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tv   [untitled]    February 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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what is national defense? how much will the operationalization of arman and azaresh systems along with other defense systems help to increase the security of the country's skies? be with us. on this occasion , we have to say goodbye to the dear viewers of channel one. if you want to see this conversation , follow us on khabar network. i welcome both guests. if you agree, let's go and see a report of the unveiling of these two systems . here in the south of tehran, khazane
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bukharai neighborhood, this is also the martyrs' memorial park . it has been built here for several years, but the story of the establishment of this park is similar. not to any of the parks and green spaces inside iran. once upon a time, this was the home and life of the local people. at least 20 houses. in order to establish this park, no house or land was bought from people 36 years ago. it could not be destroyed. to park warning or status is red. before demolition. this voice came. the houses were destroyed at the same time by the bes regime's ballistic missiles. this is our house when i arrived. the door and body were torn down. i threw a blanket on mr. kohestani, who was 22 years old that day and from here, and he was healthy. after coming to see.
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the houses were all destroyed, but now there is space this green house is full of smoke and smoke. some people were crying, some were moaning, some were laughing, the explosion wave had taken everyone. even for some of the beneficiaries of the treasury today, who were 9-year-old children that day, it is a bitter memory. people are still being dug out from under the rubble. it was a difficult event and i think it is a difficult memory for me as a child. during the war imposed by the regime , more than 10,000 iranians, including women and children, were martyred by the regime's rocket launchers and city bombers. due to the lack of anti- ballistic air defense systems, people were martyred under the baran missiles. like here in khazaneh bukhara neighborhood, the houses were razed to the ground and today it has become a green space. the situation of iran's air defense has changed a lot these days . for this reason, iran, with the power
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of its defense engineers , is building anti-ballistic air defense systems like arman. this means that this system is capable of intercepting and destroying ballistic missiles. like the ones that destroyed people's houses in khazaneh neighborhood. it can engage with 6 missiles at the same time. at a distance of 120 km and a height of 27 km from the ground. this system along with other long range defense systems that we have in we have the power to provide a reliable cover to defend the country's atmosphere. if iran had systems like arman just 36 years ago, this scene of happiness in defense sites would have been more. the announcement of the normal situation instead of this voice
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always reached the ears of the people. the situation is white. yunus shadlo of amir shahram tv news agency. first of all , please tell us what has changed with today's unveiling of our defense , what is the difference between us and the past, in the name of allah , the most high. with the greetings of god, the strength of service, your highness, and congratulations on the days of service to the nation of martyr paror, dear islamic iran. well, you are showing interesting scenes. you let the manifestation of the memories of the defense period become sacred for us, of course, they were not good memories, that time was very difficult for us. look at our air defense today with the addition of these achievements, which are 100% from design to production.
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it has been prepared in the ministry of defense and support of the armed forces and is being delivered to the barbarian forces, which has made us have a new type of diversity in defense. hybrid and combined wars require a hybrid and combined defense . the time of 8 years of sacred defense. they couldn't do it, they would go to the second or third point . today, this will not happen because we have a combination of systems and we are putting the enemy at a cost, in the sense that he should use all kinds of threats and special fighters for this one specific point. it is no longer possible to target several points in a row with one fighter. this
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is one of the greatest features of using a combination of weapons. the war machine that we produced today and presented to the forces, its platform or so called its infrastructure. phased array radars were used, radars that we believe have 373 elements we produced 7,000 elements from it, that is, these 7,000 elements means 7,000 eyes, that is, 7,000 radars, that is, 7,000 transmitters, 7,000 receivers , which we have to calibrate with each other so that they can all see exactly the same point in the same space and correctly . they can see, trace and identify. when we have that hundred, producing a system weapon that can answer our medium and low altitude with that technology was not a very difficult task , but our air defense has brought us to a place where it can defend more cheaply, that is, when we
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want to attack against a ballistic missile is an anti-missile if we hit ballistics, we can hit a bawar 373 missile , but with this system. we make ballistics cheaper , and this reduces the cost of war for us , the cost of defense for us , and increases the cost of war for the enemy . we were able to create independence in the real sense for ourselves in the field of defense . very well, amir, tell me what kind of threats these systems cover. and what message does it actually have for our enemies? this system is very high in terms of mobility, which can be done in less than 3 minutes you can be in combat mode 100 and in the same 3 minutes, you can leave your point, of course , in less than 3 minutes, you can leave your point
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and find another place to deploy , creating a very high agility in our country's defensive combat power. and also a combination of weapons that he uses with this system, missiles with various ranges, which means that he can defend himself , see, for example, we have a similar system, that this system must be a series of weapons of the system around this site and spread. to support the site itself, but this system in addition to the fact that it does not have the arrangement and the number and frequency of the so-called systems in the old systems, it is only a weapon of the system, that is, only one of your devices. you can see that on the ground, this is a so-called mobile mobile and it is operational with a so-called speed, and a variety of missile systems are installed that can defend itself and from its territory, in addition to the columns that are sent to the operational areas.
