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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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get your educational resources absolutely free now , get 60 of gilna publications as a gift by sending 5 to 30085 in the name of allah, rahman , raheem. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, look at the future.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning. welcome to today's reporter. inshallah , you will be well wherever you are. the arrival of the year of the birth of alamdar karbala, the watering of water and courtesy of hazrat abul fazl al-abbas , peace be upon him. we honor and to all dear veterans of the revolution islamic and dafa. holy, we congratulate
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you, o great qabira barun, o abi of darya tribe, peace be upon ali, one of the madmen, peace be upon you, or laila, the first , or abulfazl, qamar, the second, mullah abfazl, the third son of zahra , the first, al-fazlah, aba al-fazlah. saru samunam bebdoz nuram
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abdbad, i write love and i sing ebbed qmeh day , berlab abdfat istikhara, which is your sponsor. the one who is half a look, salman is the father of abolfazl , the one who is all hope, the day of abolfazl, my mother's sacrifice , the mother of abolaf. my mother is god, the mother of abulfazl, in
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the beautiful month of umm al-binini, you go to samal, i am my friend, because i get my day from the saturdays of umm al-binini, and i am in front of you. my life, i will stop writing about love and love my blood is eternal, day and night forever , enough for your lips forever, enough for your pride, kafil and zainab, forever , enough for my head and face, forever, my soul, slave, enough, i write love and i sing forever, enough all day and night, forever
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, enough for you, our whole life. and in the old days, all the love in the world is love. fatiha hearts is love, abbalfazl love , istfazl, good morning, dear viewers, the 11th koran congress
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will start its work in the next hour , mr. qasim raziei, the scientific secretary of this congress , is the guest of the first conversation segment of the program, about the details. let's talk together. hello, good morning you are welcome. greetings to you and your colleagues. i offer my greetings, politeness and respect to the respectable viewers of this program. it is appropriate to celebrate the shabaniyah holidays and especially the auspicious and auspicious birthday of hazrat abulfazl al-abbas, the day of veterans, to the service of all people, especially veterans. dear , congratulations, greetings to you from the qur'an congress, the fragrance and health, the objectives of the congress and the agenda. thanks to your presence, this is the 11th edition of the qur'an congress of fragrance and health. the previous 10 courses were held in cooperation with the ministry of health and the academy of medical sciences. this year is the 11th period we hold the congress internationally
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. one of the characteristics of this congress is that a specific secretariat was established in the iran university of medical sciences, which hosts this congress, a few months ago, and we had a call for papers, and about 330 papers were sent to the congress. faculty members , students, fellowship assistants and staff and health field are among these articles that were received. some of them were selected for oral presentations, and some of them will be used as posters in the congress, god willing. in fact, thousands of people are registering for the congress, and god willing, we will be at their service until the next hour. this
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figure is a very significant figure, because the topic of the qur'an, fragrance and health, is actually a health-oriented attitude. the opinion of the qur'an and atrat, because in any case, we expect that our scientists and researchers in every field of the huge cultural resources we have at our disposal. use this huge resource and actually introduce it to the world, as you yourself witnessed and our people witnessed. that in the past years there were large volumes against the quran, there were burnings of the quran in countries that claimed democracy, well, although we condemned it and poured into the streets and shouted slogans against it
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, but this is not enough, we, the scientific community of our country, should in fact introduce the scientific nature of these huge resources to the world and in fact, in this way , go against those people who create volumes against the quran. in fact, besides the discussion of the articles that i presented, this year, you will tell the main points of the articles . yes, thank you for your presence. which we considered for this year's congress ethics and quranic lifestyle concept of healing in the quran concept of afi. health and wellness from the perspective of the qur'an and the traditions of a healthy heart, its role in guiding spiritual health , the description of the chest and the mental health of a healthy person is desired by god , healthy nutrition from the perspective of the qur'an is very interesting
