tv [untitled] February 11, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST
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and it was approved, but the implementation issue is according to the plan that is currently being completed. in fact, we have to go to the family doctor, go to the electronicization of medical information, go to the point that if someone else wants to go to the higher specialized levels in the first place, it will cost them. he has to pay for my medicines himself, but anyway, these laws were not fully implemented and were implemented incompletely . there was even a very important point in this law that doctors must either work in the government system or the private system. it has been proven everywhere in the world that it is not very beautiful to be a doctor he has been employed both in the government system and in the private system, but due to the reasons of this issue , it has not yet been fully implemented. well, mr. doctor, in his 8th and 9th parliaments, we usually ask the representatives what they thought should be done. it was important and
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in the end it didn't come to a conclusion. in my opinion , there is a fundamental problem in the parliament. they say that the supervisory aspect of the parliament was not as strong as the legislative aspect, at least in these three terms that we were in. we passed many laws either incompletely. it was implemented or even some of them did not even reach the implementation stage, so this is a problem which existed in the parliament, i think that now i need help to improve, this situation is another point of disproportion. it happened that it is mentioned in the document and in the commissions. my opinion has always been that the commissions are the place for specialized and expert discussions in the parliaments, but the hours that were actually allocated to the work of the commissions were four hours a week, which is maybe less than it was one-fifth to one-sixth of the total time that the representative spent in the parliament in a week, and even my hours were hours that are not considered active hours. in my opinion, of course
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, what i heard is that the commission hours have changed it is held in the mornings and the hours have been increased, this is a positive action, but the thing that bothered the representative the most was the rules that were depicted, the honorable guard also depicted them , but we are stopped at the stage of implementation. another point , in fact, i am in the program. i had a problem with them. they are always that in the programs, we sometimes know that we do not achieve the goals we set , and this is not the right thing at all . if the law is determined to reach me in real terms let me say, for example, in the next 5 years , i don't know if i want to do something to land an iranian astronaut on the moon. well, this is not possible, but we can do many other things in the field of aerospace in the next 5 years. either in
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the area of health or in any other area, in any case , in my opinion, the plans should be made more realistically so as not to create any unwarranted expectations in anyone . it was concluded that in the 8th , 9th and 10th periods, in fact, the most important thing that the parliament could do, in my opinion, was two things. one is to be able to cooperate in the anti-arrogance movement that existed in the country, especially in a field such as sedition and supporting the system , be very active in the matter of legislation. what happened was that the theoretical part of the parliament became very active. and he was able to take an intellectual action for the parliament, perhaps the most important law that was submitted in this period, the penal law. it was islamic that was approved
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, which was perhaps a very heavy task that the parliament did, more important than that, in fact, it was the approval of budgets that was done every year and was done with great care in the health commission, the most important thing that it was done, in fact , it was the compilation of public health regulations and its rules, some of which have not yet been fully implemented, but in theory it was a very good law. can i read a book to him? no, the majority of verbal iranians are only familiar with abri language . yes, i know, in the same way that the majority of muslims, for example , have a brief familiarity with arabic, to the extent of reciting supplications and prayers. your other occupations are the same so-called dealing with social affairs and participating in yes, how
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about leaving the parliament? wow, i have so many unread books that i calculated that if i read 8 hours a day from now until i am 80 years old , i will read the book in the book. he is a phd student in genetic engineering and his time is completely filled with scientific work and research activities. some of the representatives in this program say that we feel that a senate is needed now, that is, a man's assembly. an expert with long legislative experience that in fact this parliament that we know should be considered as the house of commons, that is, the representatives in the first stage, in the house of commons, then for example, they must have served two terms of representation here in order
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to be elected to the senate. in your opinion, something like this is necessary. anyway , in many countries of the world, in fact , many countries say that their parliament is bicameral, bicameral, and bicameral. partly, maybe a lot of this goes back to the overall structure of the system. if we are looking for a system that is a parliamentary system, usually single parliamentary systems are actually parliamentary and there are not two parliaments, but our system now is more of a parliamentary republic system in such a system . it is possible to use a two-system system and maybe because some of the workers are more experienced. maybe in the supreme assembly , i don't know if the elites, for example, got help from them, maybe it would be better to enema the laws, but in any case, we must remember that there are two dimensions in every legislation, one dimension is expertise, which
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is important, and the other dimension is people's acceptance. for the specialized aspect, yes , expert groups and the senate and these are very good things, but a law, especially laws. which deals with people's daily life and on a large scale, it must be accepted by the general public. if you have the best versions for the people write, but if it is not based on people's culture and people don't believe it, you will not be successful in its implementation. therefore, we definitely need this house of commons to be a reflection of people's thinking. in general, the main role of parliament in the world is to transform. it is possible to create a hinge between the government and the people, what it does is keep them connected, transmit their messages to each other , and regulate this movement . this work
