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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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hello, welcome to the half day news section. the leader of the revolution's emphasis on people's repentance and religious faith in the meeting with the representatives of the congress of 24,000 martyrs of khuzestan ayatollah khamenei westerners who are raising noise and clamor for the execution of a criminal in front of the killing of 30,000 innocent people in gaza. have been closed and the celebration and
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decoration of the roads have started at the same time as the night of the middle of sha'ban, the walking ceremony as a big preparation for the emergence from qom to jame karan mosque. snowfall and rain across the country with the arrival of a powerful system from the west of the country. the rains will continue until the end of the week and the weather is getting colder by 10 degrees. the election headquarters requests the candidates of the islamic council elections to announce the address and details of their virtual portal to the governorates. election preparation test was held in 3800 branches. and the production of a new generation of multi-stage pumps in mashhad. pumps for the oil, gas and petrochemical industry, food
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and pharmaceutical industries and in the higher election debate . what institution determines the price of internet taxis? what are the arguments of the supporters and opponents of the competition council or internet taxis? in the name of god o allah, peace and blessings be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad , please accompany us to the news segment at 14:00. ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , met with the representatives of the congress of 24,000 martyrs of khuzestan province before noon today.
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they considered the epic and miracle of the people of khuzestan during the holy defense period to be the result of the combination of people's efforts and islamic faith, and referring to the accuracy of the opinion of the honorable imam in choosing the interpretation of the islamic republic, they said that what caused the stability and progress of the islamic system and its overcoming of many obstacles and intrigues it was a combination of trust in the people's republic and islam, and in the future it is also a way to overcome problems. this is the order of thinking. the leader of the islamic revolution, congratulating on eid al-fitr in the middle of sha'ban , pointed out the imam's accurate understanding of the people and also the imam's comprehensive progressive view of islam and added: imam, may god's mercy be upon him, from the very beginning days of the islamic movement until the victory of the islamic revolution and after that always he trusted the people and considered islam to be an effective school and way of thinking for the politics of society management and on this basis. it was able
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to create the ground for iran's progress and the continuation of great movements . ayatollah khamenei emphasized that the most important problem is the enemies of the islamic republic it is not knowing about the people of iran and also not knowing about islam .
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it didn't work and he proudly continued on his way . we overcame many obstacles. elahi will overcome many other obstacles that exist now . in another part of his speech, the iranian nation, the leader of the islamic revolution , enumerated the conditions of gaza today and said that the resistance forces are standing and the enemy is frustrated. of their destruction and also the patience of the people of gaza against the rains and calamities it shows the strong religious faith of these people. ayatollah khamenei pointed out that western civilization's claims about human rights and the hypocrisy of the westerners in the gaza incident were revealed to be false and added that the westerners, who are making noise and clamor for the execution of a criminal, are against the killing of 30,000 innocent people. they have closed their eyes in gaza, and
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the united states is brazenly vetoing the resolution to stop bombing gaza for the umpteenth time. he emphasized: these ironed appearances of western politicians are the insides of an appearance with a smile, the insides of a rabid dog, a bloodthirsty wolf of this civilization. the outsider of this liberal democracy is not a liberal or a democrat. they are telling lies , they are doing their own work with hypocrisy. we hope that, god willing, the people of the world will understand the facts more in these various incidents , they will know islam better and they will know the west
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correctly. it will not happen, god willing, this will not continue, and god willing , the culture of truth and correct logic of islam will prevail over all of these, and god willing, that day will not be too late. the celebration of the middle of sha'ban will be held tonight and tomorrow across the country. people can decorate their houses alleys and neighborhoods celebrated the birth of the promised mahdi. the darkness and the darkness of ashwak or hedma
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madneh. mola mola mola or mola mola mola . after that, natabeh prayer, hand together and hand together crown, let's go together to khorasun.
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labik or hay dar labik or haydel yalla hala hala taed naferh bihala taed naferh biha walking ceremony as a big preparation for the emergence from the perpendicular 14 of prophet azam blvd in qom towards the jamegaran mosque , the public meeting has started at the jamegaran mosque at 16:00. the celebration of the half of sha'ban will be held across the country tonight.