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. use this huge resource and the instructions related to nutrition , as we have many articles on this. i wanted to say in a special way that we have 55 keynote speeches in the main hall of razi conference hall of iran university of medical sciences during the congress period. from wednesday, which is today, and until friday, out of these 55 speeches that we have, in fact , they are our main speakers, about 20 of them are foreign speakers , that is, more than a third of our speakers, which of the neighboring countries that we had participated in syria there are iraq, afghanistan, pakistan, and a number of countries that are online and sometimes because we were worried that
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we would have some of their videos that we use in the court, such as germany, england, and sometimes some personalities. in our country, i prefer that now according to have a virtual presence. virtual presence. in any case , this age of communication has made these congresses easier for us. by the way, it is also a good opportunity for us to avoid the exorbitant costs that some congresses have to attend. i don't know how far the hotel has come and gone . let's reduce this a bit. after all, these spaces make us have easier access to people. it had the help that i would say that the corona virus had this effect in the field of holding, in fact, this style of congress. he presented corona to us. now, according to you, this was a gift. yes, we would like to have a comparison the 11th course, which starts its work today , leaves the subject with the politeness of the past. its feature
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is that we tried to use more contacts . in fact, we have 3 groups of people in the health field . one group is university faculty and students who are working in universities . the other group, as i said , are health workers. see who the workers are. there are sometimes very broad activities. they are in the field of health, but they are not seen. students, professors and staff are the three main groups of our contacts. the special feature of this year compared to previous years is the creation of a secretary and presenting articles. that is, we have a call for papers, and in the previous 10 courses , we had most of the main speakers, and the speakers were actually invited. which are raised in various topics that are the focus of the congress. this year, we tried to widen the scope so that everyone can
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participate. alhamdulillah, the participation was very good, and besides this discussion, the main stage and the stage that we have for presenting articles, we also considered the workshop, which is only for people in in fact, the employees of the health field are one of the debates, in fact, raising children in islam. there is, and we have another discussion regarding the subject of recitation memorization and deliberation in the quran and we have a special section to answer your doubts, i recall that recently some doubts have been raised in the cyberspace, which involve the minds of our young people, especially our students , regarding some of the issues in the there is a field of islam and quran
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, there may be some doubts that sometimes may lead their minds into error . let's face those who are actually working against the quran in their thinking rooms and in conclusion, let's talk about what will be discussed in this congress? this is the main goal, in fact, they should say that science should become knowledge, and then this should become behavior change. basically, if these talks , yes, they say that science is knowledge and behavior change, if these things that we say and bring up in the congresses and under the lessons we read, even the quran
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we read, if it does not lead to a change in our behavior , we will definitely not reach the goal we are looking for . in the previous congresses, of course , we uploaded the contents on the website or produced booklets. the way is to say a lot, these are actually the characteristics that the health field has. let us tell you that the great source of our great strength is the qur'an and its fragrance , and we do not expect to get an answer very quickly in the matter of culture like in other matters. definitely, this should be told and said a lot until it slowly makes its impact. thank you very much, mr. razi, for your presence in the program. hello, journalist , dear viewers, stay with us. we will see a part . we will be back. i will be with you today.
