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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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after these gentlemen , there was a mr. zairi, he was the representative of hormozgan, if the representative of bandas, the father of this mr. zairi, he is an active person, according to you, mr. mohdi kermani, after kerman , hojjati kermani, mr. mohdi kermani, mohadi kermani, mohadi kermani, how many women are you in the seventh parliament? there were 12 of us, then one more person was added to us in the middle, and we were 13. finally, we were together at that time. you were something, for example , you had something like a faction, or political differences caused that not many of us were mrs. jaladarzadeh , but mrs. maruti, the rest were almost ladies. the brothers and others, i, even them , we had a common concern about social issues, the concern of women was common, now in political concerns, everyone gave their own political speech, but in general, because everyone
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has a job and a duty, but it is politically permissible. which commission did you belong to? principle 9 : what did you do ? i was in the discussion of the board of directors . maybe many people now say to our former colleagues or some of those who are in the chancellery somewhere, they praise ishrat shayeg, but they put a caveat in front of it. amma, because of this, he is an immoral person from the 7th parliament, see how many years have passed, 87, today , 1402, a line from the cases that i studied and the legal order. i gave it and
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there were 34 of us old legal men who were there from the national council and even once did not give a legal objection to my opinion. by god , not because of you, not because of me, because a provincial decree was issued in the first meeting of the first year of the parliament, and that was that article 90 was applied to the cases that we took as special, that is, if anyone was recognized. that he should go to the special branch without a lot of fuss from the former ministers, who may not have been the same politically, but now, but to realize it means after years now. with some of us
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, this is not at all in our family's morals , that is, if i am proud, it is our family's pride, because our mother did not teach us. later, we learned this in political organizations and in the party. we also learned the islamic republic , we learned this step by step i was talking about foreign policy . well, i was very familiar with america. i had almost traveled around the world before the parliament. i am not one of those women who don't know a lot of glamor, white and yellow, and i don't know gold fights, and i don't know life. i don't know anything about it. i know things, i know the book, i know the journey , that's why i learned something from this world that the quran recommends, be influenced by yourself.
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no way, in this parliament, they fight with me a lot , this seat 26, i was alone, i was in front of my boss . at one time, for example, there was an uprising, and then i got up completely transparently, then, for example, one of mr. he comes up to my head, mrs. i got up, i sat down , why did you get up? i said, i swear , i didn't write that if so-and-so gets up , i will get up too. what did you say? look, i'm reading the meeting agenda. i when wednesday agenda. i have several days left until sunday's session , i will do research and you can wait for yourself. agreeing and disagreeing inside the parliament is not the determining factor. really, if we want to vote, even if sometimes i didn't reach a bill or plan, i would leave the door, the voting is over. i would have entered, i would not follow any example i didn't do it. we were devoted to many friends, but the vote was different and how many
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factions were there in the three parliaments. at that time , there were no more than four or five factions. my faction was more of a faction. the first faction that was formed was sports , mr. khadim, and i was mr. i was his boss and we said that we have some sports equipment. it was at that time when women's clothing had not been approved . ladies 25 sant, well, we said that our situation is really critical in terms of sports, it has changed almost a bit , so that's why we came with mr. khadim, these friends. we reached the sports faction , it can be said that we got good results, because we were not constantly looking for news and news and such work, but we regularly communicated with the officials under the federations and the officials under the sports organization at that time, that is, we tried
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to bring together the same household with convergence and let's give advice and work together, that's why we weren't looking for a sports warning, you know, monitoring tools. sometimes it turns into intimidation tools, well, this is not worthy of the parliament at all. in that parliament, we had less, then the women's faction, because it was created in the previous period, so it was continued, and then the tourism faction, because of the tourism issue, i myself was a member of icon , the international museums of interest. i used to go to different countries in my studies, i saw tourism and hand-woven carpets. i always said that if we can be powerful. let's work, let's shut off the oil tap . this country can have its own wealth because of its many births . you are now a member of ekom. i am a member. no, no , no, no, where do i want to go? that's why when i was in saadabad
