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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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at 3 o'clock, the minister of foreign affairs emphasized on the continuation of iran's support for lebanon's resistance. mr. amir abdullahian, at the beginning of his trip to the region, upon his arrival in beirut, said that after four months of genocide in gaza, today we see that tel aviv has not achieved any of its claimed goals. the minister of foreign affairs of our country also pointed out the important point that the zionist regime is seeking to drown the united states in the swamp of war in the middle east. mr. amir abdullahian
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advised the american authorities to support the zionists in the genocide of palestinians in gaza and the west bank. stop supporting his child zionist regime . the resistance leaders in palestine and lebanon acted with tact and wisdom both in the field and in the political field. today, we are witnessing that the victorious palestinian resistance has put a political plan called hamas on the table. we consider the security of lebanon as the security of iran and the security of the region. tonight , on the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution, the people of iran shouted allahu akbar from their homes. this program is with the takbir of the mother of the martyrs of zaiai from zavareh, esfahan.
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it was at the beginning of the revolution that haji khanum zayaei was recognized as the mother of the martyr, the first martyr of majid when his 12-year-old son majid was martyred by anti-revolutionary forces during a march to support the islamic republic, haji came and said he was sad. i said no. i am proud of my mother, as if she was waiting for another fate. i was saying which of my children deserve martyrdom after majid asghar, 16 years old, khodabakhsh, 18 years old, and mohammad , 14 years old . martyr and haji khanum zayaei was the mother of four martyrs. we were proud that god gave us a trust. we returned to her, even though she was a mother and
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worried about her children when islam was in danger, imam hussein was a child the moon was in his hands, they know the war, our children could fight, why don't they the main owners of the revolution , the people of the place are the families of the martyrs, they know the owners of this revolution, they had the best thing, they sacrificed themselves, who was their righteous son, to the revolution, but his belief is something else, not the revolution. we know ourselves and i, my patience is much weaker than theirs. the martyrs of zayai grew up under the shadow of a father who himself was a veteran of the holy defense era, although he did not look for his documents, he said no, i want this to be a souvenir on my head. he considered the same man who died this year god's mercy rolam hossein.
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i raised my children by weaving carpets. thank god haji was also a traveling tradesman . i had 70 boys with big hair . in this year's fajr decade , they became the narrators of the advancements of the islamic revolution, holding progress camps of delegations in different provinces until 22 bahman. akazah has delegations whose role in iran's islamic revolution cannot be ignored. piece 17 behesht zahra that day was a matter of life and death for those who wore a green armband we were bodyguards. we said, sir, you are the bodyguard of another imam . finally, one person from that
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circle started to act. we saw that he cannot be an imam at all. mr. talaghani, who is alive now , hugged the imam, we were only thinking of saving the imam from the crowd. that his first meeting with imam khomeini took place in mr. bahner's classes from leaflets and tapes, he knew mr. ruhollah in alavi high school where we went , he was a martyr with the art of our jurisprudence teacher who only read imam khomeini's treatise. this is me. this is my father. he got a diploma. his visits to the fatemiyoun board in tehran increased. he didn't go , he just hung up his chain after fatemi mieh and muharram. until the next year, he had seen things that should have been published in the media, himself and the people in these photos. in the old days, we used to see injustice. if a girl, for example, a girl from our neighbor or a girl from our family , was raped by an american
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, no one dared to talk to her on the street . pahlavi all this in the fatemiyoun board for the people many times they said that besides teaching the qur'an and pilgrimage to ashura , they would get away from reading the qur'an, asking a question about this verse, what does it mean, this, this, its interpretation, this , it would reach the people's help, it would reach imam khomeini .
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each of these several thousand people who returned to their city became the media of the revolution in delegations. we could inform the people through the board's media . media people who became the closest circle of imam's bodyguards in behesht zahra in 1957 from the fatemiyoun delegation. the revolution school collided on the sidelines of friday prayers in tehran. a school where students were the narrators of the islamic revolution. one of the things that attracted me were the students' explanations. we are talking about the revolution school. an exhibition that was founded by students.
