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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 10:00am-10:31am IRST

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the destination, pay attention to the city of carpets and the city of home appliances after azadi square, opposite tehran sar. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings, politeness and respect for your presence, dear and respected compatriots, respected companions of the khabar network, we have arrived at 10 o'clock, and together with all my colleagues, we present the news of this section to you , a palestinian baby who was born in the gaza war and was 45 days old. he was martyred in the attacks of the zionist regime on rafah. 12 members of the same family were attacked by other zionist soldiers. they were martyred.
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this morning's attacks by the zionist regime on rafah in the south of the gaza strip left more than a hundred martyrs and dozens injured laid the bodies of dozens of martyrs and wounded are under the rubble. in 50 early morning attacks, at least 14 residential houses and 3 mosques, which were full of citizens and displaced people, were targeted. since last week, the zionist regime has been carrying out airstrikes on rafah in the south of navarag. escalated gaza and announced that it wants to carry out ground operations in this area. rafah is home to more than a million displaced people from the gaza strip. american democratic senator bernie sanders said that the united states is a partner in the worst tragedy of modern times in gaza. this democratic senator said at the senate meeting in washington: gaza's destruction due to bombing.
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israel is unprecedented in modern times. bernie sanders added. millions of families were displaced from their homes in gaza, and half of the people do not know where they will go tomorrow, and tens of thousands of children are at risk of starvation. saunders stated that with netanyahu's attack on rafah, 1.4 million people will be forced to flee the region again. the democratic senator from that kurd white is an accomplice in the killing of palestinians in this war due to israel's financing. the media and information center of the palestinian authority announced that some palestinian families in gaza eat one meal every 48 hours they eat this center held the zionist regime responsible for the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in gaza. the zionist regime in the last four months simultaneously with the attacks.
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it has brutally restricted the entry of food, medicine and basic goods into gaza. so far, more than 28,000 people have been martyred in gaza, most of them women and children. the number of injured people is 67,000, and some of them are in serious condition and need treatment outside gaza. this killing operation has affected all aspects of the lives of the people of gaza and the human condition is unprecedented. they entered here brutally, killed everyone, destroyed all the houses and besieged everywhere to do. 80 families cannot go anywhere or do anything. the situation in northern gaza is more catastrophic. the people of this area
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used to use the leaves of trees for a while, and now they took refuge in animal dung and prepare bread by grinding the grains used by animals. the situation is not much different in rafah, the southern province of the gaza strip. the humanitarian situation in this region is catastrophic and people are facing a lack of humanitarian aid. despite this difficult situation and their displacement, they firmly support the resistance forces and their efforts. they provide support to deal with aggressors. to confess the zionist enemy killed more than 565 of their soldiers after 4 months of war and killing, which is the heaviest cost this regime has suffered since the occupation of palestine in 1948, according to zionist circles. the relocation of zionist military partners is evidence of the termination of the security agreement between the occupying army and the settlers. now, if the military operation expands towards rafah. the axis
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of resistance also took important measures in defense of the palestinian people. the legacy of resistance from southern lebanon. it has expanded when yemenis are present there . hezbollah and resistance movements from lebanon to palestine and yemen found a valuable place in the conscience of the people. this caused many economic problems for the zionist regime and some of its ports were paralyzed. the most important of these ports is the eilat port, which, according to zionist sources , has seen an 85% decrease in revenue. this heavy damage is unprecedented. urgent cease-fire in gaza is the focus of our country's foreign minister's consultations in damascus, iran and syria
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, demanded the efforts of international institutions to open the crossing and send humanitarian aid to the disaster-stricken people of the gaza strip. in the second stop of the regional trip of the minister of foreign affairs the islamic republic of iran reached syria from lebanon. hossein amir abdullahian immediately met with the president of syria after arriving at the damascus airport. in this meeting, bashar assad criticized the action of america in sending deadly weapons to the siamese regime and considered america's support for the heinous crimes of killing the people of gaza as the reason for expanding the scope of war and conflict in the region. minister of foreign affairs. our country also discussed with its syrian counterpart about the latest developments in the region, especially the american war-mongering in eastern syria. the security of the regional countries is a common concern of tehran and damascus. as well
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that our military advisers acted with strength in the years of fighting terrorism alongside the syrian government, nation and armed forces. we continue. we will stay with syria in the fight against terrorism. the head of our country's foreign policy department emphasized that a political solution should be taken into account to solve the gaza crisis, and i made it clear from damascus, the capital of syria, that the key to the return of stable security to the region is to stop the genocide and common crimes. america and israel are against the people of gaza and palestine, but faisal miqdad is of the common views of damascus and tehran in support of the oppressed but powerful people. palestine said: the crimes of the zionist enemy in the gaza strip