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is necessary and necessary, and because the representatives who are present in the parliament, after the body of the people, they are among the top they understand the thoughts of the people , they have direct and close contact with the people, so they can actually be a representative of the collective opinion and the collective thoughts of the society so that the government can plan its long-term plans especially based on the people's thoughts, maybe in short plans. the duration of the role of expertise is important , but in long-term plans , the role of general acceptance is just as important as the role of expertise. regarding the constitution and the amendment that is probably necessary and should be done soon , there are two ways. his name may be the president, but in any case from the side of the parliament if he is elected to replace the current president
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, it means that the system will be a parliamentary republic, and some people say the opposite, that we should have a senate and a two-stage parliament, and that the republic should be more inclined to the republic. what do you think? in the structure of iran and the general structure that governs our constitution, in my opinion, the parliamentary system that elects the president or actually the prime minister and the parliament will be more efficient, but we have a problem here. when you want to implement the parliamentary system and in fact , the government needs a party to take a completely parliamentary form. yes, it can't be done in fact, a person should be elected and then be called the president. because people alone are not very responsible to the voters or their responsibility is short-term, if the party deals with the people for a long time and then
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it controls the representatives and constantly monitors the people's thinking and its changes. quickly inform the parliament. it happens that in many parliaments of the world, what i saw, even during the voting, only the heads of the factions are present and the representatives are not present, each faction votes its own , except in many cases. it is necessary that you read nothing has been brought up , it should be done publicly at the age of voting. if we go in that direction , yes, we must have a lasting party organization , unfortunately, i can't really call it a party if i have more than one or two organizations in iran right now. rooted and yes, if the current structure is going to be preserved, the parliamentary system is more open for us, because at that time when i was in the sixth parliament, i thought a lot about the
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technical issues of the elections, for example , that every voter has the right to vote in the elections in tehran. choose 30 people, but in cities, for example far cities choose one person, and this election causes a kind of imbalance between tehran or big cities and other places , which sometimes creates the danger of a coup, for example, we have always seen that tehran elections are held by any group. who lost , he tried to dissolve the whole election and the reason is that 30 representatives of tehran are usually elected from a list, the next list, which sometimes has 30% of the votes and 40% of the votes , does not win even a single seat, look at this problem there are different ways to hold elections in the world in countries where there are historical parties, you vote for a party, not for an individual. somewhere, you vote for
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an individual, but this factional vote means that , for example, a person must maintain a minimum number of votes in order to enter the parliament, and then between big cities. they divide things like what happens in france, for example, paris has regionalization and elections are held in each region separately , so the influence of votes will be greater because naturally , people who are close to each other from the same socio-economic class and political thinking. they live in the area and it will be more appropriate that way however, we should keep in mind that voting 30 votes or just one vote does not matter much , the influence of the vote is correct. a person from tehran can write 30 people on the list, but the influence of each vote is one wire . i go to vote, the penetration rate of my vote is one , that is, whoever i vote for, i voted completely, but that one. the beard will have an effect on every person, this is a point that should be considered. another point is
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that we in iran with the structure that we have in iran , there is no possibility of false sub-futures at all. they are worried about the cover-up to change the results of the elections, which often put pressure on the guardian council because they say that the elections were rigged, in order to invalidate the votes . not getting a seat while having, for example, 700,000 votes in total, for example, the list of fundamentalists, for example, in the 6th parliament, then the reformists in the 6th parliament, while having something around 70 votes or less than 70% of the votes, having all 30 seats. well, this is a technical problem that , according to you, should be solved with the party, that is, with the existence of the party the problems will be reduced. but i also thought at that time that one of the ways
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to create the preparations for the formation of real parties is to hold the parliamentary elections, which coincidentally happen two years before the presidential elections. the month before the presidential election , when they bring 6 months before the presidential election, the person who wants to be the president tries to count in the first parliament before the presidential election. he organizes a lot of representatives who are his supporters and actually tries to form his own party. this is useful in fact , there will be more consensus between the parliament and the government, but the problem is that all of a sudden, a series of people who may have little experience will be placed in both the executive field and the supervisory field, and maybe by the time you read this, they will get to know the new system and work. if the routine goes wrong, more opportunities will be wasted. unfortunately, we now know the statistics that the first year of parliament
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is not very productive. naturally, my last year has little yield. the main work of the parliament is the middle two years. it is the same even in the government. my government, when mian sawar actually, well , if we phase these things, it will be better. it will be better to co-phase. however, the arrival of a huge pump from new forces. in the field of governance, there may be a series of problems. it has its own characteristics because of the unfamiliarity that all of this may have with the governance system. this is actually a complicated issue in a sentence, i can't really answer it. however, every aspect of the case. i agree that unfortunately, especially in the form of our parliament, the first year is more about getting to know each other. in the last year, the representatives are more involved in regional issues and preparing for the elections, so the work statistics in the second and third years are high, but this is a coordination. between this and the presidential election it may cause a series of problems in the 10th parliament
