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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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we will divide the candidates into less than 20 people in alphabetical order. the debate will be held between these groups of 20 people or less than 20 people . respected candidates, we talked about tehran, about tehran province, well, according to the number of candidates, different programs have been prepared in the metropolitan cities , from the provincial centers, the radio stations of the provincial centers have been prepared, one of them is the tehran network, which has different programs. mr. mohammad baqir elmi has taken the lead for the candidates the director of the tehran network is accompanying us from another studio. mr. elmi, i greet you . it's a good time . please tell me what special programs have been prepared for the candidates' advertisements in tehran province. greetings
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and regards, your excellency, the honorable president of the organization, dear audience of this conversation, out of a set of 200 channels that have been designed, 10 electoral channels are allocated to tehran constituency , five channels are at the disposal of the city of tehran and the tehran constituency, which itself includes rish hamiranat islamshahr and fardis, and five in our new design, the channel to the province's cities has been made available well, we predicted the debates in the city of tehran due to the large number of candidates who have registered, about 90 people are the total number of those who want to debate, well, some of the planning is probably a difficult task, but we are planning in the other five areas. city.
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there are less than 20 people or around this number . planning has been done and god willing , we will continue the debates. if you have any questions , i am at your service. thank you very much. i will get back to you. asked mr. jabali pointing did you know that election promises are always mentioned by the media , the issue of candidates' election promises is also raised, and what is the use of media for advertising in this period to prevent that when a candidate makes a promise, he must think that he will implement it. if it can't be prevented right now, yes, i think that according to the new election law, which is also based on it , we will do our best to deal with the impractical promises in it. to be able to deal with
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impractical promises is one of the methods that i mentioned among the debate questions that will be raised between the honorable candidates, the damage of impractical promises is one of the questions that the honorable candidates should talk about and ways to prevent impractical promises and unfulfillable promises. we will ask candidates. we will try to avoid populism in the advertising space that the national media will provide, that is, promises that use the media as a tool, people who use the media as a tool to deliver impractical promises in different periods , as mentioned. you did a great job the damage of advertising in the previous periods was disguised and some of the people in the middle.
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they make promises just to enter the parliament, which sometimes they themselves know that these promises are impractical or are not within the scope of responsibility of the parliament member due to the wide dimensions of that issue or subject, or they know that the obstacles to the fulfillment of that promise do not allow this issue to be resolved in the way that it is. that person proposes to solve it, but it is only for the short-term benefit that entering the parliament was followed by the presentation of impractical promises by some people in our previous courses. they will be asked and will be given more attention in the explanatory programs that we are currently producing and broadcasting on various networks and in the coming days and weeks . long-term damage that impractical promises.
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they will leave a place in terms of depriving the trust of the people and voters. we will try to minimize this damage, god willing. i hope that , god willing, the debate and the holding of debates is one of the most important justice in advertising between candidates, the process that a candidate can now either independently or even from a list or a coalition. how to make use of this created opportunity . come, we invite you to supervise the implementation of the debates, the debate will be recorded , as i said, we will try to have at least one hour of each debate, questions will be asked, and the honorable candidates will answer these questions . in the next round, you can comment.
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criticize each other's opinions and in our opinion, the less the moderator interferes in the debate, the better it is for our audience and dear people to get to know each other. with the views of the candidates for justice to be established for that the instructions of the content instructions of ablaghi should be implemented by the legal bodies such as the supervisory board, the representative of the supervisory board will be present during the recording of the programs . it will be done based on that, of course, the creativity of the provinces and the creativity of the constituencies . it will be taken into consideration. besides that, we have also considered specific guidelines for conducting the debate. it should be less in order for the views of the candidates
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to be communicated more clearly, clearly and transparently to our dear people, mr. doctor, you mentioned the provinces, the efforts that are being made in the centers of the provinces, the creativity and innovations that are being studied and planned. let's go to ali. the blessed and unique event of the launch of 200 election channels, 6 of which belong to sistan baluchistan , the process of forming the plan
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for launching the channels started almost two months ago , on december 29, the channels were officially opened in the province with the presence of the officials. for each one. our channels we identified the official immediately , the relevant governorates were immediately contacted , the meetings were held, well, a very good feeling has been created in the province, and we are witnessing a very good feedback in the province . today, they have the possibility to access these channels at the border zero points of the beautiful kahek , as the first point of sunrise in the country, who until now
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have not been able to access the open media space and media justice. themselves and their constituency they will see and hear and it seems like a special event for a fairer election and this space will help both the election and the more accurate election. we should properly observe what is given in the field of elections and propaganda and be able to follow it up after the election. in the past, due to the atmosphere of excitement that was created, this observation and this follow-up of promises was almost on
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the sidelines, but today it has been put to bed. the national media has provided that it can be done after the announcement of the programs national media. after the elections , they will be able to monitor the promises that have been made, and i think this is a blessed event. we have also prepared a special program in the field of debates. in february, the recording of debates will begin in all constituencies, and god willing , it will go on air on the first day of campaigning, that is, from the third of march, god willing, and people will be able to monitor more closely and actually choose the candidate of weapons. thank you very much, mr. kikha chand.
