question from the secretary of the guardian council
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, the work is going well . alhamdulillah, i am satisfied. let's do it and we will pass it, and god has given us success and will give us again. god willing, this council will serve the people the best may god make this country dear and honorable, god willing, hajj sir, we were very happy to visit the holy prophet . may god bless you, drink another tea. may god bless you. ali rizwani, radio news agency , hajj priorities increased in 1403. hajj deposit extended. until the end of november 2018 , they can do their initial registration by referring to the system. according to mr. rezaei
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, the depositors can choose their car after paying the initial amount of 140 million tomans. iran's quota for next year's hajj is 8750 people. in a statement, the iraqi security information center called the american terrorist attack on baghdad, which led to the martyrdom of one of the commanders of the iraqi hezbollah resistance, a clear violation of the country's sovereignty. while only 5 days have passed since the martyrdom of 16 popular mobilization forces in an attack by american soldiers on the border between iraq and syria, american terrorists last night killed one of the commanders of popular mobilization forces. was assassinated in baghdad . following the american terrorist attack on baghdad and the martyrdom of one of the resistance commanders, iraqi parliament officials
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demanded the withdrawal of american soldiers from their country. including more than 100 in an official letter, the representative of the iraqi parliament called for an extraordinary session of the iraqi parliament to oblige the iraqi government to end the presence of american forces within a maximum period of 4 months. head over heels once again, the hands of american terrorists were stained with the blood of iraqi resistance axis commanders. at 215 minutes last night, an american drone violated baghdad's airspace and targeted the car of one of the commanders of basij popular in the market of al-mushtal area of ​​baghdad. in this terrorist attack, wissam mohammad saber known as abu baqer al-saadi from farman. when i heard this tragic news, i rushed to the place of martyrdom. our heart from this crime, america is full of blood than the revenge
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of the martyrs. it is said that the drone that martyred this popular mobilization official took off from ain al-asud base. the iraqi government once again strongly condemned this american crime and described it as a clear violation of the country's sovereignty. the angry iraqi citizens who were present at the place of martyrdom demanded that the government of the iraqi nation deal with the american terrorists. we will respond to america and israel with everything we can and we will not let the blood of our loved ones who were responsible for the stability and security of our country go to waste. hey, i'm humiliated by this our constant motto. deporting american terrorists has also become our main goal, and we will never back down from this demand. with the assassination of martyr abu baqer al saedi, the number of popular mobilization forces who
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were martyred by american terrorists increased to 20 people in the last month. jalal khalidi of al-mushtal region of east baghdad news agency. axis resistance groups reacted to the assassination of abu baqer al-saadi, one of the commanders of the iraqi hezbollah battalions, and his companions. sheikh qaisal hajatali , the secretary of the chaldeans of asaib ahl al-haq of iraq, emphasized. the continuation of american aggression is an insult to this country to the government of the iraqi nation. in addition to this, the popular reaction to the assassination of the martyr abu baqer al-saadi, one of the commanders of the iraqi popular mobilization, the resistance groups also condemned the terrorist actions of the united states. the secretary of iraq's kalaib ahl haq considered the continued aggression of the united states as an insult to the government of the iraqi nation. condemnation is no longer enough. iraq must be officially abolished.
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the security council wants foreign forces to withdraw from the country. the iraqi anujbai movement also warned against repeating the violation of iraqi sovereignty by the americans. a suitable response will be given to this terror at the right time and place. yemen's ansarullah movement it continues to support the palestinian people in all its aspects, and considered the assassination of asaidi in line with america's support for the crimes committed by the zionists in gaza. assassination of saedi in the framework of america's support for s. takes place repeated attacks on the people of the region will not affect their position in supporting the palestinian people. the hamas movement also considered the united states to be the main responsible for the escalation of tensions in the region. the us government is responsible for the renewal of tension in the region. the region will see stability and peace only with the end of the occupation of palestine. the palestinian islamic jihad movement also condemns the terrorist operations of the united states in iraq, the continuation of american terrorist operations is the price.
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iraqi people support the palestinian nation. the people of iraq and syria pay the price for their support of the palestinian nation. a well-known analyst of the arab world also said in response to this attack: america will pay a heavy price. america was proud of this assassination. but he will pay a heavy price. it is america that lost 6 trillion dollars by attacking iraq. but he still hasn't learned from his defeat at the hands of the iraqi resistance forces. an iraqi journalist also said that until
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last night and today , 25 palestinians were martyred in the attacks of the zionist regime on the gaza strip, 11 of the martyrs. in this morning's attacks on different areas of gaza, including khanyounes and raf nafez abduljabad, the reporter.


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