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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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his country's national team was sentenced to life imprisonment in the years 2019 to 2021 and collusion in the second league of this country. thank you for your attention to the news of this section. have a good day, dear viewers , you are watching the news section at 13:00 from khabar channel: the election headquarters of the country asked the candidates for the elections of the islamic council. and
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announce the details of the portal of the virtual election headquarters to the governor of his constituency. based on this , it is mandatory to introduce the person in charge of the relevant website to the governorates. also, the link of the candidate's election website must be registered in iran's election system. link or other link legal virtual portals of social messengers and programs must also be registered in this system. according to this announcement, election campaigns and activities. candidates in cyber space will be allowed and legal only through the website and portals registered in this system. on the third day of campaigning for parliamentary candidates, reports from the provinces indicate that the number of election rallies in cities has increased. by attending these gatherings, the candidates tell about their approaches in the upcoming parliament. at the same time, the stream and political groups are trying to agree on. electoral lists continue.
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the election headquarters of the country has also announced that it is fully prepared to hold the elections on march 11. the joint list of the coalition council of the revolutionary forces and the stability front was determined. unofficial rumors indicate that shana and the front of stability are on a list of 30 people. they agreed in the capital. the head of the information technology committee of the country's election headquarters informed me about the full readiness of this headquarters in march. how ready is the election teacher to hold the best? 100% of us , our collection is actually the collection of the election headquarters of the country , our colleagues in the infrastructure collection and a large number of loved ones and people who help us. the learner according to the previous statements of the guardian council in
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the 12th elections of the islamic council, the qualifications of more than 400 candidates out of 70 have been approved by yaser beheshti of the sed and sima news agency. a collective conference of girls who voted first was held in tehran, increasing the awareness of young people, answering their questions for a better understanding of
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those who are on the front lines of creating excitement and motivation in the elections, and in addition to participating in the fate of the country, they also bring others with them. now that you know that it has been given, now that a field has been created so that we can announce our vote , why not use this opportunity, i hope i can have the most correct election. i have you in this
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stage of life, but the demands of these young girls from parliamentarians , we expect more from the economy of our country, that our hands be more open in this political activity, like any other social and political skill, needs training . it can make a decisive decision. 700 girls of the first vote gathered together to raise their questions and issues and receive their answers. answers that changed the opinion of some. this ceremony caused i think that i have changed my mind and that i have given up on not voting and i want to participate in the elections yes, your vote is effective. yes, i didn't think like this until now, but
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i feel that it is effective. i will vote with strength . future and destiny. the country was the dominant feeling of today's first votes, maryam bikpour of the radio and television news agency, higher or higher , we are far away. at the same time as the advertisements of the candidates for the parliamentary elections continue, the programs and debates of the candidates continue to be broadcast on the television advertising channels of seda and sima. national media of 20 channels it has launched special television ads all over the country. election candidates in the frame of debates
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. please give one. debates that are aired in all constituencies. the work that has been done this year is very interesting and it makes us know more about these candidates who introduced themselves. it is really wonderful because people can easily choose their own candidates. the better the people know the better the representatives, the debates can be much more effective because we hear the words from their own words. candidates' ads and their debates. cost in channels it reduces and makes the selection easier . there are some of the candidate's friends who have financial problems, maybe they can't advertise through my tv. it has attracted attention in
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these televised debates , there was a kind of spread of tone, which is at least what we are looking for . when a person listens carefully , it becomes very easy for him to choose, as is the case with sed and sima news agency . you must have heard that sed and sima networks a special election has been launched for introduction members of parliament, but where are these channels and how can we access them? to access these channels, first find the home or menu button on the tv remote control, then select the option to edit the channel. now you have two options , automatic search and... manual search select the automatic search option. we wait until the 100 channel finding stage is complete. in the last step , select the save option. now you can easily see the list of election channels. in these advertising channels, the advertising films
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of the candidates and their debates are going to be aired let's participate in the elections from every representative. ayatollah muhammad and hakim had passed. membership in the supreme judicial council and prisoners' pardon board by imam khomeini's decree was one of the responsibilities of ayatollah mousavi bejnarodi after the victory of the islamic revolution. students in the city of pisa who were condemning the crimes of the zionist regime in support of the people of gaza were suppressed
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. several people were injured in the police attack on the demonstrators who chanted the slogan of the freedom of palestine. the police arrested several students. disbelievers of the government and the official media of this country to support the occupation regime of israel and ignore the plight of asfar the besieged palestinians in gaza accused. according to reuters, polls show that most italians believe that israel committed genocide in gaza . and must be tried. the president
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of brazil once again considered the actions of the zionist regime in gaza as a clear example of genocide. da silva said: the israeli regime is massacring the women and children of the gaza strip. lula da silva emphasized: it is not acceptable that a single country in the un security council prevents the approval of the ceasefire resolution in gaza . da silva also called for the end of the occupation of the zionist regime and the formation of an independent palestinian state. last week, during his trip to africa, the president of brazil said: what is happening in the gaza strip has not happened in any other historical period except the time of hitler. the meeting of the un security council on the second anniversary of the war in ukraine turned into a confrontation between russia and the western allies of kiev. in this meeting , american and british representatives emphasized their support for ukraine. british foreign minister said: as long as the war in ukraine continues, london
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will support this country. the permanent representative of russia in the united nations also said: america and england use ukraine as a tool to dominate the world use. vassili nebandia added: washington and london benefit the most from crises in the world , they do not allow peace to be established. the representative of russia also referred to the recent military advance. in ukraine, his country said that western weapons made ukraine delusional. in this meeting, the secretary general of the united nations said: the time has come to establish peace in ukraine and the war in this country must end. dear viewers, we have reached the end of this news section. thank you for your company. good day, god bless you.
