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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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it's 10:00 am tehran time, and dear viewers, welcome to this news section . bahman is held all over the country . in this campaign, people are asked to record photos and videos showing the symbol of victory in friendly and family gatherings and send them to the id number 0991 in internal messengers. they were a regular part of this celebration every year. they come with the elders, with
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the same children who now have gray hair. well done to this iranian nation. my revolution, because it is very valuable for us, we insure on 22 bahman every year, and the same population is insured until the next year. all ten 9, we are ready here now so that you don't leave behind our leader. i came to give a message. to preserve the sanctity of the blood of the martyrs. the martyrs who went all the way to the tent, my sister, your sister, our sister did not fall , are they anti-revolutionary, do they think that we will participate in 19 marches, but we will participate and become a thorn in their eyes. guys, there is a good news, a cool campaign has invited us all as long as we want. friends
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, let's get ready to celebrate fajr decade together with mom and dad or participate in the 22 bahman march in this campaign. we are going to take pictures with the flag of iran and the symbol of victory in the street celebrations of the fajr decade and open the revolution celebration to the virtual space. we are also going to give a thumbs up to the holy flag of our country in all the villages and cities and take a picture with those flags with the symbol of victory. to take and send to the number 0999 in internal messengers. the pictures and videos sent are going to be aired on dynamic and omid networks. it is going to be a lottery to a group of participants who will send creative photos with the priority of the symbol of victory and the flag of iran on the day of the victory of the revolution. awards will be given in this campaign.
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islamic civilization society announced. there are 12 basic priorities, and for these 12 priorities in different fields of housing, health, security, governance , etc. , 100 packages are proposed and proposed solutions are presented here. there is a detailed implementation about the villa and about the width. regarding future education and
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training, there is a specific solution in its specialized areas in the field of health, as well as in different parts of 100 practical documents, which are actually solutions that come out of problems and strengthen the field and progress in the field. from the beginning of this year to the end of december, 210,000 tons of dates worth 270 million dollars from the country. according to the head of the national date association of iran, about 350,000 tons of produced products will be exported to the target countries this year. that's right, thank you
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to today's world. i am hosni sadat shabiri. i will accompany you in this program for about an hour. about half a million people from palestinians are based in rafah, the border city of palestine with egypt. the prime minister of the zionist regime asked the army of this regime to present a plan to attack rafah.
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tonight i ask, what is the goal of the zionists in highlighting this threat? but before the start of tonight's case, a selection of images. let's see the global demonstrations in support of palestine.
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c'est la voix de l'existence et résistance, résistance, c'est la voix de l'existence, résistance, résistance, c'est la voix de l'existence.
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the spokesman of the palestinian red crescent warned that any military action against rafa would amount to issuing a death sentence is the mayor rafe also announced that there are about one and a half million people in rafe and the attack on this city will cause a blood bath. the prime minister of the zionist regime asked the army of this regime to present a plan to attack rafah. netanyahu said: the ground attack on this city will be operational in the next two weeks. this decision has faced many international reactions. european -mediterranean human rights watch has warned against the attack on ref. it will stabilize and strengthen the crime of killing in gaza. joseph borrell, the european union foreign policy official, also said that 1.1 million and 400 thousand palestinians are in the middle of nowhere. they are not safe to take refuge there and attacking this city will have disastrous consequences. rafah
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is located in the southernmost point of the gaza strip and on the border with egypt. the latest news from egypt is about strengthening the fortifications on the border. the expansion of army forces on this border is telling. previously, lieberman, the former minister of war of the zionist regime , had suggested to netanyahu, to remove the attack and fortifications. bomb the border so that the palestinians are forced to flee into egypt. i am talking about the threat of the prime minister of the zionist regime against rafe with mr. sohail kathirinejad , an expert on the issues of the zionist regime who is a guest of the world.
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welcome today, mr. kathirnejad. as a first question, i would like to ask how operational this threat is in your opinion and what is the purpose of the prime minister of the zionist regime . i would like to tell you that on the anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution , some of the palestinians have come to this region from the north-central regions, naturally, it is permissible because the population density is very high, and if a military attack is carried out , there will be many casualties in this region.