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, there was a discussion recently about the first months. well, in saadabad , there were old men who had been there since the first pahlavi. they were there , yes, they were gardeners. he told me that he came to my room very easily. he said that you are not a thief . i asked what he meant. he said no. i came to this. i said how did he say. for example, because i went to concerts on the first day , he and i had tickets at all. i removed the tickets . some gentlemen called. they beat 10 , give us so-and-so, for example, the responsible child, i said, forgive me, don't you? my father's employee, let's go buy it, this is his website , this is his address, this is for us, because before when he was in merson , something like this happened, this old man said , i will tell you 3 things. the molta museum, which was the last palace of mohammad reza
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, was called the white palace at that time. in the museum complex, the molta museum said that its basement has about 240 frescoes. ahmed aqli ahmed aqli well, it is one of the special brands above 100 meters. well, one of my people was there. the doorman was already there . there was another old man who every manager comes there. 3 until a manager was doing this round, i came one day and i told them to open the door in the basement. she said there are cockroaches. i said, well, i'm not afraid of cockroaches . i was a watchman in my war. they say motorcycle riding, we rode motorcycles at the time, then he said that your tent will be dirty, i said, "the tent has extra mesh in the room , it is very extra, then he said that there are very big rats," i said, "sir."
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i immediately interviewed the saad abad handwoven carpet museum, or , for example, one day when i am a farmer's child. we were walking in saad abad , this is about this field , this is camomile, this is so-and-so, mr. velayati just wanted to use this traditional medicine. one team, not 10 to 12 teams came at the same time, 420 of us. the registration of the species of medicinal plants in saad abad as soon as it was finished , we immediately announced that the museum of yahan medicinal plants was the farshton museum in sardabad abad, and after that , i don't know what happened.
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it comes in the inheritance to be accounted for, we have to eat something , we have property labels everywhere . especially those who are heirlooms should eat two , one is the heirloom itself and the other is the ministry of economy. if we lose something now, sometimes we don't find it, the reason is that just going to label the heirloom now, either intentionally or unintentionally, doesn't work, and when it gets lost or stolen, it's because the tag they don't have financial economics, which can be international, we can't find it anymore. i did the first thing before i announced the doctrine. after that, this caused the organization to call me and i don't know what to say anymore, saying that, of all the pressure, at least he would have left a couple of doors and we would bring them. we used to hang out in the organization . now i said it in a different way. his dignitaries say that i said that the area does not measure one meter. the same old man
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came the second time. two months passed. he said, "no, you didn't take, you didn't eat, you didn't steal. now come , i'll show you another place, a museum that now has dishes." there was a kitchen there, which means that from the first side, one thing he had done was that he had never seen a small kitchen in any of his children's palaces, that is the central kitchen. where from rut. we have restored nearly 80 pieces
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of clothing. well, these are museums, they are all worth millions. at that time, for example, the army was entrusted with 300 tomans, 200 tomans, they paid millions for these clothes. they said, "i'll take a break." sometimes it would break. we didn't approve this at all. we designed it. mr. khomein . i am a muslim woman. this is what i was talking about. sir , we have a number of non-mahrams like me . we left it aside because their own ethnic groups have special festivals for
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themselves. that they have a plan is a story at all they are different, yes, even in the programs now, there are different celebrations, a graduation, a time of military service, a child, a wedding, a time of marriage , and finally, it has changed . the power. do you have the financial power to finally buy different clothes for your wives? this turned out to make nearly 300 models for this tent. sir, it wasn't about the tent at all . in the end, they took off a series of clothes and said, "this is traditional. where is it traditional ?" my two types of clothes in another research center regarding clothing, i was doing my own research at the same time . it was interesting that we had ethnic clothing throughout the history of iran . we also had clothing for the government. that is, the sassanians