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they can be placed next to the columns and at the moment when the column is attacked , they will deploy in the shortest time and they can defend the column as well. until now, we didn't have a systematic chain that could support and defend our columns in mobility, and finally, cheap agility, cutting edge technology, and being anti-ballistic are the special features of this system. well, it is very different between the shmadchi system and the mersad system, which is the so-called more advanced version of hag, that system has become completely native. the number of sub-systems has decreased, but one system has not been established, that is, one machine has not been established . again , there are three to four systems. they must communicate with each other with cables. but you saw this system in the movie . when it was operational, you
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didn't see a single operator around this system. the whole system is inside the system itself, that is, the operators are inside the system itself. the control commander is inside the system itself, the control shot. the guidance of everything inside the system is done with a small number of operators, these operators have both operational ability and technical ability, because since the design of this system , the joint design offices of the operating force have been side by side with the technical expert force in the ministry of defense , according to the document. expressing the need that they announced we want such a weapon for such a threat, the industrial forces of the ministry of defense produce this, and today it is a joint work that they truly believe in, and in all its tests, even the first test that the system did in inter square , with the impact of a missile, only one hit. we had sadr sadi, which was a low record. we
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had other systems in the first tests, we finally had some errors, but here we reached a place where we could say the best efficiency with the very first test . tell us very briefly if this achievement is necessary and necessary. it also has the ability to export 100 well, let me just give you one thing . look at the systems that we produce because of the needs of our country and the region of our country . definitely, if a country wants such a system from us, it must define for us what capabilities it has. this system needs a lot of this capability, we have presented a very small part of it to you, so that it can be delivered as much as possible. it is appreciated that defensive systems are a priority in our armed forces, and we must congratulate all of you dear ones for this achievement. marini, we had azarakhsh and arman, arman
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is long-range and azarakhsh is short-range, please defend how important are short slave systems? yes , in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, with the congratulations of shaban al-ma'zam to the noble people of iran , that in view of the current battles in the world, including the war of ukraine with russia , azerbaijan and armenia, and now the wars that are generally imagined and the type of threats that are raised these days in various intelligence and operational scenarios of world battles, the importance of low-altitude targets is very high , and for this reason, weapons such as cruises , aerodynamic birds, drones, and micro-birds
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are actually the most important defense targets. that's because the precision they have and their success is very high to actually be effective on multiple targets, especially strategic ones such as refineries, places where decision centers are very sensitive. and the main places of the country's scientific and production power, these weapons are actually one of the most common weapons in the world that are used in wars these days because of their accuracy and radar evasion and low levels of movement. it is a very important and complex issue, and in fact, it is one of the issues that are difficult and complicated and few countries in the world
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have access to this, of course, well, after many years. anyway, the research of our scientists and the application of the university and all young people are actually very worthy. in our opinion, the jihad scene, after the holy defense , this jihad is actually still going on, and the form of jihad has actually changed to scientific and technological jihad. this was done with a lot of research. in any case, several cases have been successful and unsuccessful
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, until today , we have achieved this, in fact, our weapons, which, due to the azarakhsh defense system , is a guerilla system, in fact, in an inactive or passive form, which uses radar at night and it can be used against low targets on the same day. low or high as we said , let the sardar have the most effective defense, so that our dear people are more familiar with these terms. if our systems are actually active or turned on, the enemy will easily identify them and recognize their location, and before any action , they will attack them and disable or attack them, but one of the main ways of defense
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are now non-functional, in fact, this is that we use these weapons passively or off, and when our radars are actually giving an alarm that now the enemy's weapons enter the area after giving a clear signal. they can and they do their own work and suffocate and actually hit the target, this is a special account. the most yes, the features that some weapons that do not have this feature now will definitely be used by me. dear amin shahram. now let's talk about azarash sardar's defense system . let's talk about arman's defense system. we also salute the souls of all dear martyrs. in particular
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, martyr arman alivardi amir has different capabilities. this system has mentioned some of them, his highness. apparently, it can hunt six targets at the same time . yes, it is like that. after all , we have seen today's threats of widespread and varied attacks in different layers in today's wars, so it is right that the forces using this system asked the ministry of defense to produce a system for them. which can engage with 6 targets at least 6 targets at the moment and cover 6 targets , track them, track them and hit them. there is no single system, we can create a cover of systems
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we do that, for example, in our arrangement plan of the medium height system at the bottom, a single system is completely rejected. at least 2 or 3 systems must be together, that is, they can cover each other, in the sense of creating a large amount of mutual coverage for that area. by nature, this capability does not reach only 6 other planes, which means that it can deal with about 12 planes, 18 planes can engage with them in time. at the moment with 6 planes that usually usually regional threats from this type of number of air strikes can be easily answered, while this is not the only system, we have medium and high altitude layers
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, there are also systems like bawar 373, systems like mersad, which cover various layers well . ok, prepare another short part, my colleagues, we will see together, we will come back and continue our conversation. in may of 1401 , some enemy spy planes came close to the borders of iran, but soon they stopped entering the country's skies and left the area to return to normal conditions. it seemed that iran was not a fighter for he sent them to intercept them and launched nine defense missiles to kill them, but what happened when they stopped entering iran's sky ? we blinded him. he thought that his system had a problem. getting up, coming wing
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to wing and starting again, this time we hit both of them, both planes realized the ground systems. electronic warfare is active and they are trying to progress in it. maybe the country is not involved in hard war, but it is engaged in electronic warfare. kilometers in the space around the country. let's do all the frequency bands that electronic warfare is working on today .