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the assessment is that they cannot enter rafah until the israelis hear khanyounes for sure in a way, it is considered their obstacle and they will be vulnerable there, especially in the western part of khanonus , where there is a refugee camp. in the past few weeks , they had a lot of challenges to enter there, and they still could not control it well and enter , and actually in front of the hospital. nasser and amal hospital , which is near the khanun refugee camp, the israelis are stuck there, so one challenge they have is a military and operational challenge
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that they must solve first, but the next challenge is definitely the occurrence of a humanitarian disaster there, if this is a 400 million people attended if the military operation starts , there will definitely be a human disaster, because of this, the prisoners should create a passage for the exit of at least a part of them. not all, but a part of this displaced population who go to the northern and central regions to be able to do this . it can be estimated that if a significant population of these, around 800 or 900,000 people, for example, wants to leave, the same action itself will take up to two weeks for them to pass through these passages, all this considering that the transportation facilities are not very good. it will not be available to palestinians. the next point is that egypt is very worried about this, and naturally, there is no desire for the israelis to go in this direction. in addition
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, there is international pressure on the israelis, of course, netanyahu has not been ready for this plan since last week . israel has been involved for almost three weeks. it is for the army, that is, to design this plan and the concern that netanyahu had was to prepare the plan in such a way that by the beginning of ramadan. reach a conclusion in rafah because if the conflict in rafah reaches the month of ramadan , there will definitely be serious challenges in the west bank as well. in the gaza strip itself, we always had it in previous years . usually, the holy month of ramadan, especially as we get closer to the nights of qadr , strengthens the spirit of resistance in the palestinian people, and this is a challenge, well , if we look at the previous wars, during the holy month of ramadan . it reaches the peak. in addition, netanyahu has many internal problems, if he is not
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able to achieve a certain achievement, these internal problems will destroy both his government and netanyahu personally, and he will have a serious challenge, of course , he has tried very hard, but in fact, internal problems it can be countered in a way, but it can be said that it is the most severe the factor that led netanyahu to this direction was the decisive response that hamas showed to the plan. the paris agreement completely reacted from the high position and the position of power of hamas and did not fall short of its own positions, and this shows that the conditions in the field. it is in the interest of the resistance forces that they determine the conditions, and the israelis here must accept the conditions that hamas determines, mr. kasrinejad, so you consider the threat against rifa to be related to the ceasefire talks, which have been in the news for some time. it is possible and hamas has set some preconditions, which means that
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this may be just a threat to get points at the negotiating table, possibility. which is a threat , he wants to use it in some way in order to reach a ceasefire agreement in gaza sooner and move on to the third phase of the war . step to enter the third stage, the israelis need to somehow recover from gaza and then enter the third stage, but considering that the resistance showed a very decisive answer both at the military level inside gaza and at the political level in outside of gaza, it is possible that hamas wants this accepting the agreement with these conditions is almost zero, so netanyahu has no choice but to move on to the next stage, while the peace talks in
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egypt have not progressed much because cairo is trying, it is assumed that for the next stage of the agreement, the agreement will be determined by qatar. is there a ceasefire in paris for itself, the next step is how to manage gaza after the agreement is reached . here too, israelis are disrupting and practically did not send their own representative to negotiate. hamas, but the israeli side did not send their own representative to negotiate, so israel especially netanyahu personally has full hope that he will be able to impose a resistance that has the upper hand in the field now. i have a question in my mind. with this threat, the news that you have now, migrations have started from inside ghazah and rafah, that is, people's alley. it has started, i want to know
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that maybe they are raising the same threat, which is a part of it. transfer, the migration of people from the southern parts to the northern parts is not happening now. this has been happening for almost two weeks, and especially in jabalia, a large part of the immigrants who came are now returning and there. we even had a report last week that almost there the administrative structure of the northern region was reconstructed and all the things that were messed up were reconstructed again and shabak even gave a report to nathan. yes, in fact , the intelligence security apparatus of israel's internal security apparatus, which the hamas forces have a very high opinion of, and the entire administrative structure that was supposed to be destroyed, has been re-established there, and in a way, we have occupied the place and re-established it. now we have to go and occupy, now this migration of immigrants
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has continued to return to their homes this has been going on for some time and it is still an advertisement. netanyahu has been doing it continuously for almost a week, of course, he was whispering before , but it is much more intense now that all the leaders of the resistance are now under arrest. well, when the second wave of attacks started and israel focused on the south, they said, "focus on the south." that yahya senwar is stationed in khanyounis and at least two battalions of hamas forces are also here, we must eliminate them. shabak's assessment was that 160 km. the tunnel below exists only in the city of khanyounes , and the prisoners are still around 20 kilometers away being able to discover means that they could not make anything special happen in khanyounis. now they are promoting that sanwar and the rest of the hamas leaders have left khanyounis and are in the process of being fixed. meanwhile , the new words that were raised in the cabinet of the political and security cabinet were that sanwar is finished. the israeli prisoners