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wore their clothing from the achaemenids. they differed from the parthians. i went to check the clothes on account of europe, now different centuries, what i learned was that when the issue of hijab came up in the 7th parliament of ifaf , this is modesty. let's go back to the 7th parliament. in the 7th parliament, the same things you are calling threats and i don't know what kind of experience you have with these things , i had an important experience one day with one of our clients in tabriz. he brought me some documents and told me that there
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are 7,000 hectares, 7,000 hectares of good weather in tabriz. those who know him started from the back of hundred martyrs of mines and went to babaghi , which is the same part of jazamian . in general, it was very good to create tourism. the issue was that this 7,000 hectares was owned by a government organization and was given to the municipality according to the law, which you expect. hectares it should come to the ministry of home affairs, then it will go through the government board. well, 7,000 hectares, i formally entered. i said that it doesn't matter who gives and who takes. the important thing is that you can't exceed 50 hectares with a meeting report, even if i am the governor. when the vice president of construction and agricultural jihad did not sign, and i don't know if the housing organization and the municipality signed it, well, i came and brought it up to the then president and the then government. i said it took five months . unfortunately, i didn't get an answer. i had to ask four ministers. well, i am the minister of information. it was
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special for me to come to the things that i said in the commission a special gentleman solved the problem on the spot. and the general directorate of information said that yes , it is true, we do not support it, we did not confirm it either. immediately , mr. saeedi, who did not come at all, called me and wrote a letter to the governor at the time, to the head of the housing organization of east azarbaijan province, and to the committee. i told the subcommittee that this is exactly illegal, and i told the head of the organization to sign it, so i sent it to the minister of the interior, mr. pomohammadi, to come there when i know. sir , you said something else, they said it, but what did i give? i can't provide mohsen without a document in the parliament, anywhere else, the problem with our work in these economic issues is that
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we don't work with the document, as amir kabir said, at the request of your aunt, uncle, boss , etc. a thousand hectares, that is, if such a thing were approved. because behind my back, now i don't want to say in this program, behind the story, we knew who they were, that if they came at all, in terms of security, in terms of souk, it would be turkmenchai in the heart of azerbaijan, in the heart of the country, and to be honest, those who i understood were very expensive there. mr. afghani, i paid a lot of money. it was the first news at 2 o'clock
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all the media took this news from all the news agencies at 4 o'clock. now it's good. in the same two hours , our media group had recorded all of them in a word, that is, they wanted it not to become important so that the people wouldn't hear about them, but the people are very alert. the people are alert. they are separating , so now let's move on. look at the threats and this is part of the example that sometimes is an inseparable part of some people's life . for example , you wanted to mock a certain minister. well , i was a teacher for 26 years, and he said, go wherever you go i said don't go to the fund , on the contrary, it was sitting in the fund last night, not the cultural reserve fund. well, i said, i'm going there instead. he said why did i say that because you exploited my colleagues
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, instead of treating your life with the profit from this profit , you're just giving them a trip out of their lives. for example, he went on a foreign trip , it was 2 million, while if they gave him a profit , it would be 7 million, yes, but despite this, i want to reach a conclusion that the problem will be solved, because of the insults and, for example, research in general. i did, i came , i presented to the board of directors, i said, "i didn't even interview." just let it be resolved. if you gave the children 's rights , did you give them or not? i will give an interview , i will give a speech. some of the representatives, some of them, even though they have reason to be alive, or some of the politicians , to destroy others and expose our people , praise god, they underline these things, but if they underline more , i think it will be more beautiful. they were beaten twice in the seventh parliament. mr. elmi hit some people, mr. elmi
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was not bad. sometimes, when he was arguing with us, he said that you have become famous, and they say, "not today, ishrat, for example." so-and-so's mother came with a very big chest full of tea.
