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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 2:00am-2:30am IRST

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which through high-pressure foot streams , the purification of water with high salts is done, about 3 billion liters per year, we recover about 430 billion tomans through this ro unit, in fact, the budget of this project, alhamdulillah, has been provided, the water consumption of the refinery is almost by the way, in fact , 100% of the wastewater is actually in the cities of shazand and arak. managers of shazand refinery this treatment plant is the largest refinery effluent treatment plant in the country and will be put into operation by the end of this year. ruqiyeh hoyda, radio and television news agency. 2:00 p.m.: the new mural in palestine square is colored and turned upside down
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the zionist took it upon himself on this mural , which refers to the rocket response of the lebanese resistance and hezbollah to the crimes of the zionists. our slogan is stronger , more poisonous than ever. this is written in persian and hebrew languages. this mural has also warned about the consequences of the continuation of their crimes against gaza by asking the zionists whether they are ready for the displacement of 2 million zionists. the first iranian association of immunodeficiency in cancer patients started working. this association, which was created with the collective efforts of oncology, kidney and general surgeons, has the latest achievements scientific studies in the field of cancer patients. there was a gathering for professors and specialists in infectious diseases in iran. come together to
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share their latest scientific achievements with each other . the main part of our work is mostly infections in people who have cancer or are undergoing chemotherapy or people who are undergoing organ transplants. because as you know, infection in people who get organ transplants or people who are suffering from cancer in the phase where they are undergoing chemotherapy, the chance of infection will be very high, and unfortunately, opportunistic infections in normal people. not found in this group one can find knowledge about infections in cancer patients and effective measures to prevent infectious diseases. one of the important topics of this conference was the transplant of kidney, bone marrow, liver, and various organ transplants. later, with an infection, the transplant may actually fail. presenting the latest solutions that exist in the world to deal with infection in transplant patients
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, we do not have a favorable situation in the world to discuss this, the main reason is that antibiotics can be prescribed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, and these are the cases that the ministry of health should start more. most of all, people can help themselves by not using antibiotics inappropriately , by not using antibiotics on themselves, so that we can protect this, which is actually a danger that threatens the future generation, statistics show that transplanted tissues are more exposed. there are infections . corneal transplant is almost an infection near the gallbladder , while lung transplant is associated with a degree of infection above 40 to 50%. in liver transplant, it is a little less in kidney transplant. on the sidelines of this ceremony
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, the first iranian association of immunocompromised patients started working, according to the report of the world health organization in iran with the production of anti-gash and anti-viral drugs, the death rate of opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients has decreased by 20%.
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hello, dear viewers of the full majlis program , what are you doing? he said, "i am making a slogan for these businessmen. the majlis in the world means the lobby, but
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the lobby has the rules of the game. in the middle of the work, mr. hashemi pulled the brakes badly. were you not threatened in the seventh round because you voted?" don't vote for the term of the parliament in a conversation with former representatives every day at 1930 on khabar network. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, my greetings are alireza
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people of hashem, i am with you today . tonight, we are honored to host mr. osama hamedan, one of the leaders of hamas, and to talk with him on the 136th day after the storm and the end. but before the talk , let's see a report introducing mr. hamedan. after al-maa'ah, he continued the invasion of al-hamjiyeh and the war of worship of al-jama'iyeh . he is 58 years old and was born in gaza. his name became popular after the al-aqsa storm.
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they lived. during the gaza war, the zionist regime destroyed the same refugee camp. after middle school, he was able to leave gaza. education he finished school in kuwait and then studied chemistry at the university of jordan. at the same time , he was a student and an activist of the islamic movement. after graduation, he returned to kuwait and worked in the industry sector until the persian gulf war. from 1965 to 1969 , he participated in providing aid to palestine. from 1969 to 1972, hamedan worked for one year at the hamas office in tehran as an assistant to the representative of hamas at the time, imad al-elami. after that, he became the official representative of hamas in iran for 4 years. a
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year later, hamdan was appointed as the senior representative of hamas in lebanon. in lebanon in the list. from lebanon in international media for interviews and commenting on various issues related to the gaza war appeared. hamedan has traveled to iran many times and his most recent trip is to attend the iranian media exhibition. media activity is part of the battle
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that we are doing today in the battle against the zionist regime. the importance of the media battle is less than the importance of the battle in. it is not clear the conversation with mr. osama hamdan, a member of the political office of the spokesman of the palestinian islamic resistance movement, hamas. i'll start, mr. hamdan , welcome to the world of today , welcome to the program of today's world, i am very grateful for your existence , it is a pleasure for me personally to meet and talk with you. during these years, you were always on the terror list of the zionist regime. you were even assassinated. i remember about a month or two ago, we were working in the same building one evening when the news came. south of beirut, the zionist regime carried out a terrorist attack. when we checked
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our news sources and our sources in beirut, the first assumption was that the zionist regime targeted you , but later it became clear that mr. saleh al-aravouri was a martyr in that incident. . as a first question, i want to ask you how it feels to be present.
