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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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we couldn't deal with a delinquent private bank and prevent it, but with this new law , this possibility is now available. since when was the new law approved, it was finalized this year, and it is now finalized, which means it has not yet been implemented. however, the preparations for its implementation are still being prepared, god willing. the structure of the central bank is undergoing serious changes, and of course the discussion of the jurisprudence council of the central bank of rome, we saw in the sixth program and we included in this new law that a jurisprudence council will be established in the central bank and with a process in which the selection of its members has conditions, they will supervise all banking processes in terms of so-called guarantees the non-rabbi nature of banking activities, and in any case , this issue, god willing, their activity is permanent, which means yes , yes, they will be established, yes.
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if i'm not mistaken, there was a board of 5 people, 5 people who have so-called jurisprudential expertise in the field of money and banking . the terms of the types of contracts that exist in the banking system, all of them are filtered and dealt with by the jurisprudence council, and that's why. in our opinion, it was a good thing that can solve this concern of the religious people now it didn't work, that is , what you tried to do in the 10th and 11th period didn't work. yes, you see, one of the things that i think should be decided as soon as possible is the issue of the subsidy system, which in any case
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is on my mind. it is not, but in any case, the amount of hidden subsidies in the country and the open ones given to the field of energy, electricity, gas and fuel products are very high. there is a general opinion regarding the management of the assistants. one opinion says, sir , keep it up, people use it. well, this is not a problem, but it is not possible to continue, which means we cannot. when will we be able to import gasoline equal to the standard? well, another point of view is that we should correct this process. well, some people say that we should increase the price. well, i do. the people themselves consume
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less, this is not the right view because we want to put pressure on the people directly, because people who are not at fault are given high consumption cars, people who are not at fault are being built houses and houses that do not save energy, you were a minority in the 10th government. you were a minority in the government in the 10th parliament. you became a majority in the 11th parliament . of course, in the appearance of a faction but, well, we have a faction of reformists with about 30 representatives, but in any case, you are the majority in the 11th parliament, what were you able to do that you could not do in the 10th parliament ? of course, look at the image of the 7th program and the rulings that came out were good, many things were taken into account. however, it was not necessarily that
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because now our 7th parliament, of course , i say my expectations were much higher than the 11th parliament, although the 11th parliament really took good steps in many areas, the laws of the land, such as the youth population law is like the law that yes, the youth population is like the discussion of the same law that is the nuclear issue of the first year of our parliament image. and we had good laws in different fields, but in my opinion , the performance could have been much better and more complete , especially that in the last two years, the parliament was associated with a government that was more politically consistent and convergent, but well in my opinion, these structural problems in the parliament are not allowed.
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the big, important and basic works of the parliament should be formed. one of the most important factors is the dispersion of the representatives, the lack of coherence of the representatives b. i believe that you are in space in the country's politics , there is no prohibition to create parties and party activities. anyone who says that is making excuses , in my opinion, but the problem is that politicians have come to the conclusion that it is easier without a party . you can see that now political figures are organizing at the national level. they gather people to support them. they send them to the parliament and use them later, but none of them accept the responsibility of these people . parliament, so what happened, now the answer
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give us these decisions, when this gathering should be done, because of this, it is apparently better to see it like this , and they are not responsible for it. yes, the consequences may be very dangerous. yes, this is exactly the situation that i mentioned . this is the situation that created the fragmentation and incoherence. the lack of responsibility of the politicians in the field of political organizational work has resulted in this dispersion and overcapacity and the internal resources of the parliament, and this is in my opinion. it's a loss and people should make demands from the politicians and ask them to answer that now one of my ways is to be transparent. i can ask how many children you have, i have three. i have children, a girl and a boy, two boys, a girl, a boy , an older boy, a boy or a girl, a boy, how old is he, 31