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, beatings and other things happened everywhere in the world when there are a series of political debates. there is a possibility of getting angry and yelling, but i did not witness any beatings in the parliament, at least in the meetings i was present, and i was present in the majority of the meetings . it was established in the 8th parliament, but i did not see anything like this in the court, threats and manipulations to approve the laws desired by the government or, for example, different pressure groups , why don't you always lobby anyway? i actually came across there was a way that few people who wanted to lobby came to me because i knew that i might not listen to their words. well, one more thing. thank you very much for this program. i have only one message for the people
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. they must participate in the elections. there are a series of problems and no one. does not deny nowhere in the world is there any 100 conditions for anyone . on earth, in the current and natural conditions , there is no possibility of 100 favorable conditions. 100 favorable conditions are the idea we have of heaven. let's deal with the election d it is useful that the more our participation in the elections is, the message will be sent to the enemies of the country that the iranian nation stands together and cannot create separation between them and exploit the differences between them. we may have a lot of family feuds. however, we don't fight family feuds on the street , we fight at home, i don't mind, it's normal , especially now that the region is full of tension and tension, and the existence of a country as
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big as iran is uncomfortable for them. the main ones dividing iran into countries a small one to make it easier put them under pressure. the presence of all of us in the elections is very important . maybe those who are 100 candidates are not what we want , but 80 is good and 50% is good, so there are at least enough differences in the lists that anyone can to choose someone closer to his taste and support him is to be angry with a phenomenon. it is not the work of big people. children are angry . people who face any phenomenon in adulthood and look for a solution in a logical, rational way, away from violence. so, try to participate in the parliamentary elections let's improve what we have. thanks a lot.
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various political and economic tendencies in the elections. competing together, the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people, what will stop your competitors, mandatory pricing, fixed land prices in a mandatory manner is impossible , naftabadan are paying him to watch football , yes, minister, your words are more it is known that the press is behind the best and the pain of these media . we don't want to be a football manager . do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital. business applicants come to the agricultural market, but to eat at the closed door, the trends debate on the eve of the elections, every day at 15:00 from the khabar network today, wherever we are, you are farah higher.
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iranian toys are 25% ahead of the vision document of 1404. the century ahead is the century of entertainment. in fact, everything is through entertainment. when we talk about education , entertainment shows itself, when we talk about criticism. we are talking culturally, entertainment shows itself . there are about 50 toy markets in the country . according to our statistics , about 40 to 50% of the toy market is domestically produced. in our country, there is domestic production, and of course, the rest can be in the field of imports or
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counterfeit and smuggled goods, which according to the statistics we have , the majority of the remaining percentage is related to counterfeit goods in the country supported by the national center. creative industry and iranian carpets , i heard the support of toy production in iran with the establishment of the creative industry office in the ministry. the toy industry, which is one of the activities of our field of work , has been seriously pursued . we had good support for our production units last year in the field of raw materials, and we multiplied this field. in the field of raw materials, in the field of corrections, those collections that have a legal license from us have a license for a production and industrial unit in the field.
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land and use of industrial towns, we were able to provide them with services, toy supervision council , center for intellectual development of children and adolescents, a place to register new products by designers and toy manufacturers. we have two methods. we help and guide friends to get intellectual property registration from the registration office, if not the fact that it is only in the field of content, we register. we certify the house to them and we record here that this itself can be a support to attract investors. the approval of the toy design major at the master's level in the ministry of science , the art and architecture working group examined it in several meetings , the cultural revolution council, the method of its comments. and finally got the approval of the ministry of science . because of this, it is now being communicated to the universities . the universities can apply and declare their need and
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introduce their academic staff, so that, god willing , interested students can register and enter in this year's notebook. go to university in this field the master's degree is offered as an industrial design course for anyone who is interested in enrolling in it. this means that the request was submitted by the industry to the ministry of science, not that, for example, the universities come to the conclusion that there is such a field in the world, now let's face it, the supervisory council
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is now carrying out these activities and will connect the university. it is very important to the industry and we are using it . and this symbol can help the product developers, i.e. the manufacturers, in addition to giving confidence to the families who can use the products of cognitive science and technology with confidence and with this symbol, they can actually get a better share of the market dedicate to themselves and of course use the ecosystem development services of the cognitive technology headquarters
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. they have a heritage identity and this game now, some of them are not mass produced at all, some of them are only in eden , they are not even in primary production yet, some of them are also produced in mangoes, but i am now, for example, as an audience in society , for example, as a mother of a child or as someone who works in schools. i don't know much about this. what is better if the children are choosing a game, whether it is a card game or a board game or whatever, the game has a heritage aspect, it is related to the identity of that child , and the child can learn a series of stories through indirect education. about his own identity and his own culture now let's get training . we sat and talked a lot with the children of
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