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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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john mahdi, o principle of faith, mahdi, o month of sha'ban , o month of kanan mahdi, the celebration of the birth of imam zaman , the speed of god's grace, is celebrated throughout the country , jaman mosque is full of pilgrims.
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the leader of the revolution's emphasis on relying on people's efforts and islamic faith to overcome problems and continue great movements in the country's progress, ayatollah khamenei revealed the hypocrisy of the west, an appearance with a smile , a rabid dog, a bloodthirsty wolf of this civilization. . this liberal democracy is on the third day of campaigning by the volunteers of the parliament and the enthusiasm of the supporters of inviting mothers, fathers and families of martyrs and veterans from the public to attend the ceremony. we must participate in the voting booths for the solidarity and unity of the person who really deserves it . i invite you to participate in the elections for the sake of iran.
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since the beginning of aggression, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family and hasten their fate. hello, dear viewers
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, welcome to the 24 hour news section. the boulevard of the great prophet of qom and jaman mosque witness the presence of millions of people waiting for the second coming. jamaan walking ceremony with the title of great preparation for the advent began from amood fourdeh boulevard of the great prophet of qom towards the jamkaran mosque on saturday. more than 3 million people are expected in these days to the mosque.
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let's show it to all the people , they will finally pass, they will know that it is finally a big celebration , the decoration and the arch of 90 d, and based on all these organizations formed two months ago, thanks to these dear ones in the sahib al-zaman board, our work is completely hearty because there is no salary for it. we take nine wages for him who comes, for him who is impatient to come.
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faraj's expectation is the highest, try to do a service for him that will satisfy him. come jana , your coming is enough for us. we are waiting for imam zaman to come. this oppression in the world will be destroyed. we all hope in mr. most places the world is full of sciences that can be done, mr. imam of the time should come and turn all these into justice.
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supreme leader of the islamic revolution khamenei, in a meeting with the representatives of the congress of 24,000 martyrs of khuzestan province before noon on saturday , considered the epic and miracle of the people of khuzestan during the holy defense as the result of the combination of people's efforts and islamic faith, and pointing to the accuracy of the opinion of the honorable imam in choosing the interpretation of the republic. islamic scholars said that what caused the stability and progress of the islamic system and its overcoming of many obstacles and conspiracies was the combination of trust in the people's republic and islam, and in the future, the way to overcome the problems of continuity is the same. is thinking the leader of the islamic revolution, congratulating on eid-ul-fitr in the middle of sha'ban
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, pointed out the imam's accurate understanding of the people and also the imam's comprehensive and progressive view of islam and added: the imam, may god's mercy be upon him, from the very beginning days of the islamic movement, until the victory of the islamic revolution and after that. he always trusted the people and considered islam as an effective school and way of thinking for the policy of society management, and based on this, he was able to create the ground for the progress of iran and the continuation of great movements. hazrat ayatollah khamenei emphasized that the most important problem of the enemies of the islamic republic is not knowing about the people of iran, as well as the lack of knowledge about islam , pointed out that they are plotting against the islamic republic, against the iranian nation , making plans, predicting, foreboding
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, saying that the islamic republic does not see itself in its 40th year. because of being together because of this. the map will work. the progress of the islamic republic did not stop due to their blindness. the progress of the country did not stop, islamic iran did not give in to coercion. he did not give in to the temptations and proudly continued on his way. we overcame many obstacles. around the divine power on many other obstacles, the leader of the islamic revolution in another part of his speech, another example of the miracle-making reliance on the people and religious faith , enumerated the conditions of gaza today and said that
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the resistance forces stood and discouraged the enemy from destroying them, as well as the patience of the people of gaza against rains and calamities are a sign of the strong religious faith of these people. ayatollah khamenei added, referring to the revelation of the falseness of western civilization's claims about human rights and the hypocrisy of western hypocrisy in the gaza incident. the westerners, who make a fuss about the execution of a criminal, against the killing of 30,000 people innocent people in gaza have closed their eyes, and the united states is brazenly killing them for the umpteenth time. vetoes the letter to stop bombing gaza. he emphasized: western culture, western civilization, these ironed appearances of western politicians, this is the innermost.