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dear friends, i love to leave this valley early. everyone is happy to leave. you and i stayed like a dead person in the water. happy those who went like a river, god is first, god is first , god is second, they are true veterans. to
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spend years of their lives with struggle and difficult trials because. god almighty is safe and god willing , it is increasing day by day, because your work is not completely finished, gradually this disease and this test will rule
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over you . is it increasing or not? sing a happy dream in the name of diyar . sing it
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with me again. give a kiss to its flag, iran, the heartbeat of my soul , iran, your pure name is on my tongue. come and tell me that from the dawn of tomorrow, open a window from watching to majdeh, sing with me again about that spring that is not there, and the evening will come again to the light of our hope, a bright dawn from the romantic breath of our martyr, a dawn
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from a bright presence from distant horizons, its light from the rain of hope and his life is from the happiness of you and me . dear iran, your pure name is on my tongue. good morning, dear viewers. the meeting of the expert committee of judges of the festival of family-friendly digital services is scheduled to be held today, mr. nasib samadi, the scientific secretary
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of the digital services festival, friends and family are our guests to talk about the details of this festival. hello, good morning , welcome, happy milad, be healthy . thank you very much. first , give an explanation about the festival. managing digital consumption , they see their own families as weak and weak, and even some families may
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accept this issue as a technological determinism, and despite the opportunities they know and recognize for this space, they consider themselves to be in fact, they consider the damage of this space to be incapacitating. there are also solutions for this problem that the global trend is to bring the platforms, that is , service providers and content providers on the other side of the internet, in fact , to help families, now with tools regulation and technology can help families that this responsibility is actually only in it is not for the families that the families read , just a plan on the consumption side, the platforms can also help the families with the help of technology and the digital services, in fact
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, they can help the families and make them consume. let them manage on the side of the families , not in the content field, of course, the content field is also one of them , and in fact, it is considered responsible for the infrastructure part of this field, and of course it helps, and in fact, these
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family-friendly technologies are a kind of sub-layer of content and service. it is considered, what does the technology of digital family services mean , in fact, it would be very good if you could tell me. i would like to tell you that the services that are provided in the infrastructure layer are based on content , content and service are based on them. it is true that the ministry of communications does not have a role in content, but that's it family-centered designs and family -centered technologies of dela infrastructure can help to develop great and appropriate content and can even be effective. as an example, consider a family that
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subscribes to a video streaming platform. in most such platforms in the world, which are known as vod, a service is provided under the title of parental monitoring service that allows families for their own child or teenager. create a separate user account and now according to the conversation they have with their child or teenager, they can manage the consumption of content or the type of content that is available to that child or teenager , for example, suppose a child under the age of 12, for example , his family wants to choose that his child does not see violent content, this technology can come with the help of this platform. adding this possibility to that platform is a service.
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may it be possible to unite with this silence so that the family can choose this option, i.e. choose this option of not showing violent content for their child, and now they may not choose this option for their elders, choose another option. it means that this discussion is about parental control, this technology, these facilities are parental control facilities, which are in most other platforms.
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it is defined that they are also included in the category of family-friendly technologies, age and content appropriateness, age and content appropriateness technologies, including age verification technology, is one of the indicators, the mechanism of controlled payment for children and teenagers is another indicator, the mechanism of not show ad name. data protection and privacy are the 6 main themes of this year's festival, which actually introduce family-friendly digital services what is the process of the mechanism of these activities and what you have explained and stated and these technologies that are provided in the digital field of two year family services
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. in order to evaluate these axes , in fact, with the help of the judging committee of the festival, which consists of 18 governmental and non-governmental institutions , indicators have been determined against these axes, and the evaluations will be based on those indicators, and this year we will serve about 40 widely used domestic platforms. they provide iranian families with a store service , a video streaming service, messaging services and social networks, these widely used services. we evaluated with the help of these indicators, and god willing, the results of that next week will reach people's opinion on the closing day of the festival. god willing , another issue that we want to address in jamandi for about a
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minute, people can definitely play an effective role in the development of these services as final consumers. and for this reason, we also saw this issue in the festival and a public recruitment process on the festival website at dservices. it is considered that the families can express and based on these axes , which now the explanation of these axes is available both on the festival website and on the festival channels at the address identifiers of digital services can refer to and learn more about these axes and based on those axes, they can evaluate the most useful services that families use and help them
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. let's see the 7 o'clock news section, god willing, i will be with you after the news with the continuation of today 's program, in the name of allah , the most merciful. according to mr. aqli, currently there is no problem in supplying gas to cities and villages, the problems created in a few days near the place of the accident will be solved soon. at one o'clock in the morning today, according to the vandalism, there was an explosion in the door.


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