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, from destruction to the killing of innocent children and women , revealed the nature of this regime to the public opinion of the world . senior syrian officials emphasized the necessity of establishing a ceasefire in the gaza strip in bilateral consultations . assam helali of damascus radio and television agency. the celebration of iranians on the anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution has attracted the attention of foreign media. the words of the president at the ceremony in tehran, as well as the slogans of death in america and death to israel , have attracted the attention of the media among the important the world's top news was covering the presence of the iranian people to celebrate the anniversary of the victory of their revolution . essential press wrote that the people of iran
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celebrated the anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution in the middle of the tensions that engulfed west asia. france press broadcast live images of the presence of iranian people in the 22 bahman march. also al-ahed iraqi network. he also wrote about the presence of millions of iranian people in different provinces on the anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution and illustrated it. al-mayadeen tv reporter said about 22 bahman: this is the day of honor and pride of iran. may you can witness the presence of thousands of iranians in this march next to azadi square. today, the issue of palestine is not only in the march of tehran, the capital. images showed the burning of american and israeli flags by iranian people. the voice of america and washington post supported the presence of thousands of people in the streets to celebrate the anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution. they
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considered the presence of millions of people as a quote from the domestic media. hearing the slogans of death to america and death to israel, as well as the display of rockets and satellites on simorgh, were other descriptions of today's iran by these media. the times of israel, including the president , used for its headline that it requests the expulsion of the zionist regime from the united nations. france 24 also quoted the president as saying: how can a regime that has violated 400 statements and resolutions of international organizations adhere to the un charter? al manar, lebanon, sanaa, syria , al-masira, yemen, algeria, reuters, hurriyet, turkey, sisi china, and times of india there were other media that wrote a unique poem about iran and its honor , the heads of the sed and broadcasting agency and the presidents of 20 other countries in their messages to the president on the anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution. the president of iran congratulated.
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presidents of china, india, russia, pakistan, singapore, south korea , algeria, uzbekistan, serbia, croatia, armenia, kazakhstan, belarus, syria, turkmenistan, kyrgyzstan, republic of azerbaijan , indonesia, tajikistan, ireland, ethiopia, tanzania, malawi, amir qatar, the kings of saudi arabia and japan, as well as jordan and the vice president of the uae are among the officials who sent messages to congratulate mr. dr. raisi on the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution . the spokesperson of the ministry of education and culture issued the ranking orders of all the retired teachers of 1400 who appealed their rank informed. according to mr. farhadi, the ranking orders of about 2 thousand retired cultural workers remaining from
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1401 are ready to be issued. all the respected teachers who retired in 1401 and the ranking discussion included them, their retirement orders were issued according to the ranking orders issued by the respected pension fund, and their arrears were also paid. there were problems with a number less than 2,000 people, considering that in fact the commission deducted the pension deficits , it was actually not visible. there is no problem with issuing their rulings, i think in the next day or two, we will send them to the pension fund and... the fund that oversees the law will also do this. according to
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the customs statistics, the export of agricultural and food products of the country increased by 22% to about 5 billion dollars in ten months of this year. about 20% of these exports were destined for eurasian countries. food is one of the 16 groups of goods that are subject to tariffs after signing the free trade agreement with eurasia. but until today, this group has contributed more than other groups in exports to eurasia, and it is one of the best in the basket it is an export of our country. about 70% of iran's exports to russia and other asian countries are food products. exports of about one billion dollars, which private sector activists predict , will reach 10 times the current number. in the short term , we can achieve an export in a program of less than three to four years. more than 10 billion dollars in the field of food and agricultural products alone. the flight of this
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commercial growth needs two wings. government, private sector. first of all, manufacturers must bring their products to the standard level. the private sector should have the tastes and interests of countries and provinces know them and adapt yourself according to these components. even in the type of packaging. now , a number of countries do not accept packaging with a series of colors, and these are many of the manufacturers. but he doesn't know how to produce products according to their standards and not happen like the flow of pepper 2 years ago. government officials also say that the solution to the problems of traders is considered in the agreement. such agreements can have positive effects in their own peripheral areas such as transportation and insurance issues, and fortunately for us, the volume of business. it is almost three times it is possible, after all, it was a shipment that
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delivered this product with all the difficulties that existed. this export of 10 billion dollars will be only a part of short-term targeting for exports to eurasia. the goal of the islamic republic of iran is 20 billion dollars of trade in asia. the goal of the eurasian union is 30 billion dollars in the short term. this agreement has been signed after a 6-year wait and is awaiting the approval of iran's parliaments and the members of aur. the cia is for enforcement. mustafa mohebi, sed and sima news agency. while 4 days have passed since the election of pakistan, still the national commission the election has not announced the official results . according to the pakistani media, the assignment of 264 seats out of the 26 sessions of the national parliament of pakistan has been determined. after the announcement of the results of the general elections in pakistan, various parties in this country are trying to form a new government.
