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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron cake powder only at the top! in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the economic news . the central bank's new program for financing pishran projects, the bank announced that in order to finance pishran and mould projects with high efficiency, it authorized the issuance of special certificates of deposit in the amount of 80 thousand billion. tomans given to selected banks in the near future.
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previously, the central bank issued a license to issue and supply 200 thousand billion tomans of these bonds to all banks in the country with the aim of providing working capital. completely sold out. the economic spokesman of the government announced the decrease in liquidity growth in january to 2.5% , which is the lowest figure since the summer of 2018. mr. khandozi also mentioned the reduction of 11 inflation. point by point , the housing department announced until the end of december. crossing the 14 million tons of goods transit volume was another news of mr. khandozi in this meeting. the economic spokesperson of the government also pointed to the remaining four and a half million equity shares and promised that by the end of the year, the obstacles to the sale of these shares will be removed. three times in the last year and in 1402 related offers. to the new beneficiaries of the equity shares that
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according to the budget law, the government had the authority to make a new decision about them . the ministry of economy stated in the economic commission of the government that until today it has not been reached because of the opposition of some ministries that should have the shares of their own subsidiaries. equity shares are put to. there were some reasons that we insist that the list of equity shares should be valuable and usable stocks because it is increasing the capital of the weakest sections of the society. we can solve the problem by the end of the year . simultaneous opening of 8,000 people and work projects of
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public entrepreneurship fund across the country. 8 thousand business plans were put into operation in the ceremony that was held in shkouhieh town of qom. more than 120 billion tomans of facilities have been paid to entrepreneurs to start these businesses. with the implementation of these projects , jobs have been created for more than 40,000 people across the country. director general of domestic tourism development of the ministry of cultural heritage and tourism, referring to the coincidence of the holy month of ramadan and nowruz holidays, from the necessary planning to facilitate travel. he informed travelers and pilgrims to pilgrimage cities. we know that this year coincides with the holy month of ramadan , nowruz is open like last year and the trips will start earlier because of the holy month of ramadan.
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we have to manage this amount of travel. another cities are complementary to travel. as soon as we find ourselves in a city with a courier , we identify the complementary cities, the places where it is possible to settle , the possibility of the purpose that mr. khasqo said, and it is completely true. may we be able to explain them in other cities and travel management in real time. let's have that time as it is, but we also have a long-term plan next to it. the first vice president gave the mission to the ministry to organize the international exhibition of export capabilities of iran expo with the focus on the private sector. mr. mokhbar in the meeting of the 6th policy council of the international exhibition of iran's export capabilities about the government's policy to encourage domestic companies with the aim of quality production. and
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export-oriented news and said that the government supports the holding of the international exhibition of iran's production capabilities with all its capacity. in this meeting also the achievements of scientific companies and scientific products of the country were emphasized in this exhibition. the head of the national productivity organization said that in the last 6 months of this year , the productivity index of the country's total factors of production has grown by about 3%. according to mr. peshwai, more than 75 % of the country's economic growth in the past two and a half years has come from productivity growth. in the area. economic groups, well, our oil sector has almost the highest productivity growth of all factors of production with 12.9, then our industry and mining sector with 6.1, the growth of our agricultural sector is actually 5. 7 percent and the service sector is 4 percent in the first 6 months of the year
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1402 growth, the average of the whole country was about 3%, as i told you. in the same period last year, the amount of molybdenum concentrate production was 715 tons. according to the latest statistics of iran steel manufacturers association. compared to the same period of the previous year, sponge iron has grown by 9% in the last 10 months, which is the biggest increase in the production of steel value chain products. the country's steel industry
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has reached a new level in one of the products of the value chain, continuing the path of growth and increasing production . the statistics of the iranian steel manufacturers association show that from the beginning of this year to the end. more than 30 million tons of sponge iron have been produced in the country, which compared to the previous year with a growth of 91% , is ahead of the production growth among other steel products. almost, the installed capacity of our steel industry is reaching 40 million tons, and the predictions are that we will definitely exceed the 55 million tons target, which means that the installed capacity of iran will increase despite the decrease of 3 million tons. the percentage of production of steel products in ten. in the first month of this year, compared to the same period last year, but due to the efforts of the producers of this industry, our production is actually among the top 10 steel producing countries. our world is also in the export of 15 steel exporters in our world and in the localization we were able
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to provide the necessary raw materials and consumables sectors and equipment for ourselves and to a large extent 890 steel producers in other value chain products of this industry. or the capacity building process that we had in our country , we managed to maintain the tenth place in the world . in addition, more than 24 million tons of