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years old, what did he study in political science at that time, that means he might become a member of parliament one day , god willing, why not? now you are on your own, you are on your own, now you are out of the parliament , we want to go to the government again, that is, i was in the presidential institution , i was in the presidential institution, and i was in all the governments after the revolution, except for the government of shahid rajaei, from the late engineer mousavi's government, the ministry of interior. for a short period of time, i was the late mr. mohtashmi, and then i was the government hi mr. first and second mr. hashemi and then other governments were present. my 8-year-old children are also interested in politics or not? they are interested, but i don't do political work, for example, organizing and doing things like that, and now this is the same issue
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of interfering in politics . during the year, maybe, for example, from four to five until friday, for example, i am at home. on the weekends , we are in the city, the weeks when we are in the constituency, well , more days and so on. now in the constituency where the representative goes, it is usually at night. rosieh daim in the village , this is a public meeting, and sometimes the representatives say that
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when we come here, we rest in the courtyard , where we go, anyway, the hard work of the city is really the representatives of tehran. these are really convenient for this reason, but the representatives of the city may actually go to the city less now, but in general, the representatives spend a lot of time carelessly. . your age still requires another course after the course on the twelfth, you will be a candidate again. now , god willing, we do not plan to do that in the future . i would like to tell you one more thing that i think is important for the parliament and
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the representatives are the concerns that exist in their constituencies. for them, the issue of sailors, for example , is an important issue, but now we, who have no business with your water, for example, and vice versa, for example, i assume that you are my city , that i am a province. is the issue of industry an important issue or is the issue of air pollution an important issue that usually the representatives are concerned about according to the conditions of their constituencies. they are almost a characteristic of every era , the representatives of the north always talk about rice, for example, about tea, and these are the same issues as we are now , for example, one of our serious concerns is the issue of air pollution in iraq. kasab and its surrounding villages and towns, we are one of the most polluted cities in the country, and unfortunately
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, the people are under severe pressure because of the diesel fuel that they use, and we are really ashamed of the people that, due to the follow-ups we are doing, the reminders, correspondence, etc. in any case, this issue is not resolved. you were the vice-chairman of the anti-corruption faction . do you mean corruption by anti-corruption? this faction was formed in this period , it was not in the previous period. i worked in two main factions in the faction field, both in the previous period and in this period, when i was the head of the parliament's export development faction, both in the 10th and the 11th period, in the field of exports, well, we followed up we were trying to work with export organizations with
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exporters and the obstacles that we were following both in the field of laws and regulations and in the executive field, and a faction was also a faction of iranians abroad, which due to the huge capacities that we have in the iranian field. and we have abroad in these two periods, we tried in the format let's follow the problems of these dear ones. we probably had a very close relationship with the ministry of foreign affairs in this area, and in the trips that we went on our own, other representatives usually go to meet with iranians abroad and follow up on their problems. we have allocated students who, despite the departure of others, in our opinion, iranians abroad have a huge capacity that we should all try to fulfill. may the motherland always be connected and
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have this relationship with each other and benefit from its gifts , and the motherland from the advantages and capabilities and the capacities of several million iranians abroad benefiting from these two factions that you mentioned will continue in the 12th parliament. you see, the factions in the parliament are something completely innovative and so-called. without any stipulations, that means it may continue in the next term, it is possible that usually a series of factions become something else, it is established in a way , that is why the representative or the representative himself who comes for the next term will start this process and discuss his issues within the parliament. the term does it or someone else comes and takes this flag in short and that path. fractions are like this the proposal of the faction
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is given to the deputy of parliament supervision, the members who register for this faction are determined, a meeting is held under the supervision of the deputy of supervision to elect the president and the board of the faction president, which usually has a president , so-called two vice presidents and a a speaker, a vice president, a speaker and a secretary are elected, and these are your affairs. they manage their factions , some factions have special aspects, some are general, and for example, let's assume the isargaran faction, for example , up to 100. i was also on its chairman's board , the spokesperson of the isargaran faction, for example, more than 100. 10 to 120 representatives are their members, but other fractions are usually specialized, 10 15 to 120 representatives are supposed to be members and follow a specific issue of the faction.