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who are now in israeli hands and in the hands of the resistance forces have made claims that can be made much more by the media , which justifies this attack. to release our srams in case if you pay attention to the first wave of attacks , which led to the temporary ceasefire agreement , the hamas forces were exchanging prisoners from the northern areas that were occupied by the israelis. from anywhere that is occupied by the israelis, they can carry out an exchange from there, whether it be a military operation or a military operation, so the argument that now hamas forces are going to rafah is just an excuse for the media to justify their entry into rafah, which of course is fine. one of the goals of netanyahu and especially the national religious trend in israel
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it is to transfer all the citizens of gaza from inside the gaza strip to egypt , to announce this threat because we have now, maybe in the last month, those attacks that caused the mass killing of people. we didn't have it, and some experts believe that this is influenced by the pressure of world public opinion, which is an unprecedented reaction to the crimes of the zionist regime. well, we said, we said, and then we committed this crime, of course, you israelis they did the same thing in the previous stage, but here it is so much in advance. it wasn't announced, yes, in the media, maybe, but they have a strategy at the military level, where they strike anywhere they want, a few seconds before, they give a warning that, in fact, one
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word just to avoid responsibility, but otherwise, they can't kill a few hundred. people cannot evacuate a place within a few seconds, and if israel wanted to carry out annihilation and eliminate a person or persons, it would physically eliminate them with rockets, but there is one point that israel is also worried about egypt's reaction, which means that there is not much confidence. he does not remember that egypt how will he react because egypt has threatened that if this happens, we know this as the annulment of the peace agreement between israel and egypt because of the current conditions of the philadelphia axis . because jordan, saudi arabia, the representative
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of the european union, they also reacted, how effective this can be in not being able to implement this plan, which is a part of this, well , it is definitely a reaction related to the humanitarian disaster , because when the military operation of the army starts in rafah. even if a part of these, even if a million of these displaced people go to the districts north of the disaster is just after this because the crossing was the only one through which humanitarian aid could enter, and the other crossings were blocked by australia, and now no humanitarian aid will be able to enter gaza, that is, in addition to the killing that happened in rifa itself. preventing humanitarian aid from entering the northern regions will mark the next disaster, something that is almost extinct every day now 15. we have a truckload of humanitarian aid entering gaza , we are facing a severe shortage of medicine and food, now calculate what a disaster it was at that time and in those conditions.
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this will happen while rafah is an area that is on the border of egypt, half of rafah is on the egyptian side and half is on the palestinian side, and between them there is an axis called the philadelphia axis. according to the peace agreement between israel and egypt, israel has no right to military operations in the philadelphia axis. do but israel has announced that hamas now has 12 tunnels under the philadelphia axis and we have to enter here . in a way, it can be said that it is very obvious that it is violating the agreement if it wants to do this , while egypt has even higher concerns. it is possible that several hundreds of thousands of these palestinians the reason why they want to escape from these conditions of slaughter is to enter egypt. unfortunately, egypt has not shown a positive approach, even in the border region. he has also planted landmines so that if some of these displaced people enter egypt's territory , they will face their second enemy, egyptian mines, but anyway, he is worried that the sinai desert is an area
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that egypt has not been able to control. control it well , takfiri groups are still present in the sinai desert, and the entry of palestinians there will have many risks. they will not accept it. there is a possibility that the agreements of talks that are going to be made for the future of gaza will be canceled if this happens, so if we want to summarize the discussion , the zionist regime is facing many obstacles for this threat that is currently being presented in the media. continue, i have more questions for you , we will return to the conversation with you, but a selection of images of palestine at night. let's see the past and come back.
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hasbi allah and naam al-wakilil hasbna allah, ayah ali haram ali haram. shahidni hasbi allah or rafiq al-zarb or akhti or habibiti la tami or habibi or habibi
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that is , this is not the case of arif, his words are bowing to me separately. hey batath hun rajna lal asr al-hajri l 30 40 50 a year of laura banakh al-miyeh bin asrha banakh al-miya bantala manha raml banakhha lal-tabiq ahna bin talib
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all al -dawl until narak jannah until narak jannah jannah jannah jannah or homeland or homeland or habib or the children of al-taib.
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you are still watching the world today , discussing netanyahu's plan as a threat to attack rafah mr. kathirinejad and mr. kasrinejad, we have come to the conclusion that this threat may be a target for them to gain points at the negotiating table with the palestinian resistance groups
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. i want to talk about this. the economy lowered israel's credit rating by one degree, that is, it fell from a to a, and this means that foreign investment in israel will decrease, and for an economy like israel, which has been promoting itself with the slogan of startup for years. a decrease in foreign investment means the death of the economy even i saw today an israeli economic expert wrote that we suffered a military defeat on october 7th and an economic defeat on february 9th has such a strong effect. along with it, there are demonstrations and marches that we have almost every day. we see the family.
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there are prisoners against netanyahu. do conditions.


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