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property has been sold, according to the head of the organization for the collection and sale of property, the major sedimentary goods related to the period from 1960 to 1400 have been sold, and the remaining amount can be there is no attention in the issue of assignment , well, it is much more than this, i almost think that 47 goods have been assigned, and the assignment includes both the issue of restitution in acquittal votes and the issue of return in the case of goods, abandoned declarations, and the issue of destruction. in the matter of sale that you said , almost 10 hammat. so far, the goods have been sold. we expect that by the end of the year , at least 12, god willing, we will be able to discuss the sale , god willing. deputy minister of roads and urban development says that russia is ready to cooperate with iran with a loan of one billion and 600 million euros
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the cooperation agreement between the two countries in the construction of the astara railway will be signed soon. the railway line was supposed to start at the end of january. if we sell the building of the ministry of roads and urban development , we must implement this 60,160 km. the railway, which the then minister of roads and urban development said was the first priority of his ministry , is considered the missing link of the north-south route. the rashtasala railway route is the bridge connecting the west with the east, i.e. europe with the indian ocean, and it connects the countries of northern europe, scandinavia and russia, iran's razhak, with the countries of the persian gulf and southeast asia. 10 km from the beginning, which is near rosh itself, and also 12 km from the astara side, where the operation used to be. the implementation of a new project that we have been discussing for days now, we
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started acquiring the land at the same time, the baltic sea is connected to the persian gulf with this passage and can benefit other countries in addition to iran and russia. the construction of this 162 km railway line collapsed 20 years ago. according to the vice president of the railway company, the railway line, if it is built, the carrying capacity of this line. iron, in the first year of operation, 10 million tons , estimated capacity of 1 million 380 thousand the passenger will be operated in the 20th year. one of the main issues in creating infrastructure is the completion of corridor chains, the main focus of which is on the shoulders of the rail. of course, we are doing our best to move the persian gulf and the south of our country to the north. with the construction of this project, this will be a very big event and it will happen. may this year in line. the minister of transport of russia signed a contract worth 1.6 billion euros for the construction of this route, and the construction
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of this project was supposed to start at the end of january, although the key has not been turned yet, but the minister of roads announced just a few days ago that the work it will be finalized soon, through a government loan provided by the russian government , the operation of this area will be carried out. the ministry of roads and urban development has announced that according to the contract, if this project is financed on time, it will be completed 5 years after the start of construction. it comes into use. leila saki, radio and television news agency. 2450 tractors have been imported to the country in order to increase the capacity of the road fleet in the 13th government. according to the head of iran's customs, 5160 lethal devices worth about 640 million dollars were imported in 10 months of this year. according to the declaration of the customs of iran, more than from 30 thousand hands. the killer worked for less than 5 years and is ready for clearance at the customs. at the end of august this year
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, the cabinet of ministers approved the order registration order for all types of tractors, trucks, buses, minibuses and vans with the aim of meeting the country's needs. according to this regulation, the imported killer must be less than 5 years old. 11 thousand confectionery in the country. according to the director of development and improvement of agricultural water resources of the ministry of agricultural jihad, 14% of the water of the irrigated agricultural lands of the country is supplied from the aqueducts . it is customary in the country's villages for 10 to 12 years. we had water shortages. we helped ourselves when the water was restored. alborz province
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had 174 aqueducts in the past, 45 of them were famous, and half of them were restored in the last three years. the same aqueduct that is now behind the scene of the picture has been restored. it had been without water for 40 years , and with the help of terri, this aqueduct has been restored and nearly 30 households can use it. years, and the people of the central, eastern, southern and southeastern regions of the country, whose access to surface water is limited,
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they benefited from abat. 41 thousand lines of aqueducts have been identified in the country and so far 26 thousand lines have been restored. between 1,500 and 2,000 fields per year, we started the method of carrying out rehabilitation and restoration operations. more than one billion tomans of credit is needed to restore each kilometer of aqueduct. about 30 thousand billion tomans have been spent for them , we need about 20 thousand billion tomans for the rest. on an average, the cisterns have 25 to 30 liters of water per second. with this calculation, the water flow rate of 26,000 restored aqueducts in the country will be more than 80 times that of the united states. very necessary it is important for us to preserve the revival of these canals, which were our own iranian invention. according to the statistics of the deputy water and soil department of the ministry of jihad and agriculture, 4 to 6 billion cubic meters of water are extracted from qanwad every year
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, and this amount will increase by 50% with restoration. sada news agency's haratian.
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my soul is not the imam of the time, my soul is the imam of my time, love, my soul is the imam of my time, love, my soul, the world has no meaning without you , love. my days, when you are there, our world is spring , the world has no meaning without you, the love of my days, when
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you are there, the world will come because i come, come, i will help you, i will be your supporter
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, i will be caught by you, because of my small height, i will be your commander. hello, commander. commander salam has called from this zealous generation jamande salam commander seyyed ali deha nasho.