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the images you see are related to presence people from amood 14 boulevard of the great prophet of qom towards jamgaran mosque. on the eve of the half of sha'ban, houses and alleys are decorated to celebrate the birth of imam zaman ajjalullah ta'ala farjah al-sharif , and the boulevard of the great prophet in qom, which ends at jame karan mosque, hosts pilgrims. they had come shoulder to shoulder to start a lifetime together. i really wanted
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him to be by our side at the beginning of his life. he has always been there. we came a few steps towards him . there were many brides and grooms like this type of bride and groom who came to do something for the imam of their time. everything we have is from the man, then i brought my daughter to be a servant, we show attendance cards every week. many people spread their mats near one of the entrance doors of the mosque and start their service. a few meters away from jamegaran mosque , there are processions and servants from different cities. we came from the historical village of arisman, from the city of natanz, qasimabad, abu zeidabad, kashan, part of the great procession that you are seeing, the procession of hazrat abulfazl al-abbas, peace be upon him, of the qashqais of iran. they came to serve with everything they had. god willing, we were able to. a small step in service to imam and service to pilgrims of the imam, take a service whose definition
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is the same for everyone who loves the imam , for example, we worked very hard in the words of these girls , for this i wanted the heart of the imam of the time to be happy. their hard work to perform this song has been revealed in growth. my mother says these days and hours, on the occasion of the half of sha'ban , everyone throughout the country wants to do something for the imam of his time according to his capacity. fatemeh abdulvand, sed and broadcasting news agency. vehicles that are within the framework of regulations. according to the spokesman of the police chief
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, the seized vehicles will be released, except for vehicles with complaints judicial and open judicial case includes all traffic violations. applicants can refer to additional police offices throughout the country, also by referring to the my police application, and through the police section, they will be guided to complete the process. they should proceed with their own clearance , until when and when do they have time to do this, they have time in general, because you look at it, we say until the fourth of isfand, that is, until yesterday, which was friday , the fourth of asfan, this car has been impounded. in the week of detention, if they don't come to him after 2 weeks, then he will be discharged they can, but if they are arrested one day , they can go and do this work. the snow
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made the weather in parts of the northern and northwestern regions of the country winter again. with the snowfall and the cold weather , non-attendance preschool and elementary classes were held in ardabil, sri nemin hir. it has been raining since this morning in most areas of gilan and some areas and transportation routes of mazandaran, golestan and north khorasan. organization. until tomorrow , it will rain or snow in almost the entire country, and he asked his compatriots to avoid unnecessary trips until monday. but the meteorological organization predicts the intensity of the system's activity barshi has issued an orange warning. i am having a conversation with meteorologist mrs. jafari. greetings to you. this orange warning includes which provinces and what is the distribution of rainfall. dear mr. tehrani
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, i would like to thank the audience of this news section. thank god, we have a rainy week ahead and we have two strong rain systems, one now that has entered the country from the western parts of the country and the other system, god willing, from wednesday in the country level will be active now that i am talking to you on the coast of the caspian sea , gilan, mazandaran, golestan, parts of khorasan. in the north, we are witnessing rain. the precipitation system that we talked about has entered the country from the western parts , and it is currently raining from parts of the provinces of iran and khuzestan and parts of the west of the country . we predict that for today and in the coming hours, except for parts of khorasan provinces. southern sisistan baluchistan and areas of hormozgan province will see rain almost in most parts of the country. for today, the highest intensity of rains will be in parts of gilan provinces, west of mazandaran, as well as areas of west fars province. for tomorrow, that is monday, this barista system it will become more widespread, it will strengthen
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, we will witness rain or snow in almost all parts of the country . both for today and tomorrow, the orange level warning has been issued for tomorrow for parts of gilan, mazandaran, golestan provinces, areas of tehran, qom and chaharmahal bakhtiari, parts of isfahan province , areas of yazd province, northern half of kerman provinces. and sistan baluchistan, parts of fars province, east of south khorasan province, where the rainfall is more intense than other regions of the country there is a possibility of flooding of public roads and flooding of roads and seasonal rivers. also , due to a noticeable decrease in temperature , we will have snowfall in many areas of the country, which can lead to disruption of road traffic, especially in mountainous areas. we recommend that our good compatriots cancel unnecessary trips and also that mountaineers do not climb to the heights. another point is that on