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you mentioned the important point, definitely talk about it during the conversation with mr. dr. jabali , i will say goodbye to you and say hello to mr. mohsen raisi, general manager of hormozgan radio and television , mr. raisi. what do you mean by pointing out that in the transformational period of the national media, the issue of spreading justice, do you think that what the media prepares for the advertising space in this period of elections is of help in line with this issue and the realization of this issue? yes, in the name of god, the merciful , the merciful. and i am respectfully serving you, the honorable executor of the presidency respected organization and all dear viewers in islamic iran, i congratulate you, my dear. there are shabani holidays and 10 fajr days in hormozgan
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province, which is actually the gate of iranian islamic civilization . we saw extensive preparations in our election area. there are three channels in hormozgan electoral area with the letters of bomosah mukaran and marwarid, and the penetration rate of these channels is above 83. regarding the discussion of election channels, the next point that i would like to share with you, as the honorable head of the organization also mentioned, is that in the most remote parts of hormozgan province, people have the possibility to in a completely fair way , let the candidates hear what their plans are, let me tell you that there is a distance of nearly 800 kilometers from the east to the west of the province, and certainly no advertising tool was possible except for the national media and the provincial radio stations. that can have this influence in the election field , for example, in beshagard city, in fact, there are cities and
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districts like gohran, sardasht, gaffer, paramon, that maybe there are not many related things that should be here, but the media has influence there and this it is possible for people to do this the region that can benefit from this media office is perhaps the point that we did not pay much attention to. this is why i think that this incident is a unique and special thing in the whole world, maybe nowhere in the world, all those who claim democracy could not provide such a space for candidates to express their opinions directly. let the people say, and on the other hand, my people can actually see and hear these things and choose based on that. i will tell you a few things . in these few days, many of the candidates who we see these things ask with surprise that we are daghdagh. we had, well, how should we communicate with the people , the costs are high
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, this is really happening. i was in the rodan region, in the beshagard region, when i was in the sirik region , i was asking. i could see glimpses of it. in fact, this is an equal opportunity for the media , both for the electors and for our electors, in the radio and television from the persian gulf, and in the recording. in fact, the debates, the works and activities have been done , and different people have been contacted. and these debates take place around divine power, god willing according to the recipe that exists, both in the election channels of the three constituencies and in the provincial network itself, we will definitely upload these debates, certainly, as the honorable president of the organization pointed out, that the candidates they want the people there to hear them completely
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, read them based on the facts, adapt them, and in this province, i can say that in bomosa, the people there may not have the ability to read the advertisements, but this media possibility causes it is possible to become a student of persians and many others in bomosa sirik jask from the cities of the province, which may not be in the election atmosphere, it is possible to be completely immersed in the campaign and promises of the candidates they want to vote for, especially during the one-week period of election campaigns. during the election period, with this great work done by the national media, we will have an election with a taste of justice in the field of advertising for the candidates. my colleagues in the central persian gulf radio and television will work with all their might so that the people of fahim and the heroes of the zealous border guards of hormozgan
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can be their own candidates. on their conversations listen and on this basis, god willing, make the best choice, and just as hormozgan participates in all the elections of its people, and lastly , the sunnis in hormozgan province are actually a group that is very influential, and they are always with us, and it is provided that in fact, candidates who in this field, there are people who can express themselves and put themselves in the field of competition . thank you very much for the opportunity you gave me . if you have any questions, i am at your service . thank you, mr. raisi . hint. there is a change both in the country and in the national media
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the choice of our dear people will be based on the views and opinions of respected candidates and not based solely on which candidate has more money to advertise or has more party and political power to be able to use that party power. we used to have election debates only in the capital or even in big cities, but now due to the diversity of the media , we are witnessing these issues in these places as well. i would like to answer your question about promotion. it is natural that coalitions are formed in some areas these electoral coalitions introduce people and candidates in their own lists, and this is a current, logical and usual action that has happened in previous periods, so we have provided this possibility for the coalitions, and we also
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understand this. that coalitions as much as time. the elections are getting closer, they are taking a more organized and coherent form, the discussions and reviews that are formed among different political layers to lead to a coalition and a single list, we understand this, that's why we are trying. we do this in coordination with the country's election headquarters and the delegation the central executive of the ministry of interior will be able to check this possibility in the coming days
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. . in addition to our television channels, the national media has also used virtual space for advertising. i want to ask mohsin about this issue, but a candidate for the march election is behind our communication line . i greet you from tehran. about i would like to ask about the capacity that the national media has provided for advertising for the candidates in this period of the election. hello , i am at the service of mojovi farwaifte, a dear guest of the people . i did it, and the atmosphere is completely aristocracy. in this atmosphere , the people
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could not get to know their desired candidates well during this period. the people are really sophisticated people. they want a gun, in fact, those people who have their own standards in relation to the standards of the people. they can choose it and that's it the representatives also want to show their expertise well, until now there was no space where they could have direct communication and close communication, and these people are aware that the choice they want is theirs to implement, but this course a space created i was worried again. i saw that there must be a series of people who have a high income and choose more space for themselves and advertise more . patterns are doing the same thing that patterns , time and type, in fact, the performers are exactly obsessed with it there is no discrimination between all of them and this
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was very attractive to me, that is, after five terms of representation in the parliament and even in the city council, for the first time i see that there is an atmosphere, a fair atmosphere is taking place, and this should have been done before, which in turn myself, i would like to thank the dear ones who were able to implement this thinking and this idea very consciously and it is being done, just a few points, if you allow me, our time is very short, please tell me that the time is very short, which means that i should not think too much now. they can present their desired movie because the time is very short tonight is also the last night, i request that they extend it a bit and that editing some of these movies is a bit difficult.