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the same generation that had not seen the revolution. we gathered together to show that we, the youths who were not present in the revolution itself, are at the forefront of the work of the revolution. the student exhibition of the revolution school was set up on the sidelines of friday prayers in tehran. it only has 20 million cubic meters , as we said here, it only has 20 million cubic meters . those who now i say that there are a few generations after the revolution , they are doing so beautifully, now they are explaining these things beautifully to everyone, i think that this is the beginning of a work that will have a lot of benefits for the society and definitely a part of those benefits will reach the children themselves. we were presenting about now before the revolution , the activities of mrs. reza khanum mohammadreza shah before the revolution, the negative things they did, the materials we have here are in two forms
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, iran's yesterday and iran's revolution, iran's today . bewari is one of these books and our information comes from these sources hand. it came and the contents of other books were from other sites. also, in addition to this exhibition, during the friday prayers of this week in tehran, the book "selfie with khabarkar" written by mrs. tahereh mashaikh, on the topic of iran's islamic revolution and flag movement , was also introduced. mohammad almasi, sed and cima news agency. until the next part. hello, dear viewers of the majlis film program , what are you doing? he said, i am creating a slogan for the merchants of the majlis in the world, that
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is, the lobby, but the lobby has the rules of the game in the middle of things. . with representatives previously, every day at 193 o'clock on khabar network, i will not be a volunteer in the upcoming elections because i do not consider myself a worthy representative for the people. we expect from someone who was a representative .
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they take orders and coordinate from one place. the difference between the one who votes and the one who doesn't is from earth to heaven. a person who votes and declares his wishes and steps to achieve them can achieve his goals. in the name of god. hello and good night, dear listeners and viewers of the program filmjales later phil majlis program tonight
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, we are talking with mr. mohammad ali vakili, a representative of the 10th term of the islamic council, who was born in 1346 in shiraz, yasouj, and i think he grew up in the same yasouj until the age of 10 and 11, and then became a reformist representative. they were in the 10th parliament , and now they are explaining the rest of the story to us , why they didn't run for office in the 11th parliament or didn't want to be representatives . let's start from here . you were a member of the parliament. and you have a bad record . yes, we are in the senior year
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. i am happy to be at your service. why did i not register in the 11th parliament ? by the eleventh, i meant the twelfth, aha, yes, yes, that is the explanation you gave. but in tehran, we were doomed to fail. a very small percentage of people participated in tehran . what was the percentage of the previous period ? the previous period was below 20%. of course, this is not good at all because the people's parliament is their only way. in order to exercise their will in the sphere of power , this is the parliament. anyway, this is the reality of this parliament
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, of course, the presidency is in a different form, but anyway , the assumption of the law is that these tribunes are the tribunes of the people's voices. are you disappointed with this podium ? or maybe the sound that echoes from this platform has nothing to do with their demands. do you think that the majlis would be much easier or more accurate in terms of the so-called verification of qualifications, and in any case, all the representatives of the people of tehran could be in the majlis? it can do something important, that is, i want to say that it is beyond all issues. in fact, the technique or technicality
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of the elections does not come from the parliament at all. in my opinion , yes. in order to make the answer to your statement understandable to the people, i will give an example in the parliament , which was us because of the plurality that was there and because of the high participation. who created that parliament , in my opinion, a range of representatives were present in that parliament who were close to the will of the people. their voice was very familiar to the people. different classes of people communicate with that range of representatives . students feel like a representative they are in that parliament. university professors somehow feel that they have a representative. people who think a little differently think that
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they have access, there is no wall. in any case , they have access to speak their words. what i witnessed was that, for example, we were facing a phenomenon called the star-making of students in our period, and a huge number of families and students who were deprived of education were star-made in this way, they came to the parliament and talked to us. when we heard the truth , we called the relevant minister and the issue either we sit with security devices or with other devices. we used to solve it, sometimes we brought the representatives of these critical protesting groups , we used to confront the relevant official in the relevant commission, and when the man and the official saw that the strange mentality that was formed for him was not the reality, so they made another decision. or i will give another example. in my opinion, this
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behavior of the representatives in the 10th parliament never happened in the 10th parliament. or i will give another example , this siyant plan that came in the 11th parliament was passed and approved, which in my opinion was a very bad plan. and instead of the parliament being on the path of free circulation of information, with this plan, in fact, it is limiting people's access to information or easy and equal access. let's go to the field of information , which is the index of justice, the rest is the slogan of the index of justice, that people have easy and equal access to information, some groups with a different appearance and with an insider label, benefit from all kinds of information, this is huge. these people should be deprived of information for any reason, on any
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pretext, that is not justice, justice is that people are citizens, regardless of how they think. whatever it is in the cultural fields, everything that is related to the field of improving people's lives, people should have access to it. well, now that the issue of profiteering is the issue, now it means it's over, what else is it because of elon musk's internet? now, one of the warnings we used to give them, we said, sir , this water is beating in the hound, this is the trouble of making it yourself and taking the trouble of others, and one of them was that he said that what you are doing is just a waste of money. lower the prestige of the state, you only make the youth pessimistic
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. filtering was supposed to happen in our era. we. repeatedly in different formats, especially when security labels are added, the method is a necessity for the people, in my opinion, of course , in 98, the participation was low . formed, we turned the top of the funnel upside down from the beginning, after the top of the top of the funnel. we took a picture, then we saw an undesirable exit, what is the diameter, then we came to this exit, we saw that this exit does not lead to participation, it does not lead.