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an appearance with a smile on the inside, a rabid dog. a bloodthirsty wolf, this civilization is alien to this liberal democracy , neither liberals nor democrats are lying. god willing, the culture of truth and the correct logic
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of islam will prevail for all this , god willing, that day will not be too late, according to the spokesman of faraja police with the help of other security agencies. including. special and traffic forces will also be in charge of city traffic control on the election day. the country's election headquarters announced and asked the candidates for the 12th parliament elections. register the exact details of the portal of their virtual election headquarters in iran's election system or the same
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point m election. the link or link of candidates' pages in messengers should also be announced in this system. the third day of campaigning for the candidates of the 12th parliament and the beginning of a new week, which ends with the elections , campaign headquarters and campaigns are on the way in the city and the countryside. natifi like the feelings of rain. sunday is the deadline introducing the representatives of the candidates for the 12th parliament and the assembly of leadership experts to attend the polling stations. the last deadline for these dear ones to introduce their representatives is
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the 6th of asfan from 8:30 am to 10:00 pm . dear ones, they have this opportunity to do this through the daftalbac system. we support the nation and we have our own special list in the provinces. the head of the electoral headquarters of the voice of the mellat list also said: we are negotiating with national figures of reform and moderation such as larijani, rouhani and khatami. are. the media reports that the coalition council of the revolutionary forces and the stable front has reached the conclusion of giving an electoral list in tehran. but it seems that the meeting of these two political groups continues and they have not yet officially confirmed this news. on the other hand, unofficial news from the separate lists of these two groups in case they do not reach an agreement. majid mirahmadi, head of the country's election security headquarters, said that more than 250,000
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irgc and basij police officers and the army's air support are responsible for ensuring the security of the elections. the spokesman of the country's police command also informed about the police's readiness to ensure the security of the elections gave police by employing 90 thousand forces in one year with the help of other security agencies. among them , mobilization, as well as full alertness at the borders and alertness of 100 special police units across the country , god willing , will be with the people until the end of the elections and even when the results of the elections are determined. ebrahim asadi bidmashki of sed and cima news agency. in the notice number 15, the election headquarters of the country asked the candidates for the election of the 12th term of the islamic council for the details of the portal of the election headquarters. register your virtual in iran's election system . candidates
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should refer to to register information. a representative to whom i vote, i expect that the laws passed are for the benefit of the whole society, including me, who is a member of the society. rather, this economic situation of the country and this livelihood situation of the people are on our side. we ask the representative who is elected and goes to the parliament to take care of the people's pain . i hope they will pay more attention to the youth of the country, especially those youth who are currently unemployed , the problem that threatens our country at the moment, in my opinion , is one of the cultural problems, and the other is the economic problem. most of the believers are complaining about it is because of this discrimination that these discriminations must be removed . they should remember that we will follow
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their promises from the hearts of these people, to express the feelings of the people, the social harms and to follow the goals that the people set. as we participated in the elections in the past years , we will participate this year as well. 100 will participate in the elections. all people should participate. 100 of us participate in the elections. let's take part in the 11th asfen elections so that the enemy will understand that we are together and that he cannot make a decision for us as a liar, while i myself will take part in the elections. i invite all my colleagues to participate in the elections by electing our favorite person to play a role in our own future . with the intelligent participation of the people in the march 11 elections , the revolution will be vaccinated against the enemies of the system . i and all my colleagues will participate in the elections.
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we have a duty to participate in the elections with votes. we ourselves can reform our society by voting for good people, god willing, this year we will disappoint our enemies with our enthusiastic and colorful presence at the ballot boxes. islamic programs and debates of the candidates
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continue to be broadcasted on two hundred television advertising channels, which according to people can play an important role in the selection of candidates for weapons. by reaching the third day of campaigning for the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council, the face of most cities these days has taken on the color of the elections. in 200 television channels, sed and sima, with the aim of equal opportunity , candidates' advertisements are aired on anthem, and the candidates talk about their plans for the upcoming parliament. ready friends. we start setting up the channel television programs have made people have better access to the opinions and programs of the candidates and made it easier to choose them. these channels are very effective and better than those expensive advertisements that make these candidates incur a lot of expenses. i am doing my business
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as well as the tv debate program through the national media. i am looking at the honorable candidates of the islamic council. the national media is an accessible media for all sections of the people, and it can be said that people can get to know their candidates at a very low cost. from the friends of the candidate who have financial problems, they may not be able to advertise through my tv channel , they can see that costs are saved and advertising justice is established . they announce themselves to our people, we can more easily decide how many of our dear ones are really dead, we are better than you can measure the quality of those candidates and we can make a better choice, so that the young generation can make the right choice and candidate moore can better express his own opinion. electoral debates of parliament candidates also
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started for the first time in the frame of tv advertising channels number 9. people can be the right criterion in knowing the candidate and choosing the person of arms. we can evaluate the performance of each of our beloved candidates with the debates. it is very helpful to have enthusiastic advertisements in line with high participation and most of the debates are 100% very good. for the nation , this year's broadcasting initiative for the debates is a very, very great initiative. it helps to get a better understanding of the candidate i am looking for. sarah aini of the news agency. sed and sima, you must have heard that sed and sima launched special election channels to introduce the members of the parliament
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, where are these channels and how can we access them? to access these channels, first find the home or menu button on the tv remote control , then select the option to edit the channel . now you have two options to search. automatic and manual search auto search option. choose a job. we wait until the 100 channel finding stage is complete. in the last step, select the save option. now you can easily see the list of election channels. in these advertising channels , the promotional video of the candidates and their debates is going to be aired let's participate in the election with proper information about each representative. mothers, fathers and family members of martyrs and veterans of bahar city. both the heart and the voice of the province invited the people of iran to protect the ideals of the martyrs by attending the polls.