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do you think it is good that it should be formed in order to follow up on the possibility of corruption of parliament members themselves. that is, parliamentarians of factions that do not have an executive guarantee, their decisions will be binding somewhere. factions like now outside in the society are like angie o's, which, for example, an angie o' is formed and does something. fractions have such a role in me. but we are talking about monitoring the behavior of the representative. we have no mechanism in the past years we did not have the position of supreme leader for internal monitoring of the representatives. if i am not mistaken , he raised this issue in the 7th parliament and then it was not taken into account after he reminded us again. monitoring
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the behavior of the representatives has been formed, but i believe that this law is not a strong and so-called effective law, because we do not have such a process in the parliament to deal with violations and monitor and prevent the so-called violations and finally deal with the violators or criminals. see, we are in our constitution and the leadership if the conditions of leadership. lose it. there is a position. the assembly of experts can impeach the leadership and elect a new leader. yes , if the president commits a violation, the assembly can vote for political incompetence. through the judiciary, the president can also be detained and convicted if a crime is committed. with the final approval of the leadership of my president, the ministers of rome, whom we are criticizing here, will be dismissed, and the rest
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of the government officials can also be dismissed in the form of violations , so to speak, to the stage of dismissal and removal from that responsibility , the only position in the system of the islamic republic of iran, there is no mechanism to remove it. join and deal with one a representative who has done something outside of shaun's representation that he is no longer qualified to sit on the seat, yes representation. no matter what you do , no one will deal with you until the end of 4 years, this is not a good thing. in the 10th term, i made a proposal to amend the election law, and the proposal was raised on stage. my suggestion was that if the representative did something against
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the representative's authority, he lost the qualification to be a representative . now, whatever it is, it should be decided and approved by the supervisory board and the behavior of the representatives, and it should be dealt with in a special branch of the supreme court, if the representative from another representative voted. dr. ali akbar karimi is one of those who told us that he did not run for election in this new period because of his work and his family's complaints. and vote for a representative who is a hardworking person with open eyes and expect that that servant of god
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will run away from you after one or two terms, but in that time he will be an efficient person. it works very well. good night. various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in choosing a strong assembly. the key is in the hands of the people. what prevents your competitors? good pricing. it is impossible to fix the land price by order. naftabadan, how can i kill him? do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that the problem will be solved by moving the capital city
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. from khabar network , today we are wherever you are, tomorrow it will be higher and higher . it is very good to get rid of the import of grain and get free food insure the amount of aid and construction workers , those families who have three children and above
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, get a car without a lottery, iran, your child tomorrow , well, the gentlemen who agree to rise up, it was decided that now i am crying, october 2019, the streets of the capital and talking with in single-child families , the mother always says, look, when you feel like it, or for example, you have something to say, you call, you talk to your aunts, or, for example , you see each other's messages, you go to each other's house. these tears became uncontrollable. you know that your age difference is so much now i have at least one sibling, there were not many only children, and there were many reasons for them to be alone because life was not difficult. the housing costs are too high now, the worries that i have for the future of the child , especially, this makes me say that i will not have children at
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all. in 1992, the 9th parliament , mrs. dr. aali, is the first parliament to put support for the family and the population on the agenda . the population and the excellence of the family were compiled in the cultural commission. there are incentives for women who work for women who have these during their career. don't delay housework or the discussion of education and having children. a few months later, the general plan was approved. the 9th parliament ended and the comprehensive plan of population and family excellence did not come to fruition. thank you, your time is over. during the 4 years of the 10th parliament, this plan remained silent. just in the days when iran's premature aging was announced as a crisis, the 11th parliament of family, marriage and children began. the youth of the population and family support were activated. each of the 9 parliamentary commissions and challenges on the way