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after all, what does it mean to stay, even though he was not educated, but a very knowledgeable person said, madam , we don't want anything from you , we don't want a way , we don't want a road, we don't want money, we don't want a job, we don't want anything. between people whatever it is, let's have it together, if not , let's not all have it, and that's why we had an arrow at that time, we used to travel with my arrow. he said, "you still have this arrow." my uncle's this is not ours. look , we had many memories in the discussions, or for example, we had a memory. we have many roads on the side of azarsherb, so we wanted to go to a village. they said that
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it was not possible. one of the gentlemen brought a car, for example, from here, and we couldn't pass by. he was crossing the road, he was building a bridge, i said, whatever, sometimes god gives something to a person's heart, i said, i have to go to that village, the only village left , we had to go, i said it is not possible, they say tomorrow , you couldn't have this water and flowers come to us tomorrow. yes, it will come with the same excavator as there, guys we went and sat in this place, four or five of us, we went there, we talked. when we came back, a woman was about to give birth . she had no way out. it was as if god had sent us there. at the same time, we brought her to azarshahr hospital and stopped to have a baby. he was born, which means he was born with a few arrows, and first of all, that village.
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i reached the mosque, i was covered in mud up to my knees, until we went back to change clothes. in azarshahr , my friends' house, it took maybe one and a half to two hours , but it was interesting. the interesting thing was that i didn't feel pain anymore. it is that some things happen at some times. our people are aware of a lot of issues. sometimes we get into trouble with people. i know my child is stuck with me here. why, once again, i want to somehow bring him to the stage, this is not the right thing to do. i'm joking with god, i'm not talking about some things, but about saadabad or the municipality i was in or a teacher , that is, my job . i tried to work as much as i could. but
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if you look, you will see other things happening, yes first of all, i'm not much of a talker. now , if the conditions are right, you will run again. i like to do work for the people and be effective. it doesn't matter, maybe for a while as much as maybe in my parliament. for example, i was able to make an impact, maybe i was able to make an impact in the municipality, or in saadabad, i was able to make an impact to restore some property. human contribution is very, very important, but if the position of the parliament is really at the top of affairs, whether in the field of imitation or in the field of supervision, then do you agree with his idea? do you have children? i have a daughter who is our eldest daughter and 2 sons. how old is the daughter-in-law and the eldest daughter? 40 how old is she? how many children does she have? currently, each of them has one. one is a boy. my son has one. both are married . both are 18 years old. so you have three children, three
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grandchildren. be a candidate again in future terms. for now , we are at your service. be healthy. have a good night . different political and economic trends compete in elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people. it is impossible to order the price of land, naft abadan they are giving him money to watch football . yes, minister, you are more behind the scenes and for the pain of these media, it is known that the media eats the press. you are not a football manager. do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? can you say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital? 4400 businessmen came to the agricultural space, but behind closed doors.
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tendencies debate on the eve of the elections every day after the 14th and 21st news of khabar network today, wherever we are, tomorrow is higher.
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receive a gift for every purchase from the great iranian house. a gift for every iranian in the gift baran sarai irani, until 2:00 in the morning in tehran, i am your host. washland prize raffle festival. congratulations on your new home. first prize, a two-bedroom apartment, one.
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one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary. washland is a land full of children 's prizes. let's go to the city of home appliances. why, because the city of home appliances now gives away a vacuum cleaner for every 35 million tomans purchased. oh, sweep up the gifts. look for the right opportunity. buying carpets of all beheshti carpets at the factory price. now is the time for an unrepeatable discount in the extraordinary sales festival of beheshti rugs from panj from february to march 5, you can renew the year with a cleaner and cleaner house, or by playing in front of the tv, or by buying some new clothes, or even you can renew the year with a deep sleep, but whatever it is, it's
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good to have a new year with a bed. an exception started at this year's price, payment in the next year until 2:00 in the morning, we will host you in tehran.
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welcome. the competition of 150 candidates for the parliamentary elections with the finalization of the qualifications of the candidates in the guardian council. starting today, candidates should register their representatives in the special polling stations in the candidate system. approval of regulations for construction workers, the spokesperson of the workers' government.


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