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to win and to gain the freedom of the nation palestine and our own nation are our own sanctities. in this path , we believe that we will win, and this victory requires sacrifice and sacrifice, including martyrdom and captivity, and there may be injury, and a person who moves on this path feels that he is ready for this. therefore, we trust in the victory that will be realized, god willing, and at the same time
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, god will give us a blessing, either victory or martyrdom , so we always strive to achieve victory , and for martyrdom, god willing , let's continue with the storm on the 15th of mehr or the 7th of akbar. it was
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to go to the operation or to apologize and so on they should not go and stay in their position until the operation
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is over and then return home. the basic conclusion is that 1,200 of these mujahideen did not retreat. some of them were married , had families and had children. he had planned this operation for 24 hours to dominate the bases around the gaza strip , as well as to capture the extent of the collapse of the zionist army, which was so great that this happened in just 6 hours, and dozens of zionist soldiers were captured. and all these
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bases were under the control of the resistance forces the resistance of the resistance forces in the first minutes of the operation, which was a security base of the israeli regime and carried out operations and surveillance of the gaza strip, mercenaries were used, trying to infiltrate the base and control all those who were there. capture and it created cover for the resistance forces in gaza. gaza, which was besieged , made these weapons that
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were used against the occupiers and it is about many issues. during this time , we had numerous news and reports that the government. and armies belonging to the united states, england, france, germany had a direct role in the occupied territories. how equal were you to the zionist regime in this war? and how equal to others? in fact, the support that
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the zionist regime received from the beginning of the war was very high. us secretary of state during the day. it is a part of the so-called western civilization that targets this region and wants to dominate it
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, and this also emphasizes that these countries have a colonial opinion. they don't treat our region with respect or want to have equal relations, but as a region colonialists look at this region for hegemony and dominance, they came in front of these governments and said that hamas is a terrorist and supported the zionist regime, and we must say here that in contrast to the periodic trips of the foreign ministers of these countries, the position of the resistance axis countries to support palestinian resistance is very important. the foreign minister of the islamic republic of iran made regional trips to defend the palestinian resistance and the right of the palestinian people to
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resist. and it is true that there is no equality between the palestinian resistance and the occupiers zionist, but the palestinian resistance is not alone in the field and your hands are not tied, and there is a nation by his side that supports his options and believes in victory. thank you very much . another interesting issue that we had in this war was the failure of the zionist regime's goals at the beginning of the war.
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we had every report from gaza, we saw every picture and that picture had sound . but all these together could not help the zionist regime how did this happen still seems strange , of course, it is definitely not possible to say the full extent of it, that is, there is no doubt that this is the case, without a doubt, this issue is the main reason for it, god's success
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, but the resistance forces are the interests of the ummah and the main issue. they consider this to have an effect on the level of power and the level of war. in any case, by god's permission and help , after the al-aqsa storm, we witnessed several cases of the leaders of the zionist regime and also some heads of western governments point out that hamas should not be part of
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the majority of the palestinian people. deciding to elect hamas and declare their own representative in the polls international, which has been held many times over the years, both inside gaza and in the west bank, we can see that the popularity of hamas is more than any other group, organization, and current . people's votes speak, but when it comes to the palestinian people , they are not ready to recognize the palestinian people's choice, that is, first of all, i want to point out the results of the polls and say that these countries
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are entitled to their own rights and demand freedom and justice for the nation , when someone comes to defend them. a tick from palestine calls him extreme terrorism, while that the same westerners themselves support isis extremists and other groups, for example
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, the palestinian people's option is resistance and it will not be another issue. the palestinian people want freedom, they want to form an independent country and be united with their nation, with their own people, and they continue this struggle and do not accept the dictates of others. thank you. a doubt or a question that maybe in some
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of the verses especially. what should be discussed outside of palestine is whether after this genocide, after the killing of more than 30,000 people , 20,000 of whom are women and children, as you said, is the al-aqsa storm and the seventh of october operation worth it? whether or not this question might be asked outside of palestine, i was looking at the results of the latest survey that arab organizations have done inside.
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for those of us who are outside the story, explain how the people of palestine, every palestinian who lives in this area and wants freedom, wants justice in his own independent homeland, in his own independent land, wants to be his own master, be free, and wants a crimean life. at least you don't hate the invaders. how can this be achieved? it was possible to reach results through peace negotiations with the occupiers. and going towards this option and the oslo agreement signed what happened? nine palestinian states were formed.


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