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to births were recognized. we have identified 21 challenges faced by families on the way to having children. in order to solve these challenges, a 73-article plan was prepared and approved under the name of the family and youth protection law. protection law. the family and the youth of the population, this is one of those vital laws, your law is different from what we say, what we say is like advice . your law is enforceable and must be implemented. monitoring meetings, the functioning of the devices , will be put under the microscope. let us present their reports to the public meeting. we established jamiat youth camp under the responsibility of the university president and supporting these groups that are active in the field of jamiat at the national and provincial levels are now on our serious agenda and the parliament. for unprovided resources, the law came in. so far
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, not a single riyal from the budget of this law has been allocated to fulfill this law . somewhere it is said that we spent 3 thousand billion. somewhere it is said that 7 thousand billion is the headquarters, which is supposed to play the role of coordination with the entry of the jamiat youth law assembly. work more than this. don't face any delay. i want to implement this. i want the law so much . if it is implemented, we must first solve the housing problem of the people . those families with three children and above should get a car without a lottery. legally, the devices are overclocked we took over the energy of the ministry of home affairs for this work. the pieces of land considered will be delivered to these loved ones. as a result of the implementation of article 4 of the law, 2,000 free pieces of land were delivered to families with three children and above. it definitely affects the process of our life, one gets a feeling of support. it is very helpful for our life. with
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three children, 124,000 cars were delivered to mothers in compliance with article 12. according to the law , we considered 50% of our registration capacity for this law, and 1,062 people took their cars and made 200,000. dormitory unit for students married according to article 7 of the law was approved. alhamdulillah , we took delivery of an authorized dormitory unit, and the granting of loans and child-rearing facilities has been speeded up. since the beginning of the year, 385,000 people have received marriage grants in the amount of 78 hamats. infertility costs were covered. they really help. along with 70 other articles , each of which is supposed to solve one of the existing problems. solve the way of these births. the law that wants to remove premature aging from the face of iran and return youth to the future of iran, young. so that
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having another child or sibling is not a longing and a wish. let's not beat this, the opportunity to fly we can't, we don't have time to fly. various political and economic tendencies compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. the key is the hands of the people. what will prevent your competitors? mandatory pricing , land price stabilization in a mandated manner is impossible. it is impossible to bring oil with a dropper. they are paying for football. look, yes, the minister is not coming, we are more behind
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the media and the press is suffering because of these media, we don't want to be a football manager . do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital. 4400 parallel business coming to the agricultural space , but to the closed door of the debate on the tendencies on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 on the khabar today network. no matter what life you are, tomorrow we are higher, higher, one person was injured in the vicinity of nasser hospital in gaza, but the life of that person is important to amira, in the middle of the untimely shootings of the
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zionist regime, she leaves the field to take the injured to the hospital. now that injured ibrahim salameh has survived. i was sleeping when suddenly i heard a shot. i wanted to know what was happening around me, it was at that moment that a soldier an israeli shot me. i was completely disappointed. i had been injured for almost half an hour. people are afraid to come forward for help. but dr. amir al-asuli came to save me and i survived . amir al-asuli, a palestinian doctor after mr. jang has left egypt for gaza. in order for him to fulfill his medical vows on such days , i couldn't just stand and watch. i know how to protect myself. i tried to give him the most basic help i could i returned to gaza because the people needed me, that too at a time when there was a shortage of forces and we are faced with the possibilities. these images have been circulated in the cyber space and now some
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have put the name of amir al-asuli at risk to save the life of an injured citizen. he is a hero. this brave woman is dr. amir al-asuli , who led her colleagues on the night when zionist shooters killed 21 people around nasser hospital. dr. al-asouli, a gynecologist and obstetrician , had traveled to egypt on october 7th and returned to the gaza strip with the beginning of the zionist regime's bombings to perform his humanitarian duty. this selfless act in these images is a manifestation of courage. quoted by dr. al-rasuli, god, remove fear from my heart take it ghazal badiei, sed and sima news agency.
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it is 4 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news segment. the secretary general of hezbollah of lebanon considered the zionist regime to be the main cause of all the crises in the region and said: the defeat of the zionist regime in the gaza war is more beneficial to the countries of the region than palestine. seyyed hassan nasrallah stated that the formation of the zionist regime is the main cause of all the problems, pains and hardships in the region and said: paying attention to what is happening in gaza shows the national interests.


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