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i am voting for the sake of the leader, for the sake of my country, iran , it is the duty of every iranian muslim to participate, for the sake of unity and unity , to choose the one who really deserves it, with eyes and ears open to the order of our leader , and authority, honor and pride for our country. miare , i am asking for those who hear my voice, for the sake of the blood of the martyrs, for the sake of the veterans we young people have hope for the future and iran is strong because of us . i invite all the dear people of iran to participate in the elections to celebrate the brand of iran.
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official statistics indicate the continued decrease in inflation and increase in economic growth of the country. president in the meeting of the economic coordination headquarters with the presence of economic officials. the government emphasized planning in order to continue the process of reducing the inflation rate and support people's livelihood. according to the statistics center's report, monthly inflation has decreased by 1.14 percent in bahman this year, and point by point inflation in bahman has decreased by 18 percent to 35.8 percent. the percentage has been reached. also with the continuation of the positive trend economic growth in the autumn season will increase this figure to 6 and 7 in the first 9 months of this year. the percentage has been reached. the oil and natural gas sector and the service group had the greatest impact in the realization of this economic growth.
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an increase in the number of martyrs of rafah bombing in southern gaza. media from the bombing of one of the surrounding streets. the market was notified. it is said that at least 8 people were killed in these attacks. the massacre of dila this morning has left at least 26 martyrs, one of whom is a 4-month-old child. this child
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was born after 8 years of waiting and after the start of the zionist regime's attacks on gaza. of course, 13 other children were martyred in this attack. the zionists targeted various areas of the gaza strip, including khanyounes, with artillery and air strikes. the ministry of health of gaza announced that the zionists killed at least 92 people in 24 hours. the washington post reported in an article that at least 23 americans were killed in the gaza attack . according to this report, thousands of americans and israeli americans joined the zionist army to participate in the attack on gaza. amicha yoster
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is a 24-year-old israeli-american who left america for the occupation of gaza to participate in the attack on gaza came. and 3 months later he was killed in gaza. but amichai is not the only american israeli soldier killed in the zionist attack against the people of gaza. in the past five months, at least 23 american citizens have come from america to the occupied territories to help the zionist army. american soldiers in different ages from 21 to 67 years are wearing one-hand uniforms and are mentally and physically ready to participate in the war. this number is 10% of the dead in the attack on gaza. the washington post, citing the israel defense forces, wrote that there are currently about 23,080 american citizens in the israeli army
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they serve he said that thousands of americans and israeli americans traveled to the occupied territories to join the war. it was in the early days of the war that white house national security spokesman john kirby announced that the united states had no intention of sending ground troops to israel. but two days after this statement, the white house shared a picture of us president joe biden's trip to the occupied territories, with members of the special operations units. america was standing, an image that was quickly removed. in late october, the new york times reported that special operations forces americans are present in the occupied territories. soldiers who themselves and their families are proud of their presence in the gaza operation, where more than 29,000 civilians have been martyred so far . we are extremely proud that our children went to israel. i love america. america
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is part of me. the palestinian resistance destroyed a merkava tank with a tandem rocket in an ambush against the zionist forces in khan younis and a merkava tank with a yasin 15 rocket in the zaytoun neighborhood of gaza city . since the beginning of the ground war in gaza , more than a thousand tanks and personnel carriers armored zionists by resistance forces nearly 5 have been destroyed. it has been five months since the al-aqsa storm operation, and in most of those days , pictures of the destruction of zionist tanks are published one after another. merkavas that were targeted by a variety of rocket launchers, explosive bombs and quadcopters.
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when these tanks are equipped with anti-missile systems, radars and advanced thermal sensors, they have an active protection system. in order to increase the security factor of the tank and its occupants, a system called trophy, which covers 360 degrees and with the help of four radars, detects any projectile that goes towards the tank. it comes, discovers, identifies and neutralizes. the trophy is one of the last. by discovering tactics to deceive this system, the resistance forces forced the tanks to pass through it, seyyed mohsen hosseini of sada and radio news agency, the al-aqsa battalions from heavy clashes with
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the zionist soldiers in areas of khan younesa, the gathering place of the zionist soldiers and vehicles in the southeast of gaza city. it was another goal of the resistance forces. lebanon's hizbollah movement also took pictures of targeting the command center of the 7th eastern brigade. five operations against the military and radar bases of the zionist regime near the southern borders of lebanon, the fields of shabaa and the hills the blasphemy occupation of shoba has been done.


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