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monday, the intensity of rains will decrease in the western belt of the southern parts of the country, but still in other areas. the country will witness the most rainfall we will witness the intensity of rains on monday in the south-eastern parts of our country, especially in the areas of sistan-baluchistan province. but a very important point that must be mentioned is the noticeable drop in temperature that started today and will continue until monday . the roads will be slippery for the next two or three days, both in the caspian sea and in the gulf. hormuz rock and the sea of ​​oman will be rough and in the end i would like to tell you that we expect rain for the next two days for tehran as well. rain and snow in tehran province. if you have any questions, i am at your service. mrs. jafari , thank you very much. but in the last 24 hours, gas consumption in domestic, commercial and non-major industry sectors
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has reached 532 million cubic meters, according to the director of the steering center. the gas network of the country consumed 341 million cubic meters of this amount only in the domestic sector. a new rain system that will arrive in the whole country from the end of today and a cold weather system will settle in the country and we have a forecast of consumption of more than 600 million for the coming days during the last week. i request all my compatriots to this winter, by observing the optimization points in the domestic, commercial and non-major industries sectors , help us to be able to deliver gas to all consumption points, especially the end points of the network in the provinces of the north-west, north-east, so that all our compatriots can benefit from this. use god's blessing. the election headquarters
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of the country asked the candidates for the elections of the islamic council to announce the address and details of their virtual election headquarters portal to the governor of their constituency. based on this , it is mandatory to introduce the person in charge of the website related to the governorates. also , the link of candidates' election websites it must be registered in iran's election system , the link of other legitimate virtual portals of messengers and programs must also be registered in this system. according to this announcement, candidates' advertisements and election activities in the virtual space will be legal only through the website and portals registered in this system. the central board of elections, in a notice
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, asked the candidates for the election of the assembly of experts and the islamic council to call their representatives to attend the last branch. to introduce, to know the details of this news, i will talk with the spokesman of the guardian council, mr tehan nazif, hello , please tell us about the details of this announcement and how long the candidates have time to introduce their representatives . we are the humanity of mr. qar al-zaman, this birth. dear , i congratulate the noble nation of iran to all the free people of the world. yes, as you said , we have the elections of the assembly of experts and the assembly of the islamic council at the end of the week, and according to article 62 of the executive regulations of the law elections of the majlis of leadership experts and article 68
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of the election law of the islamic shura majlis , it is possible for respected candidates to introduce their own representatives in the polling booth, which in addition to the officials and observers of the election of the candidates' representatives are also present from the beginning of the process to the end. what is the number ? how is the work done? well, this possibility has been provided through a system called dabtalab system, where our loved ones can introduce their representatives for this issue. it has been a few days since this registration was done through sms to the respected dabtalab users. the matter informed. tomorrow is the last deadline for these dear ones to introduce their representatives , that is, the 6th of asfan, from 8:30 am to 10:00 pm
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. dear ones, they have this opportunity to do this through the daf talab system of shura points, and god willing, on the last day of our vote, to serve the dear representatives of the candidates in the polling booths, special thanks to mr. tahanzim. the spokesman of the guardian council, but on the third day of campaigning for the parliamentary election candidates, there are reports from hoki province that the number of meetings that are held in the cities has increased by attending these meetings. they say that at the same time, efforts of current and political groups to agree on the joint electoral lists are also going on . they want to announce the address and details of the portal of their virtual election headquarters to the governor of the constituency.