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i will not be a volunteer in the next election because i do not consider myself a worthy representative of the people we expect from the one who represented this , now i did not give any possibility that our peace and war has insight and a blind heart . gives and declares his wishes and steps to achieve them, he can
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achieve his goals. in the name of god. greetings and respect to dear listeners and viewers who are interested in filmjales program. in this filmjales program, we talk with mr. hamid reza targhee, one of the representatives of the early days of the majlis. that is, the fifth majlis and one of the founders of the imam relief committee they have old ones and they are among the relics of the revolution . they started their political activities in the mutalfa party before the revolution and until now they are the deputy of the mutalfa party, but they are active. their situation in the relief committee started from the very beginning of the revolution, that is , from 1957 and in 1975, when they went to
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the fifth term of the islamic council, now i am interested to know whether they continued their activities as a relief committee, whether they abandoned it or not, and in their opinion, the relief committee it was more useful for their activities in the relief committee or in the islamic council, of course. there is another point when we were talking about the 6th parliament , of which i was one of its representatives, they said that in the 6th parliament, things happened that caused the parliament's credibility to decrease in general, and from the 6th parliament onwards, the parliament did not find its former credibility. we will ask them the details of this later, but for now it is important for me to ask them whether they think their activities were more useful in the relief committee or in the salam majlis
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. and in fact, i congratulate you on this month of sha'ban, which one of these two activities is the relief committee? the representative of the parliament, well, the relief committee , naturally, anyone who looks at it feels that if he can serve this group there , he has created the best package for himself. i also remember the imam himself. the institution knew that even though their name shines in the leaves of this institution, the supreme leader felt the same way that, for example, they consider us a relief committee, and this shows that anyway, this work is a valuable work in the islamic republic system and one of the goals. the importance and ideals
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of the islamic revolution, especially the ideals that hazrat imam addressed him. this is that islam also pays special attention to this stratum, so when a military is formed based on islam and is the basis for the realization of justice in the society, and attention is paid to this stratum, this is one of its important duties. ashtar says that you should not let the important affairs of the country stop you from paying attention to this group. you went to the parliament in 1975. yes, i
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was actually the general director of the relief committee in mashhad, khorasan province, for 11 years in the spring of 1976, of course. after that , we found this success because of the kindness of the people of mashhad i will go to the assembly. for those 4 years, i was assigned to the parliament, from the relief committee to the parliament, who came to replace you in the relief committee, the official i held immediately, the official who had information on relief and was fully familiar with relief issues, was actually in charge of the relief administration. and after the fifth parliamentary term. when it was over, i returned to the relief committee of the cultural vice president there for a few years, and then i became a member of the central council , according to the order of the supreme leader . you will stay in the relief committee, of course, during that period , i tried
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to take good steps in order to formulate laws to help the disadvantaged and increase the credits of the relief committee, and i am satisfied with those measures and i feel that they were actually an infrastructure that it emerged that over time, the legislator's attention to the needs of the underprivileged could actually increase, and in that time, in my opinion, i was following it, in addition to the political work that should be done naturally in the fifth parliament, important political events. what happened in the fifth parliament, see we entered the parliament once we are the fifth. well, as a result of the economic policies adopted by the construction government , the value system in our society has undergone a significant change
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. it was strange, in fact, this change in the value system in the society of many of our reference groups, which were almost at high levels before, in fact, after the war , these
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were the conditions that emerged after that, well , naturally, when we entered the parliament last year it was mr. hashemi's government that the poverty alleviation bill was sent to the parliament. giving means it became clear that anyway with attention due to this pressure that has been put on the society , a thought must be given to the weaker sections of the society. the differentiated layer that was given to the parliament for the first time was a part of the government's services at the cost of the government provided from the source of income resulting from this cost of energy , etc. it was allocated that the parliament did not agree with the increase of their rate, but
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it agreed to give a part to increase the rights of the needy and the deprived in the society, and therefore, the fajarzadei bill at that time was not at all a suitable environment for these pressures on the people. with those riots that had arisen among the people , let us add an amount to the people's expenses. but the other events that happened were the presidential elections after the construction of the government , when the speaker of the parliament was also the rival, in fact, it was the president who voted. the message that the leader gave at the beginning of the parliament, actually, the message that he gave indicated the same points, that is, the precautions that we had to take, in that message, he pointed to several important points.