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i am very happy that i am one of these students who sing the hymn. i sing the hymn i sing from sah delu because i am behind my country and the revolution to remain the new generation. there is no generation to be silent and we will be behind this revolution. the big celebration came and 1,357 students gathered in the historical square of amir chagmaag
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. when the song is playing, raise the flag . we are practicing hymns to perform, god willing. i have a cool feeling, it 's indescribable, i don't know how to describe it. i in this 9 i am i am happy that i was chosen here to sing the anthem of the islamic revolution. tanin was thrown. proud hymns by the fourth generation of the revolution. a pure human being is better than a head. i feel proud and want to always stay behind the revolution and always be a revolutionary girl. we came here to prove to the enemies that today's generation is 1980s or 1990s and the memories that came alive. with songs that are fun to do. and those beautiful poems that were pleasant during the revolution caused excitement and praise, but now after 45
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years since the victory of the islamic revolution , they are still the liquid of people's pride and joy, this is our life. we. by performing the anthem in the celebration of the victory of the revolution , they proved that the revolution was passed on between generations. reza emer, yazd broadcasting news agency. consecutive breakdowns and problems for new spare parts that have just been replaced. we threw for it hasn't worked for two months, we opened it again , either the screen is burnt or the disc spring is broken. now this is the oil that is so abundant. iran itself
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, for example, we have an oil company . you go and look at the oil. everyone is complaining about the oil. a promise is like glue, the olympus car breaks down, some parts sometimes even they put double expenses on the hands of the car owner . first, we installed a pump on the car and repaired the engine. it is in the market, maybe it is of low quality , maybe it is not standard. we have seen many times that after replacing the gas pump , there was a gas leak a few hours later , the gas pump and the car caught fire. i closed it now it's broken. it has been oiled for two days . i will open this shock absorber . i will get another payment from the owner. i will destroy the fan assist, i tell him, now
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run around and see where you will end up . this is how it should be. services in the world are like this . we have about 200 car parts manufacturers in the country that produce approximately 2,800 types of parts. most of these parts do not have mandatory standards. it has only 50 types of pieces. the standard also has flaws. some of the standards have been out of date for a long time . they should be revised at least once every 10 years, which is not possible because the production conditions change . the snow blower is based on the standard, because these standard parts are defined. we check the glass, the standard has been developed , it is part of the mandatory standard, and it produces it according to the standard, and gives it to us, but this line is the lock part of the side door locks of the car, which
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is engraved on the parts by the organization itself to track the standard certificate. the master will come to see if it really has the necessary indicators, he will take it and test it, or will you send it to see when the standard certificate is issued, which is 3 years old, the beginning of the test. and along the way, they obstruct secretly, they start work. and in a way , they create a disturbance in this process, create a disturbance.
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but with the description of all these disturbances, the confrontations that are now occurring either from the part mafia, especially imported parts, or from those who don't want to join standardization, which is an internationally accepted phenomenon, but the national standard organization will have thousands of parts by the end of this year. will standardize in the law on strengthening and developing the standard system , it is emphasized on the development and updating of national standards, and if this legal clause in if it is implemented especially for car parts, it can prevent financial and even life damages to consumers.
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the special sale of air conditioners in a large iranian house began with exceptional conditions. installment sale without advance payment without guarantor in a large iranian house until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. let's have a happy trip for the refrigerator and dishwasher . buying from pak shuma is a journey. by purchasing any of pak shuma's products , there is a possibility of winning an exciting trip. buying from pak shuma is a journey. capital is woven by machine but like a bunch
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the texture is 100 wool and the finishing steps are handmade . the price is even more interesting, which is a quarter of the price of hand-woven. it also has a guarantee. i have never seen a machine -made carpet that looks so much like hand-woven. shoulder to shoulder hand-woven capital carpet. you can buy the capital carpet. yes, you can buy it. sorry. you, mr. mr. farsh, buy farsh capital only at mr. farsh branches. unrepeatable and limited opportunity to sell with 24 -month installments without advance payment and 36-month bank facilities , the great engine of distinction is moving here . beheshtieh carpet factory is here, it is our house, we have our blood carpet from among all these various designs. at the price of the factory
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we got it from the heavenly carpet. beheshti carpet sale festival from 5th of bahman to 5th of march, an unrepeatable discount. buy paradise carpet at factory price. excuse me sir do you know where his city and the city of household appliances are? yes. you go straight for 5 kilometers on a special road. this gentleman wants to mislead you, if you want to assume.
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pay attention to the destination, the city of carpets and the city of home appliances , after azadi square, facing tehran, sar mader allah, and we are forced to take ahanpigan, the leadership line of ezrom.


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