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first, we used to say that the spirit of the law is not the way of supervision of the disobedience that is being applied. the spirit of the law is not to delegate jurisdiction. the spirit of the law is symptoms of incompetence. the duty of the guardian council, in my opinion , what does incompetence mean? that is, all those who present themselves in the field of eligibility, such as age, degree, i don't know, iranian origin, these formal conditions. in which they call it eligibility conditions. in this situation eligibility must be verified, no one can claim that i have a doctorate, for example, and then the discoverer will come to action . here must be verified
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it is true that this gentleman has this educational qualification, but if you bring in the law that there should be commitment to the islamic jurisprudence, commitment to the islamic republic, commitment to islam, this does not mean that it is a qualification, because this is a qualification in the field of qualification , it should be a qualification of non-qualification. it should be verified that you are not qualified, when it should be verified that you are not competent, it should be documented in the court. competitive so devices however, this is the desire of the leadership of the supervisory election system and the guardian council to be forced
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to use the existing ones, which in my opinion were not enough . as a result, for whatever reason, they are dealing with a lot of tolerance , i say, you don't need to treat this tolerance like this , use it like this. look at the side of the election it should be noted that the difference between the 10th majlis, which was criticized again, and the 10th majlis
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was the product of a participatory election. in 2018, the discussion of gasoline and changing the price of gasoline became one of the current debates in the parliament, and the government engaged in many discussions with me and mr. ali motahari . anyone who has excess consumption costs 10,000 tomans. what did it mean? it meant that if a family of 5 gets its gasoline quota , it will be 75 liters at the end of our card
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. the gasoline quota is 75 liters . this is spent joy for him. that's right, this is for him, the one who doesn't have me, for example, i use more than this , i have a car, my wife has a car, her child has a car , we probably have a few other cars in the parking lot, for example, our car is for driving around , the car is for driving around, etc. well, this is a family in such a way that it means that for these 15 liters, which consumes 15 a day, that's why it has excess consumption, so this has to be spent.
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we announced to the government that the position of the parliament as representatives of the nation is this, we, the minister of the interior of the government , have both our own group and our own line for it. in november 2018, we brought it to the parliament and we brought it against us, even though it failed us. they used to say that this is the line, but we are the line of the people here. yes, these events
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are not in the line of the people. i am giving these examples so that people will realize what a loss it is for themselves if they do not come . when we are caught up in the mystery and mystification of everything, when the structures are not clear, it is not clear. he takes vital decisions, these are for the destiny to be clear. in your opinion , what important work should be done in the 10th parliament could it not be? first of all, not many things were done, in my opinion , what was the most important thing in your opinion? one of the most important things was that we believed that the budget of all state-owned companies should be included in the budget table . besides
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, you removed one of my baskets from the budget . every now and then, they get a report from these licensing systems , what is the current state of these systems, and according to these reports, which is very good, by the way, apart from the good work of tv, yes, this is carefully followed up, and undisciplined children are introduced. from the ministry of housing, yes, then discoverer, discoverer, discoverer , that we are playing. i mean, we have that determination. i once went to mr. jahangiri's office at the beginning of mr. rouhani's second government. i said that if i were in your place and the second government of mr. rouhani , i would come and do something . we said 10th in the 10th parliament at the beginning of the formation of the government, that is, in 1996. after mr. raisi
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came to a meeting during the period when he was elected but the president was not yet seated , we came to serve him with a group of me. i repeated and said that i will give this to the government . if you are a leader , put a winning card on the nation's table . it means removing the golden signatures , making the government electronic means complying with these requirements in the field of transparency. that the money that the world comes from
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a place where you don't know where it is like a flood makes the coin market exciting at once , it makes the dollar market exciting, it makes the real estate market exciting , it sends a shock to every place that i turn my back to now, where is this money, what is behind this money? this is a coin and it is not known what it is called. i say that this money is dirty money. in my economy, they say it is dirty money, but they have very technical and complicated definitions. they call it dirty money, which means that this dirty money shows itself in the election, in the field of art, where your excellency is present, and other than its indicator , it shows itself in the field in the field. different these go and make the fighting field dirty, and from that sweet and fair competition.
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it takes it out and forms this class system in the field of economy. this terrible class system that we are witnessing now is one of those necessities that are becoming more and more necessary, that is , in the era of artificial intelligence that we have in a few years, we are approaching the generation that is the generation of artificial intelligence , that is, the generation of artificial intelligence. it comes in the demand market. from my generation, i used to say, father , the first generation, if you took the trouble , you should also give it to your results, that the generation of technologies these are new, because they are the generation of new technologies, they may fulfill your dreams as a shortcut .


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