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we should not follow the development of the country without justice . this was the recommendation of the criticisms that the supreme leader made and then emphasized that the fifth parliament should include the basics of islamic values ​​in the program, especially since the third program is part of the work of the parliament. the fifth was that we should pay attention to the fundamentals of value , and instill these in the society, and we should not pursue construction by forgetting religious principles and values. in fact, construction should be followed, but by preserving the values ​​and values ​​of the revolution and another emphasis that it seems that one of the warnings that he gave to that parliament was that the mirage of the future life is actually going under the burden of foreigners, such as borrowing from foreigners and the world bank, which have many problems.
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creating for the country and also entering the abyss of financial corruption, which was still a problem for the government at that time, because the government at that time said that now we should not work, now if it had 20% deviation, for example, it does not matter, this thinking was a thinking that's a lot of corruption. in fact, this period of the fifth parliament was the period when the loans were taken , and the fourth parliament was almost taken, and it was important to pay it back, and mr. hashemi's government actually wanted this combo to use the banking system through borrowing from the banking system. how many times in my speech and in my name? we also to the government of that time the late mr. nurbakhsh was from central bank. i requested that the government's debt be declared to us in the banking system . they did not declare. finally, with the pressure of
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mr. natiq, he finally said that you should answer them. finally, mr. nurbakhsh wrote me a letter of 56,000 at that time. the government owed billions of tomans to the banking system, that is, the government almost due to the current policy that we have forced the government to pay back the loans it took from the bank and the money it took from the banks in the annual budget. allocate this to these and it is almost in the budget line these were the problems that would arise for the people's society anyway. and now, in my opinion , the fifth parliament is almost a peaceful coexistence between all the existing political currents of the country.
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and was completely polite and respectful to each other , despite the fact that our thoughts were different, after all, the government of the previous government, by interfering in the election issues, had caused a part of its forces, the new core government's own forces, to enter the parliament, and an almost capable minority he paid attention in the parliament and our competition in the parliament is a competition between a minority. in fact , a government with a majority was actually popular the circumstances in the parliament had made special conditions, but despite all this, many discussions were moderate, reasonable, without aggression, without any kind of aggression, in fact , they followed each other very well. therefore
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, despite all this, the position of the leader in the following year when we met i emphasized with them on the independence that the parliament has exercised in this situation, that it has respected the interests of the national interests even before the order, and this showed that the management of the parliament has performed very well, despite the fact that the management of the rival parliament the president and the government were these , but completely, for example, in the vote of confidence in the cabinet the government did not oppose any of the ministers, of course, then it was dealt with, but in the beginning, in order not to be perceived as, for example , trying to disrupt the government, the government acted completely logically , and in my opinion, that parliament is a good parliament in terms of quality. the agenda of the discussion
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points to the fact that it was managed well in a critical period, and in fact , it dealt with the government quite well. yes , it dealt well . it managed well. yes, what did the 6th parliament do? in your opinion, what did he do that made this credit mean this reasonable and normal behavior. the fifth assembly should not be repeated. in my opinion, first of all, the sixth assembly, well, in a part of the constituencies , violations were raised, in some other places , for example, it led to the point where even the leadership, for example , used the ruling of the government and, for example, did not allow the election to be invalidated, and so on. it was very important.
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the delegations were responsible for the annulment of the tehran elections. this is not the annulment of the tehran elections at all due to a technical problem , that is, the fact that a tehranian votes for 30 people and then we see some people like the same gang. at that time, the fundamentalist or the right wing was called the right wing. now suppose that the conservative got one-third of the votes, but did not get even one seat . this is not a technical problem, of course, why is this a technical problem? these are also there, but in any case, this does not prevent those violations, because this technical problem will never be solved , that is, every time every faction that comes takes 30 seats, they say that now that we have taken it, so the amendment of the election law, for example, should be left for tehran for later. in this 11th term, it was the first time that this issue was discussed, but again, in fact
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, we are doing something that the parliament itself has conflicts and interests. to. don't be selfish, that is, now we should reduce or increase, for example, if this representative stays as we are now, for example, if we stay for every term , well, this is natural self-interest, so it is really difficult for the parliament to enact a law for itself that is detrimental to the current representatives. they are the big interests of the problem of tehran, what should be done, especially in tehran, which means they are all big cities


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