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talk about the opportunity that the national media has provided for us in this period and what effect it has on the advertising environment and also making the environment of salam elections more competitive. it is virtual so that the representatives can present themselves to the listeners through their own means. it is really a very good plan and
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we hope that this method will continue and i almost believe that this is the first time that the national media has created this situation and method. it is very good that in addition to reducing costs, it requires less manpower. in his meeting this morning, the minister of the interior emphasized that we should see a report . it is part of the minister of the interior's speech. let's go back and then continue the conversation in
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some elections. and it is possible that some of those who have the necessary qualifications, but do not have enough financial resources to participate in the elections, refuse to participate in the elections. well, this is a very good possibility, now that they can fully introduce themselves. they don't need extensive financial resources , especially that in the resolution we had in the central executive board regarding the ceiling of the volunteers' expenses , limitations were foreseen, and one of the important pillars of this limitation was reliance on these channels. now
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the amounts for the ceiling of the cost. it was predicted by the petitioners that we should have actually determined that it was caused by the central executive board. the reasons are that we underestimated it and an acceptable number is a number. which could have been much more than these, but our executive board caused a smaller number, the reason being that they can express through these channels introduce themselves and therefore there is no need for a lot of election expenses, and this is a very good possibility that was foreseen in the new law, and therefore , in addition to this very valuable work that the dear ones do in the radio and television , they should use the other government facilities that the petitioners want. from the gyms , sports centers, etc., now all the provinces have been asked to list these so that they can
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be provided equally to the volunteers. mr. dr. jabali, we have a point. yes, i want to point out the same as mr. interior minister. i also want to emphasize that although the law allowed the national media to determine the number and figure in receiving the expenses of these advertisements from the respected candidates, but the first time when the expenses of the advertisements were announced, the expenses of the radio and television for this work and for this action were big. rather, in my opinion, it is hundreds of times more than what was announced in these numbers, and despite this issue, even though this issue can be investigated with numbers and figures, we ourselves became the pioneers in presenting numbers much lower than those numbers. initially
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, it was agreed to the central executive board, and fortunately, in addition we suggested that if each candidate in each constituency wins only one percent of the votes of those unqualified votes, the entire cost will be returned to him. this, in my opinion, will help to ensure that elections and election campaigns and the use of national media tools are almost free. the evening will be free for our honorable candidates . regarding the matter that one of our loved ones proposed for the representative candidates , i would like to ask my colleagues at the national media election headquarters to check and if it is possible to extend the time, this is the opportunity. the reason why i say check it is that well, this is the first time that this experience is being implemented in the national media. we have more than 3,800 respected candidates who are using this opportunity, which means we are facing 3,800 20-minute videos,
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all of which must be submitted according to the content regulations issued by the election headquarters of the ministry of interior should be reviewed, if there are any points in it, it should be sent again to the honorable candidate to be corrected so that it can be uploaded. it makes it harder for us because we are implementing these steps the plan must be based on it has been created, i hope there will be no problem, and god willing, it will not happen, but our emphasis is that we ask the honorable candidates to produce these 20-minute videos within the specified time period, and our colleagues as soon as it is announced that the time for announcing the names has ended. the final approval, in fact, those approved by the guardian council will record the debates
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, so that, god willing, i would like to share with you that what was raised in the election headquarters of the organization was the differences that may be possible between tehran and some of these cities. to exist as an identity as a demand, we are trying to give these channels more dedicated parts to these cities , to follow up on the demands of the city with the city's own topic, and one or two channels
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that deal exclusively with the city of tehran, well , there are probably bigger issues. regarding the identity of tehran, the demands of tehran that should be worked on in this regard , i have to give an explanation . four channels of tehran have finally been opened today, and five channels in the cities . and god willing, the city debates we will prepare. mr. dr. jabahli, what is the summary about tehran, tehran province, electoral districts and also the channels prepared for it, how will the debates be organized. did you mention to tehran that it is planned for the debate, what are the details of these four television channels? just like that


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