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the third day of campaigning for the candidates of the 12th parliament elections and the beginning of a new week that ends with the elections, according to the statement of the national trust party, some reformers who made a statement to open the door in the elections believe that they should participate in the elections so that the space is at the disposal of the totalitarian groups. don't date asadollah badamchian, the secretary general of the islamic coalition party , said that this party supports the 30-member list of the fundamentalist unity council in tehran. the spokesperson of the moderation and development party announced that in tehran we support the coalition list of voice of the nation. we have our own special list in the provinces. the media
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reports that the coalition council of the revolutionary forces and the stable front has reached the conclusion of giving an electoral list in tehran. but these two political groups have not yet officially confirmed this news. the election headquarters of the country issued a notice and asked the candidates for the 12th parliament elections for the detailed specifications of the entrance of the election headquarters virtually them in the selection system of iran or the same. the link of candidates' pages in messengers should also be announced in this system. the director general of the political affairs office of the ministry of interior said that in this period of elections, the participation of academic figures was tangible. in spite of all the generational differences, in spite of all the sociological topics that are said about the difference of generations, but still in the polls, when we do it, we say who is the first person whom the society refers to, or the most trusted person , who has a social authority. university professors are coming.
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ebrahim asadi bidmashki of sed and cima news agency. at the same time as the campaigns of the candidates for the parliamentary elections continue, the programs and debates of the candidates continue to be broadcast on two hundred television channels. people talk about the role of these channels in getting to know more candidates for choosing weapons. election campaigns of the twelfth term of the islamic council reached the third day.
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in the days when the advertising fever is high, the election candidates talk to the people on 20 24-hour television channels with the aim of establishing justice for 20 minutes about national and regional issues. this what are the representatives who want to go ? a fair opportunity has been provided for all the candidates to introduce themselves to the people . now, it will make us know more about these candidates who introduced themselves. it's a good job, a lot of work on both tv and radio. when a person listens carefully , it becomes very easy for him to choose the ones that have
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their own positive points. the national media in television advertising is reducing election expenses for people who want to name the election candidate introduce your programs to people. this program that seda vasima has done in the past is really great, that is, considering that all these expenses are in the street of controversy, this is what seda vasima has done. in my opinion, it is the best, better than those expensive ads that make these candidates spend a lot of money. national media is an accessible media for all classes of people and it can almost be said that with a very low cost, people can get to know about their candidates. elections for the first time from the national media on
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the air. viewers of the election debate from the constituency with the election debate of the twelfth term of the shura council, people say that watching these debates is a beacon for the 11th day of march to have the choice of weapons. this initiative has been spent by the dear ones to debate and announce their own points of view. they make it easier for our people to decide how many dead loved ones really died. the debates can be much more effective because we hear the words from their own words because it is face to face and they themselves they present their own programs , i think it will be more effective and directly, he actually says what he says, what he does, and what he promises , god willing, fatemeh alikhani, sed and sima news agency, you must have heard that our sed and sima are
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special channels. elections have been launched to introduce mps, but where are these channels and how can we access them? to access these channels, first find the home or menu button on the tv remote control, then select the option to edit the channel. you have option auto search and manual search option select automatic search and wait until the channel search step. complete percentage. in the last step, select the save option. now you can easily see the list of election channels. in these advertising channels, the advertising films of the candidates and their debates are going to be aired so that we can participate in the elections with correct information about each representative. launching special television channels for election campaigns to better visibility of
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parliament candidates and reduce costs. people say that funding advertising expenses with the help of the people is one of the preparations for the formation of a parliament whose representatives the lender of influential people will not be a shareholder, maybe it will reach billions for some people, i don't know now , this tract that is being printed, finally, now some people are having dinner, the speeches that they are going to, finally, the cost of the banners that they want to put up, the same posters that they want to put up, even those small cards that they want to spend a lot of money. they say that the candidates have to spend to introduce themselves to the people. even if he is an ordinary citizen of the country and sokandar is not an official, he cannot really do this work. in general, advertising is costly. election candidates have always been subject to the question of how they finance their advertising? i am a sponsor for them.


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