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considering that none of the political parties in pakistan could win half of the seats in the elections , it is the only way to form a government in this country. for this purpose, meetings and meetings of high-ranking officials of various parties continue. none of the political parties could get the necessary seats for to obtain the formation of the future government. for this reason , our party is trying to reach an agreement with other parties on the formation of a coalition government. we had discussions about the results of the elections and future plans for the welfare and progress of our country. these discussions are still in the initial stage. on the other hand , some political parties in pakistan have protested the announced results, and some cities of this country witnessed sit-ins and protest meetings. on election night, i
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had more than 14,000 votes and my opponent less than 51,000 votes. all the media published it, but when we woke up in the morning, the candidate of the party was in front of the door our electoral district was declared the winner. i objected to this issue and submitted it to the legal authorities. meanwhile, the ministry of foreign affairs of pakistan, in a statement , considered the statements of some western countries and international institutions regarding the criticism of the election process in this country as interference in pakistan's internal affairs. pakistani experts believe that based on the results obtained. the future government of this country will consist of coalition parties. majid hashemi, radio and television news agency, islamabad. chinese new year, the most important chinese annual celebration and an opportunity to gather and see visiting family and friends. this festival
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is also known as spring festival or chinese new year . hundreds of millions of people celebrated the chinese new year in east asia. as the chinese new year begins , millions of people pray for a safe and happy year by performing new year prayers and burning incense. china showed that it feels a responsibility to create a society with a common future for humanity. we are looking. we are a fair path for world peace and development. as long as we stick to our path and will and strive for unity , we will overcome all the problems and obstacles ahead. new year chinese is the most important chinese annual celebration and an opportunity to gather and see and visit family and friends. every year, hundreds of millions of people
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return to their families to celebrate the new year. the occupants of the tiango space station. and we will make the world a better place for everyone . mohammad reza khaliq vardi of sda news agency , east asia regional office, beijing. well, dear and respected compatriots, we have reached 10:119 and the end of this news segment. until the next part of the news.
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in the name and memory of god, greetings and good time . dear viewers of the khabar network, you can see that there are currently some coverages in the sector. we have wave activity in the southern part of the country. we expect rain, thunder and lightning for the next few hours in bushe hormozgan province, south of sistan and banchestan, and for the southern islands of our country, the persian gulf islands are also expected to rain in these areas. a weather warning has been issued due to the rains.
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there is a possibility that the river water will rise. also, the possibility of lightning and strong wind is predicted and we expect to see rain in these areas for the next few hours. while the atmosphere is calm in other parts of our country. for tuesday we also expect rains in parts of southern sistan-baluchistan. gradually, this system will leave the country. on wednesday , we will have calm weather in most parts of our country . we expect the persian gulf, strait of hormuz, oman sea to be rough for the next two days. a marine warning has been issued, marine activities should be limited, but from wednesday afternoon and night. we expect that a new rain system will affect our country. again , the activity of this system will start from the western and northwestern parts of our country and will be extended on thursday.
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the activity of this system affects the entire western half of the country, the northern parts of the country, the slopes of alboz , and in most of the areas, the rain will bring lightning and widespread rains, and for the next two days , the weather will be calm for tehran. we will have stable. we expect to have dust in the high traffic areas of the province and we expect that the hot weather will continue for the next two days in the form of the country and tehran province. thank you very much for your attention and support. have a nice time okay and god bless you.
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for the sake of our nation, our army, and our army, it has become immortal since the dawn of our journey, we have mercy on israel, like vahjtu sarmaya , ik allah, i will be
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your servant. various political and economic trends compete in the elections. do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran ? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital
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. let's be tomorrow higher higher'
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the special sale of air conditioners in a large iranian house began with exceptional conditions. installment sale without advance payment without guarantor in the large iranian house until 2 o'clock.
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get a free vacuum cleaner as a gift for a limited time in all branches of tehran, astrahan and sari. in the name of. the lord of beauty and beauty , the friend of god, the merciful and merciful, dear viewers of the khabar network , at your service. hello , i present to you the news section of the media. every day at 10:30, as usual , we start this news section with short news. we have news from the radio selection of programs, let's go to sports, afsana s treasure and a foreign documentary, the amazing attraction of radio
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