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in the same persian gulf, we took actions that disrupted their entire systems and network . recently, the united states has sent newer planes to the region, and the united states has sent 12 of its most advanced warplanes to a base in the united arab emirates. a fighter that is said to be stealthy and stealthy. we want to see any type of aircraft, f-35, f-22 and any aircraft we have no other restrictions. it is their own interpretation that it is hidden, it is their own interpretation that it is under the radar. from our point of view, it has no conceptual meaning at all. we see it, we saw it too.
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in modern wars, we see that electronic systems are very planning, covert work and radar glare, where is the position of our country in this area ? well, you have mentioned a very delicate question, today's world wars are wars. and air battles begin with electronic warfare, which means that first the enemy tries to blind the defending country's defense systems with the lowest cost and with the fastest method , so to speak, to disable them. using their identification systems, they try to detect our radar frequencies from the band length to various radar frequency components. i said that they should identify, predict, and put pods under their special electronic warfare aircraft. when , for example, several planes attack each other, one
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of the planes is special for the electronic warfare aircraft, which will only come forward and engage the defense systems, so to speak, white out their radars. make their systems weak in order to cover this weakness that has been created by the systems of the attacking planes that want to be interceptors and with lasers or bombs or any another means is that they want to carry out the main attack in the second quarter of bayan, so then our first point of defense is accm electronic warfare . it uses capabilities that go back to the knowledge and technology that is well established in the ministry of defense. you have seen the report today. pointing out how they succeeded in one of the tests and were able to engage the planes that came for reconnaissance work
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, so these systems that we produce the first thing that the exploiting force wants from the ministry of defense is to do something so that we can be resistant to electronic warfare and the first point that wants to attack us . first, let's respond correctly, then let's go to the offense and, so to speak, our real defense . therefore, in this field, thank god, the ministry of defense has done a good job by using the elites and scientists within the industry, as well as employing academic companies. we will visit this in the field of electronic warfare those who came from different countries played with our weapons, and we proved that we were really in control, in the events that happened in the currents that you yourself observed , take the shot of the global hack, how beautifully and with what accuracy
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, and when it was shot. the electronic warfare power of our system shows the power of our system, citizens, please tell us that these very systems are now our trans-regional birds in this area. do you have any special or good news that you would like to tell our viewers, in terms of what is happening in the area of ​​efendi and wezmon? in the future days ahead, considering this position we have and considering i want to see how you see the future of our trans-regional birds in this electronic war. do you have any special news ? ask for our tonight's program. anyway, we have always fallen into a stream that we cannot stop at all , that is, i visit our industry in different companies whenever i go. in shiraz , in isfahan, in tehran, i see that our friends are going to
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engineering, without even using the force, for example, only to the extent of a news and a basic need. what does a reaching system mean? we are a few months away from the so-called construction of the initial production, the work has progressed here. surely , in 1403, god willing, you will hear very good news in the fields of effendi from our aviation industry. done. fortunately, we are unstoppable today. sanctioning the problems we have at the world level, we can see that even the issue of corona came and how much trouble it caused to the world . defenses were often provided by foreigners, the importance
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of unveiling these systems. considering that in the past, that is, before the revolution , we were completely dependent on countries such as america, england, italy, and a part of the former soviet union . at the time of the imposed war, our dependence on them was so much that we reached a point where we had to start the sacred defense ourselves from that time and design these defense systems in consideration. that is why we are now at all levels.
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in fact , we have actively and fully designed various systems in the air defense base, in the air base , and in the sea base . for this reason, we are now in a situation where, especially in the discussion of, for example , the sea-footing, which is a very difficult issue , we have low-altitude systems that , god willing, will be unveiled soon, to the surprise of both the world and the noble nation of iran. it is decided that, god willing, we will go to the sea and now to the sea the sea and air force are highly regarded as the superior power
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of the region and even the world. it reaches very well and it actually presents this to the extent that the imaginary enemy has actually invaded. god willing, amir shahram. my final question to his highness is the status of the vertical launch systems on the ships of the army and the irgc. see the presence at sea. and the use of command and launch systems was one of our bottlenecks . the systems that you see floating are oil floats and cargo floats. but it is really a completely offensive and aggressive float. thank you very much. thank you to both dear guests and thank you dear viewers . good night and god bless you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, in tonight's program, we are going to host mr. ibrahim al-amin, the editor of al-akhbar newspaper in lebanon , but before this conversation , we present you the latest pictures and news from the 13th and 4th day of the war against gaza.


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